Raw food diet in bodybuilding: benefits and harms

Raw food diet in bodybuilding: benefits and harms
Raw food diet in bodybuilding: benefits and harms

It is known that many nutrients in food are destroyed during heat treatment. Learn about the benefits and dangers of a raw food diet in bodybuilding. Every athlete knows that in order to get results in training, intensive training is required, adherence to a rest and sleep regimen. All this is certainly true and no one will argue with the true truth. However, it is often forgotten that in life, good health is necessary to achieve any goal. If progress in training depends to a certain extent on genetic characteristics, then health is more influenced by a lifestyle based on nutrition.

And this is where the problems begin. Everyone knows about the ecological situation and, to put it mildly, does not please. But even this does not have the greatest impact on health in the modern world. It is enough to look at the labels of those products that we use to make everything clear. Every manufacturer wants to get the maximum profit with the minimum investment. All athletes should understand this and consume only natural food.

But there are no limits to perfection, and everyone wants to increase the effectiveness of the training and one of the ways to achieve this goal is to improve their nutrition. To understand how this can be achieved, one must turn to human physiology. Our body is genetically predisposed to eating raw, plant-based foods. But for the full assimilation of nutrients, it is necessary to have a healthy microflora in the intestines. This can only be achieved by eating raw food that has not been cooked. Today we will talk about the benefits and dangers of a raw food diet in bodybuilding.

Principles of Naturopathy and Raw Food Diet

Girl eating celery
Girl eating celery

This approach to nutrition is reflected in a science called naturopathy, the main principle of which is that the human body has great potential for self-healing and self-healing. Many people think of their bodies as separate organs connected with each other. In fact, for many, our body is like a mechanism in which, if necessary, you can replace a failed part. Naturopathy assumes a different approach, considering that it is easier to prevent all diseases than to treat them later.

The diet followed by naturopaths is based on a raw food diet. The body has a large number of mechanisms to adapt to virtually any living environment. This also applies to food. Living in different regions of the planet, people tend to consume certain foods, but if necessary, the body adapts to new food products, unless they have undergone culinary processing. Before moving directly to the topic of today's article - the benefits and harms of a raw food diet in bodybuilding, you should find out where the energy stored in food comes from.

Everyone knows the three main nutrients necessary for the body - fats, protein compounds and carbohydrates. Plants accumulate energy for them, receiving it from the Sun. During photosynthesis, an ATP molecule is created in plant cells, which is a source of energy. Subsequently, ATP is consumed for the synthesis of carbohydrates and fats that accumulate in plants. When they are eaten, a reverse reaction occurs and vegetable fats and carbohydrates are broken down into simple substances, from which the body synthesizes the necessary elements.

Food Destruction and Raw Food Diet

Vegetables, mushrooms and corn on a skewer
Vegetables, mushrooms and corn on a skewer

We will now look at what happens to all of the essential nutrients and water during heat treatment.


Boiling water in a kettle
Boiling water in a kettle

Under the influence of high temperatures, the structure of water is destroyed and then the body needs to spend a certain amount of energy to restore it. We can say that this removes information that is contained in water crystals.


Mashed potatoes
Mashed potatoes

Already at temperatures above 65 degrees, the bonds of carbohydrates with other nutrients (minerals, vitamins, etc.) begin to break. With further heating, fructose is partially broken down and, as a result, levulinic and formic acids are synthesized. For example, very serious changes occur to the grain during its milling. The finer the grinding, the more starch particles come into contact with air, which causes oxidative reactions that destroy the energy reserves of the grain.


Boiled egg
Boiled egg

When heated to high temperatures, fats begin to oxidize, which leads to the formation of various aggressive substances, for example, epoxides, radicals, etc. When fats are heated over 200 degrees, linoleic acid, vitamins and phospholipids decompose. High quality fats are found in seeds and nuts. It should be noted that nature has reliably protected the nutrients in these products from oxidation and degradation.

Protein compounds

Boiled meat
Boiled meat

Everyone knows about the importance of this nutrient for athletes. However, not many people know that for the best assimilation of amino acid compounds, protein molecules must retain their natural structure, which begins to decompose already at temperatures above 42 degrees.

Foods that have been cooked lose a lot of their nutrients. In addition, a large amount of decomposition products are hazardous to health.

How to improve the raw food diet for bodybuilders?

Man eating tomato on a fork
Man eating tomato on a fork

As you can see from everything described, a raw food diet in bodybuilding is only beneficial, not harmful. To improve the nutrition program, and, consequently, to increase the effectiveness of the training, one should abandon the "dead" food unnecessary for the body. However, it is not at all necessary to switch to a diet of naturopaths.

For example, if you cannot eat raw fish, then you do not need to force yourself. Eat fresh food and, if possible, uncooked. Eat vegetables only raw and try not to chop them, as this also leads to the destruction of some nutrients.

Those products that you are used to using thermally processed food (meat, fish and poultry) should not be fried, but boiled. This will significantly improve the quality of your nutritional program and achieve great results in your workout.

Learn about the benefits and dangers of a raw food diet for a bodybuilder in this video:
