How to use castor oil for hair care

How to use castor oil for hair care
How to use castor oil for hair care

The use of castor oil, despite the abundance of modern professional hair care products, is very important. This natural product is loaded with a complex of nutrients, it is inexpensive, easy to use, and contains no fragrances or preservatives. Content:

  1. Castor oil properties

    • What do they depend on
    • Benefit
    • For colored hair
  2. Castor oil use

    • Instructions
    • With other means
    • How to use
    • How to apply
    • Masks
    • How to wash off

Castor oil is a unique high-quality pharmaceutical product that has a lot of positive qualities. It is the key to beauty and health, helping to maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, regenerate the structure of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, strengthen and accelerate their growth.

Castor oil properties for hair care

An indicator of the rhythm and lifestyle of a woman is the condition and type of her hair. All unfavorable factors of an exogenous and internal nature (nutrition, health, stress, fatigue, coloring, the use of a hairdryer, care products, the environment) affect how our hair will look. Every woman, faced with the problem of falling, brittle and dry hair, tries to solve it by any means. Castor oil is a simple, inexpensive product that can compete with expensive professional hair restoration and care products.

What determines the properties of castor oil

What does castor oil plant look like?
What does castor oil plant look like?

The characteristics of the product depend on how and from what the castor oil is made. And it is made by cold or hot pressing from the fruits of oil and a medicinal plant of the Euphorbia family - Castor oil.

Cold-pressed oil has pronounced healing properties, such a product is useful, safe, since it is purified from poisonous alkaloids by refining. It looks like a pale yellow viscous and dense substance with a mild odor and unpleasant taste.

Hot-pressed oil or oil obtained through extraction is considered to be of low quality, it is used in production, in everyday life and in medicine.

Benefits of Castor Oil for Hair

Castor oil
Castor oil

The vitamin complex of castor oil, represented by tocopherols, carotenoids and vitamin E, as well as acids (oleic, linoleic, ricinoleic, stearic), which are included in its composition, give the product remarkable healing properties.

The benefit of castor oil is the ability to penetrate deeply into the hair structure and restore it. Regardless of the type, condition and structure of curls, castor oil solves any problems with them, it helps to restore their natural beauty, give volume, elasticity, silkiness, healthy and natural shine.

Due to its antimicrobial and bactericidal properties, castor oil has a therapeutic effect on the hair follicle and eliminates flaking, itching and irritation of the scalp. Ricinoleic acid activates metabolic processes in the epithelial layer of the head, accelerates metabolic processes and stimulates hair growth.

Does castor oil help repair colored hair?

Colored hair after applying castor oil
Colored hair after applying castor oil

Colored hair needs good hydration and nutrition, and castor oil has an important property - it does not form a film, it is able to glue the opened hair scales and retain moisture in the structure of the strand. This enhances the shine of the hair and improves its texture. Curls are restored and do not weigh down, therefore the product is especially useful for the care of frequently colored, lifeless and fragile hair.

Using castor oil for hair care

The way your hair looks is the result of caring for it and your scalp. For them to acquire a natural shine and become truly healthy, it is not necessary to use expensive professional products. Try castor oil, which will work well.

Instructions for using castor oil for hair

Castor for hair
Castor for hair

If you do not take into account the use of castor oil for internal purposes (cleansing the body, taking for weight loss), which is currently not recommended, the entire spectrum of its use is reduced to external use.

Castor is a pharmaceutical product and, like every medicine, it has its own contraindications for use:

  1. With oily, shiny hair, it is undesirable to use oil, although it is acceptable if you supplement it with drying substances (alcohol, lemon juice, vodka, brandy).
  2. The manifestation of an allergic reaction, the presence of which can be checked by a simple method: drop a little oil on a sensitive area of the skin, wait until it is absorbed, and follow the response of the skin to such an action.
  3. Children under one year old.
  4. Pregnant women.

When to use castor oil:

  • On dry, split ends, lifeless hair that is constantly under stress (hairdryer, curling, thermal styling tools).
  • With excessive hair loss, which can trigger the development of alopecia (baldness).
  • If there is slow hair growth.
  • For preventive purposes.

Using castor oil with other products

Combining castor oil with other remedies
Combining castor oil with other remedies

Castor oil will make hair healthy, hydrated, improve its growth, nutrition, and increase resistance to damage. The only drawback: in its pure form, it is difficult to wash off, therefore it is recommended to use it in tandem with other oils (olive, burdock, cedar, sesame) or products (vodka, kefir, onion pulp).

How to use castor oil for hair restoration

Preparation of a castor oil hair mask
Preparation of a castor oil hair mask

Castor oil for masks is used only when warm. It should be heated in a water bath in a small container so that the oil is at a comfortable temperature for the skin.

Apply the mask to the scalp and hair roots gently, evenly spreading with massage movements, dipping your fingers into the prepared mixture. The rest of the product can be applied to the hair to the very ends.

After preparing the mask and applying it, be sure to create a thermal effect - wrap your head in a tight bag or a special plastic cap and wrap it with a terry towel.

How to apply castor oil to hair

Rubbing castor oil into the roots
Rubbing castor oil into the roots

The effectiveness of the oil in no way depends on which hair you apply it to (wet, dry, clean, dirty). It is preferable, of course, if it is damp, clean hair.

Depending on the expected result, apply the oil specifically to the part of the strands that you are healing. If you are treating split ends - treat only them, if these are procedures to restore hair and activate their growth - rub castor oil only into the roots, with home lamination - evenly, using a comb, distribute the product along the entire length of the hair.

Hair masks with castor oil

Hair mask
Hair mask

The ideal cosmetic and home remedy is castor oil hair masks. With proper application and selection of the appropriate mask for the problem, your hair will recover from damage and acquire a healthy shine.

Castor oil is the main active ingredient in the preparation of any medical hair mask:

  1. Castor and coconut oil mask … In a 2 to 1 water bath, mix castor oil and whatever you have (coconut, burdock, rosemary, or olive). Use the mask 2-3 times a week.
  2. Castor oil and onion mask … Combine 1 to 1 castor oil and freshly squeezed onion juice (aloe pulp can be added to enhance the effect). The prepared mixture has an unpleasant odor, but is characterized by a pronounced therapeutic effect. This composition should be kept for one hour. It is enough to carry out this procedure twice a week. Use lavender or rosemary water to rinse out the unpleasant scent.
  3. Castor oil and fish oil mask … It is used for dry hair, which is manifested by flaking of the scalp, itching, hair loss. Mix the fish oil and castor oil (1 to 2). Apply the mass to the hair roots, leave overnight.
  4. Alcohol tincture of calendula and castor oil … The ingredients are taken in equal parts. Rub the mixture into the scalp, keep for several hours. To achieve the effect, it is enough to apply once a week for one month.
  5. Castor oil and kefir mask … For thin and split hair, use a mask based on a fermented milk product (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt) and castor oil. Dissolve 5-7 drops of oil in a glass of warm kefir, apply the mixture to the scalp, rubbing it in. Spread the rest of the mass through the hair. Application time - from 30 minutes to two hours.
  6. Castor oil and lemon juice mask … It will help to cope with excess secretions of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, untidy hair, excessive oily sheen. We prepare a mask based on lemon juice from the following components: 2 tbsp. l. castor oil, 2 tsp. cognac and lemon juice. Mix, apply warm to the strands, keep the mask on for 30 minutes.
  7. Prophylactic mask for normal hair … Apply the oil warmed to a comfortable temperature on the scalp with light massage movements, as if rubbing it into the growth zone. Leave the mask on for at least two hours. Together with castor oil, you can use olive or coconut, burdock, peach to reduce the density of the oil.

For scalp peeling and hair loss, use stimulating and nourishing masks 1-2 times every 7 days. For depleted, falling out, having lost a healthy look of curls, resort to restorative and strengthening masks, which are allowed to be done every other day. It will take about a month and a half to apply masks, it all depends on how serious and serious the problem is.

How to rinse castor oil from hair at home

How to remove castor oil from hair
How to remove castor oil from hair

It is also necessary to wash off masks with castor oil correctly. To remove excessive oily hair, you will have to wash your hair several times. After the procedure, apply the shampoo for the first time immediately on unmoistened hair. After the mask, you should only wash your hair with warm water, hot water will stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Shampoo applied a second time will already easily cope with the effect of castor oil. Do the last rinse with cool water.

As a rinse, it is recommended to use decoctions of medicinal herbs that have an emollient effect on the hair (burdock root, hops, dandelion, nettle, chamomile), or water acidified with lemon juice.

Ideal if your hair will dry naturally without using a hair dryer.

Watch a video on the benefits of castor oil for hair:

Castor oil is an affordable, versatile, multifunctional product, the field of application of which is very multifaceted. Do not forget that with all its positive characteristics, it is still a medicinal substance, therefore, in some cases, its use without first consulting a doctor is not recommended.
