Find out how you can have a leather wedding, what points you should pay attention to. The master class will help you make gifts for 3 years of your wedding.
After 3 years of marriage, the couple began to understand and feel each other better. There is an expression “feel with the skin”. Therefore, the three-year anniversary is called that way. This material is also flexible and warm. If, 3 years after the marriage, the husband and wife managed to maintain their love, then the relationship of the couple is such.
Wedding anniversary 3 years - what you need to know

There are certain traditions of a leather wedding:
- Better to throw away cracked, spoiled dishes on the eve of this holiday.
- If you have leather things, even old ones, put them in order, clean them.
- This anniversary is celebrated in a narrow circle of people. Therefore, it is better to gather only the closest ones.
- Of course, their gifts should be related to the skin. It can be made of this material: a diary, a photo album, key rings, gloves, glasses cases, car covers, bags, furniture.
- If you are donating a non-leather item, then pack it in a case made of such material or attach to it, for example, a leather bracelet, belt or something similar.
- In the old days, the following tradition was observed. On the eve of the anniversary celebration, the wife baked cookies in the shape of pets. Such pastries were supposed to fill the house with well-being, as well as grant it to everyone who tastes such cookies. Each family had its own secret of making such a delicacy, it was passed on through the female line.
- It was believed that if there is a rye loaf of bread on the table, then the wedding anniversary of 3 years will be fun. For husband and wife, this promises a happy family life. Only at the very beginning of the celebration should the spouse eat a piece of this bread, this will confirm that it is he who is the head and support of the family.
- Red symbolizes love. Therefore, fruits of this particular color should be present on the table. A husband and wife need to eat one of these treats in front of the guests. Also, there should be wine of this color on the table.
- It is customary to appoint a witness as a kind of ringleader of the holiday on the 3rd wedding anniversary. He will start games, contests, raise toasts.
- In addition to red wine and fruits of this color, meat should be present on the table. If you decide to celebrate a date in a Georgian restaurant, there will certainly be what you need for a leather wedding.
- But at home, this holiday will pass as it should, if you observe the traditions, as well as one more. The spouses should taste the bread soup. It is made from broth in which a piece of rye bread is placed. Also, such a soup should be given to relatives and friends to taste. This dish symbolizes the young family's close bond with them.
What to give for a wedding anniversary 3 years - DIY leather gifts
Of course, you can buy various gifts, but some are easy to make with your own hands.

Start with the simplest things by making such a beautiful maple leaf-shaped hot plate. You can do two of these things, each with a different size. Give the large stand to your husband and the smaller one to your wife.
For such a gift, you can use an old leather thing, from which you need to cut a small rectangle. Draw a maple leaf on its back. To do this, transfer the presented template from the monitor screen to a piece of paper, then cut along the contour. It remains to attach to the back of the skin and cut.

If you have a very dense starting material, then cut with a sharp clerical knife, after placing a wooden board under the skin.
If the skin is not very thick, then use scissors. To give it extra density, you can glue thick fabric on the back.
If you wish, write on the seamy side with a pen or marker congratulations on your 3rd wedding anniversary, or on each piece the name of a particular spouse.
The second master class, step-by-step photos for it will teach you how to make a pencil case out of leather.

You will need:
- Genuine Leather;
- clerical or construction knife;
- lace;
- needle with thread;
- scissors.
Follow this sequence of actions:
- First, cut out a rectangle of the desired size and a strip of the same length.
- If you can sew it on a sewing machine or on your hands, then do it. You need to attach a strip of leather to the center of the back side of the main workpiece and sew vertically. In this case, the seams should be located at such a distance from each other that pencils, pens, markers fit between them.
- If you do not want to sew, then do it differently. Using a ruler and pencil, mark the lines at the same distance so that the pencils fit between them.
- Next, you need to make vertical cuts in pairs with a sharp knife, so that as a result, there are thin stripes at the same distance. They are needed in order to thread a strip of leather here.
- Now you can insert writing utensils into this pencil case, and then roll it up with a tube and tie it with a cord. If you wish, sew it to the main piece first.
When thinking about what to give her husband for his wedding anniversary, a loving wife can make a useful gift for him from the same material. It is also made like a pencil case. But in addition to individual sections in which he can put a wrench, a screwdriver, there is a mini-wallet and a pouch with a tie. The spouse will keep small nails and screws, nuts, screws here.

To make such a practical and convenient thing as a gift for a leather wedding, you need to take:
- natural leather;
- thread with a needle;
- lacing;
- accessories for belts;
- button and attachment device.
If you do not have any of the above devices, you can do without them.
Cut out a rectangle from a large piece of leather, on the back side, taking a simple pencil, make a markup for future details. Draw where which sections will be located.
Cut out two narrow strips of leather, wash one on one long side and one on the other. Now stitch each strip to form the tool slots.
Cut out the details of the wallet, which consists of a square and a top. Attach buttons. If you do not have them, then you can fasten with Velcro or buttons and eyelets or braids.
Cut out the bag, gather its upper part on the lacing, tighten. Sew this blank to the inside of the organizer next to your wallet. Cut the straps out of the leather, put the fittings on them and sew to this pencil case. Please note that the tools do not fall out, you need to sew on one and the second large sidewalls. The same applies to the small side, where there are no belts. Rivets can be used to secure the above fixtures.
Another wonderful gift for your husband for your 3rd wedding anniversary? leather apron.

For this, a pattern of an ordinary apron in the size of a husband is suitable. Use rivets or thread and needles to attach the straps to the apron. Sew on several pockets, and cut strips in the apron so that you get ribbons. This is where you put your hammer. Cut a small, similar piece of tape elsewhere on the leather apron. It will come in handy for a pencil.
So that the wife always has order in her purse, a caring husband will make an organizer for her.

This item is made in the form of a folding wallet. First cut a rectangle out of the leather, then cut with a knife to make vertical stripes. Through them you will stretch a leather strap. It should be of sufficient length so that you can wrap the finished product with its tail and fix it. Wrap the short side panel, attach the hardware in the form of a button here so that the organizer is fastened.
Now your beloved wife will always have perfect order in her bag, wires and cords from charging, as well as headphones, stationery will lie in place.
If it is not possible to buy a gift made of leather for a 3-year wedding for your wife, then you can give another present. You can wrap it in a cover made of such material, if it is a gadget. If you decide to present a photo frame or photo album, then the decoration elements of these items will also be made of leather. Here's what else a wife is given for a three-year wedding:
- cover for a driver's license or passport, business card holder;
- dream Catcher;
- panels or paintings made of leather;
- ornaments made from this material.
If you decide to buy your wife boots or a jacket, a leather coat, then it is better to first let her try it on so that the new thing fits.

But get a bracelet based on your wife's preferences. If you can make these accessories yourself, do them. If not, then order from a private master or purchase from a store.
But what to give my husband for 3 years of wedding:
- case for a gadget or camera;
- items of clothing such as a hat, gloves, belt, shoes;
- lighter in a leather case;
- stylish watch strap;
- key ring;
- case for glasses.
If your husband is a car enthusiast, then buy him a leather steering wheel for 3 years of wedding, a toy made of this material, which is attached to the windshield. Also suitable are car seat covers, an organizer that is fixed to the sun visor.
If the husband goes in for sports, a leather ball or a cover made of such a material in which a tennis racket is embedded will be a great gift for him.
What to cook for a leather wedding?
Traditionally, red apples and bread soup are served for a leather wedding.

If you suddenly do not have a red apple, then replace it with another fruit of the same color.
After all, this color symbolizes passion, devotion, sincerity in a relationship. It is good if, before the ceremony begins, the husband and wife eat a red fruit so that the guests can see it.
It is better that the cake is made in the form of a leather product. You can entrust its production to professionals. And if one of the spouses or relatives or friends can make a cake with their own hands, then they will do it.

Here the cake is covered with white mastic, on which patterns are applied, as if on leather. The side of the dessert is decorated with brown mastic. The top and bottom edge of this "belt" must be pierced with a knitting needle or needle to make these places look like a line. Holes for the belt, as well as fittings, are made of yellow mastic. The cake is decorated with a sculpture of heroes of the occasion.
You can make a cake in the form of a leather suitcase and write congratulations on it. This sweetness will also look wonderful on the table.

Since on this day you cannot do without red, you can make a cake in such colors. Make it in the form of a heart and cover it with mastic of this color. From white, make roses and a festive inscription.

You can cover the cake with brown mastic, which will act as a leather product. From an edible rope you need to make lacing. You can make a pocket in which you put money.

The newlyweds will tell everyone about their happiness if they have a cake of the following type.

It is made in the form of red leather and is tied with a belt made of brown mastic.
How to celebrate a leather wedding - contests and congratulations
Depending on what the couple has the opportunity, you can celebrate a leather wedding:
- Outdoors;
- at home;
- in the cafe;
- in a restaurant;
- on a yacht;
- in karaoke.
Since the wedding is made of leather, it would be nice to make some part of the outfits from this material. If it's chilly outside, spouses can wear leather jackets. The wife will decorate her hand with a leather bracelet or put on a necklace made of this material. Also a great solution would be a red scarf, the color of which accompanies this holiday. A leather belt, boots will be worn by a young husband.

Do not forget to think in advance what the wedding contests and tasks for young people will be. The following are interesting.
- Place a disassembled meat grinder in front of each of the newlyweds. At the command of the presenter, let each of them assemble this household appliance. Whoever does it faster will be considered the most dexterous member of the family.
- And the most skilled person will be the one who will drive the nail faster. You can also organize a competition that allows you to identify which of the spouses will chop the salad faster. To prevent them from being cut off, provide them with plastic, not iron knives.
- To organize the next leather wedding competition, you must first blindfold your wife. Let her be led to several men. She will have to touch their faces with her palms and determine which of them is her husband. And the same competition is held with her husband in the lead role. He is blindfolded, and from several women he chooses his one and only.
- To make a contest for guests, you must first cut out cards from cardboard, which will say: "Sauna", "Beauty salon", "Maternity hospital". The husband must turn away or he is blindfolded. The presenter turns to the guests and asks how often the hero of the occasion visits this institution. The spouse's answers can be fun for everyone.
And of course, take care of your wedding invitations. It is better if they are performed with a hint of which wedding anniversary is being celebrated.

As you can see, there is a leather purse here, and such a cylinder may well have a strip of this material. If you have faux leather, make a nice frame out of it. If there is enough such material, then make a part of the postcard from it.

But even if there is no skin at hand, you will find a way out. Indeed, for 3 years of the wedding, red will prevail. Therefore, from cardboard of this color, make the card itself, and cover the light heart with red paint using a sponge. Tie a red bow to the card by gluing it to it. Attach a clasp and paper flowers.
In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with what kind of congratulations you can write for a leather wedding.
The second video will also tell you what kind of congratulations for a 3-year wedding you can say.