Are eggs good for you? Should athletes use them? How much protein and cholesterol are in them? To create an effective diet, you need to know exactly what substances and in what concentration are contained in each product. The article is all about the benefits and dangers of eggs. Eggs are one of the main components of a bodybuilder's diet. The main question is whether they are as useful as they seem. How many eggs should be in the diet? How to calculate the balance of harm and benefit?
The benefits of eggs for the body
In order to form a correct understanding of the value of this product, you must first of all know what harmful and what useful substances it contains. The main benefit of eggs is their high protein content, and the main harm is in the presence of cholesterol. This causes a lot of controversy among athletes and among their nutritionists. Let's first look at the benefits of high protein content.
Eggs are popular not only for their low cost, but also for their large number of protein molecules. It is known that it is chicken protein that has the greatest value. When broken down, it provides enough amino acids to build muscle. However, this is a property of all natural products of animal origin. It has been scientifically proven that eggs contain the optimal selection of amino acids for the human body. Other animal products contain amino acids that the body needs in smaller quantities, and, therefore, are not so valuable. Even meat, cheese and milk are on the list of high nutritional value after chicken eggs.
Separately, it should be said about the cost of eggs. Compared to the same meat, the benefits are obvious. One medium-sized chicken egg contains 6 grams. squirrel. This means that for 120-150 rubles you can buy 60 grams at once. squirrel. Egg white is much easier to digest than protein from meat or dairy products. Another significant plus is the low calorie content. High in protein and low in calories - this is the ratio that bodybuilders need.

As a result, we can conclude that chicken eggs are an excellent source of protein, both in terms of value for money and in terms of absorption rate and nutritional properties. There are certainly many protein supplements that work best, but they are expensive. Therefore, the advice on the mandatory inclusion of eggs in the diet is quite reasonable. Many athletes get the protein they need from this product, without the use of nutritional supplements.
Are eggs harmful?
What is the harm of eggs? The thing is that the yolk contains a fairly large amount of cholesterol. It is not uncommon to find recommendations from nutritionists who advise limiting the consumption of eggs to two or three per week.
What is the harm of cholesterol? According to a widespread theory, cholesterol can remain on the walls of blood vessels, narrow the lumen and lead to the formation of blood clots. That is, cholesterol causes an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, provokes diseases of the cardiovascular system. This is certainly true. However, it is worth highlighting the fact that cholesterol is of several types. Cholesterol content is important not in food, but in blood. Accordingly, the decisive role is played not by food, but by the mechanism of its assimilation. Cholesterol in chicken protein is found in significant amounts, but does not affect the risk of developing diseases. Why it happens?
How is cholesterol related to atherosclerosis?
Many people continue to sincerely believe that cholesterol in eggs is harmful. This is because the following logical chain is known: cholesterol in the blood means the risk of heart attack and stroke, and lowering cholesterol, accordingly, reduces the likelihood of developing diseases. Key phrase - blood cholesterol. As mentioned earlier, it is the content of this substance in the blood that is important, and not in food.
That is why, at present, many doctors have refused to diagnose blood cholesterol levels - this indicator indicates the risks in a very indirect way. The blood of a healthy person can contain a large amount of it, but deposits do not occur on the walls of blood vessels. And vice versa. What's the matter?
As a result of processing, when assimilated, cholesterol turns into either useful or harmful. Usually, in humans, you can fix both. Harmful cholesterol is a molecule that clogs blood vessels. Good cholesterol, on the other hand, prevents plaque formation. It is worth noting that eggs contain much more good cholesterol than bad. This means that they contribute to some extent to reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. You can consume chicken protein without worrying about your health.

It has been proven that the root cause of atherosclerosis is an excess of low-density lipoprotein levels. These substances are a kind of storage for the transport of fats throughout the body, they are protein molecules, and protect fat and its derivatives from destruction. The body needs a small amount of these molecules. The same cholesterol in chicken protein, when it enters the digestive tract, is broken down and carried by lipoproteins.
Lipoproteins can be divided into two main size groups: large and small. Ideally, small transport molecules carry very little lipids. But sometimes the body begins to produce large lipoproteins. What for? For the transfer of significant amounts of fat. The more lipids come from food, the higher the production of lipoproteins, because fats need to be transported to all organs and tissues.
Factors of increased production of low density lipoproteins
- Low amount of protein in food. As mentioned earlier, lipoproteins are made up of protein. If the body fixes its lack, it begins to build molecules of large size, but with thin walls. This mechanism allows you to conserve protein for participation in other vital processes.
- Increased intake of fat. The mechanism is very similar - a lot of lipids need to be transported, and the amount of protein is limited. Low density lipoproteins come to the rescue.
These are the two main causes of atherosclerosis. Improper eating habits lead to disruptions in lipid metabolism and an increase in low-density lipoprotein levels. As a result, the body is forced to continue to use the constructed transport molecules. Such a substitute mechanism is necessary for a person in an extreme situation, but it is critically harmful in everyday life.
The bottom line is that the cholesterol in chicken protein is predominantly "good". This means that it does not induce the formation of low density lipoproteins, but promotes the synthesis of high density lipoproteins. The latter protect the walls of blood vessels and carry lipids in the least harmful way. Therefore, you can not be afraid of atherosclerosis. However, in addition to eggs, the athlete consumes many other cholesterol-rich foods, they must be monitored separately.
The beneficial properties of cholesterol

Cholesterol is found mainly in the yolk, and chicken protein is the supplier of amino acids. Not so long ago, nutritionists advised to consume only protein, and throw away the yolk. It has now become clear that the yolk is no less useful. It has been proven that it is the combination of protein and fat that makes eggs a valuable product.
It is also worth remembering that cholesterol in a certain amount is vital for the body. It is a building material for cell membranes, it is involved in the synthesis of certain hormones. And the harm of cholesterol comes from improper eating habits.
The basis of a balanced diet
It is important to maintain a balance, the diet should include both proteins and fats and carbohydrates. The ideal protein content gives the protein from chicken eggs, and the yolk consists of the fat necessary for an orgasm.
The percentage of substances in the diet has been calculated, the share of carbohydrates is slightly more than half, proteins should be at least a third, and the rest is fats. This is the perfect proportion for bodybuilders. Protein intake in athletes is about twice as high as in the diet of a non-physician.
To completely eliminate the risk of atherosclerosis, it is worth adhering to the specified ratio of protein and fat in food. Then the body will produce high density lipoproteins, and cholesterol will not contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases.
Video about the benefits and dangers of eggs:
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