TOP 7 best anti-dandruff shampoos

TOP 7 best anti-dandruff shampoos
TOP 7 best anti-dandruff shampoos

What should be the anti-dandruff shampoo? Features of choice, TOP-7 best brands of anti-dandruff shampoos. Terms of use, real reviews.

Anti-dandruff shampoo is a cleanser used to combat and prevent accelerated scaling of skin particles. Choose it according to the scale of the problem, the individual characteristics of the skin and hair. Next, about which hair shampoo to buy against dandruff.

How to choose an anti-dandruff shampoo?

Girl's dandruff
Girl's dandruff

Dandruff is a syndrome in which scaly skin particles flake off at a high rate. Doctors view it as a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis. It arises under the influence of malnutrition, hormonal disruptions, ecology. Sometimes dandruff is a symptom of a fungal infection. It's easy to find out: the hairline is covered with small white flakes that are not completely washed off after using a regular shampoo.

Hair with dandruff requires special care products with a specialized composition. When buying shampoo, do not take it from the supermarket. You will not find a quality product here. It is best to get an anti-dandruff shampoo at a pharmacy.

When choosing, think about why you decided to buy an anti-dandruff shampoo:

  • For prevention … If dandruff does not bother you, but you do not want to have this trouble in the future, it is enough to purchase a product with antibacterial ingredients. They slow down her formation. The composition of the anti-dandruff shampoo includes tar, octopyrox, zinc pyrithione.
  • Increased peeling of the skin … With excessive peeling, you will need a product that acts as a scrub. These shampoos contain sulfur and salicylic acid.
  • Fungus … If your scalp is affected by fungus, choose antifungal agents such as ketoconazole.

The choice should be made according to the type of hair. Depending on whether they are oily or dry, the composition of the product varies:

  • for fatty ones with sulfur and salicylic acid;
  • for dry with zinc pyrithione and climbazole;
  • for irritated skin with tar.

If you buy a product for children, remember that shampoos for adults will not work for your baby. They require gentle liquids, so buy items for children separately.

But even if you purchased the shampoo according to the recommendations, it will not necessarily correspond to the quality of the curls. If necessary, consult a trichologist, a doctor who treats hair.

TOP 7 best anti-dandruff shampoos

Such funds are sold in pharmacies, specialized stores. The price is higher than that of cheap popular shampoos, but it justifies the result. Below is a list of the best anti-dandruff shampoos available from modern cosmetics companies.

Brown Rice Anti Dandruff Shampoo

Shampoo Brown Rice Anti Dandruff Shampoo for dandruff
Shampoo Brown Rice Anti Dandruff Shampoo for dandruff

In the photo shampoo Brown Rice Anti Dandruff Shampoo for dandruff at a price of 500 rubles.

Anti Dandruff anti-dandruff shampoo was created by Korean manufacturers on the basis of natural oils. It is an antifungal agent with climbazole. There are also many natural ingredients in the composition:

  • esters of lemongrass and brown rice;
  • oat, rye and wheat proteins;
  • d-panthenol;
  • glycerol.

The shampoo is available in black bulk bottles with or without a dispenser. It is convenient to use the tool, measuring out the required portion.

Shampoo gently cleanses curls from dirt, fights against the main cause of dandruff - fungus. Thanks to natural ingredients, the product nourishes the hair follicles, makes the strands silky and manageable. The product is suitable for all hair types.

The cost in pharmacies is 500 rubles.

Nizoral with ketoconazole

Nizoral shampoo with ketoconazole for dandruff
Nizoral shampoo with ketoconazole for dandruff

Photo of Nizoral shampoo with ketoconazole: you can buy a remedy to combat dandruff for 600 rubles.

Belgian antifungal shampoo contains 2% ketoconazole. It kills dandruff-causing fungi. The composition also includes collagen to improve the structure of the hair, components for gentle cleansing of dirt.

The tool copes with different types of dandruff. Anti-dandruff shampoo with ketoconazole acts not only as an anti-fungal agent, but also as an antiseptic. It normalizes the local microflora, reduces the risk of dermatological diseases. Medicated shampoo is suitable for any type of hair for the prevention and treatment of seborrhea.

The product removes dandruff for a long time, heals microcracks, reduces hair loss, foams well and is used sparingly. Of the minuses, we can mention a not very pleasant smell, a rather high price (about 600 rubles). With dandruff caused by hormonal disorders, the situation worsens.

Mirrolla Sulsen Forte

Mirrolla Sulsen Forte shampoo for dandruff
Mirrolla Sulsen Forte shampoo for dandruff

You can buy Mirrolla Sulsen Forte shampoo for dandruff at a price of 200 rubles.

Sulsen Selenium Disulfide Anti-Dandruff Shampoo is suitable for daily shampooing. The detergent also contains herbal ingredients. Foams well and washes curls. It softens the strands, restores and nourishes them.

The advantage of shampoo is that after a couple of applications, it eliminates itching. The tool does not entangle the curls; after washing, they do not get dirty for a long time. The shampoo has a pleasant smell and a reasonable price (about 200 rubles).

Of the minuses, it can be noted that the composition contains SLES (sodium laureth sulfate). The remedy cannot cope with oily seborrhea, but it is not intended for this purpose either.

Sulsen Peeling Shampoo

Sulsen peeling shampoo for dandruff
Sulsen peeling shampoo for dandruff

In the photo, Sulsen's peeling shampoo for dandruff, the price of which is 300 rubles.

Sulsen's anti-dandruff shampoo is positioned by the manufacturer as an antifungal dermatological agent. It copes well with yeast. Produced in Ukraine, but the composition cannot be called natural. It contains selenium disulfide, sulfates, sodium hydroxide and other chemicals.

The shampoo regulates the oiliness of the skin and fights against fungal microorganisms. It exfoliates dead particles, dries slightly, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Mainly used for dandruff caused by yeast.

The price of the tool is 300 rubles.

Vichy Dercos

Vichy Dercos shampoo for dandruff
Vichy Dercos shampoo for dandruff

Photo of Vichy Dercos shampoo against dandruff at a price of 800 rubles.

French shampoo is suitable for dry hair. In a short time, it eliminates dandruff, restores the structure of the hairs. Vichy Anti-Dandruff Shampoo helps fight even severe seborrhea.

The active ingredient in the composition of the product is aminoxyl, which nourishes the curls. To accelerate the regeneration, vitamin E, which is present in the shampoo, is used. Salicylic acid and selenium sulfide cleanse and fight dandruff. The tool normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, eliminates excess fat, dries, eliminates irritation and itching.

The product has a natural composition and is not addictive. Of the minuses, only a possible allergy to the components can be noted.

The price of an anti-dandruff shampoo is 800 rubles.

Nourishing shampoo Clear vita Abe "Basic care"

Nourishing shampoo Clear vita Abe "Basic care"
Nourishing shampoo Clear vita Abe "Basic care"

Nourishing shampoo Clear vita Abe "Basic care" to combat dandruff can be purchased for 400 rubles.

The Anti-Dandruff Clean Shampoo contains the PRO NUTRIUM 10 formula. This is a characteristic feature of the brand. Since the Basic Care shampoo is designed for women, pyrithione is the active ingredient in it. Climbazole is added to the male line.

It also includes:

  • feeding components;
  • sodium laureth sulfate (for foaming);
  • betaine cocamidopropyl (surfactants made from coconut);
  • dimethicone (silicone for elasticity and healthy shine of hair).

The result from the application is noticeable after 2 weeks. The curls are well combed, silky. Anti-dandruff shampoo Clear foams well, cleans well. The consistency is thick, with a good smell.

The cost of the funds is about 400 rubles.

Head shoulders Sensitive scalp care

Shampoo Head shoulders "Care for sensitive scalp" against dandruff
Shampoo Head shoulders "Care for sensitive scalp" against dandruff

In the photo Shampoo Head shoulders "Care for sensitive scalp" from dandruff, the cost of which is 300-400 rubles.

