Bosnian tornjak: features of the content

Bosnian tornjak: features of the content
Bosnian tornjak: features of the content

The emergence of the Bosnian tornak, his appearance, character and health, how to look after: walking, diet, training, interesting facts. Puppy price. Bosnian tornyak, good-natured wolfhound of planet Earth. These are amazing guard dogs. With what dignity and nobility they carry out their service. Thanks to these dogs, people become calmer and kinder.

The emergence of the breed Bosnian Tornyak

Muzzle of an adult Bosnian tornak
Muzzle of an adult Bosnian tornak

How did the Bosnian tornaks or Bosnian trough get to the territory of modern Bosnia? It is assumed that such dogs, to the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, were brought by nomadic tribes. In addition, there are studies that confirm that these dogs have roots with wolves domesticated in the prehistoric period, on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Even today, it is not uncommon to domesticate wolf puppies in the highlands of Bosnia.

It can be assumed that the “Great Migration” plays a decisive role in the life and development of the culture of the indigenous peoples of this region, which laid the habits and way of life. The local inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina had their own religion, and the supreme guardian deity Sylvanas, who was the spirit of forest trees and plantations, the patron saint of shepherds, herds and forests. The people in this geographical area had developed cattle breeding, and, therefore, had such helpers as tornyaks.

There are breeds similar to the Bosnian tornyak on the territory of Bulgaria and Romania, but in all likelihood, these dogs still have dogs of Roman legionnaires in their ancestors, because Italy is not far from this area. And as we all know, Italians were seriously engaged in breeding mastiff-like dogs.

In general, the more accurate place of origin of the Bosnian tornyaks is Mount Vlašić in Bosnia. There, once upon a time, lived tribes who called themselves "Vlase". This name can be translated as shepherd or shepherd. And what is a shepherd without a dog?

The first written mention of these dogs was found on one of the stones, in the city of Kalinovo, near Sarajevo. Scientists subsidize it in 1374. Most interestingly, similar stones are found everywhere in Bosnia, where there are shepherds, and therefore dogs.

2007 was a significant year because the Bosnian tornjak was immortalized in a statue. This memorial pedestal was erected in the city of Travnik. And, what is most interesting, not in the city center, but near the playground. Bosnians want the younger generation to know and remember their history. There are more than three thousand such dogs on the territory of Bosnia itself. There are such dogs in America, in Germany, France, even in Indonesia, but these are single specimens. The main livestock of these animals is concentrated in Bosnia and neighboring Croatia.

About tornyaks, we can say with confidence that this is an already formed breed, and not a breed group. Because in 1972 in Bosnia, the first association of Bosnian tornyak fans was founded. Five years later, in 1978, the breed standard was approved. The first presentation of Bosnian tornyaks in an international competition took place in the city of Novi Sad, in 1982.

The name of the breed "tornyak" is translated as a beater. In Bosnian, “tor” is a corral where sheep are kept at night. And, at night, these dogs - tornyaks - are responsible for the livestock. The Bosnians are so proud of their dogs that they even wrote a song in their honor.

In Bosnia, there is an interesting Bosnian breed of sheep - Duba Pravinka. It is not found anywhere else in the world. They have black muzzles and interesting swirling horns. In general, at least two dogs help a shepherd to graze livestock, but in villages there are five or six such helpers per household. Bosnian tornjaks are primarily guard dogs. They keep the sheep from wolves. It is almost impossible to meet tornyakov in cities, they are very rare. But, if a person has a private house and the opportunity to build an aviary, then such pets live well.

In their homeland, Bosnian tornyaks are called three common calls: Sharo, Garo, Beli. The term "sharo" is used to refer to multi-colored, spotted dogs, "whites" are dogs with a white head, and "garo" is called an animal that has a dirty color or a mixture of several colors.

The appearance of the dog Bosnian tornyak

Bosnian tornyak lying on the grass
Bosnian tornyak lying on the grass

The representative of the breed is a large and powerful animal, but the bones are not coarse and not heavy. However, it is an agile, well-balanced herding dog, almost square in shape with a long and coarse coat. The height at the withers in males ranges from 65–70 cm and bitches from 60 cm to 65 cm. The weight of males varies from 36–51 kg and bitches from 29–41 kg.

  1. Head stretched, wedge-shaped, resembling a wolf. The skull is divergent, the brow ridges are slightly visible. The back of the skull is elongated but not narrow. Behind the frontal arch of the neck is straight. The occipital protuberance is very small.
  2. Muzzle equal to the length of the skull, rectangular. The bridge of the nose is smooth, blending smoothly into the frontal part. The stop is almost flat. Lips - tightly fitting. Visible mucosal tissues are dark. The jaws are elongated, the dentition is strong in a scissor bite.
  3. Nose - big. The nostrils are wide enough. It should be dark pigmented.
  4. Eyes Bosnian tornak with tight-fitting eyelids, almond-shaped cut, dark in color.
  5. Ears medium, triangular, fold closer to the head and cheeks.
  6. Neck - medium in length, powerful, located at a low level. There is no suspension. With long hair in the form of a mane.
  7. Frame - almost square, with moderate withers. The back is straight, short, moderately wide. The loin is slightly widened and short. The ribcage is very spacious, deep, wide and rounded. The croup is medium, developed. The line of the abdomen continues obliquely from the end of the sternum to the inside of the diaphragm.
  8. Tail - long, placed on the middle level, very mobile. Covered with long, thick hair.
  9. The front limbs of the thorn - Strong, parallel and straight. The hindquarters are strong, with well-angled joints, parallel. The thighs are well muscled and broad.
  10. Paws - arched, fingers tightly spaced.
  11. Coat long, rough and tough and straight structure. The back is sometimes covered with a slightly wavy guard hair. The undercoat is dense. Shortened hair on the head and limbs, thick and long on the neck, back of the thighs and tail.
  12. Color. Multi-colored, spotted, colored dogs. The most common colors are solid. They can be dark (layered, nap), with gaps, usually around the neck, on the head and legs, as well as almost white dogs with small markings.

Typical behavior of the Bosnian tornak

Bosnian tornak coloring
Bosnian tornak coloring

These animals are soft, good-natured, big teddy bears. Their heart is open to everyone. Even any passer-by, but only with the owner, can pet the dog. Such a wave of benevolence emanates from these dogs that you seem to be bathing in the rays of the sun. The Bosnian tornyaks have absolutely no grudge against people. They show aggression only towards the beast, and especially towards the wolves.

Even a small child can handle such a dog, so smart and kind-hearted are the Bosnian tornies. Dogs will never offend children, no matter how they bother these pets: they pulled by the tail, ears, rode on them. Bosnian tornyaks are extremely friendly to other pets. If they are familiar with them from early childhood, they will never cause harm.

These are territorial dogs, and they perfectly patrol the territory entrusted to them, therefore, they make excellent guards and housekeepers. But, this does not mean that the tornak needs to be put on a chain. These shepherd dogs need to move a lot.

Dogs rarely bark, no matter what happens, they remain silent. In Bosnia, they say that if a tornyak barks, it sounds like thunder. These dogs need warmth and affection from their owner and all pets. Only through love, the road to their hearts lies, they will certainly reciprocate you.

Bosnian tornak health

Two Bosnian tornacs against the sky
Two Bosnian tornacs against the sky

Bosnian Shepherd Dogs have excellent health. If this large dog was raised, observing all the requirements, and in the future it is also kept, then it can live twelve years. Since almost all large dogs grow up late, dogs need appropriate nutrition and age-balanced physical activity. Genetic diseases that can be found in Tornyak are: gastric volvulus, hip dysplasia and joint lesions.

With hip dysplasia, the joints in this area do not develop correctly. It can be caused by injury or the genetics of the dog. All these manifestations are extremely unpleasant. The dog cannot walk normally. She is worried about pain with every movement. Even when the dog is resting, it tries to lie down so that the pain does not bother him. Such forms of the disease are neglected and treated with surgery. An x-ray will help to make an accurate diagnosis.

To prevent volvulus, the pet is not fed a lot. Food is given after a walk. After being active, the dog is not allowed to drink much. If you suspect this disease, you immediately need to take the tornyak to the hospital.

How to care for a Bosnian tornyak?

Bosnian tornyak approaches the owner
Bosnian tornyak approaches the owner
  1. Wool the dog and its structure are created in such a way as to best adapt the dog to life in nature and its various manifestations. Its long "coat" with coarse and smooth hair is self-cleaning. Wool allows dirt to stay out. Even if the pet is very dirty, then after drying and shaking off, it becomes as clean as it was before. The dense undercoat maintains body temperature, protects from the wind, and the dog remains almost dry, even when the pet is out of the water. Therefore, they rarely bathe Bosnian tornyaks, once every six months, especially if they live in the open air. Thorough washing is necessary only before an exhibition show. At the same time, it is imperative to use not only shampoos, but also conditioners. Most of all care is required for a pet's "fur coat" only during molting. It needs to be combed out. First, the skin's blood circulation will improve. Secondly, there will be a kind of massage, for which the dog will “thank” you. Thirdly, the dog will get rid of dead skin cells. Fourth, when brushing, you will remove pieces of sticky plants. If you do not have time for this procedure, then use an effective invention of American groomers - furminator. It will quickly remove the dead undercoat and will not damage the outer coat.
  2. Teeth clean the Bosnian tornak at least once a month. Bactericidal pastes and soft silicone brushes cope well with plaque and unpleasant odors. Give your dog compressed bones, veins, or cartilage regularly for prophylaxis.
  3. Ears once a month require cleaning. You will need to fill the auricle with herbal lotion and, after massaging the base of the ear, after a while, wipe off the separated wax and dirt with a cloth or tissue.
  4. Eyes Pets are checked for irritation or injury. In case of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, it is wiped with an agent with a bactericidal and calming effect. Traumatic injuries require immediate examination by a veterinarian-ophthalmologist and, after a diagnosis, careful treatment.
  5. Claws The tornado should be cut if they are very long and the dog does not grind them down when walking. If you do not do this, then the animal's fingers will be deformed, and it will not be comfortable for him to move. Since the claws of the tornyak are quite strong, a file or file can be used. When cutting off the claws, the horny plate will not delaminate and crack.
  6. Feeding Bosnian tornyak can be natural. Different types of meat are used: beef, lamb, udder, tripe or stomach, heart, lungs. It should all be raw. Add some boiled cereals to your natural diet. Give your pet cottage cheese and kefir, sometimes an egg. Add a tablespoon of fish oil to your food. The pet should receive vitamins and minerals every day.
  7. Walking representatives of the breed must meet the requirements. Tornyak should live on the street, in a specially equipped aviary. The thick undercoat protects against cold, heat and moisture, so don't worry about freezing or overheating. The fence that encloses the free-range area of the animal must be high enough so that the dog does not jump over it. Also, the dog loves to blow up fences or just dig holes to lie down.

If the dog does not graze sheep, then it requires daily walks in which he will enjoy the nature of the area. Tornyak and its unity with nature is breathtaking. When it comes to their love for water and other types of outdoor activities, you can be sure that the tornyak will not pass by anything that interests him. They are excellent swimmers when introduced to the water in a timely manner. But if you let your pet out, you can be sure that the dog will quickly find a lake or rivulet to freshen up in it.

Tornyak successfully adapts to apartment life, although this is not recommended. In the apartment, he will mostly sleep most of the day. Only when the pet is out for a walk will you understand what he dreamed of. In the city, a tornyak cannot fulfill its purpose. And even frequent and long walks do not compensate for this.

Bosnian tornak training

What an adult Bosnian tornyak looks like
What an adult Bosnian tornyak looks like

The representative of the breed has a very lively mind. He often faces various multi-pass situations as he grazes the herd every day. Grazing often covers a large area and the sheep move slowly. It seems that the tornyak is resting while patrolling the territory, but all the time his senses are heightened. The dog reacts to every change in sound or smell in the environment.

Tornyak lives in a pack. A pack of dogs works well if all dogs know the rules and they are clear and unambiguous. Animals need to be directed in the right direction. Therefore, all dogs are socialized and raised from an early age. First, from puppyhood, the dog is with the sheep and gets to know other animals and people. Secondly, during the parenting process, the owner must treat the dog gently. For each correctly executed command, the animal is praised. Violent behavior with a dog, always generates aggression and mental disorders. Bosnian tornyaks are very smart and they are perfectly able to understand what is wanted from them.

Interesting facts about Bosnian tornjak

Bosnian tornyak looks to the side
Bosnian tornyak looks to the side

Thornyak protects the herd from predators. Therefore, his hearing, sight and smell are of excellent quality. He is strong, agile and quick when needed. The most vulnerable parts of the body are covered with thick skin and thick hair. They are calm dogs, but at the slightest change in the environment, even in moments of rest or feeding, they instantly react to control what is happening. Only on their territory do dogs bark, especially at night, and when they notice some kind of danger.

Bosnia and Herzegovina recently launched an initiative to make the tornjak the official police dog. According to their characteristics, these dogs can do this kind of work. In case of imminent danger, the dogs will definitely let you know about it with their behavior and barking.

In Travnik, a male named Giant, which means "giant", represented by a couple from Sarajevo, won the title of most handsome in the junior class. In competitions held in 1990 and 1991, the Giant received the CAC title, which is the highest recognition for a dog.

Bosnian tornak price

Two Bosnian Tornak puppies
Two Bosnian Tornak puppies

Tornak puppies are best bought in Bosnia. The price is 2000-3000 $. A video review is presented below:
