Easter is a bright holiday. So that the children know as much as possible about him, honor traditions, arrange a fancy-dress matinee, including games and competitions in the program. The script for the Easter holiday in a child care center will help the children learn about this day, play the proposed games. See how to paint eggs, decorate the room for a bright holiday.
Easter script
The hall or classroom is decorated accordingly. You can hang real twigs with buds or leaves here, make artificial flowers, inflate balloons, and use them for decoration.
In order for a holiday in kindergarten or elementary school to be a success, parents first need to bake or buy Easter cakes, paint eggs in order to bring these attributes with them. Teachers or parents together with children should make souvenirs and gifts in advance, prepare everything necessary for fun games.
So, the holiday begins! The teacher or educator turns on an Easter song or the sound of a bell, the children enter the hall. The presenter tells them a little about Easter, he says that in Russia it was also called Christ's Sunday, Bright Day, Great Day. The children were looking forward to the arrival of this holiday. Indeed, on this day there were many funny games, swinging, friendly round dances. The children walked around the courtyards, almost like on Christmastide, so this action was called green Christmastide.
The presenter congratulates all those present with a joyful and bright holiday and tells that it was previously believed that the sun is playing on this day. Therefore, young people climbed onto rooftops, hoping to see it. Also, the presenter will tell a little about the traditions for Easter, these are:
- the custom of painting and exchanging eggs;
- oven cakes;
- to cook Easter from cottage cheese;
- ring the bells;
- go to visit each other all week;
- during the holiday, participate in various entertainments and games.
In order not to be unfounded, it's time to move on to the fun part of the holiday.

Egg rolling game
For her you will need:
- tables;
- grooves;
- colored eggs.
The grooves are installed on tables. Children take turns rolling dyed chicken eggs along the grooves. The next competitor must try to break the attributes of the other players. The winner is the one whose testicle is intact at the end of the game.
Game "Egg Relay"
It will require:
- spoons;
- eggs;
- competing.
All players are divided into two teams. Each participant is given a spoon. You need to put an egg in it. Next, the first players of both teams must run a certain path, go back, pass the egg to the second players. Those will put it in a spoon, holding it in their hands will continue on their way. Then, in turn, the rest of the team members.
In the classic version, the spoon must be kept in the mouth, but children should not be advised to play this game, as they may fall and get hurt.
Holiday bowling
Also include the following game in the Easter script. For her, take:
- souvenirs (nesting dolls, soldiers, little dolls);
- candies;
- whistles;
- gingerbread;
- eggs.
Edible and inedible attributes are placed on a flat surface. Each player in turn must roll a boiled egg, trying to knock down these objects with it. Then the second player continues to do this, the third, and so on. In the process of this action, the fallen objects are taken by the one who managed to knock them down. When there are no souvenirs left on the table or on the floor, the game is over.
Find a thimble
For this game, included in the Easter Kindergarten scenario, you will need:
- forfeits;
- thimble.
The presenter hides the thimble, but so that, with a little effort, it can be seen. Then he calls the children, they go out, start looking for this attribute. Anyone who sees a thimble should not speak about it aloud, but silently sit in his place. Anyone who does not find this object with a glance must give up their fantasies.
Of course, games should alternate with round dances, singing songs. Moreover, the children will not only perform them with their voices, but also show with movements what is happening in these songs.
Include in the script for Easter in kindergarten the voice composition "We have already sowed flax." In the course of the action, you will need it:
- tear;
- soap;
- flap;
- wrinkle;
- spin;
- weave.
In order for the children to be able to depict all this with their movements, first explain to them that earlier in the villages they sowed flax, processed it, weaved it, so that the result was a canvas from which clothes were sewn.

This Easter script will come in handy not only in kindergarten, but also at home, in nature. Children will be happy to play here, lead round dances.
At the end of the holiday, you must definitely arrange a tea party with Easter cakes, sweets, painted eggs. The latter are important for this holiday, therefore the next section is devoted to these attributes of a bright day.
Why do they paint eggs on Easter, how to decorate them?

Not everyone knows why this attribute must be present on the Easter table. According to legend, when the Roman Empire existed, people could come to the emperor with some kind of request and had to present him with a gift. The rich gave generous gifts, such as gold, and the poor, what was on the farm.
When the emperor Tiberius ruled, Marina Magdalene wanted to come to him and tell him about the miraculous resurrection of Christ. But she didn’t have anything to give, only an ordinary white chicken egg. She presented it to the emperor and said that: "Christ is risen!"
He did not believe it, proclaimed that if a light egg turns red, only then he will decide - it is true. And immediately his wish was fulfilled. The egg turned red. The Emperor was surprised and confirmed, proclaiming: "Indeed he has risen!" That is why eggs are painted on Easter, greeting each other in this way and proclaiming the cherished words in return.
- To make the eggshell red, you can use food colors, if they are not at hand, then boil the eggs in onion husks. Beets will also give them the desired color. It is enough to cook them in the remaining broth of this vegetable for 10-15 minutes.
- If you want your eggs to turn blue for Easter, then add red cabbage leaves to the water.
- If you need the shell to turn beige, then use a coffee brew.
- For a rich yellow egg color, use walnut shells or birch leaves. And for a light yellow color, take oranges or carrots.

The photo shows what other vegetables, fruits, berries, spices can be used to obtain the desired shades.
Eggs painted with these natural remedies can be given to children, taken to kindergarten. But it will be even more interesting if patterns appear on these attributes of the holiday.
If you want to paint eggs so that they have a drawing, take:
- food coloring;
- adhesive plaster;
- threads;
- wax candle.
This list of components is given for three types of design of these Easter attributes.
- Cut out the figures you want from the plaster, stick them on the shell. If you use food coloring, then first boil those, then attach these stickers, dip them in the dye solution. Keep there for as many minutes as written in the instructions for it. If you are using husks, then stick the stickers on the raw eggs first, then dip them in the dye solution and cook.
- Do the same with threads. Wrap them over the shell. You can use rubber bands instead of thread. After dipping white eggs in the dye solution, support them in it. Then take it out, dry it, and then remove the elastic bands or threads.
- For the third option, you need to paint on the surface of the shell with melted wax. When you dip such an egg in the dye, the surface will remain white under the wax. Delete it.

And here's how to paint eggs so that they turn out to be interesting colors. To do this, take:
- vinegar;
- aniline food colors;
- napkins.
Boil hard-boiled eggs in salted water to prevent the shells from bursting. Cool them in cold water, wipe dry. Now wrap these blanks in napkins and pour vinegar. Apply one or more paints on top. Let the testicles dry while. After 2 hours, remove the napkins, you will see what happened.

When approving the script for Easter in kindergarten, be sure to include contests with these attributes in it. Put these eggs on the festive table for a joint meal, they will certainly decorate it, like the following.

For these you will need:
- water;
- onion peel;
- stationery knife;
- pencil.
Boil the eggs in water with onion peel added for 15–20 minutes. After that, cool them, wipe dry, draw the lines of the drawing on the shell with a pencil. Use a knife to scrape along these markings to remove the paint here. You will get such wonderful Easter eggs.

To achieve the effect of marbled eggs, in addition to them, you need to take:
- onion husks;
- pharmacy greenery;
- gauze.
Step-by-step instruction:
- If eggs are in the refrigerator, remove them one hour before cooking so they can warm up. Rinse. Without getting this water wet, stick the onion husks around the eggs, fix it in this position using pieces of gauze, for each a square with sides of 10 cm is enough.
- Dip the eggs in a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil, add some greenery, cook for 10 minutes. Then you can leave the eggs in this water, or drain it and pour cold water.
- Remove the husk along with the gauze, wait until the shell dries.
You can grease the surface of boiled colored eggs with vegetable oil to make them shine. And here's how to paint eggs in dye to achieve an interesting effect. Take:
- chiffon or silk fabric with a bright pattern;
- vinegar;
- white cotton cloth;
- water.
Follow this procedure:
- Wrap the eggs in sections of "shedding" fabrics, preferably, so that there are no folds. Before that, you can pre-sew the bags according to the size of the eggs. Wrap a cotton cloth over the top.
- Dissolve 3 tablespoons of vinegar in 2 glasses of water, put the blanks here, boil them for 10 minutes.
- After that, cool the eggs, remove the vestments from them, you will see how beautiful these Easter attributes turned out to be.

Can be diluted in different containers of paints of several colors. Lower chicken testicles here in different directions, so that they turn out to be so variegated as a result.

If you want the leaves to be clearly visible on them, then prepare:
- greens;
- onion peel or dye;
- stockings or thin tights;
- ropes.
Disassemble the greens into leaves, attach each to the shell, fix by cutting off the stocking in a circle, tying it with a rope. Dilute the food coloring according to the instructions, dip the prepared egg into this container. Leave the required amount of time. Get it out. After it dries, remove all unnecessary and admire the result.

How to decorate a house for Easter?
The following master classes will help to decorate not only the apartment, but also the hall in the kindergarten, at the school on the eve of the upcoming bright holiday.

Children will gladly cut such rabbits out of colored paper or cardboard of blue and pink colors.
First you need to make a template, the kids will circle it, cut out paper parts from it. Then the adults will make a hole in each figure with an awl. Give the children a piece of string, the end of which is greased with glue and dried, so that the children can string paper figures onto it.
On the bright holiday of Easter, baskets are placed in the house, flowers and painted eggs are placed in them. These devices are very interesting to make. You can make a basket of twigs.

As you can see, the thinner ones need to be laid vertically, and the larger ones should be placed horizontally, perpendicular to the data. The structure is fixed with a hot glue gun. Place the artificial moss inside and place the eggs on top of it.
A basket of colored paper will also wonderfully fit into the atmosphere of this holiday.
- The child will cut a long strip of green paper. Gluing the next one of the same, let him enclose the blanks in a loop, which must be given a rectangular shape, bending the corners on four sides.
- Thinner strips are cut from paper of a contrasting color, for example, red. Stick two perpendicular to the green blank. The rest need to be sharpened with scissors from the top side, glue this "picket fence" vertically.
- From dark and light paper, you need to cut out acute-angled leaves, glue them from the inside of the resulting fence.
- From pink and red paper, the child will cut flowers with five petals, in the center of which you need to glue identical blanks, but smaller.
- A colored napkin is placed in the middle of the basket; colored eggs and Easter cake can be placed on it.

Edible dough basket. After it serves as a container for eggs, those present will taste it with pleasure. Speaking about how to decorate a house for Easter, it should be noted that a spring wreath is perfect for decorating a room. It can be hung on the front door to the hall or on the interior door in the house. Children are happy to make such crafts, they like to feel like creators.
DIY Easter wreath

This is how airy it will turn out. If you want to make gifts for the spring holiday, be sure to make a similar attribute.
To do it, take:
- thick cardboard;
- sisal;
- hot glue gun;
- jute cord;
- paper towels;
- raffia;
- feathers;
- lace.
Cut a ring with a diameter of 23 cm out of cardboard. Wrap it with paper towels to make the future Easter wreath more voluminous. Now you should be patient and tightly wrap the workpiece with jute rope or thick threads or ribbons.

Secure the threads with hot silicone from a glue gun. For a fluffier wreath, wrap sisal over it.

If you have small decorative testicles, in the next step, glue them to the surface of the wreath. If not, then mold from plastic, bake in the oven, then use. In the absence of this material, you can cut the testicles out of foam, twist them from threads, use fabric roses as decoration. Glue the decoration to the wreath. Fill in the gaps with feathers.

You can make an Easter wreath from branches. It is not at all difficult to make it with your own hands.

To do this, you need to have on hand:
- birch branches;
- fresh willow;
- pliers;
- jute rope or wire;
- scissors;
- raffia;
- small artificial flowers.
Lay the birch branches one on top of the other. Use pliers to remove any excess to form a fairly straight line. Bend it with a ring, fix it in this position using a rope or thin wire.
Also distribute branches of fresh willow in a circle, fix them with a rope. Attach white fake flowers here.

This or a similar Easter wreath will turn out. How to do it yourself, the photos were demonstrated.
These ideas will certainly help decorate the room. You just have to approve the script for Easter, spend it fun and unforgettable.
The video report will tell you what fun games you can include in the program of celebrating a bright day indoors or outdoors.

How to paint eggs, the following video will tell. For you 10 ideas on this topic in order to obtain various effects.

You will learn how to make an Easter wreath from the final plot.