Do you want to cook classic salads for a holiday like Olivier, Herring under a fur coat or Vinaigrette? Then surprise your guests with a salad with Chinese cabbage, sausage and avocado. The dish fascinates with its tenderness, juiciness and taste. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

Juicy vegetable salad with healthy ingredients - avocado with Chinese cabbage, which complements the taste of dry-cured sausage. Peking cabbage is able to retain nutrients in its composition for a long time and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. The pulp of a ripe avocado resembles softened butter and has a light, pronounced nutty flavor. At the company, these products form an amazing duo.
Preparing the proposed dish is not at all difficult. Olive oil is used as a dressing, which can be supplemented with grapefruit or lemon juice. Plus, you can experiment with it. For example, supplement the composition with boiled eggs, fried nuts, herbs, sesame seeds, etc. But even in the proposed form, the salad will be a great addition to lunch or dinner, as well as a wonderful snack during the day. This salad can also be made with white cabbage, but Beijing cabbage has a more delicate and sweetish taste. Therefore, it is more suitable for vegetable salads. But this is a matter of taste of the chef.
See also how to make a salad of Chinese cabbage, mushrooms, eggs and feta cheese.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 149 kcal.
- Servings - 2
- Cooking time - 15 minutes

- Peking cabbage - 5-6 leaves
- Salt - a pinch
- Dried sausage - 30 g
- Avocado - 1 pc.
- Olive oil - for dressing
Step-by-step preparation of salad with Chinese cabbage, sausage and avocado, recipe with photo:

1. Wash and dry the avocado with a paper towel. Use a sharp knife to cut it in a circle, bringing the knife to the bone. Divide the fruit in half, remove the pit and cut the flesh into medium-sized cubes. Use a spoon to scoop out the pulp, gently prying it and separating it from the rind.

2. Wash Chinese cabbage, dry with a towel and cut into strips. Do not wash the entire head of cabbage, but use only the required amount of leaves. Otherwise, the washed vegetable will wither the next day, lose its elasticity and crunch.

3. Remove the wrapping film from the sausage and cut it into thin slices.

4. Place the cabbage on a serving plate and season with salt. Place the avocado slices with sausage on top. Drizzle the napa cabbage, sausage and avocado salad with olive oil and serve. If you do not serve it immediately, then sprinkle the avocado pulp with lemon juice, it will prevent it from darkening.
See also a video recipe on how to cook Dniester salad with Chinese cabbage and sausage.