Today's article will provide guidance on how to train your neck muscles. No one will argue with the fact that the muscles of the neck are of great importance, both from an aesthetic point of view and from a practical point of view. A person makes a huge number of head turns throughout his life. At the same time, this muscle group always remains visible. Harmoniously developed neck muscles look great aesthetically, and thanks to this, the development of osteochondrosis can be prevented. Very often, athletes do not pay due attention to this group in training, which will certainly introduce an imbalance in the overall appearance of the athlete.
Workout neck muscles at home

This section is devoted to a set of exercises, for which you do not need any additional equipment or sports equipment. You can conduct this training at home, on the road and in any convenient place. The complex is based on a system of self-resistance, the idea of which is already clear from the name. In total, the complex includes six exercises, and it can be both basic and warm-up. Each of the exercises below should be performed in three sets, each of which consists of 10 or 20 repetitions.
- The bases of the inner parts of the palms rest against the chin. We tilt the head to the chest, overcoming the resistance created by the hands. Then we also return the head to its original position (resisting with our hands). This training method is good in that you can independently regulate the resistance force, increasing it with an increase in the training of the neck muscles.
- The palms are clasped and located at the back of the head. We tilt the head back, overcoming the resistance of the hands. After that, we tilt our head forward with our hands until the chin touches the chest, overcoming the resistance of the neck muscles.
- The palm of the right hand is on the right cheek. We tilt our head to the right, overcoming the resistance of the hand.
- Similar to the previous exercise, but done to the left.
- The palm of the right hand rests on the chin. Straining the muscles of the neck and overcoming the effort of the hand, we turn our head to the right. After that, we turn our head to the left with the help of our hands, overcoming the resistance of the neck muscles.
- Similar to the previous one, but performed to the left.
Before starting the complex, it is necessary to warm up the neck, making turns and tilts with the head. This will prepare the muscles for work and prevent damage to the neck. You should also stretch the trapezius shoulder muscles by rotating your shoulders and swinging your arms.
Neck muscles training for strength and volume

To train the volume and strength of the cervical muscles, you need to visit the gym. You should also remember about those muscles that are located near the neck: the trapezium and deltas. The training program includes one exercise for each muscle group: sternocleidomastoid, back muscles of the neck, traps and deltas. Thus, you must select one exercise from each section below. Each of them should be performed in one approach, consisting of 12 to 15 repetitions. This complex should be performed once a week and can be combined with training the muscles of the shoulders and back. It is best done in the final phase of the training session.
Exercises for the back muscles of the neck

Extension of the neck while lying down
- A disc is required for the barbell of the desired weight;
- Lie on a bench so that your shoulders are level with its edge, and your gaze is directed downward, and then place the disc on the back of your head;
- Bend and unbend your neck slowly, gradually increasing the range of motion.
Neck extension with harness
- Attach the disc to the harness and put it on your head;
- Bend your neck. Their amplitude should be comfortable.
Exercises for the sternocleidomastoid muscles

Flexion of the neck while lying down
- Position yourself on a bench with your neck and head hanging off it. The gaze is directed upward;
- Place the barbell disc on your forehead and bend. It is advisable to touch the chest with the chin.
Chin touch
- You will need a partner to do the exercise;
- Sit on a bench at a 45-degree angle and place a towel over your forehead. The assistant is located at the back and holds it at both ends;
- Make nodding movements, overcoming the resistance of the assistant.
Exercises on the trapezoid

- Vertical rods of a rod or block;
- Shrugs;
- Raising your shoulders using an incline bench.
Exercises for deltas

- Bent over rods;
- Arnold presses;
- Breeding dumbbells to the side.
Neck muscles and exercises to develop them

When training the cervical muscles, the sternocleidomastoid muscle is of particular interest. It is she who is responsible for turning and tilting the head. Also, the muscles located in the depth of the neck should be trained: back, middle and anterior scalene. These muscles take part in the work of the spinal column and chest during inhalation. Also, the delta, consisting of 3 bundles, can be attributed to the muscles of this group:
- Front - works by raising the arms forward and rotating them inward;
- Medium - helps to spread arms to the sides;
- Rear - rotates the arms outward and provides an elevation of the arms.
The following exercises can also be added to the exercises already described above:
- Body movements with weights in the "wrestling bridge";
- Rotation of the body with the head resting on the mat;
- Raising the head with a weight clamped in the teeth.
They are performed in one approach, consisting of 8 or 10 repetitions.
You can familiarize yourself with the technique of performing exercises for the muscles of the neck for strength and mass in this video: