Sexual Failure Anxiety Expectation Syndrome

Sexual Failure Anxiety Expectation Syndrome
Sexual Failure Anxiety Expectation Syndrome

Sexual failure anxiety syndrome and its consequences. The article will highlight the question of how this problem arises and in what ways you can get rid of it. Sexual failure is a fairly common phenomenon, but the stronger sex often exaggerates the importance of this problem. Many people tend to wind up themselves, and when it comes to the intimate sphere, the complexes begin to grow at a tremendous speed. It is necessary to understand the sounded syndrome, which is capable of nullifying the intimate relationship between a man and a woman.

The mechanism of development of the syndrome of expectation of sexual failure

Misfire during intercourse
Misfire during intercourse

Nothing in this world happens just like that, so you need to think about the origins of the problem that has arisen. Experts have identified the following scheme for the development of a similar phenomenon, which prevents a man from living a full sexual life:

  • Determining the object of passion … At the sight of an attractive woman, a representative of the stronger sex begins to look for an excuse to get closer to her. After dating, the relationship can stretch both for a day and for quite a long time, which has absolutely no effect on the described syndrome of sexual failure.
  • Assessing each other … When the exchange of greetings is completed, the partners begin to look closely at each other, assessing the possibility of further communication. If sympathy turned out to be mutual, then the relationship usually develops rather quickly.
  • The beginning of an intimate relationship … This can happen both immediately after meeting, and after a certain time, depending on the prevailing circumstances. It is during this period that the mechanism of the syndrome of sexual failure can be triggered, because a long-term relationship in a stable couple rarely has this problem.
  • Misfire during intercourse … This happens under different circumstances, because it is unrealistic to foresee everything in this life. Men react differently to what has happened, but in most cases it hurts their pride significantly.
  • Development of the syndrome of sexual failure … It all depends on the person with whom such an event happened. An important role is also played by the reasons for the fiasco with a partner, because it is they that affect the further sexual life of a man.

Causes of Sexual Failure Expectation Syndrome

Severe intoxication
Severe intoxication

Representatives of the stronger sex are also susceptible to all sorts of complexes, which is by no means a manifestation of their weakness. Experts say that the sounded syndrome can develop on fertile soil, which is created in the following life situations:

  1. Failed first experience … The expectation of sexual failure sometimes appears in ill-fated sexual intercourse with a more experienced partner. However, this can happen even when both young men are sexually immature. After such a fiasco, on a subconscious level, a man begins to be wary of getting closer to women, being afraid of being ridiculed.
  2. Overwork … Good health and a fountain of energy cannot be an infinite factor even for a young man full of strength. Ultimately, he may not cope with his male duties towards his partner, which she insistently demands of him. In the future, he begins to fear not only relationships with her, but also with other women. The male psyche is arranged in such a way that the representative of the stronger sex is ready to wind himself up to the limit when it comes to intimate life.
  3. Incorrect partner behavior … A sharp word can hurt a person, because a small number of people are able to calmly relate to stinging provocations. If a woman begins to behave like a dictator in sex, then a man simply cannot justify her exaggerated demands. It hurts most painfully when a partner is a close person who, with a careless word, can trigger the mechanism of anxious expectation of sexual failure.
  4. Disease … With a temperature or other problems, we all think about intimacy last. Our entire body fights disease, leaving no energy for anything else. If, at the same time, the partner unequivocally hints to retire from everyone, then a playful proposal may end in her lover's fiasco.
  5. Stressful situation … Life sometimes gives us such surprises that make our head spin. Trying to cope with the problems that have arisen, the man becomes emotionally strained. If at the same time his partner insists on sex, then in the end, none of the couple will get pleasure. In the future, a representative of the stronger sex may finally withdraw into himself, fearing a repetition of his failure.
  6. Severe intoxication … Alcohol in intimate life colors only those who prefer drinking to sex. They are not afraid to look sorry in the eyes of the chosen one, because the bottle replaces them all relationships with the opposite sex. Otherwise, the fiasco of a man sometimes directly depends on his strong embrace with a green serpent.
  7. Porn abuse … Many sexologists will confidently say that if you focus on the voiced emphasis, then serious problems may arise in the intimate life of a man in the future. Virtual causative factors are good in moderation, because they are not able to replace full-fledged sexual relations in the future.

Very often, the listed reasons for the emergence of fear of sexual failure are directly related to the woman's behavior model. An experienced lady will never bring the situation to such a critical boiling point. It is better to resolve a painful issue at the very initial stage of its emergence than to struggle with its consequences for a long time.

Varieties of Sexual Failure Expectation Syndrome

Secondary male failure
Secondary male failure

People do not behave the same way and do not express their feelings in a stencil, so their reaction depends on the current situation. The fear of sexual failure, when a man becomes a victim of a similar circumstance, can be classified as follows:

  • Primary fear of fiasco … After an unsuccessful intimacy with a woman, certain complexes begin to progress in her partner. Not all representatives of the stronger sex fall into a similar state, but sometimes the unfortunate man begins to be afraid even of meeting women. It seems to him that everyone is laughing at him and discussing his merits, which is rarely true.
  • Secondary male failure … In this case, we can safely argue that this process flows smoothly from the above-mentioned factor. A kind of scheme is launched into the course: "I want - I'm afraid - I can't." If you set yourself up for some kind of failure in advance, then it will definitely happen with a suspicious person.
  • Systematic fear of any intimacy with a woman … After numerous attempts to be wealthy in terms of sex, a man may fall into a specific panic. It will be easier for him to give up his intimate life altogether than to try again to realize himself in this regard.

The described types of anxious expectation of sexual failure syndrome resemble some phases of a growing problem. One stage gradually develops into another, which can result in a serious problem for male potency.

Ways to Deal with Sexual Failure Expectation Syndrome

It is necessary to deal with the described misfortune before it takes on a chronic form. Fear of sexual failure can grow so fast that a man will then have to seek professional help.

Actions for the syndrome of anticipation of sexual failure in men for women

Understanding the partner
Understanding the partner

If the fair sex is interested in her chosen one, then she must do everything possible to solve his problem. Sexologists and psychologists recommend at the same time such methods so that harmony is restored in a couple:

  1. Understanding the partner … If tension is constantly felt in a relationship, then there can be no talk of any cure. Aggression and reproaches will only aggravate the situation, which will be very difficult to resolve in the future. A wise woman will create such a favorable environment for her man that all his fears and fears will disappear without a trace.
  2. Straight Talk … In this case, it is necessary to be as tactful as possible interlocutor, because intimate questions can deeply hurt the chosen one. Jokes and irony in this case will have the most negative impact on a man, because he will start looking for a more correct partner in his statements. Psychologists advise to organize the upcoming conversation not as an accusatory speech, but rather in the form of the sayings of a lawyer.
  3. Word control … A man can fall in love and inflame with passion even for a stinging person, but she should remember the fraughtness of such actions. You cannot humiliate your chosen one, because all this will end in tears regarding the intimate life in the established couple. Wit is good in friendly conversation, but not when building a relationship with a soul mate.
  4. Lack of comparisons … In no case should you analyze your partner against the background of the previous chosen one. His merits are not important, because the previous relationship should remain in the past with a wise woman. If a woman, moreover, draws a parallel not in favor of a new relationship, then a bold cross can be put on them.

Steps for Sexual Failure Anxiety Disorder for Men

Conversation with a partner
Conversation with a partner

In most cases, a representative of the stronger sex is looking for a problem out of the blue. Therefore, he himself can help himself in a situation that has arisen in this way:

  • Introspection … At the same time, this method should not be confused with blaming yourself for all mortal sins and strangers too. You should calmly figure out what prevents you from being alone with a woman without further disappointment in yourself. If the reason lies in the past fiasco, then you just need to remember it with a smile. Tales of super-males are in most cases just narratives for the gullible, because the human body cannot respond to everything in the same way.
  • Conversation with a partner … You cannot solve the problem alone when it comes to an existing couple. Relationships cannot be based solely on sex, because people also need moral support in difficult times. Therefore, it is necessary in a confidential conversation with the chosen one to find out the ways of solving the voiced question.
  • Getting rid of complexes … In some cases, a man is simply embarrassed by the size of his penis. The myth that a woman needs only a stallion with phenomenal dimensions for full sex has long outlived its usefulness. Ladies need affection and the ability to satisfy all their secret desires, so you should not worry about the created stereotypes.

Specialist help with anxious expectation of sexual failure syndrome

Psychotherapeutic effect on a man
Psychotherapeutic effect on a man

Turning to a sex therapist becomes simply inevitable when the problem has acquired significant proportions. If the couple's efforts were not enough to solve the crisis in sexual relations, then experts may recommend the following:

  1. Psychotherapeutic effect … In some cases, even hypnosis is used as a means of getting rid of the fear of being untenable during intercourse. A competent doctor will be able to find out the causes of the problem if the victim of the circumstances herself is not able to do this.
  2. Physiotherapy effect … It is aimed directly at restoring the so-called reflexes, which are responsible for the male sexual function. Running right after the notorious Viagra when problems arise will be a big mistake, because only a competent specialist is able to prescribe the necessary course of therapy.
  3. Conversation with the victim's partner … When we turn to a sex therapist for help, he unequivocally invites us to connect our soul mate to the dialogue. In an intimate relationship, there are always two people, so the demand from one will not give any result in resolving the problem.

What is Sexual Failure Expectation Syndrome - watch the video:

Sexual Failure Anxiety Syndrome is a serious problem that should not be dismissed. It is very easy to lose yourself in terms of sexual life, because sometimes one careless word from the partner is enough for this. A loving couple should do their best to get rid of this problem.
