Find out what additional drugs athletes take on a steroid cycle to ensure normal body function and gain good muscle mass. To support the growth of muscle tissue, athletes need to consume a lot of food. This is very difficult to do without adequate pharmacological support. Learn how to use enzymes, probiotics and eubiotics on a steroid cycle.
For obvious reasons, athletes need powerful nutritional support to achieve high results. For this reason, enzymes, probiotics, and eubiotics in the steroid cycle also become an important component of pharmacological support.
Why use enzymes, probiotics, eubiotics on the course?

All enzyme medications can be divided into two classes:
- Digestive enzymes.
- Systemic enzyme therapy drugs.
Digestive enzymes help improve the digestion and absorption of food. Now on the market there are drugs produced in the form of microcapsules. They are the most effective and safest for the body. Thanks to the shell made of acid-resistant raw materials, the capsule reaches the small intestine, where it is quickly absorbed and included in work. One of the most popular drugs in this group is Solizim.
Digestive enzymes should be used when the pancreas is unable to secrete the required amount of natural enzymes. They should not be consumed at every meal. It is best to do this in those moments when the athlete's adaptation systems are maximally loaded or during the athlete's peak form.
Systemic enzyme therapy drugs should be discussed in more detail. Scientists were able to establish that proteolytic enzymes of plant and animal nature, when consumed on an empty stomach in large doses with drinking water, have high absorbing properties. About 40 percent of the working component of these medicines ends up in the bloodstream.
Enzymes have a wide range of effects on the body. For example, they normalize the functioning of the immune system, accelerate reparative and restorative processes, improve blood composition, etc. at certain points in the preparation of athletes, preparations for enzyme therapy are simply necessary. They are practically devoid of disadvantages, except for the high cost. The most popular medicines in this group are Phlogenzym and Wobenzym.
How to use enzymes, probiotics and eubiotics correctly?

Most people are afraid of various toxins and infections and they perceive all bacteria as an inevitable evil. At the same time, certain types of bacteria are required for the normal functioning of the intestinal tract. If the intestines are healthy, then the digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients occurs quickly and efficiently. The intestinal microflora is able to independently fight against pathogenic bacteria and indigestible substances.
Scientists have discovered about four hundred such bacteria to date. In total, several trillion different bacteria live in the body. Normally, more beneficial bacteria are present in the intestinal tract than disease-causing ones. If this balance is violated, the most unpleasant consequences are possible. It must be understood that when antibiotics are used, beneficial bacteria also die in the intestinal tract.
Their task is to absorb nutrients, synthesize certain vitamins, fight infections, reduce the toxic load on the liver, etc. Let's take a look at how disturbances in the normal functioning of the intestinal tract can affect the effectiveness of training athletes.
When there is a failure in the synthesis and absorption of vitamins, the metabolism is sharply reduced. This, in turn, will significantly slow down recovery, and the athlete will be less able to perceive the load. The result can be overtraining and even loss of muscle mass.
If organic acids are not well absorbed in the intestinal tract, then metabolic cycles may be disturbed. This will lead to a decrease in the rate of production of protein compounds. You should also remember about the ability of the intestinal microflora to fight infections.
We have already noted that some gut bacteria can significantly reduce the toxic load on the liver. This is very important when using AAS, as many of the anabolic drugs have a negative effect on this organ. This is only a small part of those negative consequences that can be caused by dysbiosis.
You must understand that the consequences of this disorder for athletes are very serious in comparison with the flu or colds. If people lived in an ideal ecological environment, then such problems would be very rare. But the situation is now completely opposite. Here are the main reasons that can lead to a decrease in the population of the microflora of the intestinal tract:
- Infectious diseases for which antibiotics are used.
- The use of any hormonal drugs, including AAS.
- Poor environmental situation.
- Eating a lot of sugar, fat and fast food.
- High stress, both psychological and physical.
- Improper nutrition.
There are much more of these reasons, and we have mentioned only the most common ones. Today, most scientists agree that taking care of the health of the microflora of the intestinal tract should become for every person the same hygienic procedure as, say, taking a shower. There are several ways to maintain the normal functioning of the intestinal microflora.
First of all, you should try to eat those foods that are enriched with bifidobacteria. Also, the population of microflora can be restored with the help of special preparations, which are based on the serum of these bacteria. These drugs are completely free to buy at the pharmacy and you do not need a prescription for this.
Learn more about enzymes and their role in the body in this video: