Vanilla in cosmetology

Vanilla in cosmetology
Vanilla in cosmetology

Vanilla oil has long been popular in hair care. How else can you use the world's most expensive spice in the field of cosmetology?

Vanilla for hair

The beneficial properties of vanilla oil - the most expensive and valuable spice in the world - were known in antiquity. Women then applied it to the curls, giving them smoothness and incredible silkiness. Today, manufacturers add spice components to gels, conditioners, shampoos and other hair care products. When looking for an effective solution, why not take advantage of the cosmetic properties of vanilla? After all, the dream of beautiful luxurious strands shining with the brilliance of a cut diamond is the desire of every woman. And vanilla hair oil is useful here as a conditioner, as it nourishes, moisturizes and smoothes the scales of each hair. The healing properties are due to the presence of more than 150 active substances in the composition, among which are valuable alcohols, coumarin, isobutyric, acetic, anisic acids, eugenol. Vanilla is contained in an amount from 1, 3 to 2, 9%.

Read about the health benefits of vanilla

Cosmetologists advise using this product for the preparation of various masks. Its components contribute to the preservation of color, giving the hair saturation, smoothness and silkiness. After using the essential oil, the strands smell nice, are easy to comb and at the same time remain voluminous. You can add a few drops of the product to homemade masks, as well as finished beauty products.

Vanilla for flavoring

Vanilla for flavoring
Vanilla for flavoring

Vanilla oil has excellent properties for aromatizing medallions, things, rooms. To fill the apartment with the scent of tranquility and comfort, add a few drops of the product to a pre-prepared lamp. Natural vanilla is also a powerful aphrodisiac. It is still used to increase potency in men. The essential oil relieves irritation, however, due to phototoxicity, it can be harmful, therefore, after application, avoid contact with direct rays of the scorching sun.

What is vanilla essential oil combined with in cosmetology?

  • Anise
  • Vetiver
  • Ginger
  • Jasmine
  • Couscous
  • Sandalwood
  • the Rose
  • Citrus

Baths and massage

For a relaxing bath with a stunning scent of gourmet spice, mix a few drops with honey, salt and milk, then pour the resulting liquid into the bath. Another recipe using the sensual aroma of vanilla: add 1 drop of rose oil and 3 drops of vanilla oil to 100 ml of cream, then mix thoroughly.

Vanilla oil has a beneficial effect on massage. Mix it with any vegetable oil (almond, peach, rose) and use to rub the body. The active ingredients act on cells, nourishing and moisturizing the skin, relieving pain and eliminating inflammation. The aroma of vanilla relieves nervous tension and awakens in a person the desire for success, optimism and develops a sense of inner harmony.

Vanilla anti-cellulite

Vanilla anti-cellulite
Vanilla anti-cellulite

With the help of essential oil, you can prepare an anti-cellulite body scrub. Mix together a glass of sugar, 50 g of ground coffee beans and 10 drops each of almond and vanilla oil. The resulting product is not recommended to be applied to the face, irritated and sensitive skin of the body.

Essential oil for skin

In the field of cosmetology, vanilla oil is also applicable in the preparation of face masks. It has a relaxing, antiseptic, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Such mixtures soften the skin of the face, restore its elasticity, eliminate oily sheen and retain moisture in the cells.

Video about the recipe for making coconut-vanilla lip balm and more: