How to Make Eggshell Powder: A Source of Natural Calcium

How to Make Eggshell Powder: A Source of Natural Calcium
How to Make Eggshell Powder: A Source of Natural Calcium

Are nails brittle, hair split, teeth deteriorate, joints ache, bones are fragile, plants and crops are lost? Natural calcium - eggshells - will help to cope with all these versatile ailments. Affordable, fast, efficient …

Eggshell Powder
Eggshell Powder

Recipe content:

  • Egg features
  • How much calcium to take?
  • When to take calcium?
  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

If you think about it, then in a year we throw out an incredible amount of eggshells. But you can use it for the benefit of your health and in everyday life. For example, it is used for feeding animals and plants, used for medical purposes, and much more.

Egg shell features

Why not throw away the eggshells and how to use them after making scrambled eggs or omelet?

  • Eggshell fights tooth decay, bleeding gums, osteoporosis, rickets, irritability, back problems and allergies. The product will alleviate asthma attacks, and traditional medicine offers them to treat duodenal ulcers. The shell also helps with burns, gastritis, diarrhea, and also crushes kidney and bladder stones.
  • The product is a natural source of natural calcium, which is important for the functioning of the body. Of course, calcium is also present in other products: in soda, gypsum, chalk. However, as part of the shell, it is completely absorbed by the body, because its composition is almost the same as human teeth and bones.
  • It is very important to replenish calcium reserves for women who are going to have children and who are careful. With a deficiency, childbirth can be difficult.
  • Eggshells are good for children, especially in the first 3 years of life, because during this period, the skeleton and bone tissues are formed.
  • Our body from the environment quickly accumulates radioactive substances, like radionuclides. So that they do not adversely affect health, they should be removed. For this purpose, eggshells are consumed in 1/4 tsp. a day for several weeks.
  • Calcium is a source of beautiful nails and hair. To make your hair and nails always look "excellent", use 1/3 tsp. shells once a week.
  • In everyday life, the product also helps. The shell is white and has a good whitening effect. Put its powder in a linen bag and put it in the drum of the washing machine along with the laundry that you are washing.
  • Natural calcium will also cleanse plaque and scale in the teapot. To do this, pour the crushed shell into a teapot or thermos, pour it? part of the water, shake and leave for 12 hours. The dishes will be clean. The shell also cleans a greasy pan well: pour it on the bottom and rub it with an iron sponge.
  • Natural calcium improves the soil perfectly. When digging a vegetable garden, add the shells to the ground. This method will reduce the acidity of the soil. The method is especially good before planting cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes. By scattering the crushed shell just over the garden near the plants, it will scare away slugs.
  • An excellent fertilizer is infused water with eggshells. Pour the crushed shell with water and use it after a day for watering indoor and garden plants.
  • The taste of coffee will be brighter and less bitter if you put a little crushed shell in the coffee maker or on top of the coffee in the filter of the coffee maker.

How much calcium to take?

The shell of one medium-sized egg will make about 1 tsp. powder, which is equal to 700-800 mg of calcium. The daily dose for most people is 400 mg, i.e.1/2 tsp each in a day. For pregnant women, the dose is doubled, for children, it is halved. It is advisable to divide the intake of the powder into 2 stages of 1/4 tsp each, because the body absorbs no more than 500 mg at a time.

But there are no standards for the use of calcium. If you drink a glass of raw milk or consume canned sardines, soup, or bone broth, then the dose can be significantly reduced. Adjust your supplemental calcium intake according to the food you eat throughout the day. Perhaps one day it may not be needed at all.

When to take calcium?

For better assimilation of egg powder by the body, calcium should be consumed in the morning with food. Calcium is best absorbed with vitamins A and D. They are found in liver, coconut and butter, fermented cod oil and other foods. Do not forget about vitamin C, it also improves the absorption of calcium.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - kcal.
  • Servings -
  • Cooking time -


Raw eggs - any quantity

Step-by-step preparation of eggshell powder:

Egg is poured out of shell
Egg is poured out of shell

1. They say that the shells of birds that live in the wild are most useful, but in our modern life we most often use chicken shells. Therefore, take raw chicken eggs, wash them well with warm running water and rub with an iron brush to remove all the dirt. Gently break the egg and drain the contents: white and yolk.

The shell is washed and the inner film removed
The shell is washed and the inner film removed

2. Wash the shell again under running water. Remove the thin white film from the inside. It can be removed very easily. It will be enough just to pry it off, pull it and it will come off. Spread the shells out and leave to dry completely for about 3 hours. You can dry it in the sun, fresh air, tray, towel.

Note: if the eggs are purchased, and not homemade, then dip the shells in boiling water for a few minutes and only then dry them. This way, you protect yourself from salmonella and kill bacteria.

Shell dried
Shell dried

3. Collect the shells in a similar way, from at least 10 eggs.

The shell is placed in the grinder
The shell is placed in the grinder

4. When you have the right amount of it, take the grinder and place some of the shells in it. You can break it a little into smaller pieces.

The shell is crushed
The shell is crushed

5. Grind the shells to a fine powder.

The shell is crushed
The shell is crushed

6. From the grinder, transfer the powder to a convenient storage container or jar and reload the next portion of the shells into its bowl. Continue this process with all other eggs.

Note: if there is no coffee grinder, then you can grind eggs using a mortar, rolling pin, blender.

Crushed shells can be added to ready-made dishes, dissolved in lemon juice (calcium is better absorbed with lemon juice), added to salads, soups, etc.

See also the video recipe on how to make eggshell calcium.
