Burenkaas cheese: description, benefits, harm, recipes

Burenkaas cheese: description, benefits, harm, recipes
Burenkaas cheese: description, benefits, harm, recipes

Description of Burenkaas cheese, manufacturing method. Energy value and effect on the body with regular use. Use in recipes and interesting facts about the farm product.

Burenkaas or Boerenkas is a hard cheese from the Netherlands called the farm's Gouda. The main differences are: raw material - whole milk, long ripening period - from 2 years. Aroma - nutty, cheesy, intense; taste - bitter, almond, fruity; color - yellow with whitish blotches or linen; texture - hard, dense, crumbling when cut. The crust is natural, light brown, with an orange tint. It is made in the form of flattened cylinders - "wheels" with rounded edges, the weight of the heads is from 3 to 14 kg.

How is Burenkaas cheese made?

Burenkaas cheese production
Burenkaas cheese production

To obtain 1 kg of the final product, prepare 10-11 liters of raw materials. But you need to keep in mind that each cheese cylinder of this type weighs at least 3 kg, so you should prepare at least 33-35 liters of milk. Chilled yesterday's milk and morning milk, still warm, are poured into the vat.

How Burenkaas cheese is made

  1. The milk is heated to a temperature of 32 ° C - it is recommended to use a water bath to maintain a constant mode.
  2. Pour in dry mesophilic starter culture, allow to soak, mix, leave for 50-60 minutes and check the acidity of the feedstock - it should remain at the PH level of 6, 55.
  3. The rennet is poured in and a dense clot is formed - usually it takes 30-40 minutes. Check for a clean break by lifting with a knife blade.
  4. Cala is cut. Sizes of cheese grains - 1x1 cm. Stir slowly, maintaining a constant temperature, for 10 minutes.
  5. Replace 1/5 of the whey with boiled water at 33 ° C. When preparing Burenkaas cheese, the liquid is boiled for at least 18-22 minutes. Cool without removing the lid.
  6. The intermediate raw materials are heated to 35 ° C at a rate of 1 ° C / 7 minutes, while kneading very slowly, lifting the curd grains from the bottom with vertical movements.
  7. The liquid is again drained - about 40% - and replaced with clean boiled water. Knead and heat again, observing the same conditions - only up to 38 ° C. Allow to settle for 5-7 minutes and drain the whey so that it reaches the surface of the washed cheese grains.
  8. The molds are lined with a drainage cloth and the curd layer is laid out without separating the liquid. Leave for 15-20 minutes and set the oppression.
  9. The weight of the load is increased gradually by 2-3 kg, evaluating the separation of the whey. The first coup and pressure increase in half an hour, then in another hour. Pressing takes 3-4 hours.
  10. The salting is wet, the temperature of 20% brine is 15-17 ° С.
  11. After 8 hours, the heads are placed on a stand to dry at room temperature, left for 2 days, until the crust dries to the touch. Check with the palm of your hand.
  12. The cheese is covered with liquid latex in 2-3 layers, allowed to stand until the polymer sets, for another 2 days at 16 ° C and 75% humidity. Microclimate in the chamber during maturation: temperature - 12-16 ° С, humidity - 75-80%. The week is turned daily, another week - once every 48 hours, then - once every 3 days.

It should be noted that the women of the Netherlands were engaged in the production of Burenkaas cheese. In France, Italy, Spain and most countries, men work in cheese factories. Despite the fact that in farms many processes are mechanized (delivery of raw materials and cutting of calcium), kneading, pressing and turning the heads are carried out manually. Caraway and fenugreek are often used as additives. All other secrets of improving taste and creating an original dense texture are passed down from generation to generation.

Composition and calorie content of Burenkaas cheese

Dutch cheese Burenkaas
Dutch cheese Burenkaas

Substances from the GMO group are not introduced during manufacture. Pasteurization is carried out at 60 ° C, useful substances from milk from cream are not subject to decomposition.

The calorie content of Burenkaas cheese is 368-385 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 24-25 g;
  • Fats - 31, 5-32-5 g;
  • Carbohydrates - up to 0.8 g.

The predominant vitamins are tocopherol, retinol, pyridoxine, choline, folic acid, calciferol, and cobalamin. Minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, chlorine, zinc. The high amount of sodium (1.7 g per 100 g) is explained by the cooking technology.

If fenugreek was used as a flavoring agent, the content of iron and copper, caraway seeds - the same substances and additionally ascorbic acid increases.

Fats in Burenkaas cheese per 100 g:

  • Cholesterol - 102 mg;
  • Saturated Fatty Acids - 20 g.

Leucine, lysine, valine and phenylalanine predominate among the essential amino acids; among the nonessential ones are serine, tyrosine, aspartic and glutamic acid.

Despite the fact that the product is not a dietary one, it is recommended to include it in diets for weight loss if special exercises are used to shape the figure. The energy gained from a serving of 80 g is enough for an hour of active training.

Benefits of Burenkaas cheese

What does Burenkaas cheese look like?
What does Burenkaas cheese look like?

Due to the high content of calcium, bone tissue and tooth enamel are strengthened, the development of osteoporosis, arthrosis and caries is stopped. Phosphorus distributes energy throughout the body, normalizes metabolic processes, vital activity at the cellular level.

But this is not the only benefit of Burenkaas cheese. Consumption 3-5 times a week:

  1. Stabilizes digestion processes, increases the activity of intestinal flora, prevents the development of putrefactive processes. During meals, a protective film forms on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, which protects against the aggressive effects of bile and hydrochloric acid.
  2. Enhances the production of enzymes. Accelerates the assimilation of the vitamin and mineral complex from all products served with cheese.
  3. Increases stress resistance and impulse conduction, improves mood, helps to fall asleep quickly.
  4. Normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, accelerates blood flow.

Fenugreek is added to almost all versions of the farm's fermented milk product. Thanks to this supplement, regular consumption lowers blood sugar levels, stimulates the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and prolongs their life cycle. It helps to quickly recover from debilitating diseases, defeat such a dangerous infection as tuberculosis.

During production, the curd is washed many times to reduce the acidity. Subsequently, during prolonged fermentation, milk sugar is almost completely transformed. In case of lactase deficiency, proceeding with unexpressed symptoms, it is permissible to eat 30 g of this variety 1-2 times a week.

Contraindications and harm of Burenkaas cheese

Disease pancreatitis
Disease pancreatitis

The recommended daily portion of Burenkaas cheese for women is 50-60 g, for men - 70-80 g. In case of obesity and the need to follow the figure, this "dose" is halved. Abuse should be abandoned with exacerbation of pancreatitis or biliary dyskinesia.

Eating Burenkaas cheese is harmful for severe symptoms of gout, cystitis, hypertension and pyelonephritis. These diseases are not absolute contraindications to use, but due to increased salinity, the introduction into the diet has to be temporarily stopped.

Despite the fact that Burenkaas, as already indicated, improves mood, you should not lean on it after the acute stress that you underwent in the afternoon. Due to the properties of increasing the tone, overexcitation may occur, which will further lead to insomnia. In addition, the product contains the amino acid tryptophan, which can cause migraine-like headaches and nightmares.

Fermented milk products made from raw milk have a high microbiological risk for infection with listeriosis and salmonellosis. Therefore, they should be introduced with caution in the diet of pregnant women, lactating and young children. But it should be noted that over the past 30 years, not a single case of the disease has been tracked after using this variety.

There is a risk of an allergic reaction, especially when added to the composition of additional additives - fenugreek or cumin. If you are lactose intolerant, you should use this variety with caution.
