Learn the best ways to spend your vacation to stay healthy and build muscle. Practical advice from sports doctors. Many people prefer passive recreation to active recreation. As a result, a person is inactive in life, and this fact can cause various diseases. Today we will talk about the types of outdoor activities and their benefits. Already from the name it becomes clear that active rest presupposes the presence of physical activity that does not cause fatigue.
Many believe that if a person is engaged in physical labor, then he does not need active rest, but this is a delusion. Most often at work, we perform monotonous monotonous actions that negatively affect the nervous system. For some, an active vacation can even be a trip to the cinema or to a concert. It is difficult to say whether this is a full-fledged active rest, and even experts are not unanimous on this issue. We can say with full confidence that the rest should be diverse.
Scientists have proven that during active rest, the body is able to recover much faster in comparison with a passive one. Agree that playing volleyball on the beach does not get tired. On the contrary, during this period of time you experience positive emotions, and this has a beneficial effect on the work of all body systems. Of course, any type of outdoor activity increases the risk of injury, but now we are not talking about extreme recreation. In the first case, it is assumed that physical activity does not pose a serious danger. But the second type of rest, which can also be considered active, is primarily aimed at releasing adrenaline and the likelihood of injury in this case is very high.
The benefits of outdoor activities

First of all, due to active rest, physical activity increases. This helps maintain high muscle tone and improves mood. This, in turn, is one of the elements of a healthy lifestyle. An equally important advantage of active recreation is getting a lot of positive emotions.
Although extreme sports are usually used to get a large dose of adrenaline, any activity contributes to the release of this hormone. Recall that adrenaline has strong fat burning properties. Exercise is a great way to distract from everyday worries, which are a lot in our life.
Active rest is useful at any age, which is very important. It should be remembered that there are many types of outdoor activities, which we will talk about in more detail. This allows each person to find the most suitable one for themselves. You can choose something extreme for yourself or, on the contrary, calm, but involving physical activity.
Varieties of outdoor activities

The advantages of outdoor activities include the fact that there is an opportunity to get together with people close to you and spend an unforgettable time. Even for those people who like to spend their evenings reading a pleasant book, this opportunity will be useful. A person needs positive emotions, which active rest can fully provide. Let's take a look at outdoor activities, starting with the unusual.

Many have heard about diving, but not everyone had a chance to experience it. It should be noted that diving has become more and more popular in recent years. There is nothing strange in this, because divers have the opportunity to admire the beauty of the depths of the sea. Believe me, this is an unforgettable experience and having tried it only once, you will forever fall in love with this type of relaxation.

It is also a very popular sport that can be an excellent recreation for everyone. If you are going on a seaside vacation, do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying surfing. It is great not only for adults but also for children. You will definitely have to spend some time to learn the basics of surfing, but it will be worth it.
Water skiing

Another sea fun, which, however, is available not only when visiting sea resorts. Just imagine how pleasant it is to race along the waves on skis under the rays of the warm sun.

If you have never hunted, then you cannot fully appreciate all the delights of this type of outdoor activity. Although it is generally accepted that hunting is a purely male pastime, some women are also not averse to joining it.

Previously, fishing was considered an occupation for men, but in recent years more and more girls are discovering all the delights of this process. What could be better than spending time outdoors with a rod at the ready? At the same time, you can bring home very tasty trophies or cook a real fish soup right on the spot.

Many are sure that safari is available only in distant exotic countries. However, in our country there are places for this type of recreation. Take your family with you and get to know nature by observing various animals in their natural habitat.
Cycling tourism

One of the most affordable ways to actively relax. All you need is a desire and a bike. After that, it remains only to outline the route and you can go on a journey. You can also set for yourself the time of arrival at the final destination of your route. Today, cycling tourism is very popular among residents of European countries.
Mountain bike

Despite the rather strange name, mountain bike is a bike ride in the mountains. However, for this type of rest you will need a special bike, on which it is convenient to overcome various bumps or hills. We can guarantee that you will get tons of positive emotions from your mountain biking experience.
Hot air balloon flights

Quite exotic for the inhabitants of our country, and not the cheapest vacation. However, a lot of positive emotions are guaranteed to you. Take your camera with you because you will definitely have something to shoot.
Mountain sports

Holidays in the mountains are very popular and this is not surprising. There you can get a lot of positive emotions and your adrenaline rush. In the mountains you can go mountaineering, skiing or snowboarding.

One of the most accessible entertainment waters for our compatriots. In any city there are ice rinks that can be visited by the whole family or with friends.
Horseback Riding

Not the cheapest kind of entertainment, but quite addictive. Equestrian sports are especially attractive for children. It should be noted that horses feel a poorly prepared person and try to be as careful as possible in handling him. It should be admitted that some people during the first couple of minutes may feel a sense of fear, but then it is replaced by an unprecedented pleasure. To get positive emotions, you should put your fears aside and completely trust the horse.
Kayaking and rafting

Rafting down the mountain river is a great extreme entertainment. If you have not done this before, then your feelings are difficult to convey. Of course, beginners should use the services of professional instructors.

A great way to pass the time and feel like a romantic. For sailing, you need to choose an appropriate place and good weather, and a lot of positive emotions are guaranteed to you.

Speleotourism will make you feel some fear and at the same time bewitch you. For those who do not yet know what is hidden under this concept, we will explain - the study of caves. There are no identical caves in nature, and exploring a new one will bring you incomparable sensations.

This entertainment is quite popular among teenagers today. However, an adult can also join it.

From the outside it may seem that this sport is not active at all. However, if you just pick up the club and your opinion will change radically.

It makes no sense to talk a lot about this type of active recreation. Everyone knows what tourism is, and many of them also did it during their student years. It's never too late to return to this exciting pastime.

But here, clarification is definitely required, since not everyone has heard about it. Geocaching is a game based on the achievements of the modern IT industry. Your task is to find a certain object hidden in the forest. At the start, you are given a map of the area and a navigation system. If you want to feel like a treasure hunter, then this entertainment is definitely for you.

Many have heard of paintball. Now in our country there are special clubs that provide you with the opportunity to fight with your friends and family. This is a modern version of the "war" game so popular in childhood.

A relatively new type of entertainment that is rapidly gaining popularity. One or two special rings are used as a sports equipment in the ringo. Your task is to throw the ring over the net to half of the opponent. If it touches the ground, then you are awarded one point. Also, you should try to prevent the rings thrown by rivals from falling on your half of the court. In part, the ringo is similar to volleyball, but the ring behaves unpredictably in the air and this increases interest.
Climbing wall

A climbing wall is a special room, the walls of which imitate rocks. You need to climb to the very top, and for this you have to show all your skill. We can assure you that you will definitely not be bored at the climbing wall.
Learn about the seven most extreme outdoor activities in this video: