Daisy: how to plant and care outdoors

Daisy: how to plant and care outdoors
Daisy: how to plant and care outdoors

Description of the daisy plant, recommendations for planting and caring for it in the garden, breeding methods, combating possible pests and diseases, curious notes and applications, types and varieties.

Daisy (Bellis) is a plant included in the Asteraceae family or, as it is also called, Compositae. In the wild, the growing area extends to European territories and countries of the Mediterranean region. However, the homeland of this delicate flower is the northern regions of the African continent and the lands of Asia Minor. That is, growth occurs in areas with a temperate climate. The genus unites 14 varieties.

Family name Astral or Compositae
Growing period Perennial
Vegetation form Herbaceous
Breeding method Seed and vegetative (cuttings and dividing the bush)
Landing period End of May or beginning of June, when return frosts will take place
Landing rules Distance between seedlings according to the scheme 20x20 cm
Priming Any, but structured light loam is better
Soil acidity values, pH 6, 5-7 - neutral
Lighting degree Well-lit flower bed
Humidity parameters Moderate watering
Special care rules Timely removal of dead buds to increase flowering duration
Height values 10-30 cm
Inflorescences or type of flowers Single basket or capitate inflorescences
Flower color Snow white, pink, red and burgundy or yellow, as well as all kinds of their shades
Flowering period From early spring to summer heat, occasionally possibly in autumn before the onset of cold weather
Decorative time Spring-Autumn
Application in landscape design Small varieties in rockeries, rock gardens, as a pot culture, higher in flower beds and flower beds
USDA zone 5–8

The plant's name comes from the ancient Greek word "margarites" meaning "pearl". The reason for this was the small flowers of a daisy growing in the wild with a snow-white color. The Latin term "bellis", which translates as "beautiful" or "beautiful", originated thanks to Pliny (from 22-24 AD to 79 AD) an encyclopedic scientist. Since daisy buds have the property of blooming before sunrise, in some countries the plant has the romantic name "eye of the day." And since in English it will sound like "daisy eye", then in the UK you can hear how the daisy is called affectionately - Daisy.

All representatives of the genus are perennials with a herbaceous form of growth, characterized by a shortened rhizome. The leaf plates are concentrated in the root zone and form a rosette. Their outlines are spatulate, the apex is obtuse, there is crenation. The stem of daisies is devoid of leaves and is crowned with a single capitate or basket inflorescence. The stem color is green, but it happens that there is a reddish or brown undertone. The height that a plant can reach varies in the range of 10-30 cm, but this directly depends on the species. Although most of them are within 10–20 cm. Usually, the leaf rosette contains a large number of flowering stems that rise above it. The surface of the peduncles is slightly pubescent.

In the inflorescence, reed flowers develop on a conical receptacle. Their color is whitish or pinkish. The middle flowers are always tubular and they are of both sexes (both female and male). Their color scheme is always bright yellow. If garden forms of daisies are cultivated, then they may differ among themselves in the characteristics of inflorescences:

  • by splendor (terry) - they are simple, semi-double or double;
  • size - small with a diameter of 2-3 cm or large with a diameter of about 8 cm;
  • color - includes snow-white, pinkish, red and burgundy, at the moment, forms with a yellow color scheme, as well as all kinds of shades of these colors, have been brought out.

After the flowers are pollinated, the fruits ripen in the form of achenes with flattened outlines. She does not have a crest.

It is usually customary to grow daisies in the form of a biennial, in which, after sowing, in the first year, a root rosette of leaves is formed, and with the arrival of the next second spring, flowering begins. Thus, the buds are laid in the autumn and survive the winter well under the snow cover. Flowers bloom from early spring to July, until the days are too hot. If there is hot weather without precipitation for a long time, then the daisy stops blooming, however, with the onset of autumn, when the temperature drops to moderate, then a second wave of flowering is possible, stretching until frost.

Basically, flower growers among all the variety of Daisy have chosen only one species - the perennial daisy (Bellis perennis), and the problems of growing which will be discussed below.

Recommendations for planting and caring for daisies outdoors

Daisy blooms
Daisy blooms
  1. Landing place plants "eye of the day" are recommended to select well-lit, as in shading flowering will be scarce. However, direct sunlight can also damage leaves and flowers. Therefore, you should choose a location with partial shading, especially at noon. This can be a place under the crowns of trees or shrubs, on which there will not be an abundance of foliage in early spring. As already mentioned, flowering will stop in the heat, and such natural protection as crowns will serve as an incentive to prolong the opening of the buds. You should also not plant Daisy plants in low-lying places where moisture stagnation from melting snow or heavy rainfall is possible.
  2. Soil for daisies. This representative of the flora is completely unpretentious to the composition of the soil. However, it has been observed that the growth and splendor of flowering will be better if the substrate is structured light loam. The soil should have a neutral pH of 6, 5–7.
  3. Planting a daisy. The best time to land on a flower bed will be the last week of May or early summer. When planting seedlings of the "eye of the day" plant, it is recommended to keep an earthen lump so as not to injure the root system. To begin with, a hole is being prepared, which in its size will surpass the seedling earth clod. About 20 cm should be left between the bushes. At the same time, when daisies are planted in rows, the row spacing is also kept 20 cm. Planting is carried out by transshipment so that the roots are not damaged. After the bush is placed in the hole, the substrate is poured around and compacted a little. Then abundant watering is recommended. It is advisable to mulch the soil near the Daisy bushes, so that this layer retains the evaporation of moisture and prevents the growth of weeds. This material can be peat chips or compost.
  4. Watering daisies should be systematic, since their root system is located shallow from the surface of the soil. If there is not enough moisture, then the inflorescences-baskets are gradually crushed, and the inflorescences of the terry structure will become simple. In the heat, soil moisture will be especially needed.
  5. Fertilizers for daisies applied during the growing season at least twice. It is best to use complete complex mineral preparations such as Fertika or Kemira-Universal. On average, it is recommended to make 25-30 g of funds per 1 m2.
  6. Daisy wintering. The plant needs to protect the root system during winter frosts, especially if there is little snow. The entire surface of the flower bed, where Daisy bushes are grown, is covered with a mulching layer, which can be humus, sawdust, peat chips and the like. The thickness of the mulch should not be less than 8 cm. If the bush grows in such a way that it begins to rise above the soil surface, as a result of which the roots become exposed, then the layer of mulching material will increase significantly. Already with the arrival of spring, it is recommended to transplant the plants to another place, taking into account a suitable depth.
  7. General tips for caring for a daisy. Like any "garden dweller", these delicate flowers need to loosen the soil after precipitation so that air and moisture can easily flow to the roots. Weeds are also regularly weeded. To extend the duration of flowering, it is best to cut off all flowers that begin to wilt.
  8. Collecting perennial daisy seeds. Since the achenes of Daisy plants ripen at different times, it is necessary to collect the fruits of daisies not once, but 1-2 times a week. For this, the required number of inflorescences is cut off, which have already thoroughly wilted, but this must be done until the ripe seed material is washed out by rain or water jets during watering. The seeds are removed from the inflorescences and carefully laid out on a piece of paper to dry. The room in which the additional drying is carried out must be well ventilated. When the seeds are completely dry, they are poured into paper bags and stored in a dry and dark place until sowing.
  9. The use of daisies in landscape design. Since Daisy plants are small, they can be used to decorate not only flower beds and flower beds, but also to decorate borders. Usually, it is customary to plant daisies both in the form of group plantings and in combination with other representatives of the blooming spring flora. The best neighbors for the "eye of the day" are daffodils and tulips, tender forget-me-nots and pansies. Also, inflorescences of white and pinkish shades will look spectacular next to ferns. Daisy is also used to decorate patios and retaining walls, or decorate a lawn in a Moorish style. In such phytocompositions, the first year, when the foliage grows and buds are laid, other flowers with bright color of inflorescences solo, and in the second year the “eye of the day” dominates. It happens that Bellis grows very aggressively and can litter all adjacent lawns, so it is important to limit this process in time by pulling out its shoots.

See also tips for growing arctotis outdoors, planting and care.

Daisy breeding methods

Daisy in the ground
Daisy in the ground

These delicate plants "eye of the day" can be propagated not only with the help of seeds, but also vegetatively: by rooting cuttings or dividing an overgrown bush.

Reproduction of daisies using seeds

If you plan to grow a species daisy, then sowing in open ground is recommended at the beginning of summer. The substrate in the garden should be moistened. It is best to take a watering can with a sprinkler head. The seeds of Daisy plants are distributed on the surface of the soil, but they should not be sealed. Crops are sprinkled on top only with a small layer of sand or humus. This is because for germination, daisy seeds need warmth (the approximate germination temperature should be about 20 degrees) and good sunlight. If the sowing is carried out according to all the rules, then the first shoots of the plant "eye of the day" can be seen after a week. To activate the growth of seeds, some growers, after spreading them over the soil surface, do not sprinkle them at all, but cover the bed with a plastic transparent film. With such a shelter, which creates greenhouse conditions (high temperature and humidity), even the depth of the ground will not matter, since the sprouts will certainly appear. When a couple of days have passed, the shelter can be removed, and the small sprouts of daisies can be sprinkled with a very thin layer of soil. The seedlings obtained in this way will have a high growth rate. And after a short time, a pick will be required to another permanent place of growth. The distance between seedlings should be left within 20x20 cm. Such daisies will bloom only next spring.

Since the Daisy plant reproduces well by self-sowing, then with the arrival of spring, when the new seedlings that have appeared grow up a little, they are thinned out and all weak stems or those that have undergone diseases are removed. But this method of reproduction will lead to the fact that every year the size of the inflorescences will be smaller, and varietal characteristics will gradually be lost.

Reproduction of daisies in a seedling way

This method is very often used in the environment of flower growers, since the resulting plants will delight with flowering already this year. Sowing of seed is carried out at the end of winter or in March. It is immediately recommended to use separate small pots (it is good to purchase those that are made of pressed peat). This will allow the delicate root system to not be injured during subsequent transplantation. The soil for sowing is taken purchased, intended for seedlings. Sometimes it is mixed from nutritious garden soil, peat and sand, taken in equal amounts.

Sowing is carried out according to the above rules, as in open ground. Containers with seeds are placed in a warm place with a temperature slightly below room temperature (about 18-20 degrees) and provide good lighting. If the pots are on the windowsill, then protection will be needed at noon, since the sun's rays can simply burn the delicate leaves of daisy seedlings. As soon as the sprouts appear together, the seedlings are rearranged in a place where the heat indicators will be in the range of 12-15 degrees. In this case, Daisy seedlings need to provide additional illumination so that the duration of daylight hours is 12-14 hours. When the soil in the garden warms up thoroughly and the seedlings acquire a couple of leaves, you can transplant to a prepared place.

Reproduction of daisies by dividing the bush

This method is suitable in order to obtain young varietal Daisy plants, since their inflorescences become smaller over time and decorativeness decreases. You can start dividing the daisy bush at the end of August or at the very beginning of September. However, there are florists who carry out this procedure in the spring. The bush is carefully removed from the ground with the help of a garden fork and the rhizome is cut into 4-6 parts with a sharpened knife. After that, not only the blossoming flowers, but also the buds and leaves, are pinched at the delenki so that only the petioles remain on the bush. The bark system of divisions is cut so that it is 5–8 cm. Only carefully prepared divisions will be able to take root in a new place after transplantation.


If the delenka is even devoid of roots, then over time it will still take root after planting in the ground, since the root processes will begin their growth from the base of the leaf cuttings.

Propagation of daisies by cuttings

The time for this operation is the same as for dividing the bush - late summer, early autumn, or spring. From an adult specimen of the Daisy plant, the side stems with leaf plates are cut using a sharpened tool. Then the cuttings are planted on a bed with loose and nutritious soil. When at least 15 days have passed, the cuttings will take root, but only the flowering will have to wait next spring.

Fight against possible pests and diseases when growing daisies

Daisy grows
Daisy grows

Although the plant is small in size, it is characterized by resistance to all kinds of diseases and pests, however, there is a susceptibility to diseases of viral origin. Usually, at the very beginning of summer, when a similar problem occurs, the flower-bearing stems stretch out in the bush, the inflorescences become already quite small, and the leaf plates also become smaller and their color acquires a less saturated green hue. Viral diseases have no cure, so the affected daisy bushes must be destroyed, the soil where they grew is recommended to be disinfected by spraying with a strong solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate is diluted so that it has a dark pink color).

If the weather is damp and cold for a long time, then daisies can get sick with powdery mildew or linen. The signs of this disease are leaves, as if covered with a solution of lime, such a plaque has a whitish or light grayish tone. For treatment, all affected parts of the "eye of the day" must be cut off and destroyed, and after that planting daisies and everyone else on the site are sprayed with fungicides, such as Topaz or Fundazol. Some growers use Bordeaux liquid or colloidal sulfur solution.

In hot and dry weather, Daisy plantings can suffer from the attacks of a spider mite - a pest that sucks nutritious juices from the leaves and covers all parts of the bush with its thin cobweb. Due to the honeydew, which is a product of the vital activity of an insect and has a sticky and sugary consistency, a sooty fungus may appear in the future. To solve the problem, it is recommended to spray the daisy bushes with insecticidal agents. There are a lot of them on the market, but you can choose Aktara, Karbaphos or Actellic, or with a similar spectrum of action and composition.

Occasionally, mice become a problem for the Daisy plant, which can gnaw the root system and dig holes. In order to drive away the "uninvited guests", you can use poisoned baits, which are laid out in several places on the backyard.

Read also about the fight against possible diseases and pests of the crocus

Curious notes about the flower and the use of daisies

Blooming Daisies
Blooming Daisies

If we talk about beliefs and folk customs, then the plant is actively used in Germany by girls instead of the usual daisies for fortune telling. The beauties, tearing off the petals of the inflorescence, think of the feelings of the chosen one, therefore they call the daisy “the measure of love”. Since the plant is very fond of flower growers, there are a large number of legends and magical stories around it. For a long time, daisy has not diminished its popularity among florists, since its delicate flowers always have a cute and spectacular look. But the plant "eye of the day" is famous not only for its decorativeness.

The medicinal properties of the daisy have long been familiar to folk healers. For the preparation of potions, only inflorescences-baskets and foliage were used. The baskets are filled with a unique composition of substances and active compounds that are not found anywhere else among the flora. These include essential oil, characterized by an unsurpassed aroma, as well as inulin (polysaccharide), saponin (glycoside) and acids - tartaric, oxalic and malic.

Until the time when scientists proved the presence of useful substances through research, healers from the people prescribed this plant to patients to purify the blood, relieve symptoms of fever, eliminate pain in rheumatism, and also to treat dropsy. Daisy-based preparations helped to remove excess uric acid from the body.

Already in our time, medicines made on the basis of perennial daisies are recommended by official medicine for diseases of the endocrine system, during which metabolic disorders in the body occur. They also help in the early stages of hypertension.

Traditional healers used daisy potions for acute and chronic respiratory diseases, like bronchitis. If adult patients suffered from problems associated with the liver and gout, kidney or bladder disease, then they were prescribed to take infusions from the plant "eye of the day". In addition, the pathological processes of the heart muscle were eliminated. It is clear that such drugs were used internally, but many used the plant for external use. From the decoctions on the daisy, compresses were prepared to eliminate bruises and promote the healing of open wounds. For other skin problems, such as furunculosis, abscesses or abscesses on the skin, hemorrhoids, these decoctions could also be used. Due to these properties, daisy-based preparations are used in cosmetics, since they have a tightening effect.

Since the active substances and acids that make up the deciduous and flower daisies contribute to the breakdown of fats and have a positive effect on housing and communal services, the daisy is used for weight loss, as well as inhibition of the growth of cancer cells. Among other things, the foliage of the plant "eye of the day" can be introduced into salads, which will serve to regulate metabolism.

However, among other things, there are contraindications for the use of medicines based on this representative of the flora. They are pregnancy or digestive disorders.

Description of the species and varieties of daisies

Usually in gardens it is customary to cultivate an annual and perennial variety:

Pictured is an annual daisy
Pictured is an annual daisy

Annual daisy (Bellis annua)

It is customary to grow these representatives of the genus as a pot culture in indoor conditions. It makes sense to decorate terraces or balconies with such small flowering bushes. They will look good in the cracks between stones in rock gardens or rockeries. However, in nature, preference is given to wet coastal areas, which are found in the southern and central regions of Italy. The height of such plants is small. The flowering period stretches over the period from April to November. The color of the flowers is varied.

In the photo perennial daisy
In the photo perennial daisy

Perennial daisy (Bellis perennis)

The height of these bushes is within 10-30 cm. The foliage from which the basal rosette is assembled has spatulate or oblong-ovoid outlines. When the second year comes from the moment of sowing, the seedlings acquire many bare peduncles, which are characterized by pubescence of the surface. The height of the flowering stems does not go beyond the parameters of 15-30 cm.

During flowering, single inflorescences-baskets are formed on the peduncles, consisting of tubular flowers in the central part, surrounded by reeds. The diameter of the open flower is 8 cm. Although the middle is always golden-yellow, consisting of small tubular flowers, the marginal flowers can take on both snow-white and pink or red colors. During fruiting, the achenes ripen, of an oval flattened shape.

Thanks to the labors of breeders, today the following garden forms can be distinguished, which are characterized by a different structure of inflorescences:

  1. Inflorescences of simple outlines composed of 1–3 rows of marginal flowers or they can be tubular and colored. The central part is represented by a disc, which consists purely of tubular, rather small flowers of a bright yellow hue.
  2. Inflorescences with a semi-double structure have in the central part a yellow center of tubular yellow flowers, while the reed flowers grow in four rows and have a bright shade.
  3. Terry inflorescences formed by such a large number of marginal flowers that they almost completely hide under them a floral disk of tubular flowers of a golden tone.

There is a division of garden forms and by the size of inflorescences:

  • diameter 2-4 cm small;
  • daisies have a diameter of 4-6 middle sizes;
  • opening over 6 cm and more characterizes large forms.

But among all the variety, flower growers distinguish the following most spectacular varieties:

  1. Robella was awarded a gold medal at the exhibition with the name "Fleroselect". It is characterized by large inflorescences with a lush structure, opening up to 5 cm in diameter. The petals are densely arranged in them, they are composed entirely of tubular flowers with a salmon-pinkish tint.
  2. Rob Roy has miniature height parameters, while the flowering stems are crowned with small red inflorescences, the diameter of flowers does not exceed 1–2 cm.
  3. Bella Daisy characterized by an early flowering period and was also awarded the Fleroselect exhibition award. The inflorescence is represented by a lush basket of a terry structure, which can measure 2–2, 5 cm. The petals are painted in it in a rich pink color.
  4. Pomponette. It is clearly seen from the name that the inflorescences of this form are pompom-shaped and very much resemble rounded buttons.

Recently, the variety series of daisies began to be replenished with variations that have a large number of common properties, but they are different from the color of the inflorescences. Among these, the following are highlighted:

  1. Variety series Tasso the owner of shortened shoots, which are crowned with dense baskets with pompom outlines. Such inflorescences are formed by purely tubular flowers. The diameter of the inflorescence does not exceed 4 cm. The color of the flowers takes on pink, salmon-pinkish, blood-red and snow-white colors. There is a variety in which the inflorescences are pale pink, but their core is more saturated and darker tone.
  2. Range Speedstar (Speedstar) characterized by flowering in the same year of sowing. The inflorescence baskets have a semi-double structure, the middle is made of tubular flowers of a rich canary color, the petals themselves in the inflorescence are white or carmine. If the variety opens inflorescences with a pink color, then a rim of a whitish tone goes around the yellow flower disk;
  3. Variety series Rominett in height, the bush does not exceed 15 cm, it has densely double-shaped inflorescences, which are 2 cm. The petals in the basket can take on a red, pale pink, snow-white or carmine-pink hue.

Daisy growing video:

Daisy Pictures:
