As the theater “begins with a coat rack,” so the bathhouse creates the first impression of its comfort in the dressing room. This room is often called the dressing room. You will learn about the rules and features of the dressing room arrangement today from our material. Content:
- Designing a locker room in a bath
- Changing room furniture
- Dressing room arrangement
- Dressing room decoration
The direct purpose of the locker room is to store clothes during bath procedures. But it is in the locker room that people spend most of their time when visiting the bathhouse, especially when it is combined with a relaxation room, is quite functional and equipped with furniture and accessories.
Designing a locker room in a bath

The ideal solution when planning bath rooms is a separate placement of the dressing room. This will create maximum comfort for those who like to steam: comfortable dressing, rest after the steam room and water procedures, the opportunity to dry and tidy up their appearance. In order to avoid crowding for one person, you need to plan at least 1-2 m2 area.
It is difficult to single out a separate block for changing clothes in a small bathhouse. In such cases, the changing room can be combined with the relaxation room. Its arrangement with such a layout should additionally solve the problems of good rest over a cup of hot tea. Do not forget about the possible presence of ladies, therefore, in order to avoid inconvenience, it is recommended to fence off the dressing place from strangers.
The following requirements are imposed on the locker room in the bath:
- Pay special attention to the insulation of the locker room. This is done from the outside walls, floor and ceiling. The sealing of windows must be performed at a high technical level. The design of the entrance door to the dressing room as the first room of the bath is of great importance. The door must be insulated and have a high threshold to protect it from the wind.
- Air ventilation and comfortable temperature conditions. A cool, draft-free atmosphere is a prerequisite for changing clothes and having a good rest.
- The lighting in the dressing room is bright enough. Its muffledness, unlike the steam room, is completely inappropriate here. It is convenient to take advantage of natural light through windows that can be installed indoors. Wall lights are best placed in the corners of the room. Presence detectors can be installed to save energy.
- If there is a wood-burning stove in the locker room combined with the recreation room, it should not create inconvenience to visitors and smoke when burning fuel.
If the independent organization of the interior causes you difficulties, numerous photos and projects of changing rooms in the bath can be provided by the Internet and printed publications.
Bathhouse locker room furniture

When arranging a locker room in a bath, it is important to fulfill the main condition: the furniture must be comfortable and correspond to the design of the room, and have a solid appearance. Furniture for a locker room or a rest room combined with it is selected according to the number of visitors to the bathhouse who come at the same time.
Furniture should be made from quality materials. Usually bathroom furniture is made from aspen, alder or oak wood. Products made from such a tree are reliable and practical. In addition to wooden sets, it is permissible to use plastic furniture in the locker room, which does not need particularly careful maintenance. You can buy it at specialized stores.
Consider what furniture you need for the locker room in the bath:
- Mirror … It is the main element of any dressing room. Its dimensions should allow the observation of the entire human figure, in extreme cases - the upper part of the body. Therefore, with a mirror width of 400-600 mm, its height for examining the body is taken: to the waist - 600 mm, to the hips - 1400 mm, full-length - 1700 mm with the lower edge of the mirror less than 300 mm from the floor. The hanging mirror for the dressing room is carried out strictly vertically with the placement of a shelf for toilet accessories next to it. The place of installation of the accessory requires good lighting.
- Hanger … Hooks on the hanger of the bathing room should be taken at the rate of at least 3-4 pieces for clothes and three pieces for towels per one visitor to the bath.
- Dresser … A chest of drawers in the room for changing clothes and preparing for procedures will not be superfluous at all. It is essential for storing clean towels, sheets, linen and tablecloths.
- Cupboard … Household equipment also needs to be stored somewhere. The place for cleaning agents, detergents and accessories for cleaning the bath can be determined in the spacious closet located in the dressing room. It can also contain brooms for bath procedures.
- Table … It is customary to use wooden tables for the bath. They can be rectangular and round with regular legs, carved or decorative.
- Benches and sun loungers … When decorating a dressing room in a rest room, it is completed with the appropriate equipment - benches and sun loungers, which is a necessity for a comfortable stay. The benches in the bathhouse are needed for rest after entering the steam room, so their design should provide for a convenient positioning of the body on it in a sitting and lying position. If you have drawings, you can make original sun loungers instead of traditional shops yourself. In addition, a massage lounger can be installed in the bath's dressing room of sufficient space.
Arrangement of the locker room in the bath

A locker room equipped in a bath with your own hands, regardless of its location, is no less important than the equipment of the main bath room - a steam room. In addition to wellness manipulations with a steamed broom, there should be a place for relaxation and heart-to-heart conversations with friends and family.
Features of organizing such a place in the bath:
- With normal humidity in the locker room, it can be equipped with a TV, radio and even access to the Internet - after all, we live in an age of advanced technology.
- A traditional charcoal-heated samovar can be an excellent decoration for a locker room in a Russian bath. The quality of the tea prepared in such a machine is difficult to compare with anything. As a last resort, an electric samovar is also not bad.
- In the dressing and relaxation room, a washbasin and an electric hair dryer must be installed. In addition, the supply of drinking water to the bath is an important factor - it is worth thinking about it.
- A wooden box with a lid is quite suitable for storing a "duty" stock of firewood. This is especially true if the firebox of the stove is brought out to the recreation room, combined with the dressing room.
- It is imperative that a first aid kit with the necessary drugs and first aid equipment be present in the dressing room.
- To decorate the room and create additional comfort in it, you can hang cute curtains on the windows, and pictures on the walls.
Essential oils with pine or fir aromas will create a unique atmosphere in the bath, strengthen your health and help you relax.
Bathhouse dressing room decoration

When creating the interior of the bath locker room, you can show remarkable imagination, especially taking into account the layout of the room in relation to the rest of the rooms.
The decoration and design of the locker room in the bath can be done in a classic style with linden, birch and alder lining of the ceiling and walls. In order to save costs on cladding materials, coniferous spruce or pine wood is also suitable. The temperature regime of the locker room allows this, in contrast to the steam room, where hot steam causes the release of tar on the surface. It is better to make the floor from wooden planks. Such decoration will make the room cozy and make it easy to breathe in it. For added comfort, you can place a rug on the floor for barefoot walking.
For the combined version of the dressing room, as a sample, you can take the interior of a classic or modern bath you like and modify it a little to suit your artistic taste. Another option is to create an interior from scratch in the best traditions of a Russian bath. Additional use of ceramic tiles, glass and stainless steel in the interior will be original.
When decorating a locker room in a bath, it is important to observe the correct proportions of its design. All of its functional solutions should complement each other: for example, the changing area should not look isolated, as this does not add comfort to the combined restroom.
It is recommended to impregnate wooden surfaces of walls, floors and ceilings with a special bath oil. It is applied with a brush in 2-3 layers. The protective composition, possessing water-repellent properties, allows the tree to "breathe" and at the same time prevents the penetration of moisture and dirt into its structure. The type of wood to be treated does not really matter. The active additives and pine resin contained in the bath oil prevent the growth of mold in hard-to-clean areas. For quick drying of the composition, the bath just needs to be warmed up well.
Watch a video about the locker room in the bath:

And finally, remember that for the construction of a bath, it is ideally recommended to adhere to a sequential layout of bath rooms: a covered veranda or terrace, an entrance hall or vestibule, a relaxation room, a dressing room or changing room, a washing room, a steam room.