Loss of interest in sex and the reasons for this problem. The article will provide recommendations for men and women to resume sexual attraction to the opposite sex. The desire for sex is a desire that should be present not only at a young age. Mature and successful couples also need to be interested in this issue so that the relationship between lovers is harmonious. How to return sexual desire if it suddenly disappeared? It is necessary to deal with the situation, since the condition is not a natural process even at the age of 40-50 years.
Reasons for the disappearance of interest in the opposite sex

In fact, there are quite a few reasons why there has been a break in the intimate life of a couple. Nevertheless, when sexual desire has disappeared, do not give up and give up. The main thing is to find the reason and get rid of it in order to restore harmony.
Experts identify the following provocative problems:
- Stressful situation … In very rare cases, when a serious problem arises, a person will want to indulge in carnal pleasures. His psyche begins an active struggle to maintain peace of mind after suffering a blow from fate. Stress is a serious life test, after which sexual desire can come to naught. At the same time, the injured party remains devoted to the soul of his partner, but temporarily does not want to enter into intimate intimacy with him.
- Bad habits … Chronic alcoholics and drug addicts rarely enter into full-fledged sexual relationships, because the doping made makes them indifferent to sexual activity. There is also a misconception that the consumed one hundred grams of strong drink will add fantastic moments and the sharpness of desire to intimacy. Alcohol will at first make the attraction dull, and then completely destroy it.
- Not getting enough sleep … If a person devotes little time to rest, then this is a wake-up call for his libido. A partner tired of lack of sleep will dream exclusively of an alliance with a pillow, and not of a passionate night. With any offer to enter into intimacy, he will begin to get annoyed and frustrate his discontent in the second half.
- Children … The child tends to be capricious, get sick and demand increased attention from adults. In addition, not every family can afford to have a bedroom separate from the offspring. All this interferes with a full-fledged sex life, which ultimately leads to a couple's discord in the intimate sphere.
- Medications … Everyone tolerates taking medications in their own way, which sometimes threatens with a decrease in sexual desire even for a desired and beloved partner. Few people are aware of the fact that libido can be seriously affected by the use of antidepressants, antiallergic drugs, and blood pressure lowering drugs. Even birth control pills can cause reluctance to have sex with your chosen one.
- Deterioration of the partner's appearance … Some people, after entering a full-fledged relationship, stop taking care of themselves, considering it an optional factor. However, at one time, it was the appearance that was attractive to the partner that played an important role in creating a couple. A sloven husband or an unkempt wife can discourage them from having an intimate relationship with their appearance alone. Problems often arise in a family where the wife is a housewife. After all, it is much easier and more convenient to walk in a washed dressing gown with a ponytail on the head, an unwashed head. The usual household chores in the form of cleaning, cooking and caring for family members simply do not leave the time and desire to look after their appearance. However, men love not only warm borscht and cleanliness. They still love with their eyes, so they cannot do without a "beautiful picture".
- Health problems … A lingering illness can seriously affect a person's sexual desire. In addition, there is such a thing as erectile dysfunction, which is very troubling for some men. Anxiety with the sounded factor can turn a previously healthy representative of the stronger sex into a passive sexual partner for his chosen one. The prostate also plays a significant role in sexual problems. If she's inflamed, you don't have to wait for rough sex. Vaginismus in a woman also has an extremely negative effect on her sex drive, which can be the end of the existing relationship.
- Disruption in the hormonal system … This kind of imbalance is a serious test for any person. The endocrine system is responsible for the sexual attraction of people, so problems with it are fraught with serious problems in the intimate sphere.
- Menopause … During this period, a woman's physical activity declines, which leads to more and more frequent refusals to her partner in intimacy. According to numerous surveys, it can be concluded that about 50% of women in adulthood complain of a decrease in sexual desire during and after menopause.
- Depression … In such a state, one does not want not only intimacy, but everything else. A depressed person enters a persistent state of indifference to things that were once pleasant to him. The partner of a discouraged subject begins to acutely feel the change in the quality of sexual life in a couple and also withdraws into himself.
- Relationship problems … Constant quarrels, excessive jealousy and mistrust between lovers become a direct threat to the relationship between a man and a woman. The caustic word of the chosen one can sometimes completely kill the desire to have sexual contact with him. If, however, physical violence is used, then the attraction to a partner disappears without a trace, if we are not talking about an alliance of a masochist with a sadist.
- Fear of unwanted pregnancy … Not all contraceptives provide a 100% guarantee of protected intercourse. In some cases, they can fail, which causes later reluctance to re-go through the tragic events in the form of abortion.
- Religious beliefs … For persistent sexual desire for a partner, not only physiological factors are extremely important, but the emotional state of a man or woman. Puritanism according to any spiritual ideology is capable of destroying even the strongest couple. In some cases, fanatics begin to think that sexual relations is a great sin, which will definitely lead to zero sexual desire.
- Low self-esteem … Very often, with the problem of how to return sexual desire, people do not understand the main reason for the imbalance in their intimate life. However, in most cases, the source of the decrease in libido is precisely the sounded factor. If, at the same time, in the past there was a situation of fiasco with a partner, then low self-esteem can trigger a mechanism for the disappearance of interest in sex.
- Unwillingness of one of the partners to realize the fantasies of the other … Not everyone likes the same missionary position and sex in the dark. Sometimes you want variety, something new and fresh. But the partner turns out to be unprepared for bold decisions, which causes a decline in desire and even sometimes thoughts of looking for a more liberated person on the side.
The listed problems in many cases are not unconditionally unsolvable issue. All of them can be adjusted by a specialist to restore harmony in the intimate sphere. And sometimes it's enough to just overcome your fear and talk frankly with your partner in order to unleash each other's potential and realize desires.
Ways to return disappeared sexual desire
In solving this issue, one should remember the need in the life of every person to have a full sex life. This is not a whim of dissolute people, but an elementary physiological need for each subject.
Methods of fighting for the return of sexual desire to women

