Characteristics of the pyrethrum plant, the rules for planting and caring for the garden plot, how to reproduce, how to get rid of pests and diseases, interesting notes of species and varieties.
Pyrethrum is a perennial herb that, according to today's classification, belongs to the family Asteraceae or sometimes called Asteraceae. The species that make up this genus were once included mainly in the genus Tansy (Tanacetum), since they were united by a common outline of the inflorescences and its color. The number of varieties reaches fifty, but there are also such species, the position of which has not yet been clarified for certain. Basically, the distribution of pyrethrum occurs in the lands of the Eurasian countries and the North American continent.
Family | Astral or Compositae |
Growth time | Perennial |
The nature of the vegetation | Herbaceous |
Breeding techniques | Vegetative (by cuttings, dividing) or seed |
Dates of disembarkation in open ground | May, when return frosts will take place |
Landing conditions | The distance between the bushes is 25-30 cm |
Priming | Any loose and fertile |
Indicators of soil acidity, pH | 6, 5-7 (neutral) |
Lighting level | Sunny location, open from all directions |
Humidity parameters | Drought-resistant, but watering is necessary for young bushes and during the flowering period |
Special Requirements | Does not tolerate swampy and heavy substrate |
Height parameters | 0.5-1 m |
Inflorescence shape or type of flowers | Racemose inflorescences from baskets |
Flower color | Pink, snow-white, yellow, crimson and lilac in reed flowers and bright yellow in tubular |
Flowering time | June July |
Decorative period | Summer |
Use in landscape design | Flower beds, mixborders, flower beds, decoration of borders and paths, for cutting |
USDA zone | 4–8 |
The genus got its name thanks to the Greek word "pyretos", which translates as "heat" or "fever", which speaks of the medicinal active substances that make up the plant due to which there is a therapeutic effect. But among the people you can hear such names Caucasian, Persian or Dalmatian chamomile or popovnik.
All pyrethrum are characterized by rather high stems, which reach a height of 50-70 cm, and some specimens reach up to meter indicators. The root system is fibrous with many filamentous root processes growing on the sides, which contributes to the growth of the bush. Also, the roots are able to germinate deep into the soil up to three meters, which allows you to calmly experience dry periods without losing decorativeness. Shoots are upright, covered with weak pubescence and have a ribbed surface. Foliage with pinnately dissected outlines unfolds on them. The color of the leaves is bright green. Most of the leaves are concentrated in the root zone, and they form a rosette. The stem has a small number of leaf plates arranged in a regular sequence and their size is smaller.
The flowering of Dalmatian chamomile is truly considered a real decoration of the garden, since its stems at the tops are decorated with bright racemose inflorescences. They represent a basket in which small tubular flowers form the central part and their color is always bright, yellow canary color. They are surrounded by elongated ligulate (marginal) flowers of various colors: pink, snow-white, yellow, crimson and lilac. The surface of the marginal flowers is smooth, the outlines are linear.
The flowering process falls on the period of June-July, but if you cut off the faded inflorescences, then the duration of the action can be extended. After the insects pollinate the inflorescences, the fruits ripen, which in pyrethrum are represented by achenes of light brown color. Achenes are characterized by the presence of a dozen ribs and a crown at the apex, which has teeth or lobes. The seeds are elongated and very small. Germination is not lost by them over a three-year period.
Dalmatian chamomile is an unassuming plant and if you make a little effort, it will become a real decoration of a flower bed. How to care for and propagate such flowers is described below.
Rules for planting feverfew and outdoor care

- Landing place Persian chamomile should be selected open so that it is illuminated from all sides by the sun's rays. If the flower bed is in shade, then the bushes will grow, but their stems will stretch out more than they should. Do not plan to land in a low area where moisture from melting snow or precipitation can collect.
- Primer for feverfew it is very easy to pick up, since the plant does not show capriciousness and can perfectly get used to any substrate. However, if the soil on the site is heavy and waterlogged, then the growth of a poplar will become problematic. If you provide a nutritious soil, then the bushes on it will grow larger and the flowering will be lush. When the acidity of the soil does not correspond to the limits of 6, 5–7 pH (neutral soil), then a little wood ash should be mixed into it. Heavy soil is mixed with river sand, and compost is added to the poor one.
- Planting feverfew. The best time for this is May-June, when you can not be afraid that morning frosts will destroy immature plants. A hole is dug out of such a size as an earthen lump surrounding the root system of a Caucasian chamomile seedling. The seedling is installed in a hole, the prepared soil mixture is poured around it, and then it is slightly squeezed. After that, abundant watering is needed. After the bushes are planted, it is recommended to mulch them by scattering peat crumbs or chopped grass in the root zone. Such a layer will not only protect the soil from drying out, but will also prevent the rapid growth of weeds.
- Watering when caring for feverfew is not necessary, since roots growing deep in the soil can deliver not only moisture to the shoots, but also nutrients. Although Dalmatian chamomile is drought-resistant, it is recommended to moisten the substrate when the weather is hot without precipitation. The plant itself will indicate a lack of moisture - the leaf plates will lose their turgor, and the soil next to the bush begins to crack. Watering is especially necessary for one and a half weeks for only planted plants, and it is also during the flowering period of pyrethrum that it is necessary to regularly moisturize the substrate, since this will not only promote the formation of new buds, but also prolong the life of already opened inflorescences. An acceptable distance at which it is recommended to plant the bushes will be 25-30 cm. You should also shade the Caucasian chamomile from the direct rays of the sun for up to 15 days.
- Fertilizers when growing pyrethrum, they are applied two to three times during the growing season. Although Dalmatian chamomile is unpretentious, it responds well to organic feeding. Such a drug can be a mullein. The first time feeding is required before the flowering process begins. As soon as the flowers of the poplar are completely withered, complete mineral complexes such as Kemira or Fertika must be used. In the last week of August, some growers also water the Caucasian chamomile bushes with an infusion prepared on chopped weeds. Do not abuse nitrogenous preparations, as this will provoke the rapid development of deciduous mass to the detriment of flowering.
- General advice on care. Although the plant is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, nevertheless, simple actions should be performed to maintain decorativeness. When the inflorescences began to wither, it is better to cut them off in order to prevent self-seeding, and the bush will be able not to waste its energy and thank it with a new wave of flowering after 1-2 months. If the variety has large shoots, then when planting next to it, it is recommended to install a support, to which you can later tie up the stems. Since over time, the pyrethrum bushes begin to grow, the neighbor's root system becomes a hindrance to them, moreover, such proximity will greatly deplete the soil. After 3-4 years after planting, it is recommended to divide the Caucasian chamomile bushes, and plant the delenki in a new place in the garden. After each watering or rain, the soil must be loosened so that it does not turn into a crust.
- Wintering for bushes of Persian chamomile also requires simple preparation. In the autumn, after the flowering is completely completed, the entire aerial part must be removed. Shoots are cut to soil level. Then the entire surface of the area where pyrethrum grows is covered with a mulch layer. Usually peat or spruce paws are used. As soon as the snow completely melts in the spring, so as not to provoke damping off, the entire shelter is removed from the bushes, the layer of mulch is raked away so that the young stems begin to grow faster.
- The use of pyrethrum in landscape design. Since the inflorescences always have a bright color, the Caucasian chamomile will perfectly revive any flower bed or flower garden. Especially if the latter is planned to be decorated in a rustic style. You can decorate the perimeter of the flower garden with such bushes or plant the side parts of the paths. The best neighbors for Dalmatian chamomile are nivyaniki and bells, red poppies and cosmos, basil and doronicum. The tall-stemmed pyrethrum varieties can be grown both in the garden and used for cutting in bouquets.
Read also about agricultural techniques for cultivating ginura.
Recommendations for breeding feverfew

To get new plantings of Dalmatian chamomile in the garden, they are sowing seeds, dividing a bush or rooting cuttings.
Propagation of feverfew with seeds
This method is the simplest, since the plant produces a large number of hemicarps annually. But it happens that there is a cross-pollination of a number of growing specimens and then the varietal characteristics inherent in the mother bushes will be lost. From seeds taken even from one seed pod, completely different plants can grow. With seed propagation, seedlings can be grown. In early spring, seed is sown in shallow seedling boxes filled with peat-sandy soil. Since the size of the seeds is very small, for convenience, some growers mix them with sand, then to distribute them over the surface of the substrate, slightly dusting them on top with the same soil mixture.
Seeds are not seized too much - sowing is carried out to a depth of only 3-5 mm.
After sowing, the soil is sprayed with a fine spray gun. To create a greenhouse effect, the box is covered with plastic wrap or a piece of glass is placed on top. The place where the container with the crops of pyrethrum is placed for germination should be with good lighting and warm (temperature readings 18-20 degrees). Maintenance will include regular spraying and daily airing.
As soon as the first seedlings emerge from the ground, the shelter can be removed. When a pair of true leaves appears on the seedling, it is recommended to dive - transplant in separate planting containers. The soil can be taken the same as when germinating seeds. From mid-April, the hardening of seedlings should begin, and with the arrival of May, when the return frosts have passed, they are engaged in transplanting seedlings of Caucasian chamomile into open ground. But do not wait for lush flowering in the first year, usually only some specimens will have inflorescences.
If the region of growing Persian chamomile is southern, then you can sow seeds directly into the ground, following the same rules. The best sowing time is the first week of September.
Propagation of pyrethrum by dividing the bush
Since by the time of 3-4 years the plant begins to grow strongly, separation should be carried out so that the Dalmatian chamomile does not grow and does not lose its decorative effect. When flowering is completely completed (about August), you need to dig out the bush from the substrate and free its root system from the soil. The division is carried out manually, carefully untangling the root processes.
Feverfew should not be small, as this can lead to the fact that they will take root for a long time or die.
The seedlings are immediately placed in the planting pits, soil is added and watered abundantly. Shading is provided for 1, 5 weeks until the plants are sufficiently rooted.
Propagation of pyrethrum by cuttings
The time for this operation is from late spring to August. Blanks are cut from young stems in the root zone. Cuttings are planted in fertile and loose soil. If planting is carried out in pots, then a plastic bottle without a bottom is placed on top; when planting on a flower bed, the seedlings are covered with plastic wrap. Until rooting occurs, regular spraying and airing of the cuttings is carried out. After 2-3 weeks, root shoots usually appear on the blanks and they can be transplanted to a prepared place in the flower bed.
Pest and Disease Control When Caring for Feverfew in the Garden

Despite the fact that the plant is distinguished by high rates of resistance to diseases and harmful insects, but with constant violations of the above rules of agricultural technology, it can suffer from problems caused by fungi. Such diseases can be triggered by rainy and cold weather (heat indicators are about 18-24 degrees) or improper watering and thickening of the plantings.
Diseases include:
- Gray rot, which manifests itself on parts of pyrethrum located above the soil surface, and then you can notice a grayish fluffy bloom on foliage and shoots. The leaves are gradually deformed and the bush dies. In this case, the entire plant is removed from the soil and burned, and the place where the Caucasian chamomile grew before is disinfected. To do this, water the flower bed with a fungicide or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
- Fusarium also appears due to the development of a fungus that enters the Dalmatian chamomile through the root processes. Here, the vascular system of the household is the first to suffer. Usually, the bushes are not treated, but destroyed so that the infection cannot spread further. If the lesion is insignificant, then the leaves and flowers that have acquired yellowness can be removed, and then treated with a fungicidal agent, like Fundazol. When the entire bush is destroyed, its former location is treated with copper-containing fungicidal preparations.
Of the pests of pyrethrum, there are:
- Aphids, which sucks nutritious juices from the plant, while the foliage turns yellow and falls off. There can be such a large number of green bugs that they can completely cover the stems and leaves. Also, aphids are a carrier of serious viral diseases for which there is no cure. Therefore, as soon as pests are noticed, it is necessary to immediately carry out treatment with insecticidal preparations, for example, Karbofos or Aktara.
- Slugs and snails they are very fond of nibbling the foliage of Dalmatian chamomile and can lead to the death of the entire bush. To get rid of such "uninvited guests", it is necessary to sprinkle crushed eggshells in the aisle or use metaldehyde agents (for example, Meta-Thunderstorm).
- Thrips, may also be interested in the flower, therefore, when caring for feverfew, you need to periodically inspect it for punctured spots or discoloration on the foliage, then you should immediately spray them with such means as Fitoverm, Actellik or Karate.
Read also about the fight against possible diseases and pests when growing marigolds.
Interesting notes about the feverfew flower

Caucasian chamomile has been known to mankind for its useful and medicinal properties since ancient times. To prepare infusions or decoctions, folk healers used any aerial parts of pyrethrum (leaves, stems, flowers). Most applicable in this case is the type Pyrethrum parthenium, which is also called Maiden's Tansy. Can help drugs based on it from various inflammatory processes and fever, relieve manifestations of diseases in the field of gynecology, eliminate painful symptoms in toothache, arthritis or rheumatism, cleanse the skin in psoriasis. If an insect has bitten, it is recommended to attach a lotion from a decoction based on pyrethrum. The extract obtained from the plant can prevent migraine attacks or, when it occurs, soothe the manifestations.
Usually, the leaves of maiden tansy are dried, ground into powder or sold fresh, you can also buy the above extract in pharmacies.
There are also contraindications for the use of Dalmatian chamomile, namely:
- period of pregnancy and lactation;
- children's age (up to 2 years old);
- individual intolerance by the patient;
- when the patient takes substances that promote rapid blood clotting (coagulants).
However, the beneficial properties of pyrethrum do not end there. The alkaloid found in the plant, pyrethrin, tends to cause paralysis in insects. It was this feature that was used to rid the home, clothing or animals from parasites (bugs, cockroaches, mosquitoes or fleas). The inflorescences of Caucasian chamomile were collected, dried and ground to a powdery state to be added to the broth and then treated with any coating (be it linen or pet hair), and also added to the bath water.
If such a powder is not in a dark and dry place, then its properties are quickly lost.
To carry out measures to get rid of insects, it is recommended to spray every other day. Interestingly, just half a kilogram of Caucasian chamomile flower powder can relieve a ton of mite-infested grain from the problem.
Types and varieties of pyrethrum

Pyrethrum parthenium
can also occur under the name Maiden tansy, Chrysanthemum parthenium or Tanacetum parthenium … It is the most popular annual, coming from the territories of the southern regions of Europe. In nature, the plant is characterized by a long life span, but it is grown in gardens as an annual. The height of the shoots can reach 0.5 m, they have strong branching. The leaf plates are characterized by a greenish or yellowish-green tint. Leaves are attached to the stems by means of petioles, their outlines can be pinnately dissected or with deep division. The surface is pubescent.
When flowering, a large number of racemose inflorescences with a basket shape are formed at the tops of the stems. The baskets consist of inner tubular and marginal - ligulate flowers. The size of the inflorescence diameter is 1, 5–3 cm. Their structure is simple or double. The ligulate flowers are often yellow or white, the inner ones are always lemon.
The most popular among flower growers is the yellow-leaved garden form, in which the petals are distinguished by large lobed outlines and pale yellow color, and the marginal flowers are whitish. I also fell in love with the disc-shaped garden form, characterized by a yellow shade of edge flowers and often used for decorating borders. Among the most common varieties are seen with lush spherical flowers:
- Zilbeotephi possesses baskets with numerous petals, forming a ball, the color of the petals is snow-white.
- Schneeball whose shoots do not exceed 20–25 cm in height. The color of the foliage is pale green, the opening inflorescences are not more than 25 mm in diameter, they are formed only by tubular flowers.
- Dal White flaunts with inflorescences of snow-white color scheme, the size resembling buttons.
- Snow Puffs, Snow Ball and White Stars characterized by rounded inflorescences with short but widened reed flowers that form spectacular skirts.
- Virgo a rather tall bush, the shoots of which stretch up to 0.8 m. They are crowned with inflorescences-baskets with spherical contours and a double structure. The petals are white. The opening diameter is 1.5 cm.
- Golden Ball pleasing to the eye with double inflorescences, the diameter of which is no more than 2.5 cm. The basket is composed only of tubular flowers.

Pyrethrum roseum
may occur under the name persian chamomile … Distribution is in the Caucasus. It has been grown in culture for more than two hundred years. The stems grow erect, the height does not exceed 60–70 cm. The leaves are pale green, have a dissection and are attached to the shoots with petioles. In the root zone, leaf plates are larger than on the stems. During flowering, baskets are formed, whose diameter reaches 5 cm. They are 2-3 pieces combined into racemose inflorescences, but they can grow singly on the tops of the stems. Tubular (central) flowers are yellow, ligulate, pink in color.
This variety has numerous forms and varieties, united under such name as Feverfew hybrid … Plants can be found here, characterized by the presence of terry inflorescences, the petals of which are cast in a dark red, pinkish or snow-white shade. The greatest prevalence is observed in the group of hybrids Robinson's Mix - the height of the shoots of which reaches 80 cm. The inflorescences-baskets of a red or pink shade are 12 cm. The varieties of pyrethrum hybrid, which are popular with gardeners, are the following:
- Atrosanguinea, not exceeding 60 cm in height of shoots. The size of the width of inflorescences can reach 6 cm. Tubular flowers are painted in yellow color, marginal flowers are dark red.
- Brenda, in which a bright yellow center is surrounded by rich pink reed petals.
- James Kelway has a bush height of almost 60 cm. Baskets in diameter are close to 6 cm. The marginal flowers in the inflorescence are scarlet-red.
- I. M. Robinson characterized by pinkish flowers.
- Kelvey Glories have inflorescences in which the tubular flowers are yellow, and the marginal flowers have a scarlet hue.
- Lord Rosebery in the process of flowering, baskets of a densely double structure are formed.
- Vanessa blooms with lush inflorescences with a yellow convex center.

Large-leaved pyrethrum (Pyrethrum macrophyllum)
occurs under the names Tanacetum macrophyllum and Chrysanthemum macrophyllum … Also growing in the Caucasus. Such bushes with their stems reach parameters in height of 1–1, 5 m. Corymbose inflorescences are formed on their tops during the flowering process. Their diameter in them reaches 10 cm. The inflorescences are composed of small whitish flowers. When flowering, the color of the inflorescence takes on a brown-reddish color. Recommended for group landings.

Beautiful pyrethrum (Pyrethrum pulchrum)
also referred to as Tanacetum pulchrum … Natural areas of distribution fall on the northern Chinese lands, the vastness of Kazakhstan, the countries of Central Asia, the northern regions of Mongolia and Siberia. Preference is given to the growing climate of the tundra, rocky substrate and slopes located next to the glaciers. Perennial, characterized by the presence of rhizomes and foliage formed in semi-rosettes. In height, the shoots reach 0.5 m. The surface of the stems has pubescence of wavy hairs. Stems are weakly branched, erect. Foliage in the root zone with long petioles, green color, has a feathery dissection. The surface of such leaves is bare or with sparse pubescence. The leaf is 15 cm long and about 2 cm wide. The leaf plates on the stems are sessile.
When flowering, the baskets-inflorescences can be formed singly at the tops of the shoots or gather in racemose groups uniting 2-3 buds. Baskets in the central part have tubular flowers of a grayish tone, reed flowers are snow-white.
Related article: Growing small petals or erigeron
Video about growing pyrethrum in the garden: