Best Castor Oil Hair Masks

Best Castor Oil Hair Masks
Best Castor Oil Hair Masks

For castor oil hair masks to be beneficial, they need to be used regularly for quite some time. To maintain the beauty and health of hair, skin and nails, it is necessary to adhere to a proper and balanced diet, play sports and not forget about the benefits of rest. But over time, hair can lose its attractiveness, growth slows down, and begins to fall out in large quantities. This condition develops as a result of the fact that over time, the body's metabolic process slows down. Hair follicles begin to receive less and less nutrients, so the curls lose their beauty. But this unpleasant situation can be easily corrected if you regularly and properly care for your hair.

For this purpose, a fairly large number of a wide variety of cosmetics are used, but simple castor oil, which has always been very popular, also benefits. To do this, you just need to regularly apply homemade cosmetic masks, which include castor oil.

The main advantage of castor oil is its ability to regulate the sebaceous glands. As a result, they begin to produce a certain amount of sebum, which is necessary to maintain the attractive appearance of the hair. When too much sebum is produced, the hair quickly becomes oily, but if too little is produced, the hair becomes dry. That is why castor oil is a wonderful natural remedy, ideal for hair care.

This product is recommended if you have to frequently dye your hair, use styling products, an iron, a hair dryer or a curling iron. Castor oil reliably protects hair from the negative effects of the cold wind in winter, so you can walk without a hat.

Castor oil for hair - properties

A bottle of castor oil on a red leaf background
A bottle of castor oil on a red leaf background

Before you start using castor oil for hair care, it is worth remembering that just one procedure will not give a miraculous effect, therefore constant care is required and a positive result will not keep you waiting long.

Daily washing of hair, frequent use of various styling products, curling, straightening, coloring and blow-drying can negatively affect the health and appearance of hair. As a result of the influence of all these factors, the natural cuticle is destroyed, which covers every hair from the outside. In order for the hair cuticle to be maintained normal, the sebaceous glands produce the required amount of a special secret, which is absorbed into the hair follicle and moisturizes the cuticle scales, so that they do not bulge.

During shampooing, the greasy film on the hair dissolves. It recovers very quickly, as it is the natural protection of the hair. Healthy strands look firm and retain their attractive fresh look for several days. In the case when too much secretion is produced, very quickly the hair becomes oily, with a lack of secretion, the curls become dull and begin to break badly.

To normalize the process of producing the optimal amount of sebaceous secretion and maintain healthy hair, it is recommended to regularly make masks with castor oil. It is worth remembering that in order to restore the health and beauty of the strands, you need to go through a full course, which will take several months.

After two or three procedures, you should not wait for the desired result. Also, during treatment, you need to abandon dyeing, curling and other procedures that put additional stress on the strands.

How to properly use castor oil for hair care?

Castor oil bottle and plastic container
Castor oil bottle and plastic container
  1. Castor oil is recommended for thermal wrap. In this case, the oil is heated in a water bath, after which fingers are dipped into the warm product. The oil is applied with light massaging movements to the scalp. Then the strands are well combed with a thick comb and the oil is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair.
  2. Before applying castor oil to your hair, be sure to slightly warm it up. In warm form, the product acquires a denser and more viscous consistency, which is why it is easier to apply to the strands.
  3. In order for the cosmetic procedure to bring maximum benefit, after applying castor oil to the hair, you need to wrap it in plastic wrap and warm it with a towel. Thanks to the creation of such conditions, the beneficial substances of the mask will have a much better effect on the curls.
  4. It is quite difficult to wash off castor oil from hair, so it is not recommended to apply it in large quantities. A minimum amount of the product is distributed on the back of the head, since it is very difficult to wash the hair in this area. To completely get rid of the product, you need to wash your hair several times. It is advisable to use a neutral shampoo that is approved for daily washing. First, a small amount of shampoo is applied without moisturizing, lathers and rinses off with water. Then several more times you need to wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.
  5. At the end of shampooing, be sure to rinse your hair. For this, water with the addition of lemon juice (for oily hair) or a warm herbal decoction (for dry hair) is ideal.
  6. It is helpful to massage your scalp periodically using a mixture of lavender oil and castor oil. This procedure improves blood circulation in the area of the hair follicles. To prepare a massage product, mix the essential oil (2-3 drops) and castor oil (30 ml).
  7. Before making a castor oil mask, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to this product. The natural remedy contains ricinoleic acid, which is a very strong allergen. Therefore, not everyone can use castor oil in hair care. To prevent negative consequences, you must first conduct a sensitivity test - a few drops of castor oil are applied to the skin behind the ear or the bend of the elbow. If after a while there is no feeling of discomfort, itching or redness, the product can be used.

Castor oil masks for hair at home: the best recipes

Young girl and three bottles of castor oil
Young girl and three bottles of castor oil

Depending on the condition of the hair and the existing problem, a mask recipe is selected strictly on an individual basis, which will bring maximum benefit.

Castor oil and onion juice mask

Young girl and four bulbs
Young girl and four bulbs
  1. A mixture of onion juice (one large onion) and castor oil (2 tablespoons) is placed on the steam bath.
  2. To make the mask more effective, you can add a pre-crushed aloe leaf (1 tablespoon) to the composition.
  3. The warm mixture is applied to the hair, after which the head is covered with plastic wrap and a warm towel.
  4. The mask is left on the hair for 40 minutes, then washed off with warm water and any shampoo.

This mask is recommended to be combined with home remedies for hair care, which have a tonic effect.

Mask with kefir and castor oil

A girl combs her hair with a mask of kefir and castor oil
A girl combs her hair with a mask of kefir and castor oil
  1. Kefir is heated in a water bath (1 tbsp.).
  2. Castor oil (2 tablespoons) is added to warm kefir - all components mix well.
  3. The warm composition is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, from roots to ends.
  4. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and shampoo.

If this cosmetic procedure is carried out regularly, it becomes possible to make the hair perfectly smooth, soft and manageable.

Mask with honey and castor oil

A jar of castor oil and a container of honey
A jar of castor oil and a container of honey
  1. Egg yolk with castor oil (30 ml), lemon juice (10 ml), liquid honey (10 ml) are mixed.
  2. The composition is applied to the hair and left for half an hour.
  3. After the specified time, the mask is washed off with warm water and shampoo.

This cosmetic procedure has a firming effect, therefore it is recommended to do it once a week.

Castor oil and burdock mask

Castor and burdock oil mask on girl's hair
Castor and burdock oil mask on girl's hair
  1. To combat dandruff, it is recommended to use the following composition - burdock oil (15 ml) is mixed with castor oil (15 ml).
  2. The mixture is heated in a water bath until it acquires a more liquid consistency.
  3. The remedy is applied to the hair and distributed over the entire length.
  4. After 60 minutes, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Mask with B vitamins and castor oil

Girl with dark hair and a bottle of castor oil
Girl with dark hair and a bottle of castor oil
  1. To maintain hair in good shape, you need to periodically saturate it with B vitamins.
  2. A mixture of castor oil and vitamin B leaves strands softer, silky and perfectly smooth.
  3. To prepare the mask, an egg is mixed with castor oil (1 tablespoon), almond oil (1 tablespoon) and sea buckthorn oil (1 tablespoon) are added.
  4. The mixture is whipped until it acquires a homogeneous consistency, then vitamins B12, B2 and B6 are added (2 ampoules of each substance).
  5. The mask is applied to the hair, evenly distributed over the entire length.
  6. After 60 minutes, you need to wash the strands with warm water and shampoo.

Egg and Castor Oil Mask

Girl with blond hair and chicken eggs
Girl with blond hair and chicken eggs
  1. Already after the first use of this mask, an amazing result will be noticeable - the hair becomes soft, combing easier, and a healthy shine appears.
  2. To restore weakened and injured hair, regular use of this cosmetic product is required.
  3. To prepare the mask, egg yolk (2 pcs.) And warm castor oil (1 tbsp. L.) Are taken, which is heated in a water bath.
  4. All components are thoroughly mixed and the mixture is applied to the hair, evenly distributed over the entire length, with special attention paid to the scalp.
  5. The mask is left on the hair for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off with plenty of warm water and shampoo.

Mask with cognac and castor oil

Glasses with cognac
Glasses with cognac
  1. Castor oil (2 tablespoons) and cognac (2 tablespoons) are taken to prepare the mask.
  2. The components are mixed and rubbed into the scalp.
  3. The mask is left on for 50 minutes, then washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Regular use of this formula helps to get rid of split ends and helps to strengthen hair.

Mask with petroleum jelly and castor oil

Castor oil bottle and smiling girl
Castor oil bottle and smiling girl
  1. Vaseline acts on the hair as a moisturizer and emollient - the strands become perfectly smooth, pleasant to the touch and manageable.
  2. Vaseline does not dissolve in castor oil, but these components can be used to make an effective cosmetic hair mask.
  3. Castor oil (1 tablespoon) and liquid paraffin (1 tablespoon) are taken, burdock extract (3 tablespoons) is added.
  4. All components are thoroughly mixed, a medicinal composition is applied to the strands.
  5. Hair is wrapped in plastic wrap and insulated with a towel.
  6. The mask is washed off after two hours.

Castor oil mask for hair growth

Girl with long dark hair
Girl with long dark hair
  1. Castor oil is an effective remedy that helps accelerate hair growth.
  2. The composition of castor oil contains active substances that stimulate the flow of a large amount of blood to the hair follicles, therefore, their nutrition and growth are improved.
  3. To prepare the mask, mix olive oil with castor oil in a 2: 1 ratio.
  4. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair and evenly distributed over the entire length.
  5. The mask is left overnight, and in the morning it is washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  6. A positive result will be noticeable only if you regularly use this cosmetic product.

Castor oil mask for hair loss

Girl looking at hair in a comb
Girl looking at hair in a comb
  1. Tincture of calendula (1 tsp), essential oil of juniper (4 drops), tincture of red pepper (1 tsp) and castor oil (5 tsp) are mixed.
  2. The resulting composition is applied with massage movements to the scalp.
  3. After 60 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water and any shampoo.

Regular use of castor oil in hair care can speed up hair growth, get rid of dandruff and split ends. A full course of treatment lasts 3 weeks, then you can apply the mask once a week for prophylactic purposes.

For more on using castor oil for hair, see the video below: