Fennel seeds as a food product: chemical composition of fruits, useful properties, effectiveness in the fight against obesity, contraindications to use. Fennel seed recipes and uses. Replaceable amino acids per 100 g:
- Glutamic acid - 2.956 g;
- Aspartic acid - 1, 833 g;
- Glycine - 1, 107 g;
- Serine - 0.69 g;
- Proline - 0.9 g;
- Alanine - 0.789 g;
- Tyrosine - 0.41 g;
- Cysteine - 0.222 g.
Fennel seeds contain 66 mg of phytosterols.
Fatty acids per 100 g:
- Saturated (palmitic acid) - 0.48 g;
- Monounsaturated (oleic, omega-9) - 9, 91 g;
- Polyunsaturated (linoleic) - 1.69 g.
From the given composition of fennel seeds, it follows that there is a slight (only 20%) excess of the daily calcium content, but with moderate consumption, this fact is not able to significantly affect the state of health towards deterioration. There is a low sodium content - only 7% of the norm, so the fruits of pharmaceutical dill cannot cause the accumulation of fluid in the body. There is a significant excess of the norm in the content of manganese (by 226%) and dietary fiber (by 99%).
Benefits of fennel seeds

Fennel seeds are highly beneficial for human health as they contain many vitamins, fatty acids, minerals and amino acids. This product is often used in traditional medicine and has a strong healing effect.
We list the beneficial properties of fennel seeds
- Bactericidal … Eliminate pathogenic microbes in the intestines. Helps fight respiratory tract infections.
- Disinfectant … Eliminate microbes on the surface of the skin and the mucous membrane of the visual organs. Accelerate wound healing.
- Firming … Increase the protective functions of the body.
- Cleansing … Helps remove sand from the kidneys. Accelerate the production of urine and its excretion, relieving puffiness, positively affecting the level of blood pressure. They stimulate digestion and metabolism in cells, which contributes to the speedy elimination of decay products and harmful substances.
- Soothing … They relieve a person from feelings of anxiety, fear, reduce the excitability of the nervous system. The aroma of the fruit plays an important role in this regard. For quick relaxation and immersion in a healthy sleep, it is enough to place a fragrant inflorescence near the pillow.
- Antioxidant … Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer cells. They help to resist external factors that adversely affect the functionality of cells. Increase resistance to the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation and other factors.
- Spasmolytic … Eliminate the spasm of the heart muscle, the tension of the intestinal musculature, thereby relieving the characteristic pain. Prevents bloating and generally reduces gas production. The action of the seeds is also manifested in the relaxation of the bronchi, which reduces the frequency of coughing, facilitates the discharge of secretions, and accelerates the healing process.
- Stimulating … Fennel seeds stimulate breast milk production. They also speed up metabolism at the cellular level and improve food digestion. Helps the body absorb calcium, which contributes to proper bone growth in childhood and the maintenance of normal bone tissue in maturity. Stimulates the processing of fat and sugar.
- Stabilizing … They normalize the production of hormones, including in women during menopause, which significantly alleviates a person's condition, preventing excessive sweating, hot flashes and mood changes.
Fennel seeds are incredibly beneficial for anyone looking to lose weight. Chewing these fruits in their pure form perfectly suppresses appetite, but at the same time supplies protein to the body, which replenishes energy reserves. Freshly brewed tea actively burns fat mass, plays a significant role in eliminating cellulite. And also, in general, it has a positive effect on digestion.
The fresh scent of fennel justifies its use for freshening the breath. It also has a disinfecting effect, which helps to eliminate the development of bacteria in the oral cavity.
In folk medicine, the fruits of pharmacy dill are actively used to alleviate tuberculosis, purulent formations on the skin, hepatitis, bronchial asthma, insomnia, intestinal pain, conjunctivitis.
The beneficial properties of seeds are also used in cosmetology to improve the condition of the skin (get rid of wrinkles, acne), prevent early aging.
Harm and contraindications to fennel seeds

Eating fennel seeds or as a medicinal drug can only be beneficial if the dosage is observed and there are no restrictions in each case. Excessive use or ignoring the recommendations of a medical professional can lead to the development of side effects.
The harm of fennel seeds can be manifested in the following: bleeding intensifies, nausea and dizziness occur, epileptic seizures develop, indigestion occurs, allergic reactions of varying intensity develop, heart rhythm is disturbed.
In this regard, contraindications to fennel seeds have been identified:
- Intolerance to the product and its individual components;
- Pregnancy;
- Epilepsy;
- Frequent stomach upset;
- Violation of the contractile function of the heart muscle;
- Postoperative period.
Given the beneficial properties and potential harm from taking fennel seeds, it is worthwhile to understand that their use in food should be coordinated with a doctor, especially in cases where there are chronic diseases.
Fennel seed recipes

Fennel Seed is an exquisite spice popular with renowned chefs and home cooking. The range of applications is incredibly wide: fruits are added to bakery products, first and second courses, sauerkraut, used for pickling tomatoes and cucumbers, used in sauces, various marinades. The product is best combined with fish, meat, vegetables. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipes in which fennel seeds best complement the taste and aroma of dishes:
- Fennel Ginger Tea … Tea with ginger root and the addition of fennel is an excellent prophylactic against colds, because it improves immunity well. Ingredients: fennel seeds (20 g), ginger root (20 g), water (250 ml), sugar (20 g). Washed ginger is peeled and grated. It is also advisable to rinse the fennel. Next, both ingredients are placed in a turkey or small saucepan. Pour in water. Cooking time - up to 7 minutes. The infusion time is 10 minutes. The tea that has not yet cooled down is poured into cups and sugar is added, which can be replaced with natural honey. Tangerine or orange slices are a great addition to fennel ginger tea.
- Baked pollock with vegetables … This is a low-calorie dish with a simple recipe. Ingredients: pollock (2-3 pieces), onions (1 piece), frozen mixture of vegetables (200-250 g), pickles (2 pieces), fish seasoning (10 g), wheat flour (100 g), sunflower oil (40 ml), fennel seeds on umbrellas (5 pcs.). The fish should be prepared in advance: clean, gut, remove the head and fins, wash. The ridge does not need to be removed. Then cut the carcasses into portions. For marinating, carefully sprinkle the fish with seasoning and, if necessary, salt. The marinating time is 30 minutes. Cut the onions and cucumbers into medium-sized cubes. Lightly fry the onion in oil heated in a frying pan. Add the not defrosted vegetable mixture there. This mass should be stewed until all vegetables are completely thawed. Add cucumbers, mix. Dip the marinated fish in flour and fry on both sides until golden brown. The time for frying one side should not exceed 1.5 minutes. Put the stewed mixture of vegetables on a deep baking sheet and level. Put fish and twigs with fennel seeds on top. We cover and send to the oven at 180 degrees for just 15 minutes. Remove the lid and bake for another 5 minutes. Put the finished fish, accompanied by vegetables, on a dish. A great side dish for pollock prepared according to this recipe is rice or mashed potatoes.
- Champignons in Greek … Ingredients for 4 servings: fresh champignons (500 g), water (400 ml), olive oil (120 ml), ground black pepper (3-4 g), herbs (40 g), lemon juice (80 ml), salt (3 g), green onions (50 g), parsley (20 g), celery stem and leaf (1 piece), fennel seeds (3-5 g), coriander (6 pieces), cumin (1 stem), black peppercorns (12 pcs.). Place greens, fennel and coriander seeds, black peppercorns, celery, cumin in a gauze bag and tie tightly. Dip it in a pot of water, add olive oil, salt, chopped green onions and lemon juice. Bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer for about 10 minutes, then remove the pan from heat and strain the broth. Cut the washed mushrooms into 2-4 pieces. Add mushrooms to one glass of broth, simmer for 10 minutes using a slotted spoon, remove the mushrooms and put on a dish. Boil the remaining broth to a syrup, season if necessary and add to the mushrooms. You can decorate the dish with herbs.
- Salmon in dough … Ingredients for 6 servings: salmon fillet (650 g), chicken egg (1 pc.), Puff pastry (800 g), butter (50 g), black peppercorns (6-8 pcs.), Fennel seeds (4- 5 g), lemon zest (from half a lemon), dill (3 g), salt (3 g), wheat flour (5 g). Preparation begins by preparing a fragrant oil mixture: combine fennel fruits, crushed black pepper, lemon zest, salt, dill and oil. Prepare the salmon fillet, pieces should be no more than 10 by 15 centimeters in size. Brush the inside of the fish with fragrant oil. Connect all fillet pieces in layers. Roll out the dough in the shape of a rectangle, the size of which should be 35 by 25 centimeters, cut into two equal parts. Place the first piece of dough on a baking sheet, then the fish. Brush the free edge of the dough with an egg. Cover with a second piece of dough and press down firmly on the free edges, forming an even free edge around the perimeter. Place the rest of the egg on top of a piece and leave it in the refrigerator for 1 hour while the oven warms up. Baking time - up to 40 minutes. When the dough is browned, the dish is ready. Served in large chunks in portions. The best garnish for salmon in dough is steamed asparagus.
- Muffins with fennel seeds and ricotta cheese … Ingredients for 12 servings: ricotta cheese (120 g), cream 30% (120 ml), natural yogurt (120 ml), wheat flour (600 g), pecan (50 g), fennel seeds (10 g), baking powder (20 d), soda (4 g), olive oil (150-170 ml), sugar (170 g), salt (3 g). Spread the pecans on a baking sheet and leave in the oven, preheated to 160 degrees, for 10 minutes. Cool and chop them with a knife. Roast the fennel seeds over medium heat, cool and grind in a coffee grinder. Add sugar, fennel, baking soda and baking powder to flour, mix. Pour in olive oil and yogurt. Whisk the resulting mass. Stir the cheese with the cream and season with salt. Put the dough in a greased mold for 2/3 of the total volume. Make a depression in the center and place the cheese and cream filling there, sprinkle with nuts and set the molds in the oven at 180 degrees. The baking time is 30 minutes.
- Sweet apricot sauce … Ingredients for 4 servings: dried apricots (10 pcs.), Anise (3 g), fennel seeds (3 g). Pre-soak dried apricots for 12 hours. Grind all ingredients to a sauce consistency. A kitchen blender will help with this.
- Dried duck … Ingredients: duck breast (1 pc.), Sumac (20 g), sweet paprika (20 g), ground red pepper (20 g), fennel seeds (20 g), salt (200 g). Wash the duck breast, remove the skin and pat dry with paper towels. Rub with salt, place in a deep dish on a salt pad, top with remaining salt. Wrap the container with cling film, leave in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Then wash off all the salt from the breast. Leave the duck breast outdoors to dry well. Combine sumac, paprika, pepper, fennel and rub the duck with them. Then wrap with gauze and tie with a thick thread. Hang in a cool dark place with dry air. Drying time is 4-6 days. To speed up the process, you can install a fan. A constant flow of air will prevent mold growth. Meat should be checked periodically for readiness. It should not be soft, but, on the contrary, dense enough. Before serving, cut into thin pieces with a sharp knife. Served as a snack.
Interesting Fennel Seed Facts

In addition to being used in traditional medicine, cosmetology and cooking, fennel seeds have found themselves in other roles. An extract is made from the fruit that can remove fleas and lice. Treatment with such agents is very effective and safe for both humans and animals. If there is no such remedy on sale, then you can take fresh seeds: rub them and rub them gently into the skin.
Fennel seeds were also mystically significant. They were revered by Anglo-Saxon priests, ancient Greeks and Egyptians, believing that the fruits of fennel in tandem with St. John's wort are able to drive away evil spirits, fight the evil eye, as well as add strength to the body and prolong life.
Watch the video about fennel seeds:

Fennel's unpretentiousness to growing conditions justifies its ubiquitous growth. The rich chemical composition provides a lot of useful properties. However, in terms of the breadth of use, its seeds are somewhat inferior to dill seeds. With all this, they confidently took an honorable place in the fight against colic in newborns.