How to make straight eyebrows

How to make straight eyebrows
How to make straight eyebrows

Where did the fashion for straight eyebrows come from, who suits this shape. What methods can be used to achieve straight eyebrows at home and in salons. Straight eyebrows, like those of Korean women, is a new trend that appeared on the wave of fashion for naturalness, childishness, and deliberate naivety in appearance. Korean women naturally have such eyebrows, so they don't need to resort to any cosmetic tricks. European girls, wanting to add youthfulness and naturalness to their image, use various methods to achieve their straight shape.

Who are straight eyebrows

Straight brow shape
Straight brow shape

Eyebrows require the same care as facial skin or hair. Facial expression depends on their shape, color and grooming. Recently, a new trend has emerged for straight eyebrows. They look stylish, give a slight naivety and innocence to the female image.

The popularity of them arose thanks to the Korean women. By nature, in Asian women, the eyebrow hairs are very stiff, grow in a certain direction, as a rule, the eyebrows do not have a curved shape. It is extremely difficult to change the eyebrow arch for Korean women, therefore such eyebrows are recognized as the standard of naturalness and naturalness. In pursuit of naturalness, many girls strive to acquire just such a shape.

Smooth eyebrows of a light natural shade make the image softer, more feminine, and inviting. Most often, this shape of eyebrows is found in men, but many women also have it. Straight eyebrows can give a certain expression to a woman's face:

  1. Visually narrow the shape of the eyes;
  2. Make facial features visually thinner, more graceful;
  3. Expand the oval of the face;
  4. Give a slightly naive expression to your face;
  5. Focus on the eyes.

However, you should be careful in your pursuit of naturalness. Too thick and straight eyebrows can visually add several years and make the image too harsh.

Don't fall for fashion hype if you're not sure about the end result. First of all, "try on" this shape of eyebrows for yourself - will it suit you.

Straight eyebrows look most harmoniously on a narrow, elongated face, as well as on an oval one. With the correct oval, they will organically complement the image. If the face is narrow, then straight eyebrows will visually expand it, bring the proportions closer to normal.

Smooth eyebrow arches can give a certain weight to the look. Therefore, this shape is perfect for women with small facial features. You should not do this shape for ladies with a wide oval face or narrow eyes. Straight, low-set eyebrows will exacerbate imperfections, give the face an ominous expression. Blondes with light eyes and colorless eyelashes should also avoid straight shapes. If you have large and rough facial features, they will "roughen" them even more.

How to make straight eyebrows

Women love to experiment with their appearance, and therefore, before deciding on a radical change in the shape of the eyebrows, try to change it with makeup. If the image seems successful to you, you can fix the shape. Consider the options for creating straight eyebrows.

How to make straight eyebrows from curved with makeup

Straight brow shape with makeup
Straight brow shape with makeup

Since they can add a sullen look, their shade should be a couple of shades lighter than the roots of the hairs.

It is also important to choose the right length for straight eyebrows. It is quite simple to define it: you need to draw a conditional line from the outer corner of the eye to the wing of the nose. For convenience, you can outline the end point of the eyebrow. To carry out the eyebrow makeup procedure, you will need: a special brush, shadows of a suitable shade, white and dark soft pencils. If necessary, you can use a special stencil to draw a clear line. Follow these steps to create straight brows with makeup:

  • Cleanse your face with milk or tonic.
  • Apply foundation or foundation. Only after that you can start drawing the shape of the eyebrows.
  • Take a lighter shade of pencil and draw a straight line along the bottom of the brow from the intended tip to the beginning.
  • The resulting emptiness is carefully shaded with a pencil of a darker shade or shadows.
  • Remember, the more shaded the line, and the shade more matches the natural hair color, the more natural your look will look.
  • After you have filled in the void between the line and the natural eyebrow with a pencil or shadows, start shading the space between the hairs. First, hatch at the roots of the hairs against their growth, then in the direction of growth.
  • Using a special brush, brush your eyebrows in the direction of growth.
  • You can solidify the result with a gel liner or eyebrow pomade.

Straight eyebrows are not necessarily completely free of curves. They can have curves, but the latter should be smooth, soft, without sharp lines and almost imperceptible.

If you find it difficult to draw an even eyebrow shape yourself, use a special stencil. Attach it to the browbone and mark the intended line with a pencil. Next, shade the space with a pencil or shadows.

Straight brow shape using tweezers

Straight brow shape with tweezers
Straight brow shape with tweezers

You can now get rid of excess hairs in the eyebrow area in various ways. To do this, use trimmers, threads, a razor. However, the most popular and easiest way to remove unwanted vegetation is to pluck them out with tweezers. The procedure for plucking straight eyebrows is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Clean your face of makeup stains with a mild cleanser.
  2. If you have coarse and coarse hair, then it is recommended to steam the skin of your face beforehand to facilitate plucking.
  3. Treat the area around your eyebrows with rubbing alcohol or salicylic acid to decontaminate the skin.
  4. Use a light colored pencil to outline the desired shape.
  5. Using tweezers, remove any hairs that lie behind the outline.
  6. Pull hair according to its height to prevent ingrown hairs. Grab them one at a time near the base and do not stretch the skin of the eyelids.
  7. It is recommended to remove hairs alternately from one and second eyebrows - this way you can achieve symmetry.
  8. If your eyebrows are too thick, they can be thinned out. To do this, remove about every third or fifth hair.
  9. Also, hairs that grow in the bridge of the nose are subject to mandatory removal.
  10. If they are chaotic, you can trim the eyebrow line by walking with scissors along the bottom.
  11. After the end of the plucking procedure, be sure to wipe the skin with alcohol to prevent inflammation. You also need to moisturize it with any suitable cream.

When creating perfect straight eyebrows, remember that the hairs should "look" in one direction. Also, the distance between the eyebrows should be at least two centimeters. If you have small eyes, then the distance can be increased. So you will visually make your gaze more open, and your eyes will "open" wider.

How to make a straight eyebrow shape by growing

Castor oil for eyebrows
Castor oil for eyebrows

If you have plucked eyebrows of a curved shape, but you want to change it to a straight line, then you cannot do without regrowing. This is a long and painstaking procedure. In addition, you will have to walk around with unkempt eyebrows for some time. However, you can hide the growing hairs under the bangs in the summer or under the hat in the winter. To speed up the process of hair regrowth, you can use folk recipes to stimulate hair growth. So, in the pharmacy you can buy a special oil - castor or burdock, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of hairs. In addition, with the help of these products, you can heal and strengthen your eyelashes. Oils should be rubbed every night into the skin of the browbones and lubricated with them cilia. Also, from vegetable oils, you can make compresses on the eyebrow area. To do this, soak a cotton pad in castor, burdock, flaxseed, olive or almond oil and apply to the eyebrow area for 15-20 minutes. It is better to carry out the procedure every evening. You can also stimulate the growth of your eyebrows with massage. For this, a special brush is used, used for coloring and combing them. Clean it from makeup and comb your hairs every night against and against growth. It is possible to make straight eyebrows from curved ones only if you do not have a strong natural break. In this case, it will not be possible to grow hairs where they are not provided by nature. After the eyebrows have grown, they should be shaped with tweezers.

Wide straight eyebrows with tattooing

Straight eyebrows with tattoo
Straight eyebrows with tattoo

A cardinal measure for changing the shape of the eyebrows is tattooing. Permanent makeup is guaranteed to help you correct their shape and shape exactly the way you want. However, to be sure of the final result, you should only contact a professional craftsman in the salon. Otherwise, the consequences of an unsuccessful tattoo procedure will not be easy to fix.

If you decide to change the shape of the eyebrow from curved to straight and weighed all the pros and cons, then in the salon the master will offer you to draw the desired shape with a pencil to make sure that straight eyebrows match your face. After you design a new shape, the master will remove excess hairs and begin the process of filling in the permanent makeup.

As a rule, professional tattoo artists do not recommend drastically changing the shape, otherwise the face may change beyond recognition. It is optimal if the artificial eyebrow is approximately similar to the natural one with a slight correction.

Subsequently, the hairs will grow back, but they can be easily removed with tweezers so that they do not go beyond the boundaries of the tattoo.

Permanent make-up is especially indicated for those women who by nature have rare and expressionless eyebrows, as well as have suffered a burn of the face and hairs in the places of the brow ridges simply do not grow.

Microblading is one of the types of tattooing. During the procedure, eyebrow hairs are drawn. It is more preferable than regular tattooing, as it allows you to achieve maximum naturalness and naturalness. How to make straight eyebrows - watch the video:

Straight eyebrows like Korean women are popular all over the world. Many Hollywood stars have adopted this shape, which allows you to create a more natural appearance, give a youthful look and innocence. You can make such eyebrows at home, resorting to the help of decorative cosmetics, as well as correct plucking.