An effective dermatologically tested shampoo. The product includes the Acti caring formula. Zinc with vitamin E. It strengthens local immunity, eliminates irritation and itching. Aloe vera extract heals microcracks, improves hair structure.

Head shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo is preservative and fragrance free. The delicate and soft texture allows you to use the product for daily washing. Thanks to the shampoo, it is possible to completely get rid of dandruff.

The cost of the funds is 300-400 rubles.

How to use anti-dandruff shampoo?

How to use anti-dandruff shampoo
How to use anti-dandruff shampoo

In the mind of most people, shampooing occurs in 3 stages: moisturizing the hair, applying shampoo and rinsing. But remedies have a number of nuances. To obtain the result, they must be observed:

  • Use regularly … The interval between procedures is 2-3 days. If you use shampoo less often, the effect will weaken. As dandruff disappears, the product is used less frequently. After the disappearance of dandruff, washing the head with a special shampoo lasts 1-2 months.
  • Apply correctly … When dandruff develops, the scalp is treated. Apply to skin, not hair. Lather the shampoo at the base of the roots. You can lubricate your hands with cleanser and spread it over your scalp. It does not make sense to apply it liberally to the hair. When used for the first time, the product does not wash well, since glandular secretion accumulates in abundance on the skin. The shampooing process should take at least 5 minutes, after which the shampoo is washed off with water.
  • Re-treat your hair … The first wash removes skin particles, dirt and grease. The second time the product acts on cleansed skin. Shampoo is also distributed over the scalp, massaging at the hair roots. The foam forms easily the second time. The agent is left for 5-10 minutes. Wash off with warm water so that no foam remains on the hair.
  • Using hair care products … For the shampoo to work effectively, use it in conjunction with masks, balms. Such products should not be applied to the hair roots. Spread them along the length of the curls and rinse with water. During treatment, trichologists are advised to abandon the styling compounds. Some substances provoke the appearance of pathogenic microflora. It is necessary to monitor the diet, purchase a new comb.

Sometimes, despite the measures taken, dandruff persists. It is worth consulting your doctor. The reason may lie deeper and lie in a change in hormonal levels, internal diseases.

Real reviews of anti-dandruff shampoos

Anti-dandruff shampoo reviews
Anti-dandruff shampoo reviews

Real reviews of anti-dandruff shampoos are controversial. Users point out that detergents rarely cure the problem. Sometimes its manifestations diminish, but do not completely go away. It is not often that there are positive reviews of anti-dandruff hair shampoos. The result is visible in 2-3 weeks.

Marina, 23 years old

Dandruff started after pregnancy. At first I tried to wash my hair more often, but it got worse. Changed shampoos but didn't help. I decided to use anti-dandruff remedies. Chosen Nizoral. Soap according to the instructions. After 2 weeks, the dandruff became less, but did not disappear. I turned to a trichologist. The doctor said that the reason is hormonal disruption after pregnancy. Has prescribed hormonal drugs. I drank for a month, in combination I used shampoo with ketoconazole. The result was pleasing, the dandruff disappeared.

Zoya, 34 years old

Dandruff is new to me after I bought a new fur hat. It was warm in her, but her head was slightly sweating, oily dandruff arose. At first, I did not tie it with a headdress. Soaps with Sulsen shampoo. The amount of dandruff has decreased, but the problem has not been dealt with. In the spring, when I stopped using the hat, the dandruff became less, then disappeared. Since then, I have been doing prophylaxis with shampoo in the winter.

Valentina, 45 years old

I use shampoo regularly. The skin is oily, quickly becomes dirty, dandruff appears. I chose Head shoulders for myself. It is a "classic of the genre" and a proven tool. The shampoo helps, but when I stop using it at least once a week, the dandruff comes back.

How to choose an anti-dandruff shampoo - watch the video:
