How to make a slime with PVA glue - a step-by-step master class

How to make a slime with PVA glue - a step-by-step master class
How to make a slime with PVA glue - a step-by-step master class

Would you like to know how to make a slime with PVA glue? Easy recipes will help this. You will also find out which adhesives are suitable for this job.

To create a slime, you can not use glue or use it. Various types of this substance are suitable for this work.

What kind of glue can be used to make a slime?

Here you will find a great variety, as there is plenty to choose from. Surprisingly, when you add this component, the mass will not stick to your hands. Of course, you need to take a thickener in the kit. Sodium tetraborate is perfect as it. This substance is sold in a pharmacy, is inexpensive, in the common people it is called brown.

Now see what types of glue are suitable for making a slime. This is PVA:

  1. "Carpenter moment";
  2. Berlingo;
  3. Erich Krauser;
  4. Brauberg;
  5. "Contact";
  6. Novokhim;
  7. "Ray red";
  8. Attomex;
  9. "Omega";
  10. PVA-M;
  11. "Cone";
  12. "Every day";
  13. Kores;
  14. Andex;
  15. Elmers;
  16. Stick Up;
  17. "365 days";
  18. PVA-K19;
  19. VGT;
  20. "Lacra";
  21. Deli;
  22. PVA
  23. PVA-K;
  24. "Ray";
  25. White House.

You can empirically check which glue is best for slime. To do this, take two sheets of paper, spread PVA on them and fold these sides. After 15 minutes, try to return the leaves to their original state. If they began to tear, it was not possible to separate them, which means that the glue is suitable for slimes.

As such a component can be recommended to use PVA company "Luch". Those who like to make opaque slimes can use this glue. When buying it, pay attention to the date of issue and the warranty period. Better to use the freshest PVA.

Shake the bottle several times before using it. Then see if any sediment remains on the walls and bottom. If not, you can use. And if you stayed, then it is better not to buy such glue.

DIY slime
DIY slime

How to make a slime with PVA glue with your own hands - a recipe with borax

The second main component should be a thickener. It is often borax, which is sold in the pharmacy under the name sodium tetraborate. See what it looks like to get one. This tool is inexpensive, so you don't have to spend too much on it.

Sodium tetraborate in bottles
Sodium tetraborate in bottles

Apart from these basic ingredients, you may need sequins, sequins, gouache or watercolor if you want to make a colored glitter slime. Now look at the instructions that will show you how to make a slime with PVA glue. Place it in a food container first and stir. This will help to get rid of any lumps, if any. For one bottle of such glue, you need 2 teaspoons of water, add here the selected decorative elements such as glitter and paint. Now stir three drops of tetraborate and one teaspoon of water separately. Then add this composition to the glue. Start kneading the mass. At the same time, it will begin to thicken. If the slime still remains liquid, then add a little more borax.

DIY slime
DIY slime

Continue kneading the slime, at the end of these manipulations it should stop sticking to your hands. You need to store the slime in a closed container so that it does not dry out. A small plastic container with a lid is perfect for this. You do not need to put it in the refrigerator. Let it be at room temperature, but where it is not hot.

DIY slime
DIY slime

DIY slime with PVA glue and shaving foam

For this slime recipe, Luch glue is also suitable. Here is the complete recipe. It:

  • 30 g of PVA glue of the Luch firm;
  • borax;
  • 15 g shaving foam;
  • glitter and paint if needed.

Place the shaving foam in the prepared bowl. In the specified amount of grams, about one and a half tablespoons. Now you need to add paint, glue, glitter here. Stir the mixture, then add a little borax and continue to stir. Gradually, the slime should move away from the edges of the bowl, which means that the desired consistency has been achieved.

How to make a slime from PVA glue with your own hands: a recipe with water

Slimes can be:

  • liquid - like mucus, but not spread;
  • jelly-like and rather dense;
  • jelly-like, but stringy.

If you need to make a liquid slime, like purchased from a jar, then take:

  • PVA glue - 40 g;
  • hand cream - 1 tsp;
  • thickener;
  • water - 4 tsp;
  • paint.

Follow the instructions below:

  1. To make a slime with PVA glue, put this main ingredient in the container in the above amount, pour in water, stir.
  2. Add cream, dye, glitter if desired. Stir these components. Sodium tetraborate or other substance can act as a thickener. Add 3 drops of tetroborate first. If the mass does not thicken, then add a few more drops of this substance.
  3. When the consistency is satisfied, then stir the mass a little more and you can use it or place it in a plastic jar for storage.

If this happens for a long time, the slime begins to dry out, then take 1-2 tsp. warm water. Pour it into the container where the slime is. The water will be on top of it. Then close the jar and shake it, then place it for 11 hours in the refrigerator or in a cool room.

You can also moisturize the slime in a different way. Take a small syringe without a needle with water and start sticking it into the slime. Then knead this mass in your hands.

How to make a slime from PVA glue and shampoo?

Slime from PVA glue and shampoo
Slime from PVA glue and shampoo

This slime will be smooth and fragrant.

Shampoo will also help increase the volume of the slime. Prepare everything you need, these are:

  • thickener;
  • PVA - 30 g;
  • shampoo - 40 g.

Now take a suitable container and pour glue here. Add shampoo and mix vigorously. As a result, foam will appear.

Think about what your toy will be to give it color and shine, then you can add sparkles and dye. Then add the selected thickener and stir the mixture first with a spoon, then with your hands.

This slime with PVA glue will turn out to be quite slippery. If you want its surface to be drier, then put this mass in an open place so that it dries for a couple of hours.

The following slime recipe will allow you to make a crunchy mass, see how such a toy is created.

How to make a crunchy slime from PVA glue?

PVA can be used to make crunchy slimes called popcorns and crunches.

To get this effect, foam balls are added to the finished slime. You can buy them in the store, use an unnecessary pear chair. Such soft bags are filled with such beads.

And the easiest way is to take polystyrene and grind it.

See how to make glue slime. For such a recipe, you will need a clerical one.

Transparent slime made of PVA glue

To make this hand gum, take:

  • 100 g of stationery glue;
  • boric acid in solution.

Pour the Chancellor's glue into a deep container.

Transparent slime
Transparent slime

Start adding boric acid here a few drops at a time. Knead the mass first with a spoon, then with your hands. If the slime is too soft, add a little more liquid boric acid.

Place the finished product in a container. Let it lie there so that the air bubbles come out. You can leave the slime like this or add some glitter here.

Replace your stationery glue with polyvinyl alcohol if desired. This recipe is safer. But all the same, the components of this transparent slime are not suitable for creating a children's toy. Therefore, do not give the kids this slime.

DIY fluffy slime from PVA glue

Fluffy slime made from PVA glue
Fluffy slime made from PVA glue

Here's how to make a slime with PVA glue to make it fluffy. Take:

  • 100 grams of PVA glue;
  • some water;
  • liquid soap;
  • tetraborate.

You can use bubble bath instead of liquid soap.

Pour some water into liquid soap, beat with a dish sponge to form a thick foam.

Add PVA here, if you like, then dye. Stir. To thicken the slime, add tetraborate or a lens fluid that contains boric acid. And she is also an activator. Stir with a spoon, and knead the already thickened mass with your hands and knead.

Here's how to make a slime with PVA glue. See how others are making such a toy.

Even a child can make the next hand gum. You will be convinced of this now.

In the next plot, real tests are carried out. By looking at it, you can understand which recipes should be used to create a slime.