Bodyflex breathing technique

Bodyflex breathing technique
Bodyflex breathing technique

Learn how to do breathing exercises correctly in order to normalize the work of all the mechanisms of your body. Many people underestimate the benefits of breathing exercises for the body. They can be an excellent means of healing the body and fighting excess weight. Among the various respiratory systems designed for weight loss, bodyflex occupies a special place. The creator of the technique was the American Greer Childers, who, after the birth of children, wore size 55 clothes.

Thanks to bodyflex, she managed to lose weight until the 44th. Moreover, it took Greer only three months to achieve such an excellent result. If you are not satisfied with grueling workouts in the gym or there is no opportunity to attend it regularly, then the bodyflex breathing technique is simply created for you. Exercises will need to be given daily for about half an hour and after seven days you will already be able to see the first results of training.

The mechanism of work of the bodyflex breathing technique

The girl makes a bend to the side in a sitting position
The girl makes a bend to the side in a sitting position

The system combines special aerobic breathing and static loads, reminiscent of yoga asanas. Through breathing, you can saturate the body with oxygen, which in turn contributes to the activation of lipolysis processes. The basis of the technique is the so-called diaphragmatic breathing, when inhalation is carried out through the nose and exhalation is carried out through the mouth.

As a result, the blood is quickly saturated with oxygen, which in a short time enters the zones of static muscle tension. It is these factors that are required to activate the fat burning process. In addition, the bodyflex breathing technique allows you to speed up metabolism, forcing the body to actively utilize toxins. Only bodyflex allows you to achieve the fastest possible results when fighting fat in problem areas.

All the muscles in the body are strengthened by performing special movements. This allows you to tighten the skin and restore it to its previous elasticity, eliminate wrinkles and cellulite. The system includes three types of movements:

  1. Isometric - only one muscle group works.
  2. Isotonic - several groups are involved.
  3. Stretching - improves the elasticity of muscle tissue.

Basic principles of bodyflex breathing technique

Girl doing stretching exercise
Girl doing stretching exercise

Let's try to figure out why the bodyflex breathing technique is such an effective means of fighting fat and how you can get the maximum result. First of all, you need to remember that training should be regular. If you decide to start practicing this system, then you will have to devote at least a quarter of an hour to training every day, although it is advisable to work for 30 minutes.

As soon as you stop exercising and return to your previous lifestyle, the lost kilos will begin to return. It is necessary to understand that it is not enough to achieve certain results in the fight against fat, you need to constantly work to keep fit. But it is not worth progressing the load, since, according to the author of the methodology, this will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the exercises.

The second mandatory rule of bodyflex is to train on an empty stomach. Greer recommends exercising in the morning, and she is sure that this particular training regime is the most effective. Since the duration of each lesson is short, you may well train before work, because body flex will give you a boost of vivacity, which will be enough for the whole day. If, however, you cannot adhere to the above regimen, then after eating, you need to train at least two or even three hours later.

The last important condition for the effectiveness of the system is the absence of any rigid dietary programs. By and large, using different diets is more likely to interfere with the process of losing weight than help. With severe dietary restrictions, the body does not receive enough energy to function normally. You just need to give up sweets and flour products. You also need to drink five times a day and, in addition to the main meals, provide for two snacks.

Bodyflex breathing technique: advantages and disadvantages

Two girls are engaged in body flex technique
Two girls are engaged in body flex technique

Any system has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Among the advantages of the bodyflex breathing technique, we note:

  • it is necessary to devote little time to training;
  • the result of the classes will appear quickly and will be noticeable;
  • will help tighten the skin all over the body;
  • age and initial level of physical fitness is not of fundamental importance;
  • it is not necessary to attend group classes, you can conduct effective workouts at home.

Let's consider the disadvantages of this system:

  • classes should be regular;
  • it is important to master the breathing technique, it is in this issue that difficulties most often arise;
  • during breathing, it is necessary to make loud and peculiar sounds;
  • there are several contraindications to classes.

Bodyflex breathing technique: who can and contraindications

Girl on a white background
Girl on a white background

The bodyflex breathing technique will be as effective as possible for people who have more than five kilograms of excess weight. If you have a slim figure and only want to tighten your body, then the bodyflex breathing technique will not help you with this. But it can be an excellent type of training for young mothers who want to tidy up the body after the birth of a baby. But you must remember that after a cesarean section, you need to wait six months and only after that you can start training.

And now it is necessary to talk about contraindications, because otherwise you can harm your health:

  • severe diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • problems with the spine;
  • tumor diseases;
  • postoperative rehabilitation;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • acute form of chronic diseases;
  • bleeding of any etiology.

Bodyflex breathing technique - stages

Bodyflex breathing technique in the gym
Bodyflex breathing technique in the gym

We have already noted that first of all it is necessary to focus on mastering the breathing technique, since otherwise bodyflex will not bring the desired results. We recommend that you carefully read the corresponding section of Greer's book or watch the video tutorials.

You can proceed to the exercise only after mastering the breathing technique. If you do not understand how movements are combined with breathing, then the exercises will not be effective. To master the technical features of breathing, it is recommended to use the "starting position" - the legs are located at the level of the shoulder joints, and the knees are slightly bent, rest your palms on the surface of the legs, slightly above the knees, the chin is parallel to the ground, and the gaze is directed forward.

Stage number 1 - a slow breath through the mouth

You must first take a slow breath through your mouth and then exhale all the air through your nose. You should feel that you are not exhaling air, but slowly squeezing out. To achieve this effect, round your lips as if about to whistle. After that, you can begin to exhale and when there is no air in your lungs, close your lips.

Stage number 2 - a quick breath through the nose

After completing the first step, your lips should be closed. Take a sharp, quick breath through your nose, filling your lungs completely with air. At this moment, specific sounds should be emitted, which indicates the correct execution of the stage. When the lungs are full of air, hold it in yourself and slightly raise your head.

Stage number 3 - powerful diaphragm exhalation through the mouth

In this phase, it is necessary to exhale all the air in the lungs sharply through the mouth, using the diaphragm for this. Make sure that the air is not just exhaled, but pushed out by the abdominal muscles. Until you begin to exhale, the lip should remain closed. Tighten your abdominal muscles and begin to squeeze out air, while opening your lip wide. Very important. So that the exhalation is accompanied by a specific sound. Let us remind you once again that air must be squeezed out of the lungs with the help of a diaphragm.

Stage number 4 - holding your breath

This phase is the main and at the same time the most difficult in the whole bodyflex breathing technique. When you have finished exhaling air, close your lips tightly and begin to suck in your stomach, but you cannot breathe through your nose. If everything was done correctly, then the stomach will easily go under the ribs. It becomes concave, and thereby pulling in the internal organs with it.

It is necessary to suck in the stomach slowly for eight counts and still hold your breath. We warn you right away that rarely does anyone manage to immediately hold their breath for eight or ten seconds. Do this for as long as you can. You will improve all the time, and as a result, you will be able to achieve your goal.

Stage 5 - inhale through the nose

When the belly has been pulled under the ribs and you have held your breath, inhale through your nose. At this moment, you need to relax so that the air can calmly enter the lungs.

In order for your workouts to bring you positive results, all five steps must be performed correctly. Most often, several sessions are required to thoroughly master the bodyflex breathing technique. Recall that you can start doing the exercises only after you learn how to breathe correctly.

The complex includes only 12 exercises that allow you to use all the muscles of the body. Today we talked only about the bodyflex breathing technique, and exercises should be devoted to a separate article. We recommend that you train in front of a mirror and expose your tummy to see how it is pulled under the ribs. Also remember that training should only be done in a well-ventilated area.

Bodyflex video tutorial for beginners in the following video: