If you like the UK try an English style garden. From the article you will learn how to plant trees, bushes, plants, how to decorate a plot, a house, a gazebo and make sculptures.
If you want your summer cottage to be neat, a little restrained, then use this style. This type of landscape design is also called irregular and landscape.
English Style Garden - Highlights

Here are 10 signs that will help you understand that your hacienda is arranged this way:
- Smooth curved lines prevail here.
- Deciduous trees are combined with conifers.
- Plain flower beds.
- The gardener prefers plants that are prevalent in the area.
- There is a spacious neat lawn.
- There are not only cultivated but also wild plants in the garden.
- Open and closed spaces alternate here.
- Container plants are used.
- The presence of winding paths that look like forest trails.
- The predominance of naturalness, so that it seems that this garden is not man-made, but created by nature.

Here are the trees that can grow here, these are:
- larch;
- Birch;
- chestnut;
- hazel;
- oak;
- Rowan.
When making an English-style garden, give preference to the following shrubs. It:
- chubushnik;
- lilac;
- derain;
- euonymus.
When developing an English landscape style, give preference to the following colors.
Here can grow:
- marigold;
- ferns;
- rhubarb;
- catchment;
- digitalis;
- roses;
- hosts;
- rogersia;
- decorative bows;
- forget-me-nots;
- Siberian irises;
- swimsuit;
- delphinium;
- sedge;
- cane.
Here are the accessories you can use for your English garden:
- antiques;
- stone podiums or made of stone tiles;
- various benches - forged, stone or wooden;
- hand-made products;
- flowerpots on a leg;
- paths decorated with elements of ceramic tiles;
- 1 or 2 sculptures;
- several large boulders;
- a pair of African or Chinese style accessories.
Read also how to choose plants for an oriental garden.
How to decorate a garden in the English style - photo
Check out a few examples to help you decide. If you love flowers, then use wooden boxes for them, which need to be trimmed with slats on top and painted in the color of the stone.

- Arrange these containers in a row, and place large flowerpots closer to the house. If there are climbing roses here, attach bush holders for them to the wall.
- If you will be pruning geraniums early in the spring, place these extra twigs in the water. Soon they will give roots, and then they will bloom. Plant them in flowerpots to admire such beauty.
- Attach some balcony boxes to the back of the window to decorate this place too.
- A small picket fence will separate this garden from the main territory.
- An English garden implies a large area. Then in one of its corners you can place a similar fountain. Place a couple of sculptures nearby, which, by the way, you can make with your own hands from cement.

English garden? this is the presence of a large number of flowering plants near the house.

Place a bench in a shady corner. If you have a swing, post it here. Or you can just put a canopy, and place a wooden bench with a carved back inside. To make such a canopy, take:
- four carved wooden columns;
- boards;
- roofing material;
- concrete;
- crushed stone;
- sand;
- nails;
- self-tapping screws;
- instruments.
See step by step instructions:
- Determine where the columns will be located. They should form a rectangle. Dig 4 holes about 60-70 cm deep. Put some gravel and sand in them.
- Place an antiseptic-treated column on this stone-sand pillow and fill it with concrete. Place the other columns in the same way.
- Knock down the canopy from the boards, attach it to the columns, and cover it with the selected material on top.
- Plant climbing plants next to such a canopy so that over time they braid this structure and turn it into a shady gazebo.
You can attach a crate next to the house to make a cozy veranda. Plant loaches nearby so that they trail along this structure. Against this background, blue delphiniums will look just great.

Even an old wooden fence will perfectly fit into the landscape of an English garden. After all, this style requires the presence of such antiques. Decorate it with flowers to decorate your fence this way.

If you have an uneven area, use this feature to create a retaining wall. Make concrete steps, decorate them with tiles. Plant short shrubs near the retaining wall that can be trimmed and rounded. Enclose these plants with cobblestones, placing them in a wavy line.

Of course, an English garden implies a beautiful lawn. You can plant flowering plants around the edges, and bushes on the other side to highlight the beauty of this green carpet.

You can place a beautiful lawn in the center, and plant flowers around the edges. On the one hand, create a seating area. In order not to trample the grass and decorate the garden in an original way, put tiles here under the stone, making several islands in which you will plant flowers.

If you want to break several beds on the site, also make them in the English style. Plant small plants around the perimeter that you can trim to give them this even shape. Use them to delimit this territory to make beds.

At the end of the lawn, place an arch, and plant climbing roses on both sides of it. They will curl along this arch. Passing under it, you can see a bench, which is located in a shady corner of the garden.

Smoothly trimmed green bushes will beautifully border the roses. Also, do not forget to place a bench next to this composition.

A separate chapter should be devoted to these important accessories in any garden.
Do-it-yourself benches for giving in the garden in the English style
No English garden is complete without this attribute. Benches will complement the atmosphere of this place.

If you have a bench with a back, this is what you need. You can put it on a pedestal made of tiles or wood. Place flowers next to it, and in the back place a crate made of battens arranged vertically and horizontally. Tie plants here as they grow.
If you have a wrought iron pergola, then place it around such a bench. And if there is still a metal inscription in English, then this accessory will complement the style of such a garden. Of course, there will be room for plants. In English gardens, benches are often placed on such pedestals. Then it will be comfortable to sit here even after rain, and such an elevation also looks great.

You can make a garden bench with your own hands if you have:
- boards;
- nails;
- hammer;
- dye;
- brush;
- bars;
- a pair of armrests.
The armrests can be removed from the old wooden chair and used as a bench.
First, put together the base for the bench from the blocks. Then, using thick boards, attach the two halves of the bench. Stuff boards on the seat, placing them parallel to each other. Make the back, also using thick and regular boards. Then paint your baby to make it look great too.

Benches can even be made of stone. But first, make a pedestal out of small, even pebbles. Connect them with a cement mixture. Then place large stones on top and install them not only in the seat, but also on the back. Also connect these elements with a cement mixture. You can make a stone platform here or from tiles made for this material.

If you don't have enough space in your dacha, but you have a freestanding tree, then use it to make seats for several people.

For such benches, a base is also made of bars first, then the individual elements are knocked together using planks. It remains to fill the boards on the seat and on the back.
You can make the bench almost invisible. To do this, make a backrest for it from metal or make it in the form of a crate made of strips of sufficient thickness. The legs of such a bench are carved, thin, they will decorate this bench and will not be too conspicuous. Set up a bench in your garden to admire the trees in spring bloom and savor the scent.

Wooden benches with forged elements look very nice. These are difficult to do with your own hands, but buying will not be a problem. You can buy a small one, in the form of an armchair, which will perfectly fit into an English garden.

You can also do it yourself from metal bars or buy just such an openwork shop. It is small in size, but will perfectly fit into the interior of an English garden.

Plastic benches and armchairs would also be appropriate here. Place them on a tile platform, which is surrounded by flowering and decorative foliage plants. You can put some of these representatives of the flora on low columns.

You can make such low cement columns with your own hands. This will require a suitable shape. It will be necessary to pour concrete mixture into it, put several connected reinforcement rods, let it freeze. After that, the formwork and its elements are removed, and the column can be additionally decorated with flowers or other elements, making them from a cement mixture.
Watch how to trim the bushes beautifully in a classic garden
How to make a sculpture in a garden in the English style?
It would be nice to place one or two sculptures in an English garden. You will also make them yourself. Interestingly, you can make a model according to your own sketch. If a man wants to present a gift to his woman, then let him first print out her photo, and then spill this sheet to make squares.

But since the sculpture is three-dimensional, it is necessary to take a similar photograph so that it also turns out not to be flat. Consider an example of the following form. If you want to make a sculpture of a cat, then first print its image on a piece of paper, write down the detailed dimensions. See what the main frame will be like.

To further make this figure for an English garden, you will need the following device presented. This is a copy frame. You will need to make two of these. You will put the big one where you will make the sculpture, and place the small one over the made model.

First measure the plumb lines on the model with a tape measure, then transfer them to the sculpture. But first you need to make a frame for it. It needs to be welded from rolled products, pipes, thick fittings. This will be the primary frame, the secondary one you will make of smooth reinforcement with a cross section of 6 to 8 mm. It will remain in the gap between the rods of the secondary frame to wrap with wire or close it with a net. This basis is visible in the following figure. To make such a dolphin, a heavy frame is first installed inside so that it can support the weight of the concrete. Then, on top, you will already make a metal base in the shape of the future figure.

If you do not have a ready-made plinth, pour it from the concrete in the formwork. This is done three days before the start of the main work, so that the solution hardens well. And if you have sidewalk cement curb or blocks of this material that are suitable for the size, use them. When everything is ready, place the frame here. First attach it to the concrete pedestal with a cement bond. Then start shaping some areas. Fill in the entire frame in the same way. If you need to apply some kind of relief, for example, to make wool for an animal or the bark of a tree, then a textured roller is used for such work.

If you need to make a layer with a thickness of more than 2.5 cm on a vertical surface, then it must be laid in several layers. Let one dry first, then apply the second.
When the surface is slightly dry, it will need to be sanded with an abrasive tool. Then smooth the product by wetting the surface with water.
In order for the mass to adhere well to the metal frame, you need a concrete mixture that has plasticity. Or use decorative concrete with special additives. They will make this mass more plastic. You can also pour an anti-frost additive here so that the sculpture does not crack in extreme cold.
Decorative concrete in a beautiful white color. Therefore, when making a sculpture for an English garden, you will end up leaving it in this form, you will not need to cover the surface with any coloring compound.
See how you can use the leftover concrete mix. If you have two plastic buckets, first put some solution on the bottom of this large container. Then put the small one here. Fill the walls between these buckets with the prepared cement mixture. To keep the top bucket in a static position, place a couple of bricks in it for weighting. When the solution is completely dry, remove the inner bucket and peel the shell from the outside of the flowerpot.

Any suitable container can be used for the mold.

Line this container from the inside with cling film. Now take the prepared cement mortar, apply it here in an even layer.

When the cement is completely dry, gently pull on the edges of the cellophane to reach the container. It remains to sand it, pour drainage, soil inside and plant a plant. You can decorate the surface with small stones and sand.

Also decorate it using broken glass. Another option? this is to cut fragments from colored plastic bottles and set them on the side, while it is still not completely dry. Press down lightly on these elements to keep them firmly in place.

So that water does not accumulate inside, it is better to immediately provide an opening for its drain. To do this, place a piece of hose in the center. When you fill such a pot with a cement mixture, then do not put it in this central fragment so that a notch remains here.

To keep the inner surface level, you can place a ball of sufficient weight or, for example, a bowling ball here.

This garden flowerpot is decorated with artificial stones. They are easy to buy and then use to decorate the edges of this container.

When the work is completed, put it on a pedestal, which you can also do with your own hands from cement.

If you wish to make a container with a leg, use a suitable mold to craft it.

If the leg is high, then first make a frame of reinforcement, and then you need to coat it with cement.
Small graceful vases will look beautiful in the English garden. You will make them using bottles and other containers of this shape.

To do this, prepare a cement-sand mixture with the addition of gypsum and a small amount of PVA glue. Pour it into the prepared bottle using a funnel. Then place a straight wide rod in the center so that the inside of the bottle is hollow. Then you can put flowers here later.

When the mixture is dry, cover the bottle with a rag and tap it with a hammer to break the glass. Then carefully remove it and you have a wonderful flower vase for an English garden.

Sculpture is not the only complement to the English garden. If you even have an old gazebo, it is perfect for such a summer cottage. After all, age attributes are also very valuable. See how to convert it to get the English style you want.
How to decorate a gazebo, an English-style house?
First of all, if you got an old gazebo, pay attention to the foundation. If he is in order, then the construction will stand still for quite a long time. The same applies to the strapping of the bottom from the bars.
If the paint comes off the walls, remove it with a spatula, paint it again. Be sure to highlight the columns, balusters, carved elements, covering them with white paint.
When all this is dry, you can place chairs on the open veranda, put a small table and, of course, several pots of flowers.

This gazebo looks good against the background of the lawn. And this corner resembles a natural one - this is what you need. Here on one side there are forest trees, and right in the middle of the lawn there is an islet where sedge grows. Place a sun lounger nearby with a comfortable mattress and soft pillows. The chaise longue is also not new, but it only adds to the charm of this English-style place.

If the roof is leaking or the roofing material has become unusable, you can replace it by placing glass rectangles at the top to make a transparent roof. But they need to be fixed very securely.

It is better to use leftover polycarbonate for this. Such a transparent material will also let the sun's rays through here, which will become an excellent source of illumination.
This building consists of an open and closed veranda. If it is raining or you just want to be indoors, then you can go to the second part of this house. Everything you need is here. The walls are painted in a light blue color, and the furniture is mostly light, which very well conveys the English style of the decor. A small desk will fit here, as well as a dining table. When guests come, you can drink tea, bake an English pie in advance to serve it at the table.

Tea drinking for the British is a long tradition. You can adopt it if you make a garden in this style.
A small cozy house can also be transformed to resemble English. See how cozy this room is by decorating it with textiles.

And another small room will simultaneously become a kitchen, dining room and resting place. Place a fold-out sofa near the wall so that a guest can spend the night here. Walls and ceilings can be finished with plastic panels. Are they inexpensive and then you don't need to paint them, just sometimes? wash. The kitchen in light colors will also fit perfectly, although it is small, it has everything you need.

If you have another small room, install a sink here. Necessary things can be stored in the closet. If you have one, but old, cover it with white paint, and if the doors are worn out, decorate them with a cloth.
All this is located in a small garden house, which is surrounded by trees. There is a place for a lawn, for flowers. You can have such an English-style garden.

See what else an English-style garden can be. This is demonstrated by the following photo collection.