Synthesis of proteins and fats in bodybuilding

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Synthesis of proteins and fats in bodybuilding
Synthesis of proteins and fats in bodybuilding

Looking to gain muscle mass effectively? Take a close look at everything about your body's hormonal background while exercising at high intensity. Every builder knows that muscle growth is not possible without protein compounds. At the same time, fats for many are evil, leading to a set of fat mass. However, in practice, everything is a little different, and you cannot give up fat. Today we will cover these nutrients in more detail, and you will learn about the importance of protein and fat synthesis in bodybuilding.

Synthesis of proteins and fats

Scheme of the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates
Scheme of the synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The role of proteins in the body

Protein-containing foods
Protein-containing foods

Protein metabolism in a child's body is much faster than a similar process in adults. After 25 years in the body, the processes of decay of muscle tissue are activated, which leads to a slowdown in the synthesis of protein compounds. We all know the importance of protein for building muscle, but many people forget that protein is also a source of energy. However, this also applies to other nutrients.

Thus, we can say that the synthesis of proteins and fats in bodybuilding allows you to provide the athlete with energy and building materials to create new muscle tissue. In this regard, it is necessary to tell about the results of one study in which professional builders took part.

During the study, they used a new training program. When the organizers of the experiment determined the need for proteins, it turned out that it increased significantly. But the longer athletes used this exercise program, the less the need for protein compounds became. From this we can conclude that with an increase in training experience, the body begins to consume proteins more economically. As a result, we can advise novice builders not to use nutritional programs for pro-athletes, since their body needs protein more than experienced athletes.

It is useless to argue about the importance of the synthesis of fat proteins in bodybuilding, but let's see how much protein compounds are involved in the creation of new muscle tissue. In practice, this question is not as simple as most athletes think. First of all, for the reason that scientists have not yet fully revealed all the secrets of muscle tissue growth. To begin with, the metabolism of protein compounds in the body is ongoing and new proteins replace old ones. For a long time, scientists have been convinced that strength training accelerates the rate of protein metabolism. Note that this hypothesis was not scientifically substantiated, but was based purely on speculative conclusions. Only relatively recently have scientists established that the rate of protein production in the body cannot be changed by any means. Strength training only helps to slow down the destruction of protein compounds.

But this is true only for the body of intermediate level builders. When pro-athletes took part in the research, the results turned out to be completely different. Based on all these studies, it can be said that prolonged exercise makes significant changes in the synthesis of proteins and fats in bodybuilding. Moreover, they are all unique.

So, for example, in the body of the "star" builders participating in the experiments, proteins were synthesized with unique combinations of amines. And this applies to the metabolism of all nutrients, not just the synthesis of proteins and fats.

The role of fat in the body

Fatty foods
Fatty foods

Fats are the fastest available source of energy for the body. At the same time, for most people, they are evil, leading to obesity. This, of course, can happen, but not so simple. First of all, in order not to gain fat mass, you need to consume less energy than is expended. In addition, there are fats that the body needs and they contribute to the reduction of body fat.

If you completely eliminate fats from your diet, then serious disruptions in the functioning of the body are possible. For example, sex hormones are synthesized from fats, and if you do not use them, the endocrine system will begin to malfunction.

There are saturated and unsaturated fats. The first group includes those substances in the molecules of which there is a large amount of hydrogen and they are harmful to us. If fat remains solid at room temperature, then it belongs to the saturated group and should not be consumed. These are mainly animal fats.

Unsaturated fats are found in nuts, fish, seafood, etc. They are of great importance and must be consumed. However, it is not necessary to eliminate the same meat from your diet in order to avoid consuming saturated fats. You only need to purchase those foods in supermarkets that contain the minimum amount of fat. Also remember about the benefits of vegetable oil, fish, nuts, etc.

For more information on protein synthesis, see this video:
