Bodybuilding sets to increase muscle mass

Bodybuilding sets to increase muscle mass
Bodybuilding sets to increase muscle mass

Multiple sets of short rest workouts help bodybuilders achieve unprecedented gains. What sets are and what role do they play in bodybuilding. To achieve progress during training, it is necessary to draw up an optimal training scheme with a certain number of approaches and rest between them. Perhaps from one or two working approaches per muscle to thirty or more. Rest can last from fifteen to thirty seconds to three to five minutes. Athletes have successfully used bodybuilding sets to build muscle.

What are sets?

Athlete training with a barbell
Athlete training with a barbell

If an athlete does several repetitions in one exercise, performing them one after the other without interruption, then this is a set or approach. With the help of such exercises, you can achieve excellent results - become hardy and energetic, increase muscles, strength indicators, get rid of excess body fat. Most bodybuilders spend a lot of time in the gym to build muscle hypertrophy. In order to increase the musculature, eight to twelve repetitions maximum is enough.

Energy is very important here - it is gradually expended during the execution of the working approach. Then, during the rest period between sets, its level again returns to the previous indicator. Moreover, such a recovery occurs very quickly - literally in half a minute, half of the waste returns, and after a minute it practically comes to its original level.

Energy consumption depends on exercise. The more complex they are, the more energy is consumed. Therefore, after completing the first exercise, performance decreases much less than after the second.

Types of bodybuilding sets to increase muscle mass

An athlete trains with an expander
An athlete trains with an expander
  1. Superset. In this case, the athlete chooses a pair of exercises that work on opposite muscle groups. This can be, for example, biceps and triceps. Exercise without rest between sets.
  2. Two-set. This type involves the use of two exercises of the same type. They should be performed without a pause between sets.
  3. Partial replays. When the athlete runs out of strength, he is no longer able to perform a repetition at the maximum amplitude, then the bar should be pressed by a third of the amplitude.
  4. Drop set. This is where the bodybuilder reduces weight during sets. Most often, a maximum of 3 steps of weight loss are done. These sets are a great tool for stimulating muscle growth. This will shock your muscles and cause them to grow rapidly. You should only switch to this intense training method when you feel you are energetic enough. Remember that such a technique is working at the limit of possibilities, which means that such training should not be carried out at every training session.
  5. Rest-pause. The best way to understand this type of set is to use the squat as an example. If your norm is one hundred kilograms for twelve repetitions, then after you complete them, you hang the barbell, but do not leave the rack. After inhaling eight to ten times, pick up the weight again and do as many reps as possible. Then you repeat everything again. Such stress leads to the fact that the muscles respond with their own hypertrophy, which means that the muscles increase.
  6. Seth is a grabber. During the biceps curl, you can use the regular grip and the reverse. All repetitions should be done without a pause between different grips - as if in one set. The same lift can be performed with dumbbells in three grips - palms up, down and directed towards the body. Performing all 3 movements at maximum repetitions will give you a razor-grip set. One such set is enough - most often they do not do it anymore.
  7. Forced approach. This type is also included in the group of bodybuilding sets for increasing muscles. When you have completed the required reps and can no longer continue, your partner or coach will help you do a few more reps.
  8. Failure approach. This is a complex that includes several types of sets under the banner of a failure approach.
  9. Cluster sets. This option just works perfectly for hypertrophy. Two exercises are involved, aimed at one muscle group, they alternate with a pause between sets. In total, doing six sets of a couple of exercises, it is possible to achieve impressive results in the growth of muscle mass.
  10. Variable load approaches. The ideal technique for performing the exercise is important here, and the athlete's health should be excellent. The point here is that for seven to eight repetitions, without lowering the barbell, hang additional weight on the barbell.

The partner helps, he puts in additional weight, after which you do another one or three repetitions. After that, everything is repeated the other way around - the partners gradually remove the weights from the barbell, also in a couple of stages, and at the same time the athlete holds the barbell and presses the entire approach.

Bodybuilding Sets to Increase Muscle - Highlights

The athlete rests between sets
The athlete rests between sets
  1. Muscle size depends on energy and muscle fibers.
  2. The more sets, the more impressive the energy.
  3. Minimal rest between sets is a guarantee of increased energy.
  4. A short rest leads to a decrease in strength indicators.

By pauses from half a minute to forty-five seconds between sets, the athlete achieves maximum secretion of growth hormone. Therefore, during drying, bodybuilders very often shorten the rest time between sets and work in a pumping mode.

If we talk about the number of sets per workout, then it all depends on the goals of the athlete and his experience in bodybuilding. The more impressive the length of time and the size of the muscles, the more sets you can perform. During the advanced stages, athletes do more work approaches, as a result, the volume of work increases and more impressive muscle damage is observed. Thus, you will have to reduce the rest time between sets - this will lead to a better hormonal response. Such high-volume training results in maximal muscle hypertrophy with an increase in muscle fibers and energy.

The most important training stimulus that directs the action of the weight towards mass or strength is rest between sets. In order to increase the volume of muscles, you need to rest between sets no more than a couple of minutes, and for the growth of strength - at least 120 seconds.

Learn more about drop sets to increase muscle mass in this video:

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