Representatives of the fair sex quite often suffer from the voiced problem. Sex therapists and gynecologists often face the question of why a woman's sexual desire has disappeared. In this case, they recommend that their patients take the following actions:
- Awakening sensuality … Ladies' receptors are usually very sensitive to all external stimuli. Therefore, you need to surround yourself with as many pleasant and beautiful things as possible. Perfume with a delicate aroma and inviting soul music can increase libido for many women. This kind of therapy using smells and sounds can help the constrained person relax and enjoy as much of the intimacy as possible.
- Work on your body … For each coquette, the factor of how she looks in the eyes of her chosen one is very important. Smart women, having carefully studied all the charms and flaws of the figure, must learn to present their beloved exclusively with their strengths. Indeed, very often it is in the complexation of defects in appearance that the loss of interest in sex among the fair sex lies.
- Straight talk with a partner … In most cases, the coldness of a woman is the result of the inept treatment of her by a man. Foreplay is very important for any lady, so this phase of intercourse needs to be prolonged. You need to tell your chosen one about your desires in the most correct form, so as not to hurt his pride and not enter into a state of righteous anger.
- Using lubricants … Some physiological problems prevent a woman from fully enjoying intimacy with her beloved. To address this issue, manufacturers of delicate goods have developed a whole series of intimate lubricants for painless contact with a partner. Discomfort during intercourse will disappear - fears from its implementation will disappear.
- Strong physical exercise … Laziness of the body often entails the problem that the desire for sex has disappeared. An active lifestyle without fanatical depletion of the body will bring a lot of benefit to a woman who has lost interest in intimate relationships. It is useful to visit the pool, take a walk for at least half an hour before going to bed, or do a short jog in the immediate vicinity.
- Hormone therapy … If the desire in relation to your chosen one has disappeared for this reason, then you cannot do without the help of doctors. In this case, in no case should one engage in self-medication, because a failure in the body of this kind can have a rather serious reason.
- Eating aphrodisiac foods … Fatty and heavy for digestion dishes have never contributed to an active intimate life. In this case, it is better to include in your diet seafood, seasonings, chocolate, eggs, fruits and liver.
- The use of medicinal herbs … If there are no contraindications for the use of these funds in the form of an allergic reaction, it is worth trying this method. Aloe, ginseng, wild yam, and damiana can be used both as spices and as medicinal infusions.
- Organization of intimate evenings … Nothing kills sexual desire like the routine in a relationship. Over time, the passion fades away, but a wise woman is able to maintain it periodically. Erotic lingerie, candlelight dinner can cause desire not only in a man, but also in his chosen one.
Important! In some cases, the loss of sensuality and interest in sex is temporary. Sex therapists advise you to seek help from them in order to give competent recommendations for each individual fact.
Ways to return sexual desire to men

In the case of representatives of the strong half of humanity, this phenomenon is much less common than among women. The reason usually lies in the psychological aspect, because physiology plays a secondary role here.
If the sexual desire in men has disappeared, then experts recommend taking the following measures to eliminate the problem that has arisen:
- Heart-to-heart conversation with a partner … In some situations, she is the one to blame for what happened. Refusal from sex with a constant reference to a headache will alienate any man. It is necessary in a calm atmosphere and without accusations to talk with the chosen one, finding out the reasons for her alienation in the physical plane.
- Working on interpersonal relationships … For some reason, representatives of the stronger sex think that their main task is to be a breadwinner in the house. Of course, the lion's share of truth in this widespread opinion is. However, a loss of sexual interest in a partner can occur when intimate life has become a bargaining chip in a couple. Such things cannot be manipulated by putting mutual ultimatums and expressing claims to each other. Any relationship requires daily work on them, after which there are practically no problems in sex.
- Rethinking priorities … When asked why a man's desire for sex has disappeared, it is necessary to analyze the changes in the relationship in a couple. The problem may lie in the fact that the husband began to regard his once intimately attractive wife only as a good housewife and mother. Having then projected her image onto his parent, he ultimately loses his libido completely. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a good psychotherapist who will help you understand the problem that has arisen.
- Prevention in the form of regular sex … Sex therapists claim that this method is the best remedy for the same erection dysfunction. If a man gets used to do without intimate contact with a partner, then his sexual function fades away due to its uselessness.
- Medical examination … When a representative of the stronger sex has a suspicion that his problems lie in the dysfunctions of the reproductive system, then you need to consult a doctor. There is no need to be ashamed of this, because a man's personal life is at stake.
- Recreation … A change in the environment, normal sleep and calmness are precisely the factors that help a couple return harmony to family life. Everyday life eats up not only relationships, but also passion. The way out can be a trip for at least a week to another city or country.
- A sincere confession about your hobbies and desires … Not only a woman needs to tell a man how to caress her properly. Sometimes a man needs more than normal body movements. These can be films, toys for adults. You should honestly tell your partner about your desires and offer to try to realize them. Perhaps she will also like it, and the misunderstanding will disappear. And with a familiar, trusted person it is easier to realize your intimate fantasies, and not to look for a liberated person on the side.
Some people wonder what to do if the desire for sex has disappeared. First of all, you should learn for yourself that if this suits both in a pair, then experts do not consider this a problem. However, this is extremely rare, which ultimately leads to a break in relations. In addition, you should not voluntarily deprive yourself of the joy of intimate communication with a partner, if you can really solve this issue.