Benefits and recipes for making lemonade from lemons

Benefits and recipes for making lemonade from lemons
Benefits and recipes for making lemonade from lemons

The composition and calorie content of lemonade from lemons, the benefits and harms to the body. Features of making a drink at home.

Lemon Lemonade is a refreshing non-alcoholic beverage made with soda water as a classic. Taste - sour-sweet; structure - liquid; aroma - spicy, light, "lemon". It is possible to add other components, due to which the color and flavor range may change, but the main ingredients, lemon juice and sugar, remain unchanged.

Features of the production of lemonade from lemons

Lemonade production from lemons
Lemonade production from lemons

In the manufacture of lemonade from lemons in an industrial setting, several types of raw materials are used. Natural lemon juice is added to the most expensive products.

Production is fully mechanized

  1. prepare water - filter and disinfect;
  2. the necessary ingredients are fed into the digester by means of a conveyor;
  3. boil the syrup - mix the components and pasteurize in a vacuum, increasing the temperature;
  4. cool intermediate raw materials (blend):
  5. saturated with carbon dioxide, packaged in sterilized bottles and closed with lids;
  6. transported to the warehouse.

The mechanized line is equipped with pumps, a tank with blending tanks with a cooling system and bunkers, a conveyor, and a mixing device.

When preparing according to the classical technology, lemon tincture (extract), apple juice, burnt sugar are used as raw materials. Expensive lemonade from lemons is prepared as a classic one, but after boiling fresh citrus juice is added, due to which the drink acquires a richer taste and retains the beneficial substances contained in the lemon. Information that the product contains natural juice must be indicated on the label.

To make the cheapest drink, which is found on store shelves, they mix flavors, citric acid, sugar and caramel color, food coloring E150d. It is possible to add various tinctures: apple, mint, pear, spicy fragrant herbs.

The composition and calorie content of lemonade from lemons

Lemon lemonade and lemons
Lemon lemonade and lemons

In the photo lemonade from lemons

The nutritional value of the homemade product is low as the ingredients are only juice, water and a small amount of sugar. It is easily absorbed by the body, but at the same time it partially drowns out the feeling of hunger.

The calorie content of lemonade from lemons is 4, 7-26 kcal per 100 g, depending on the sugar content, of which

  • Proteins - 0.1 g;
  • Fat - 0 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0.9 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 0.2 g.

Vitamins per 100 g

  • Vitamin A, RE - 2.3 μg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.003 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.003 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.011 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.004 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folate - 1.522 mcg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 1.9 mg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE - 0.009 mg;
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 0.019 mg;
  • Niacin 0.004 mg

Macronutrients per 100 g

  • Potassium, K - 12.1 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 8.14 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 2.14 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 1.66 mg;
  • Sulfur, S - 1.38 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 1.6 mg;
  • Chlorine, Cl - 1.53 mg.

Microelements per 100 g

  • Boron, B - 7.7 μg;
  • Iron, Fe - 0.157 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.0152 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 13.69 μg;
  • Molybdenum, Mo - 0.044 μg;
  • Fluorine, F - 94.27 mcg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.0174 mg.

The lemonade from lemons contains 9 essential and 7 nonessential amino acids, phytosterols, 4 types of digestible carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, mono- and disaccharides, sucrose. A small amount of fatty acids, saturated palmitic and polyunsaturated linoleic and linolenic.

A portion of homemade refreshing drink, made according to the simplest recipe, only from water and lemon juice with a small amount of sweetener, fully satisfies the body's need for ascorbic acid.
