Dessert Spruce cones from corn flakes

Dessert Spruce cones from corn flakes
Dessert Spruce cones from corn flakes

What is a New Year's table without dessert? If you want to cook something simple and worthy of a festive table, then our recipe with step by step photos will come in handy.

Dessert Spruce cones close up
Dessert Spruce cones close up

An incredibly simple dessert is what you need for a New Year's table, because the housewives prepare a lot of delicious things. Therefore, there is often no time left for dessert. But we will save the day by offering you to cook "Fir Cones". The basis of the dessert is boiled condensed milk and corn flakes. And then you can fantasize and add whatever your heart desires - coconut, nuts, raisins, candied fruits, dried berries.

See also how to make a no-bake brownie using hazelnut cookies.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 380 kcal.
  • Servings - 6
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes


  • Corn flakes - 200 g
  • Boiled condensed milk - 8-10 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tsp
  • Walnuts - 50-100 g

Step-by-step preparation of dessert Spruce cones from cornflakes

Nuts in a frying pan
Nuts in a frying pan

Let's prepare the nuts right away. We clean and dry them in a pan or in the oven. 5-7 minutes will be enough. Leave the nuts to cool. Want a more sophisticated taste? Add cashews, almonds, and peanuts instead of walnuts.

Bowl of cornflakes
Bowl of cornflakes

Choose corn flakes according to your taste. In a house where there are children, such cereals are often in bins to feed the child quickly. Knead the flakes with your hands so that they become smaller.

Nuts added to flakes
Nuts added to flakes

The nuts have already cooled down, now they can be chopped. We chop them with a knife or put them in a bag and go through it with a rolling pin. Any way is fine. Let's add nuts to the cereal. As mentioned above, you can go beyond nuts - take coconut, dried lingonberries or cranberries, and more.

Boiled condensed milk added to nuts and cereals
Boiled condensed milk added to nuts and cereals

Add boiled condensed milk. You can cook it yourself or buy a ready-made one.

Condensed milk is mixed with the rest of the ingredients
Condensed milk is mixed with the rest of the ingredients

Mix well to get a homogeneous viscous mass.

Cone Shaping of Ingredients
Cone Shaping of Ingredients

Now the fun part is the bud formation. If you have cone wine glasses, use them. Cover the glasses with cling film and fill them to the top. If nothing like this was found in the house, do not despair. Arm yourself with baking paper. We turn the cones out of the squares, turn the edge of the cone and fix it with a stapler. Fill the cones tightly to the top and place them in a glass.

Dessert Spruce cones ready to eat
Dessert Spruce cones ready to eat

We send the dessert to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours so that it grabs. Then we remove the paper and put them on a plate. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Dessert Spruce cones on a plate
Dessert Spruce cones on a plate

Dessert is ready to serve.

Dessert Spruce cones served at the table
Dessert Spruce cones served at the table

See also video recipes:

New Year's dessert without baking

Unusual and beautiful dessert for the new year
