Girls' hormonal system? delicate and complex mechanism. Consider hormonal changes to improve performance. Find out how to do it correctly? To make it easier for you to understand all the following recommendations, it is worth learning about a few very important facts. The result of training and the hormonal system is greatly influenced by the menstrual cycle. The greatest progress in girls can be made during the follicular phase. During this period, the body is least susceptible to pain and has maximum endurance.
In addition, during the follicular phase, the body absorbs carbohydrates better, which increases the rate of glycogen storage. But during ovulation, the risk of injury during training increases. The luteal phase predisposes to a greater extent to gaining fat mass.
Phases of the hormonal cycle of girls

It should be said right away that today's article is useful for those women who are in the premenopausal period and do not use oral contraceptives. When your period is over, a new cycle begins from that moment. This is the time of the follicular phase, which lasts about two weeks. We have already said that this is the most favorable period for sports.
There is a large amount of estradiol in the body, the progestogen is in normal concentration, just like body temperature. After this, ovulation occurs, and the concentration of estradiol reaches its peak. At the same time, the level of progestogen also rises, which leads to an increase in body temperature. From day 15 to day 28, you are in the luteal phase. It is characterized by a decrease in estradiol concentration and an increase in progestogen levels. After that, menstruation begins again, after which everything repeats again.
How to build a training process for girls?

During the follicular phase, you need to consume the maximum amount of carbohydrates, and the training should be as intense as possible. Right now, you can get the maximum increase in strength indicators and gain mass. Carbohydrates in large quantities are required to restore glycogen stores, which are consumed very rapidly. During ovulation, your strength readings will be at their maximum. If you pay attention, then during this period your power increases significantly. One study found that girls' quadriceps show a 1 percent increase in strength during ovulation.
But at the same time, it should be remembered about the increased risk of injury. This is due to the high concentration of sex hormones that affect collagen metabolism. According to statistics, cruciate ligaments are most susceptible to injury during ovulation. It is necessary to train hard, but at the same time observing the technique of performing all movements.
Also at this stage, the body's metabolism increases dramatically, and you may often feel hungry. You can slightly increase the calorie content of the daily diet. The luteal phase is less likely than others to achieve high results. Your body temperature rises, you cannot work at the same intensity as before. Note that during the luteal phase, the body uses fats to the maximum for energy and glycogen consumption decreases slightly. The best option during this period would be to use training that accelerates fat burning.
These include cardio loads of moderate intensity. Many girls use yoga to improve their condition. Luteal phase? peak female metabolism. During this time, you will experience an increased need for carbohydrates, which is associated with a decrease in the secretion of serotonin.
But you can't eat a lot of carbohydrates, as your insulin sensitivity is reduced. Eat a low-calorie diet and limit carbohydrates. By the way, to reduce the effects of reduced production of serotonin, you can use Tryptophan, as well as foods containing a large amount of amino acid compounds.
So we come to the point when menstruation begins again. Your condition will improve every day. At this time, you can return to the intensive activities that were carried out during the follicular phase. Insulin sensitivity returns to normal and you can increase the calorie intake of the meal program to normal. After that, your cycle repeats again.
Consider all phases of your hormonal system to make your workouts more effective and reduce the risk of injury.
Find out in more detail how a woman's hormonal cycle affects training in this video: