Castor oil for weight loss: benefits, how to drink and apply externally

Castor oil for weight loss: benefits, how to drink and apply externally
Castor oil for weight loss: benefits, how to drink and apply externally

Features and rules for the use of castor oil in the fight against obesity. Useful properties and contraindications for the use of this product when losing weight externally and internally.

Everyone knows about the benefits of such a valuable natural product as castor oil. It is widely used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Simple castor oil is also an effective remedy in the fight against excess weight. It also helps to completely cleanse the body and return the lost tone.

How is castor oil made?

Castor bean seeds for making castor oil
Castor bean seeds for making castor oil

Quite often in our latitudes there is such a plant as castor oil plant, which can also be called "Christ's palm". It can often be found in home gardens, parks, and along the regular road. Outwardly, the castor oil plant looks like a tall bush with carved and large leaves. With the beginning of the flowering period, bright inflorescences-thorns appear on it.

Scientists were able to prove how beneficial the high content of components in castor oil extracted from castor bean is for the human body. But this plant has another side - the seeds contain dangerous toxic substances that can provoke a mutation of human cells, destroying the vital protein contained in them. This process is irreversible.

During the industrial production of castor oil, seeds are removed, and the composition is purified. Therefore, you should not even try to produce this product yourself at home or eat parts of a plant that contain seeds.

The oil refining process has no effect on its smell or taste. Of course, they are not the most pleasant, so castor oil is used as a medicine, not a food product. Before using the product, it is worth remembering that exceeding the permissible dose can provoke negative consequences. That is why you first need to consult a doctor and only after that take a course of taking castor oil for treatment or for the purpose of losing weight.

Castor oil composition

Slimming Castor Oil
Slimming Castor Oil

Castor oil is often sold as gelatin capsules over the counter. This form greatly facilitates the process of taking the product for those who cannot tolerate the specific aroma and taste of castor oil. Like most other oils, ricin can be hot or cold pressed.

For the purpose of ingestion, it is recommended to stop the choice on a cold-pressed product, since in this case more beneficial properties are retained in the oil. To bring the weight back to normal and get rid of the existing extra pounds, you can use castor oil both internally and externally in the form of wraps, masks and for massages.

Castor oil contains such valuable acids

  • palmetinic;
  • linoleic;
  • stearic;
  • oleic;
  • recinoleic.

See also the composition and ingredients of coconut oil.

What are the benefits of castor oil for the body?

Woman holding bottle of castor oil for weight loss
Woman holding bottle of castor oil for weight loss

Castor oil has many beneficial qualities and can be an invaluable aid in maintaining health and beauty.

This remedy has the following effect on the body

  1. The work of the liver is stimulated, the start of the processes of accelerated cleansing of the body from toxic substances that have accumulated over a long time begins.
  2. It has an antiseptic effect.
  3. There is an acceleration in the tissues of the body of fat or lipid metabolism.
  4. Helps to get rid of various fungal diseases, including candidiasis, which is also one of the reasons for the accumulation of body fat.
  5. A rejuvenating and strengthening effect on the entire body is carried out.
  6. Effective prevention of dangerous cancers is carried out, since castor oil contains a small amount of toxic substances.
  7. The elasticity of the blood vessels increases, which helps to normalize the blood flow.
  8. When used externally, there is an increase in the flow of fluids in the tissues of the body. This helps to get rid of such an unpleasant problem as cellulite.

Read more about the use of castor oil to fight cellulite.

What are the benefits of castor oil for weight loss?

Woman pours castor oil for weight loss
Woman pours castor oil for weight loss

If you want to lose weight and gain a slim figure, you must remember that only a correct and comprehensive approach will help you achieve what you want.

In the fight against excess body fat, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips

  • observe proper and balanced nutrition;
  • carry out regular cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins accumulated in the intestines;
  • adhere to the correct drinking regime;
  • we must not forget about the benefits of moderate physical activity;
  • it is imperative to regularly carry out various cosmetic procedures aimed at working out problem areas.

The main benefit and value of castor oil is precisely that it can be used to effectively cleanse the body of harmful substances. Even the best modern diet does not give such a result, especially if the body is overloaded and heavily slagged. Complete disposal of harmful substances and toxins will help to get a feeling of lightness in the body and quickly get rid of a couple of extra pounds in just a few days.

The preparation contains recinoleic acid, thanks to which castor oil has a laxative effect. After entering the intestine, this substance has a certain effect on the receptors located inside it. Peristalsis is stimulated and the process of bowel movement begins.

Many girls, in order to carry out a comprehensive bowel cleansing, begin taking medications that have a laxative effect. Natural remedies such as hay leaves or fiber can also be used. But the correct intake of castor oil has a safer and faster effect.

Nutritionists believe that in the case of a protein diet for weight loss, the intestines need additional stimulation. Since in this case, the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to take regularly, but in small dosages, castor oil (for the duration of the diet).

It is not recommended to use ricin oil as a stand-alone remedy to combat obesity. Castor oil should only be an additional method for cleansing the body. Only proper and balanced nutrition, as well as regular exercise, will help to completely get rid of existing excess weight. Therefore, castor oil can only act as a complementary agent.

Benefits of Castor Oil for Weight Loss

Weight loss from castor oil for weight loss
Weight loss from castor oil for weight loss

Periodic and correct cleansing of the body from decay products is beneficial not only for normalizing weight, but also for general health:

  1. Castor oil has a mild stimulating effect on the process of removing toxins from the body.
  2. Castor oil contains many valuable vitamins that have a positive effect on the overall strengthening of the body.
  3. Cleansing the intestinal walls helps reduce appetite. Toxins covering the intestinal walls do not allow nutrients from food to be properly absorbed into the bloodstream. Due to a lack of nutrients, the brain sends a signal to re-eat and a feeling of hunger appears. If the intestinal walls are cleansed, the body gets the maximum of nutrients from a small amount of food.

Precautions for taking castor oil

Pregnancy as a contraindication to the use of castor oil for weight loss
Pregnancy as a contraindication to the use of castor oil for weight loss

Like any other remedy, castor oil has certain contraindications and limitations, which include:

  • The daily dose of castor oil for an adult should not exceed 100 ml. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the indicated dosage.
  • The body has a tendency to quickly get used to the action of castor oil, and on its own it simply cannot cope with the procedure of bowel movement. In order for the process of losing weight to be safe for health and not become a lot of stress, you need to take castor oil in courses.
  • Castor oil can lead to disruption of the digestive process - not only toxins are removed from the intestines, but also beneficial bacteria in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to use drugs designed to restore the intestinal microflora at the same time as taking castor oil.
  • If there are diseases associated with the condition and work of the digestive system, it is worth abandoning the use of castor oil, otherwise there is a risk of provoking an exacerbation of the disease.
  • One of the main properties of castor oil is to stimulate blood circulation, which can negatively affect the health of women. Therefore, it is forbidden to take oil during menstruation.
  • Castor oil is strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

When taking castor oil internally, the most important thing is not to exceed the permissible dosage. If you exceed the daily norm, you can disrupt the proper functioning of the whole body and the fight against excess weight will have to be postponed indefinitely.

How to take castor oil for weight loss?

Castor oil and lemons for weight loss
Castor oil and lemons for weight loss

Ricin oil is a unique substance that has a quick effect on the body. Literally in 1-5 hours, after taking it, there will be a feeling of the need to urgently visit the toilet. Therefore, if castor oil will be used for the first time, it is better to do it on a weekend, when there is no urgent need to leave the house. You must first assess the reaction of your own body to a new product.

Taking into account the purpose for which castor oil will be used, it is necessary to choose the right regimen for its intake:

  1. Cleaning once a week … This method can be used as a preventive cleansing of intestinal toxins. In the evening or in the morning, exactly 1 tsp is taken. castor oil. It is forbidden to eat before bowel cleansing. But an hour after taking castor oil, it is allowed to drink plain non-carbonated water. This helps to avoid dehydration. An hour later, after the bowel cleansing occurs, you can eat something, but only light - for example, natural yogurt, oatmeal, drink a cup of green tea. It is important that the whole day be unloading, you cannot overload the intestines.
  2. Cleansing procedure for the body within 3 weeks … In this case, you need to take castor oil in the morning, about 30 minutes before the start of the meal - 2 dessert spoons. After 30 minutes, you need to drink 1 tbsp. warm water and you can have breakfast. During the entire cleansing course, there should be light dietary breakfasts - for example, natural yoghurts, juices, fruits, cereals. It is strictly forbidden to drink coffee or black tea after taking castor oil. Using this scheme, you can take a complex of oils - flaxseed and castor (take 1 dessert spoon of each oil). Linseed oil contains many valuable substances that have a positive effect on the body during the process of losing weight.
  3. Additional benefit … Natural juices and castor oil. You need to make a cocktail - for each kilogram of its own weight, 1 ml of castor oil and 2 ml of fresh juice are taken. All components are mixed and drunk without adding water. After 30 minutes, a light breakfast is allowed. The five-day course will help replenish the supply of vitamins and cleanse the body. You need to adhere to the following scheme:
  • 1st day - lemon juice and castor oil;
  • 2nd day - apple juice and butter;
  • 3rd day - orange juice and oil;
  • 4th day - carrot juice and oil;
  • 5th day - grapefruit juice and oil.

See also the features of the use of flaxseed oil for weight loss.

Topical application of castor oil against excess weight

Using castor oil topically as a body cosmetic will help you get quick results. Most importantly, you cannot be lazy and you need to strictly follow all the recommendations.

Slimming Castor Oil Massage

Slimming Castor Oil Massage
Slimming Castor Oil Massage

Castor oil has a powerful effect on the skin, especially when heated to body temperature. It is strictly forbidden to overheat the oil, as this can lead to the destruction of the valuable components that make up it.

Castor oil slimming massage procedure is performed as follows

  1. you need to take a hot shower or bath, as the skin should steam;
  2. the oil is applied to the abdomen and thighs, evenly distributed in gentle circular movements;
  3. do not stretch the skin;
  4. to enhance blood circulation and better absorption of meat, you need to perform light massage movements;
  5. the duration of the massage is not less than 10-15 minutes;
  6. the remaining oil is removed with a paper towel;
  7. the procedure must be repeated every day or every two days;
  8. a full course of massage consists of 10-15 sessions, depending on the severity of the problem and the desired result.

Anti-cellulite Castor Oil Treatment

Applying castor oil anti-cellulite treatment
Applying castor oil anti-cellulite treatment

On the basis of castor oil, you can prepare a special mixture that will help get rid of cellulite, but only if used regularly.

This tool has the following effect

  • increased blood circulation in the treated areas;
  • subcutaneous fat deposits are split;
  • all excess fluid is removed from the tissues;
  • the volume of the body decreases;
  • the skin regains its elasticity, which is very important during weight loss.

To prepare the mixture, you need to take a glass container with a lid - first, castor oil is poured, after which the remaining components are added, and the composition is thoroughly mixed.

The composition of the tool includes the following components

  1. 100 ml ricin oil;
  2. 25 drops of lavender oil
  3. 40 drops of grapefruit oil;
  4. 30 drops of lemon oil;
  5. 30 drops of cedar nut oil.

The finished product is applied to the skin, previously steamed under a warm shower. The composition is rubbed in with light circular movements, it is not washed off. The procedure is repeated every day for 2-3 months. The product can be stored in a closed container in a dark place.

Castor oil wraps

Slimming body wraps with castor oil
Slimming body wraps with castor oil

The wrapping procedure is one of the most effective and quickest methods of using castor oil externally. As a result, the skin is saturated with a mass of useful substances, blood microcirculation increases in problem areas, therefore, the burning of subcutaneous fat deposits begins.

To carry out the wrapping procedure, you need to take

  • heating pad (can be replaced with a plastic bottle filled with warm water);
  • soda;
  • pillow;
  • towel;
  • polyethylene;
  • fabric (natural fabrics are ideal);
  • Castor oil.

The body wrap can be done three times a week, and this procedure will also help to rest and relax, relieve the accumulated tension. It is recommended to take a one-month course without interruption.

The slimming castor oil wrap procedure is as follows

  1. The fabric is folded in three layers to create a napkin that will completely cover the belly.
  2. The fabric is abundantly moistened in castor oil.
  3. The napkin is placed on the stomach, covered with a layer of polyethylene on top and insulated with a towel.
  4. To make it more comfortable, you can lie down, your feet must be placed on a dais (for example, on a pillow).
  5. The heating pad is placed on the stomach.
  6. Relax and lie down for about 60 minutes.
  7. After the specified time, prepare a soda solution - 2 tbsp is taken for 1 liter of warm water. l. soda.
  8. The resulting soda solution is used to wipe the skin of the abdomen, removing the remaining oil.
  9. The remaining tissue can be used several times and stored in the refrigerator between treatments.

How to use castor oil for weight loss - watch the video:

Castor oil can be a great help in the fight against excess weight. It can be taken not only internally, but also used for massage and wraps. To speed up the process of losing weight, you need to take an integrated approach, not forgetting the benefits of sports and proper nutrition.
