Already invented a weekend breakfast for the whole family? No? Then keep a great idea - delicate and thin coffee and honey pancakes. A simple step-by-step recipe with a photo is presented below. Video recipe.

Many housewives prepare scrambled eggs or spaghetti for breakfast. But there are also fans of pancakes, the variety of which is huge. All the peoples of the world have a recipe for pancakes. These are French crepes, Russian pancakes, Ukrainian spreads, American pancakes, Indian dosa … Today we will prepare delicate coffee and honey pancakes. Appetizing and delicious, they will attract the attention of all eaters. This is a great breakfast or dessert dish for both adults and children. In addition, the recipe is perfect for the Maslenitsa holiday and perfectly diversifies the weekly pancake menu.
The flour for the recipe can be used not only from wheat. You can add corn, buckwheat, oatmeal and other flours to the dough. Such pancakes can be made with a variety of additives, adding finely crushed nuts, small pieces of candied fruit, chopped fruits to the dough … Ready coffee and honey pancakes are delicious to serve, stacked and sprinkled with syrup or liquid honey. They are also delicious with chocolate paste or boiled condensed milk.
See also how to make Zebra pancakes.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 398 kcal.
- Servings - 15-18
- Cooking time - 45 minutes

- Milk - 2 tbsp.
- Honey - 3 tablespoons
- Eggs - 1 pc.
- Salt - a pinch
- Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
- Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
- Instant coffee - 1 tablespoon
Step-by-step preparation of coffee and honey pancakes, recipe with photo:

1. Milk at room temperature, or better at warm temperature, pour into a deep bowl for kneading the dough. Because coffee may not dissolve well in cold milk.

2. Add instant coffee to the milk.

3. Whisk the liquid ingredients together to completely dissolve the coffee granules.

4. Add raw eggs to the milk mass and mix well to distribute it throughout the mass.

5. Pour flour into the dough, sift it through a fine sieve so that it is enriched with oxygen and the pancakes are softer. Then add a pinch of salt.

6. Add honey to food and stir well to dissolve completely. If the honey is very thick, then first melt it in a water bath, but do not bring it to a boil.

7. Pour vegetable oil into the dough and stir until it is completely distributed throughout the mass. Adding butter to the dough will allow you not to pour it into the pan while frying the pancakes, which will make the pancakes less high in calories and not very fatty.

8. Preheat the pan well, otherwise if you pour the dough on a barely warm surface, it will stick to the bottom. Use a ladle to scoop the dough and pour it over the bottom of the pan, twist it in different directions so that it spreads in a circle.

9. Fry the pancakes on one side for about 2 minutes until golden brown. Then turn over and fry for another 1-1.5 minutes until tender. Serve coffee and honey pancakes immediately after preparation. If desired, they can be stuffed with fruits such as bananas or strawberries.
See also a video recipe on how to make honey pancakes in milk.