Find out how to properly dilute different types of peptides and what methods can be used to store closed and open ampoules with peptides. Today, on the sports pharmacology market, you can find a fairly large selection of various drugs. If before bodybuilding fans had to be content with only one steroid, today the situation has changed dramatically. Growth hormone is becoming more and more affordable, a new type of pharma SARMs, as well as peptides, have appeared. Today we will talk about the last group of drugs, namely, we will answer the question of how to properly store and dilute peptides at home.
They are the most popular among novice athletes. To begin with, you should exercise the utmost care when dealing with this type of sports pharmacology. The thing is, peptides don't like heat. Do not think that they will quickly deteriorate at room temperature, but prolonged exposure to such conditions can reduce their effectiveness.
We recommend that you put the bottles in the refrigerator immediately after purchase. Moreover, they can even be frozen, but only in powder form. The shelf life of peptides at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees is about 12 months, and the powder can be stored in the freezer for at least two years. In turn, the prepared preparation should be stored only in the refrigerator.
How to properly prepare a peptide solution at home?

Let's start with the second part of the conversation about how to properly store and dilute peptides at home. Here are the main solvents you can use to dilute the powder:
- Water for injection (sodium chloride solution) - the most popular substance among bodybuilding lovers, which can be easily purchased at a pharmacy at a minimal cost.
- Lidocaine is also a popular solvent that can also relieve the injection. However, peptide injections are not painful and it is quite possible to do without lidocaine.
- Germicidal water - it is more expensive than sodium chloride solution, but increases the shelf life. However, you quickly use the prepared preparation, and there is no great need for this.
During the preparation of the solution, you need to be guided by the following rules:
- When the solvent is introduced into the vial, the liquid should flow down the walls and not fall directly onto the powder.
- If you are conducting a combined course, then different drugs must be dissolved in separate containers.
- After preparing the solution, do not shake it strongly. However, in the process of dissolving the active ingredient, the bottle should be shaken gently, preferably with slow circular movements.
- A mixture of different drugs cannot be stored in one syringe for more than 4 hours.
- Avoid direct sunlight.
How to store peptides correctly?

Sometimes you can hear the complaints of athletes that the peptides they purchased turned out to be inoperative, but at the same time all the necessary certificates were available from the seller. The situation is interesting, because the competition in the market today is as high as ever. No online sports pharmacology store will allow itself to sell fake drugs.
The most likely reason for what is happening to us is not compliance with the conditions of storage of drugs during transportation or being in warehouses. During the dispatch of the parcel, sellers take care of the safety of the goods and do their best to ensure that the client receives a quality product. However, anything can happen. Now we will tell you how not to damage the working drug when stored at home.
Today, athletes are actively using a fairly large number of peptides that differ in molecular structure and properties. We have already noted that the main enemies of this group of drugs are high temperature, strong shaking and sunlight. Some drugs are less resistant to external conditions, while others are better able to tolerate the effects of the factors noted above:
- Highly resistant drugs - GHRP-12 and 6, CJC-1295, Melanotan, Ipamorelin and TV-500.
- Non-resistant drugs - Frag HGH 176-191, Peg MGF, MGF, IGF, Gonadorelin.
Based on the foregoing, special attention should be paid to drugs of the second group during transportation. We recommend that you contact the seller and ask him to pay maximum attention to this issue when sending the parcel. Conscientious stores abundantly pack the goods in film, and also use cold accumulators. When you get the peptides, immediately put the vials in the refrigerator.
The drugs should be stored at temperatures between 2 and 8 degrees. Here are the lifetimes of the most popular peptides:
- GHRP-2 and 6 - in powder form can be stored for about 24 months (refrigerator) and no more than a year (room temperature). The shelf life of the solution is 10 and 2 days, respectively.
- CJC1295 (DAC) and TV-500 - in powder form can be stored for about 12 months (refrigerator) and up to 10 days (room temperature). The shelf life of the solution is, respectively, from 6 to 8 days and 24 hours.
- Frag HGH 176-191, MGF, Peg MGF, IGF and Gonadorelin - in powder form can be stored for about 12 months (refrigerator) and no more than a year (room temperature). The shelf life of the solution is, respectively, from 4 to 5 days and 2-4 hours.
You should also recall the precautions that you have to follow during the use of peptides or their long-term transportation:
- Do not leave drugs in places where sunlight is exposed.
- If you are going to be transported for a long time, be sure to use a cold accumulator.
- To prevent the penetration of pathogens into the vial with the drug, treat the cap with an alcohol solution and only then make a puncture.
- Avoid strong shaking.
- It is not worth mixing different drugs in one syringe, but if this happens, quickly give an injection.
How to use peptides correctly?

Now we will not dwell on the dosages of these drugs, as this is a topic for a separate conversation. Very often, novice athletes have not only the question of how to properly store and dilute peptides at home, but they are interested in knowing how to correctly calculate the dosage on the syringe and where the drugs should be injected. Let's take a look at these topics.
Calculation of the peptide dose on the insulin syringe

Most often, the recommended doses of drugs in this group are from one to three micrograms per kilo of body weight. Let's say your weight is 80 kilos. Thus, the maximum allowed one-time dosage is 240 micrograms. If you are conducting a combination course, then due to the synergistic effect, you can use two micrograms of peptides for each kilo of mass. It is also probably worth recalling that 1 milligram is equal to 1000 micrograms.
Of course, some drugs have different doses from the ones discussed above. Before starting the course, be sure to thoroughly study the instructions for using each peptide. Now let's look at the algorithm for calculating the dosage of peptides, which is applicable to all drugs. As an example, we use two drugs that differ in the amount of active ingredient in the vial - GHRP and CJC-1295. As a rule, the first of them is contained in the amount of five milligrams, and the second two.
First, two milliliters of solvent must be injected into the vial. Then we will compose the proportion for each of the drugs:
- 2 milliliters = 5 milligrams - GHRP.
- 2 milliliters = 2 milligrams - CJC-1295.
After converting the units of measurement, we get the following results: 200 units = 5000 micrograms and 200 units = 2000 micrograms. You may have forgotten that 100 units is the capacity of a full insulin syringe. This allows us to calculate the ratio of one unit to micrograms of a drug. Since 200 units = 5000 and 2000 micrograms, one unit equals 25 and 10 micrograms, respectively.
Suppose you need to inject 150 micrograms of GHRP at a time. To do this, six units of solution should be drawn into an insulin syringe. We also recall that the price of one division on a syringe is two units. As you can see. Everything is quite simple, you only need to figure it out once, and in the future you will definitely not have any problems.
Where should peptides be injected?

Most often, the injection is placed in the fatty fold of the abdomen. Although some peptides are recommended to be injected directly into targeting muscles in order to accelerate their local growth. It is no secret that many people do not like injections or even be afraid of them. Since the needles of an insulin syringe are four times thinner than ordinary needles, there is practically no pain.
Let's look at the technique of injecting the drug into the fat fold. First, you need to take the skin with your hand and bring the syringe to it, insert the needle at an angle of 45 degrees. Press the plunger slowly and when the entire contents of the syringe have been injected, remove the needle. Note that we have considered the most popular method for administering peptides.
In addition, inject drugs and intramuscularly using a conventional syringe. However, the half-life of peptides is short and sometimes injections have to be given three times a day. Agree that in such a situation, intramuscular injection will not be the best option. Not everyone will be able to withstand the painful sensations of this type of drug administration.
But subcutaneous injections not only do not cause severe pain, but punctures heal quickly enough. Probably it will be fair to say that 99 percent of athletes inject peptides exactly subcutaneously. The injection site is of no fundamental importance. It is only important that the active ingredient of the drug is under the skin. Since it is the stomach that turns out to be the most accessible place for the introduction of peptides, then athletes do so.
We recommend that you conditionally divide your stomach into nine equal parts and alternate injections into each of them. If you have delicate skin, this is mainly true for girls, then frequent injections can lead to bruising. To avoid this, change the puncture site more often. In conclusion, we will give several recommendations on the conduct of peptide courses.
We advise you to limit them to a duration of two or a maximum of three months. If you have not previously used sports pharmacology, then it will be enough to use drugs for a month. If you remain satisfied with the results obtained, then after a pause, conduct a second course. Note that the pause between cycles should correspond to the duration of the course.
How to dilute peptides, see the video below: