Sesame milk is the greatest source of calcium

Sesame milk is the greatest source of calcium
Sesame milk is the greatest source of calcium

What is sesame milk, nutritional value and chemical composition. Useful properties and contraindications for use. How to make a drink from sesame, what dishes can you cook from it in the future? Vegetable milk should be given with caution to children under 3 years of age. It contains a fairly high amount of fat, and the body may not be able to cope with the breakdown.

The new product should not be added to the diet of pregnant women due to a possible allergic reaction.

How to make sesame milk?

Sesame milk in a glass
Sesame milk in a glass

You can make a drink from sesame seeds so quickly that you can drink half a glass already for breakfast.

Sesame milk recipes:

  • Pure milk … Sesame seeds are soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water. It is better to rinse several times during this time. Then the water is drained, the seeds are washed again, poured into a blender along with the remaining moisture, beat, adding a little boiling water. If sesame seeds cannot be crushed, add water. Bring to the required volume at the very end and do not stop stirring until a homogeneous structure is achieved. The gruel is filtered through cheesecloth folded in several layers. Squeezes are not thrown away, they can later be added to baked goods. It is better to refrigerate milk before consumption.
  • Classic recipe … Pour 100 g of soaked seeds into a blender, gradually add 1 liter of hot water, 2 tablespoons of honey. All other actions are performed according to the already described algorithm.
  • Milk with dates … Put in a blender bowl: sesame - 1 glass, large dates - 2 pieces, pre-chopped, vanilla sugar - on the tip of a teaspoon, a pinch of sea salt. Water - 1 liter - is poured in small portions. Re-pour into a blender and mix after straining.
  • Sesame-poppy milk … Sesame and poppy seeds are soaked in cold water in the morning - 2 tablespoons each. Strain the moisture through cheesecloth, place in a blender, pour a glass of cold water, add 1 tablespoon of honey and achieve complete homogeneity. Pour through cotton cloth to remove the cake. It should not be consumed during the day - the drink has sedative properties.
  • Milk with a high calcium content … Soak sesame seeds, a third of a glass, for only 30 minutes. Pour in half a glass of water and beat with a high speed blender until all the seeds are grinded. Add some vanilla, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, half a tablespoon of coconut oil, and another 1.5 cups of hot water to the bowl. Achieve a uniform consistency and filter through a fine sieve.

When making a drink according to the last recipe, soaking is not carried out for long, and there is no loss of nutrients. You can make sesame milk to your taste, using berries, nuts, juices and liqueurs as additives.

Drink only fresh, even after 3-4 hours of storage, the taste deteriorates. If prepared for future use, then it is necessary to freeze. Poured into molds and put into the freezer. In this form, taste and useful properties are preserved.

Recipes for food and drinks with sesame milk

Chocolate Banana Smoothie
Chocolate Banana Smoothie

When introducing sesame milk into recipes for various dishes, it must be borne in mind that it cannot be combined with meat and mushrooms.

Delicious Sesame Milk Recipes:

  1. Oat pancakes … The dough is kneaded without eggs, adding oatmeal and wheat flour to the milk in a 1: 1 ratio. Pour in salt, sugar, finely chopped dried apricots, raisins. Allow to stand to swell all ingredients. The pan is heated, sunflower oil is poured in, pancakes are fried on both sides.
  2. Soy-sesame sauce for seafood … Mix thick sesame milk - 3 tablespoons, 1 tablespoon each of fresh ground ginger root and good sherry, chopped green onions - half a bunch, 4 tablespoons of soy sauce. If the taste is not enough, pour in a tablespoon of rice vinegar and fresh lemon juice. The clams are boiled until the shells open. The sauce is added to each shell before serving.
  3. Slimming salad … Sesame milk is made without any additives - sesame and water, only thicker, a pinch of sea salt. Dill, cilantro, parsley, watercress and arugula are combined in a salad bowl. Dressed with milk.
  4. Soup … The potatoes are boiled, almost until tender, in water, then the liquid is drained. Milk is heated and potatoes are dipped into it, where they are boiled. Separately, in half a glass of sesame milk, beat 2 egg yolks. As soon as the potatoes are cooked, remove the pan from the heat, pour in the yolks, drop a piece of butter and interrupt everything with a submersible blender.
  5. Yogurt … In sesame milk, 2 glasses, stir in 2 capsules of probiotic powder, put in a yogurt maker and leave for 3-4 hours. Fresh fruits and berries can be added to the finished product. Fermented milk can be stored for 3-4 days.
  6. Chicken in sesame milk … Combine soy sauce with sesame milk in a 1: 1 ratio. The chicken fillet is cut into portions and placed in the marinade for 40-50 minutes. Put everything in a pan, put it on a low heat, add grated carrots, pre-fried onions, chopped garlic and grated cheese to the pan. Leave until tender. Mashed potatoes are best for a side dish.

Sesame Milk Drinks:

  • Kefir … Sesame milk is made according to the usual recipe, only the water is taken 2 times less - half a glass of sesame is 1 glass. 1-2 drops of lemon juice are dripped and removed to a warm place for 5-6 hours so that everything sour. Cool and taste with honey before use.
  • Banana Chocolate Smoothie … The banana is pre-frozen, a quarter of the chocolate is rubbed. Tofu, 50 g, silk variety is ground into a homogeneous puree. Everything is placed in a blender, half a glass of sesame milk is poured, a tablespoon of honey is added. Beat for 1 minute.
  • Avocado smoothie … Stir half a glass of fresh or canned pineapple slices, 300 g of black currant, a chopped bunch of mint, 2 cups of soy milk. Agave syrup or fresh honey is added to improve the taste.
  • Citrus drink … The blender is seasoned with 2 cups of sesame milk, 2 cut orange slices, 8 soft dates (the seeds must be removed beforehand), a glass of raspberries. For taste, you can add a little cinnamon and sea salt.

You can experiment on your own and add sesame milk to all recipes that use an animal or herbal product.

Interesting facts about sesame milk

Sesame milk
Sesame milk

Compared to other "milk" drinks made from fruits of various plants, sesame is the youngest. And its extraordinary popularity prevented experiments with sesame seeds. Back in biblical times, the Aramaic people - the Semitic peoples who lived in the territory of modern Iraq and Syria - sprinkled sesame seeds on all dishes to increase the shelf life, without grinding.

The fact that the seeds were endowed with magical properties is evidenced by the translations of Arabic fairy tales. The spells "til open up" or "sim sim open the door" are present in almost all stories.

At that time, milk was made periodically, but it was already consumed. Rather, it turned out to be a byproduct of squeezing butter and making sauces to increase the shelf life of meat and milk. If it was used, it was more often for cosmetic purposes.

Skin recipes help women still regain their beauty and youth:

  1. For dry skin … Beat 2 tablespoons of fresh pineapple pulp and sesame milk with a fork, apply for 20 minutes. Helps deal with flaking.
  2. Universal scrub … The composition includes: 2 teaspoons - honey, 2 dessert - oatmeal, 2 tablespoons - sesame milk. Apply to face, neck and décolleté.
  3. Scrub for dry skin … Mix the pulp of coconut - 1 tablespoon, tea - rice flour, 2 tablespoons - sesame milk. Rub in along the massage lines and massage for 4-5 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  4. To prevent age-related changes … A thick dough is kneaded from honey, sesame milk, oat flour and a few drops of cognac. Leave on the face for 15-20 minutes.

How to make sesame milk - watch the video:

Whichever way you are going to use sesame milk, it should be made only from fresh grains. Useful substances are stored only in fresh product.
