Red color in the interior of the kitchen: stylish and bright

Red color in the interior of the kitchen: stylish and bright
Red color in the interior of the kitchen: stylish and bright

Our tips for creating a kitchen in challenging bright colors will help you not to go wrong in the selection of complementary shades. Read and see the photos! The selection of the color scheme of the interior of the room is very important and requires certain creative skills and knowledge. In the color palette, red occupies a special place, being one of the brightest, exciting and joyful. However, its use as a base shade in the interior has not been so popular until now. Recently, designers have begun to use bold solutions in interior design. The color red in the interior of the kitchen has become very popular.

The kitchen is one of the most visited and important areas of the house. When developing its design and filling, it is important to observe the following parameters: functionality, originality of design, space saving (in the case of a small area of the room). When using red, it is very important not to cross a certain line that can make the room unattractive and even repulsive, which is unacceptable for a kitchen. Achieving coziness and comfort is the main thing to be guided by.

If you independently develop a kitchen design and decide to include red in it, then a gallery of photos with ready-made kitchen projects made in red can help you. We have selected the most attractive kitchen photos in red.

Red in kitchen design: pros and cons


Coloristics is a multifaceted science, familiarity with its foundations will allow you to understand the language of color, the combination of colors, their influence on the psychological state of a person. It is known that a certain color can be perceived differently by each person. Someone is closest to warm tones, someone loves contrast and cold shades that make you feel vigorous, exciting fantasy and emotions.

Experts studying the influence of color on the psyche and physiology of people note that the choice of interior colors should be based not only on fashion trends, but also on the state of a person under the influence of a particular shade. Previously, red was considered annoying and was not used in kitchen decoration. It was believed that it negatively affects the psyche and can even cause headaches. Perceptive people, introverts can really feel unreasonable anxiety, panic and discomfort in a red room. However, creative energetic natures find in him a source of inspiration and optimism, excellent mood and cheerfulness. The abundance of red in the interior of the kitchen, where you drink your morning coffee after waking up, is able to tune in to the active continuation of the day.


However, one cannot but pay attention to the proven fact that red color increases appetite … The advantage of its effect on human physiology is that red helps to improve digestion, accelerate the digestion of food. But still, those who are in the eternal pursuit of weight loss should not take the risk and make the kitchen red, but choose more neutral tones. Therefore, based on all the pros and cons of decorating the kitchen in red, you should listen to your own feelings, analyze how this color affects you. If it only causes pleasant sensations, then feel free to get down to business: paint the walls red, buy a red set, textiles and furniture, though the main thing is not to overdo it!

Distinctive features of red in the interior of the kitchen


If you want to save money on designer services and are going to make repairs on your own, then it is worth remembering that red kitchens in different houses or apartments can look completely different. Therefore, when decorating an interior, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • kitchen area;
  • the location of the room relative to the sun (the kitchen is light or dark);
  • location and size of windows and doorways.

These factors will allow you to choose the right shade of red that is most optimal for your kitchen. So, when decorating a small room, it is better to use the lightest, lightest shade of this color, since excessive brightness will help to visually reduce the room. The choice of complementary colors is very important. Warm tones go well with red: beige, vanilla, cream and creamy shades. Red goes well with black. It is better not to use white and gray colors - in combination with red they give the effect of coldness.

Kitchen in red - bringing to life


Choosing red as the main color in the interior palette does not necessarily mean that everything should be exclusively red or its shades. The abundance of one color can ruin the design of the room, so the measure is very important.

When designing, emphasis should be placed on:

  • furniture - a kitchen set, a dining table, household appliances;
  • textiles - tablecloths, towels, curtains;
  • walls and floor;
  • accessories and design elements.

Wood with a red tint is suitable as a material for kitchen units and furniture. You can buy the brightest and most modern set with inserts and facades in red. Such a set with a table, the tabletop of which is made of the same material and in the same color, will look beautiful.

As for household appliances, it is possible to buy them in red, but it may require a long search. Therefore, it is not necessary to buy a refrigerator, microwave and stove in red, you can buy it in standard white or black. You can add shades of red using dishes and textiles, which is the simplest and most budgetary option. Add accessories and lighting and design elements to add flavor to the room. Curtains, chair cushions, tablecloths, tea towels, vases, figurines, floor rugs of the appropriate color and design can work wonders.


If you are the happy owner of a spacious kitchen, but its windows face the northern, non-sunny side, then it is better to use pink, light terracotta or light crimson paint or wallpaper for the walls. The red floor is not for everybody. For flooring, you can choose darker colors: dark crimson, terracotta. As a covering for the kitchen, parquet, linoleum, laminate are perfect.

So, if you know with complete confidence that a kitchen in red is your option, then without hesitation choose the most suitable ready-made design and start making your dream come true! Happy and happy renovation!

Photos of kitchens in red:
