Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows
Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

To maintain the beauty and health of eyelashes, it is useful to use castor oil. How to use it correctly is described in detail in the next article. As well as hair and eyelashes need regular care and strengthening, especially if mascara is used every day. Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows brings benefits, which can be used not only in pure form, but also added to a variety of masks.

Benefits of Castor Oil

This tool helps to restore eyelashes, restore their vitality. Castor oil has many positive properties:

  • Biologically active substances get inside the eyelashes and their bulbs and normalize all cellular processes, thereby improving the general condition of the hairs.
  • Palmitic acid promotes deep penetration into each hair of the nutrients that make up castor oil. As a result, they are absorbed much faster and penetrate even the thickest cell membranes.
  • Linoleic and stearic acids help not only moisturize, but also strengthen the eyelashes. These substances prevent moisture evaporation, protect against negative environmental influences, and stop hair brittleness. If this natural remedy is regularly used, the eyelashes are not afraid of ultraviolet light, a sharp temperature drop, exposure to bleach and sea salt.
  • Oleic acid promotes the activation of all cellular processes - there is a restoration of the protective function, metabolism, strengthening, moisturizing, regeneration.
  • Ricinoleic acid. Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows is simply irreplaceable, because it contains a substance such as ricinoleic acid. With regular use, it helps to obtain long, lush, thick eyelashes, making them plump, supple, manageable and soft. Ricinoleic acid has an antibacterial effect, which is why castor oil is used to treat blepharitis. At the same time, the hairs are perfectly strengthened, their growth is activated, and hair loss is prevented.
  • Vitamin A (retinol) helps to enhance the process of the regenerating properties of castor oil. The internal structure is intensively restored, brittle and damaged hairs are softly enveloped.
  • Tocopherol, or vitamin E, effectively activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin (these are substances that return rich color and shine to lifeless and dull hairs).

How to use castor oil for eyelashes

Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows
Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

Many girls, after applying castor oil to their eyelashes, complain of the appearance of edema and an unpleasant burning sensation. Such symptoms may indicate that there is an allergy to the agent used. However, most often this reaction is manifested as a result of the fact that the oil is incorrectly applied to the cilia.

Therefore, you need to know how to properly use castor oil to quickly strengthen and improve eyelashes, maintain their beauty:

  1. To strengthen the eyelashes, you must use a cotton swab or tampon, which is applied to the product. To this end, it is recommended to take a container from under the mascara and thoroughly wash the brush with soap to remove the remaining dye. This brush is easy to apply oil and evenly distributed over all hairs.
  2. The product should be applied exclusively to clean eyelashes, while this procedure is recommended to be carried out in the evening before bedtime.
  3. The product is applied to the middle of the hairs or to their ends. Do not lubricate the roots of hairs with oil, as there is a risk of oil getting on the sensitive mucous membrane of the eye, as a result of which severe irritation will be caused.
  4. After 10 minutes, the remaining oil must be removed with a clean cotton swab.
  5. To get the most out of castor oil, you must use it every day for at least one month. After that, a short break is taken, about 3 weeks, and then you can once again carry out a course of restorative procedures.

Types of castor oil

The most common version of this tool used to strengthen the cilia is pharmacy oil. It is a cold-pressed oil that is sold in almost any pharmacy. Its cost is relatively low, which is why it is so popular among girls who want to improve the condition of their eyelashes.

You can also purchase oil, which is packaged in special packages with brushes, making the application of the product on the hairs much easier. This type of castor oil contains vitamins E and A, which perfectly nourish the cilia and take good care of them.

Strengthening eyelashes with castor oil

Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows
Castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

Some girls face the problem of loss of cilia, which can occur as a result of recent severe stress or deterioration of the general condition of the skin structure in the eye area. Because of this, the skin becomes very decrepit, the hair follicles in it cannot be properly fixed. And therefore, even by simply rubbing the eye, you can notice the fallen out eyelashes on the fingertips.

Castor oil can completely stop the eyelash shedding process. To do this, it must be applied regularly, while using other types of oils. The problem of eyelash loss can be easily solved. To do this, take equal amounts of wheat germ and grape seed oil, almond, rose, linseed and castor oil. All components are well mixed, and the resulting composition is applied directly to the hairs, left for an hour, and then washed off with a tonic. This treatment procedure is carried out daily for several weeks (at least 2).

A castor oil mask will help to eliminate the problem of eyelash loss. To make it, you need to take burdock and castor oil, as well as oily vitamin E. All components are taken in a 1 to 1 ratio. The resulting composition is applied to the hairs with a cotton pad. This procedure is carried out daily in the evening, in the morning the composition is washed off. A week later, a positive result will be noticeable - the cilia will not only stop falling out, but will also become thicker.

In order not only to stop the loss of cilia, but also to strengthen them, it is recommended to use the following recipe. Almond, burdock and castor oils are mixed in equal quantities, fish oil and oil vitamin E are added. If it is not possible to take burdock oil, it can be replaced with olive oil. The finished composition is applied directly to the hairs, after an hour you need to wash.

To achieve the desired result, you need to do castor masks daily for a month. But do not overdo it - no more than 4 courses are allowed per year. If you do this more often, you are likely to get the opposite result.

Castor oil masks

  • Literally a drop of castor oil should be applied to the finger, then apply it to the eyelash brush and comb the hairs evenly. However, this method is only recommended for those who have completely healthy eyelashes.
  • A couple of drops of castor oil are mixed with the same volume of rum. The finished composition is evenly distributed over the cilia and left for an hour. It is recommended to use this mask daily, but you need to make sure that the product does not get into your eyes.
  • The following mask is suitable for everyone - castor oil and any other are mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio. You can use flaxseed, almond, wheat germ, grape seed, or pink. It is also helpful to mix all of the above oils a few drops at a time. The resulting mixture is applied to the eyelashes for 10 minutes, then washed off with warm water. Literally after several procedures, the cilia will stop falling out, become healthier, and gain volume.
  • Castor oil and fresh aloe juice are mixed in a 2: 1 ratio. Instead of aloe juice, you can use peach juice. The composition is applied to the hairs and lasts for half an hour, then you need to wash with plenty of warm water.

How to strengthen eyelashes with castor oil


If you adhere to the following recommendations, you can strengthen the cilia and significantly accelerate their growth:

  • If the recipe did not indicate that the mask can be left overnight, you should not do this. It must be remembered that if the product gets into the eyes, in the morning you can face swollen eyelids.
  • To apply the product, it is recommended to use the brush left over from the old mascara. But only if it is well washed with soap. You can pour oil into a tube of mascara, but it also needs to be washed thoroughly.
  • It is advisable to wash off the oil after each application with warm water and mild baby soap.
  • Before applying the product to the hairs, it is necessary to warm it up slightly in advance - the optimum temperature is 38 ° C. Thanks to this technique, the therapeutic effect of castor oil is increased several times.

If you regularly apply the above simple masks, your eyelashes will soon become stronger, thicker, healthier and longer. Castor oil masks are also recommended for weakened eyelashes after extensions.

Video recipes for masks based on castor oil for eyelashes: