Learn how to properly glue false eyelashes at home so that the result is no worse than after visiting a master in an expensive beauty salon. Every girl knows how to choose the right accessories or what tricks to use so that the created image is stylish, harmonious and complete. For this purpose, many people use false eyelashes, which can be easily attached on their own at home, using special glue for this. With false eyelashes, the look becomes more expressive and attracts attention. Today, the assortment of false eyelashes is wide enough, so every girl can choose the perfect option for herself.
False eyelashes: what are they?

Today it is one of the most demanded accessories that has not lost its popularity over the years. Directly to the eyelid, on top of natural hairs, false eyelashes are attached in a bundle or ribbon form. Both artificial and natural or decorative false eyelashes, supplemented with rhinestones, feathers, sparkles, can be used.
Today there are self-adhesive and reusable options. You can use false eyelashes on your own at home, besides, the process of attaching them does not take much time.
Depending on various factors, it also fluctuates how long false eyelashes will last - for example, the quality of the hairs used, what glue is used for attaching, the conditions in which they will be worn, and of course, whether they were attached correctly or not.
In most cases, false eyelashes last from one hour to several days. While wearing them, you should try to avoid sudden changes in temperature, strong wind and moisture. First of all, the edges of the eyelash tape begin to peel off, and the middle stays in place for the longest time.
It is not necessary to purchase new eyelashes every time. In order for this accessory to be used repeatedly, you need to properly care for it. Each manufacturer specifies a different number of re-uses. Provided that it is properly attached, removed and stored, one pair of false eyelashes can be used about 15 times.
How to properly glue false eyelashes at home?

Not only the duration of their wearing, but also the appearance depends on how correctly the false eyelashes are fixed. Today, there are several techniques for fixing them, and the most common is the following:
- First you need to do your makeup. Before starting to glue eyelashes, be sure to apply mascara, shadows, eyeliner and other cosmetics.
- Now you need to lean the false eyelashes to your eyes. In the event that they are much longer than the natural outline, carefully trim with scissors, but not very tightly. If necessary, you can shorten the hairs themselves a little.
- Gently apply a thin bead of glue to the tape, but not to the eyelid. For convenience, it's best to use a cotton swab or toothpick.
- Wait a couple of seconds and attach the tape as close to the lash line as possible - starting from the outer corner of the eye.
- If necessary, you can correct the position of the line during gluing with tweezers.
- At the end, you need to make sure that the fastening is secure.
- The procedure is repeated for the second eye in the same sequence.
The fastening of the bundles is done a little differently. In this case, more experience will be needed, since the procedure is more complicated. So, in order to glue false cilia in bundles, you will need to adhere to the following scheme:
- On each bunch, a small drop of glue is applied in turn.
- Beams are attached between natural cilia exactly in those areas where it is more necessary.
- It is important that the distance between the cilia is about 1 mm.
- You need to move in the direction from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one.
- It is not recommended to attach the cilia beyond the middle of the eye.
How to remove false eyelashes?

It is necessary to very carefully remove false eyelashes, so as not only to extend their service life, but also not to harm your own eyes. For this purpose, you need to purchase a special debonder, fat cream or cosmetic oil. Regardless of which method of attaching false eyelashes was used, they are always removed the same way.
So, in order to remove false eyelashes on your own, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:
- The lower eyelid must be protected first.
- A cotton pad is taken and soaked in one of the above means.
- With a cotton pad, lightly slide along the false eyelashes - the direction of movement from the outer to the inner edge of the eye.
- With your fingers, the ribbon is slowly separated from the skin, but the movements should not be too sharp or strong.
- The cilia are folded into a special container for storage.
- Then you need to wash yourself with warm water, with special attention paid to the eyes, since it is important to completely remove the remnants of the glue.
What types of false eyelashes are there?

To date, a fairly large number of different products are presented that can be used to make the look brighter and more expressive. On sale there are synthetic eyelashes, natural, beam, tape, single, self-adhesive, reusable. And also decorative eyelashes, designed for a bright evening look, photo shoot or masquerade. Regardless of what kind of event you are planning to attend, there will be no problems with choosing the right accessory.
Natural eyelashes

This type of false eyelashes is most often chosen by young girls who prefer natural beauty and naturalness. The cilia are made only of natural hairs, ideal for European eyes. The advantages include the fact that there is no need to make additional adjustments before use. However, most kits do not always have glue, so you will need to purchase it separately, which is not always convenient.
One of the most popular models is the Kiss Haute Couture Jazzy. Eyelashes are made of natural hair, this is a professional set that stylists most often choose to create a stylish and harmonious look. Black cilia, hand made. The set includes a special curved tweezers and high-quality hypoallergenic glue, which can be used even by owners of very sensitive skin. Among the advantages of this set is the fact that the eyelashes make the eyes wider, ideal for creating both evening and daytime looks. It is very convenient to glue and remove them yourself. However, there are also small drawbacks - for example, while wearing, they may slightly come off, so you need to constantly monitor this.
Artificial eyelashes

Not everyone can use false eyelashes made from natural hair. For example, they can provoke a severe allergic reaction. But today this is not a problem, since artificial eyelashes are becoming an excellent alternative.
For example, you can opt for the Ellis Cosmetic model 2367633. They are made by hand, made of artificial materials. However, they can only be used once. The advantages of the model are that they are comfortable and easy to attach yourself at home, very soft. The disadvantages include the lack of glue in the set, so you will have to buy it separately. When choosing a glue, you need to remember that it must be hypoallergenic.
There is also one more model of beautiful false eyelashes made of artificial materials - Kiss Look so Natural Eyelashes Pretty KFL 03 C. Black eyelashes, included with Lash Adhesive. At the same time, the cilia themselves are very thick, the tips are slightly pointed. You can use the eyelashes several times, ideal for people prone to allergies and those who often wear contact lenses. The main disadvantage is that these eyelashes are not suitable for everyday use and are quite expensive.
Decorative eyelashes

If you are planning to attend a theme party, these false eyelashes are just perfect for creating an original and stylish look. For example, you can pay attention to such a model as Irisk Professional №019, which has a relatively low cost (about 200 rubles). Cilia are three-colored, with a doll-like effect, of medium size. Among the advantages is that they are very convenient to use, so they can be glued on their own at home, they help to correct the contour of narrow eyes. The disadvantage is that there is no glue in the kit, which will need to be purchased additionally.
Another great model of decorative eyelashes is Irisk Professional # 021. Thanks to the use of such cilia, no girl will go unnoticed and will definitely be in the center of everyone's attention. Bicolor cilia, black tips, yellow base. They help to disguise the overhanging eyelid, they look very impressive. The disadvantage is that the cilia can be a little long.
Tape eyelashes

Many girls prefer this particular type of eyelashes, as they are very easy to use on their own and no special skills are required. One of the most popular models is the Vivienne Sabo False Eyelash. These are ribbon false eyelashes made of soft polymer, black color, they can be used several times, the set includes glue. The advantages of this type of eyelashes are that they make the look open, do not provoke allergies, and look natural. But there are also disadvantages - in the heat, the glue can come off.
Features of the choice of false eyelashes

Today, the range of products offered is very wide, so sometimes it becomes really difficult to make the final choice. You need to pay attention not only to the cost of false eyelashes and whether the kit includes glue or not, but also to adhere to a few tips that will help you make the right choice:
- If you have never used false eyelashes before, it is best to opt for self-adhesive. Over time, it will be possible to switch to reusable when experience appears.
- For daily use, it is best to take classic false eyelashes, which will be one tone darker than natural ones.
- For parties, not only black, but also colored false eyelashes are ideal.
- Before buying false eyelashes, be sure to consider the event you are planning to attend.
- If you use a discreet and calm makeup, you need to choose short or medium eyelashes. Long eyelashes are only suitable for evening outings.
When purchasing eyelashes in a specialized store or via the Internet, you need to choose only high-quality goods, because it depends on this how long this accessory will last.