Semolina muffins with pumpkin

Semolina muffins with pumpkin
Semolina muffins with pumpkin

Pumpkin baked goods are always considered low calorie and dietary. I propose to pamper the family with soft and aromatic pumpkin muffins, which, in addition to being tasty, are also very healthy.

Ready-made semolina muffins with pumpkin
Ready-made semolina muffins with pumpkin

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Mannik and muffins are very popular desserts. They love to improvise and appear in different guises. The composition of the components and the method of presentation are sometimes very unpredictable. So in this recipe, two desserts are combined into one delicacy that you can't help but like. The pastries are simply amazing. It looks like a soft, wet cupcake, and the fact that there is a pumpkin in it, no one will guess at all. Even non-lovers of this vegetable will not refuse to use such a cupcake. Therefore, I recommend not to refuse pleasure and prepare an amazing dessert.

Making muffins is very simple. I don't even know if there are lighter recipes. Mixed products, poured into molds and baked goods. Cupcakes are fluffier, very light and fluffy. I also want to note that semolina, the main component of the treat, boasts a high potassium content. This is an element that ensures and normalizes the work of the heart! Also, cereals are full of iron, essential vegetable protein and B vitamins.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 303 kcal.
  • Servings - 6
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes to prepare the dough, 30 minutes to bake the product, plus the time for infusing semolina


  • Pumpkin pulp - 100 g
  • Semolina - 100 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Orange shavings - 1 tsp
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Baking soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Cognac - 30 ml

How to make pumpkin semolina muffins

Pumpkin cut into cubes
Pumpkin cut into cubes

1. Peel the pumpkin and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into cubes and place in a saucepan. Fill with drinking water and place on the stove to simmer until soft. The specific cooking time depends on the size of the slices. You can also bake the pumpkin in the oven. Remove the skin, remove the seeds and continue to cook according to the recipe.

Pumpkin pulp is mashed
Pumpkin pulp is mashed

2. Put the boiled pumpkin in a sieve to drain all the moisture and beat with a blender to a puree-like consistency.

Orange peel, sugar, yolks are added to the pumpkin mass
Orange peel, sugar, yolks are added to the pumpkin mass

3. Add semolina, orange shavings and egg yolks to the pumpkin mixture.

Semolina and oil are added to the pumpkin mass
Semolina and oil are added to the pumpkin mass

4. Add sugar and butter at room temperature.

The dough is mixed
The dough is mixed

5. Stir the food and leave to stand for half an hour to disperse the semolina. If you like to feel grains in baking, then you can not stand the cereals, but cook the muffins further. After this time, add baking soda to the dough and stir well.

The whites are whipped with a mixer
The whites are whipped with a mixer

6. Place the egg whites in a clean and dry container, put a pinch of salt and take the mixer.

Whipped whites
Whipped whites

7. Beat egg whites until fluffy, fluffy and firm foam. Their readiness can be checked as follows - turn the container with foam - it must be stable and motionless.

Proteins are added to the dough
Proteins are added to the dough

8. Put the egg whites into the semolina dough.

The dough is kneaded
The dough is kneaded

9. Gently, with movements to one side, mix the whites into the dough. Do this slowly so as not to precipitate and remove air.

The dough is laid out in tins
The dough is laid out in tins

10. Pour the dough into paper, silicone or iron molds, filling them 2/3 of the way. the product will rise during cooking. If you use iron molds, then lubricate them with any oil.

Muffins baked
Muffins baked

11. Heat the oven to 180 ° С and send muffins to bake for half an hour. Check their readiness with a wooden stick, toothpick or splinter. There should be no sticking of dough on it.

Ready muffins
Ready muffins

12. Sprinkle muffins with powdered sugar and serve. Serve with fresh tea or coffee.

See also the video recipe on how to make pumpkin muffins.
