Lose weight for the wedding in 1 month

Lose weight for the wedding in 1 month
Lose weight for the wedding in 1 month

Learn how to quickly get in shape and be the most beautiful bride with a gorgeous body, the secret diet from the nutritionist guru. In the life of every person there are significant events that he has dreamed of since childhood. For a girl, this is, of course, a wedding and the birth of a baby. Every girl wants everything to be perfect on her wedding day, but sometimes the problem of excess weight arises. If you want to know how to lose weight before the wedding in a month, then now we will tell you about it. Do not delay this and while there is still time before the wedding day, you need to get down to business.

How to lose weight before the wedding in a month: preparation

The bride tries on a wedding dress
The bride tries on a wedding dress

Before the wedding, you need to have time to do so many things that there is practically no time left for yourself. As a result, many girls begin to lose weight at the last moment, and are forced to use strict dietary nutrition programs. This can give a good result for the wedding, but there is absolutely no strength left, and the festive mood disappears.

To prevent this from happening to you, it is necessary to start the fight against excess weight several months, and best of all, at least six months before the date of the most important event in your life. In order not to keep a lot of information in your head, we recommend that you keep a diary and write down all planned tasks in it, as well as note the results.

4 months before the wedding day

Let's consider various options, because the question of how to lose weight before the wedding in a month can appear at any time. If you decide to get rid of five or more kilos, then you need to start at least four months in advance. Pay attention immediately to your diet, and which should be excluded from sweets, mayonnaise, chips.

Eat only healthy foods and for several months you should have enough willpower to give up junk food. At the same time, you should not be constantly hungry, so this will only slow down weight loss, but you should not overeat either.

Start exercising, such as going to the pool. You can also do morning jogging and walk more. Choose the sport that you prefer, but you should practice regularly, and not depending on your mood. It is not necessary to conduct training at high intensity, as they can lead to injury, which should not be allowed.

3 months before the wedding day

In no case, do not forget about training and proper nutrition. You should increase your physical activity somewhat, but it is important to do this in a systematic manner so that there are no problems. Also, remember that you need to drink eight to ten glasses of water throughout the day. This should be the norm for you, as water helps to eliminate toxins.

2 months before the wedding day

Start paying more attention to your diet by introducing foods that can improve the quality of the skin, nails and hair. Dairy products, nuts and fish should be the basis of the nutrition program. No fatty foods and foods with a high energy value should not be consumed at this time. Use whole grain instead of white bread, and avoid alcoholic beverages.

When choosing products in a supermarket, you need to be careful and study their labels. Today, even those foods that are labeled "dietary" may contain harmful components. Remember about sports, because only its combination with a properly organized nutrition program will bring maximum results. Thanks to them, you will not only get rid of excess weight, but also improve your health.

How to lose weight before the wedding in a month: diet food programs

Bride eats chocolates
Bride eats chocolates

If the wedding day is already close, and you have just started thinking about how to lose weight before the wedding in a month, then there is no reason to despair. There are ways to deal with obesity that will allow you to achieve your goal in shorter periods of time. If you have already bought a wedding dress, then you need to lose weight so that it is not too big.

It should be said right away that fast dietary nutrition programs will require more effort from you compared to those that would have to be spent if you began to lose weight in a few months. To get rid of fat in a short time, you need to use strict diets. However, you must choose the one that is as balanced as possible. The average energy value of your diet should be between 1100 and 1300 calories. However, you should still calculate it individually. At the same time, it is impossible to do it with the following values, since after the wedding you can gain weight. Eat food at least five times a day, but the portions should be small.

Cabbage diet

Girl with cabbage
Girl with cabbage

Not the fastest weight loss nutrition program, but very effective. This is due to the fact that cabbage has a low energy value and at the same time perfectly saturates. The product contains all the necessary micronutrients, and plant fibers normalize the digestive tract.

You can use any variety of cabbage on your diet, but white cabbage will be the best choice, since its calorie content is the smallest. If possible, instead of a raw product, you should use sauerkraut, as it is even less high in calories. This diet does not imply any restrictions on the amount of cabbage consumed. Also remember to drink water and green tea. In the morning, you can drink coffee, which will increase the metabolic rate.

But you have to give up salt, sugar, sweets and alcoholic beverages. The duration of this nutrition program is ten days, and during this time period you can get rid of six or even ten kilos. Moreover, you will not feel hunger, which is extremely beneficial for the body and it will be easier for you to adhere to all the rules of this nutrition program. Don't eat the cabbage diet more than once every 60 days.

There are several options for the cabbage nutrition program, but we believe that the classic one is the best choice. For ten days, you will have to adhere to approximately the following diet:

  • First meal - green tea or coffee without added sugar, drinking water.
  • Second meal - beef, chicken or low-fat fish, cabbage and carrot salad (use olive oil as a dressing, although any vegetable oil can be used).
  • Third meal - one quail egg, cabbage salad and one apple. Any fruit can be used instead of apples, with the exception of bananas. Also, a quail egg can be replaced with half a chicken egg.
  • Fourth meal - spent two hours before bedtime and only one glass of kefir (low-fat) is allowed.

Brazilian diet food program

Coffee in a cup
Coffee in a cup

In recent years, this diet has become extremely popular among girls all over the world. You can easily find all the recommended products in local supermarkets. There are two types of diet. The first of them is designed for 14 days and allows you to get rid of at least five kilos. The second option is longer - 28 days. During this time, you can lose up to 12 kilos.

The first type is more restrictive and more efficient. If you are interested in how to lose weight before the wedding in a month, then we will tell you about the first version of the Brazilian diet nutrition program. It is based on coffee and foods rich in protein compounds. If you do not consume these products, then use a different way of dealing with excess weight.

We have already noted that the duration of this type of Brazilian dietary nutrition program is two weeks, and the diet of the second completely repeats the menu of the first:

  • 1st day - in the morning eat an apple, one egg and have a cup of coffee. For lunch and dinner, eat the same foods that were in your diet in the morning, but without coffee.
  • 2nd day - the menu is similar to the first day.
  • 3rd day - eat two eggs for breakfast, and boiled meat (100 grams) and spinach for lunch. The evening menu should include one egg and spinach.
  • 4th day - The first meal includes a boiled egg and the second boiled fish and tomato. The evening menu includes a cup of coffee and two eggs.
  • 5th day - coffee and an egg in the morning, and lunch is the same as the previous day. In the evening, fried fish and vegetable salad are used.
  • 6th day - breakfast is similar to the fifth day, for lunch, eat 100 grams of boiled beef and a cucumber, and you also need to drink a cup of coffee. Dinner again consists of coffee and 150-200 grams of boiled beef.
  • 7th day - breakfast is the same as on the previous day. For lunch, you need to eat a cucumber, boiled chicken and a tomato. The evening menu consists of a cup of coffee, cucumber, apple and tomato.

Buckwheat diet food program

Buckwheat and centimeter
Buckwheat and centimeter

If you love this porridge and you have a lot of willpower, then this nutrition program will be useful for you. It is necessary to use the diet for seven days. On average, you will lose one kilogram of body weight every day. This is a rather tough nutritional program and should not be followed for more than ten days. After exiting the diet, it is necessary to pause for one month and only after that you can repeat the course. As soon as you feel unwell on the diet, stop using it immediately.

During the diet, you can consume any amount of buckwheat, then it must not be boiled, but steamed. It is quite simple to do this and you need a glass of cereal, which must be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water, and then wrapped. In addition to buckwheat, you can consume a liter of kefir and a glass of yogurt daily. It is more obvious that dairy products should not be fatty. In addition, eat two or three fruits every day, and not necessarily sweet ones.

How to lose weight for a bride before the wedding, see here:
