Fun contests, gifts from the class on Teacher's Day

Fun contests, gifts from the class on Teacher's Day
Fun contests, gifts from the class on Teacher's Day

Gifts from the class for Teachers' Day can be handmade. This is a clock, a wall newspaper, bouquets of fruits. Craft paraphernalia for fun contests. Everyone who has already graduated from school had a teacher. These mentors are now among the students who attend the educational institution. Teacher's Day is celebrated everywhere. Teachers are given gifts, interesting performances are arranged for them.

About Teacher's Day

Teacher with her students on the background of the blackboard
Teacher with her students on the background of the blackboard

For the first time this holiday was established in our country by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1965 (September 29). Until 1994, Teachers' Day was celebrated on the first Sunday in October. And since 1994 - October 5, since the World Teacher's Day falls just on this number. In some former Soviet republics, the date is the same, but in others, this holiday is still celebrated on the first Sunday of October.

In 1966 - October 5, the Conference on the Status of Teachers was held in Paris. As a result, a historic document was adopted and signed, which is called "Recommendations regarding the status of teachers."

The UN invites, on World Teachers' Day, citizens who graduated from school to think about how a good teacher changed their lives, to remember him. In recent years, the number of teaching staff has been declining for various reasons. According to UNESCO statistics, countries need to attract an additional 3.3 million teachers to achieve universal primary education by 2030.

This organization calls on the governments of all countries, the international community to unite their efforts to support teachers, to promote quality teaching. This is especially true in countries where some children are out of school.

Classroom Gift for Teacher's Day

To please your teacher, usually a gift is presented from the class. The teacher will be pleased to receive a present made by his students. These can be gifts that the teacher will keep for years to come. But sometimes the teachers at home simply do not have enough space to store all the gifts they have received over many years of practice. Therefore, it is advisable to make one so as to pleasantly surprise the teacher, and then he could pleasantly drink tea with gift elements.

It could be a basket of chocolates. Give a computer science teacher a laptop made of candy, and a music teacher - a piano made of candy.

Unusual bouquet will certainly please your taste. After all, it can be made up of delicious fruits. For this, the following are suitable:

  • apples;
  • oranges;
  • avocado;
  • mango.

You don't need to be a specialist to make a fruity bouquet. Stick the listed dishes onto wooden sticks wrapped in green floral tape or tinsel. But so that the juice does not flow out, it is better to put nets on the fruit and tie them to the skewers with ribbons. You can put them in a basket, decorate it and present such a gift from the class for teacher's day.

The presentation can be useful, original and inexpensive.

Homemade watch
Homemade watch

To make a clock for a teacher, take:

  • stationery;
  • checkered notebook;
  • thick cardboard;
  • glue gun;
  • awl;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • clockwork;
  • frame.

Follow these instructions:

  1. Put a sheet of cardboard to the frame, circle it so that it fits in it and does not fall out. You also need to cut out 2-3 such cardboard circles, glue them together so that the base is dense.
  2. The same size should be a blank from a notebook sheet, which is glued over the cardboard base.
  3. Find the middle with a compass, make a puncture here with an awl. Insert the clock mechanism into the resulting hole, fix it.
  4. Use large and small paper clips, a piece of tape measure, buttons, spepler staples, and other small items as stationery. Each of them is responsible for a specific hour. Glue these items with a hot gun.
  5. Insert the resulting dial into the frame, in the field of which you can carry a gift to the school and give it to the teacher from the class.

You can make a present like a wall newspaper. In one corner of the drawing paper, place such a clock, glue a portrait of the teacher next to it, the paraphernalia that he uses while teaching his subject. Write good wishes to the teacher in prose and verse.

Let someone come to class early on October 5th and hang such a surprise on the blackboard. The teacher will certainly be delighted with the sign of attention.

  1. In order not to buy banal vases, of which the teacher may already have several, let the children make such a gift from the class on Teacher's Day with their own hands. You need to take a clean container as a basis. It can be a plastic bucket of mayonnaise, a glass jar.
  2. Outside, you need to attach pencils, pens or felt-tip pens and secure them with an elastic band, bandage with tape.
  3. Place flowers inside. The teacher will really need these stationery in the process of work, which he can remove directly from the vase, and the flowers will cheer him up.
Gift vase with flowers
Gift vase with flowers

Often the teacher carries notebooks home to check what is written in them. Therefore, from the class for teacher's day, you can give a strong roomy bag. It can be bought or commissioned to sew to one of the parents, providing her with the necessary material.

Gift bag
Gift bag

The bag is lined, so identical parts are cut out from both types of fabric. To keep the product in shape, exactly the same details are cut out of padding polyester. Each three-layer element is folded and machine-stitched. Then the details need to be sewn, handles and a zipper stitched on.

Comic Teacher's Day - contests

Conducting contests during the celebration of teacher's day
Conducting contests during the celebration of teacher's day

On this holiday, students delight teachers not only with gifts, but also with cheerful congratulations and contests. Interesting competitions should be foreseen for a corporate party.

Here are some fun contests to recommend for this holiday.

Checking exercise books

Here's what you need to prepare for it:

  • sheets of paper;
  • pencils;
  • 2 chairs;
  • table.

Students are divided into two teams. Each is given a stack of sheets. The first team members run to their chairs, which are near the table. Competitors take a sheet of paper (which is folded in a pile), a pencil and draw a flower on one side, and on the other, sign. They put aside their masterpieces, return to the team. The second participants sit in their places, do the same.

Whose team will cope with such a "check" of notebooks faster, she won. The next competition for a comic teacher's day is no less fun.


Players are divided into two teams. Everyone needs to write their own "textbook". So in this competition is called a notebook, on the sheets of which each competitor writes one comic task. Here's how they can:

  • close eyes;
  • raise your leg;
  • wave your hand;
  • sit down;
  • whistle.

Now we need to exchange textbooks. Teams prepare, after which they exchange textbooks. Participants must memorize all tasks, quickly distributing them among each other. Then they reproduce what is written in the "textbook", and the actions are recreated in the same order as in the "textbook". The victory goes to the team that did everything right.

How many sciences?

First, the teams are given a few minutes to prepare. During this time, participants must write the names of the sciences. After a certain time, the presenter compares the lists, determines which team remembered more sciences.

Make a pointer

Further, in the script for Teacher's Day, you can include the following funny task. The leader gives the following attributes to one and the second team:

  • Scotch;
  • newspaper.

The task consists in the fact that teams must make from these items at the request. The point is to make this school subject as long as possible.

To make it convenient to hold the pointer from the newspaper, it is better for team members to support this blank. The victory goes to the team that has made the longest pointer within a certain time frame.


This competition will require:

  • improvised means;
  • ball;
  • paper.

On the go, the team members begin to complete the task. The presenter announces that it is necessary to make a "globe" from the available means. Here, too, size matters. After all, competitors need to make such a globe so that it is larger than that of rivals.

You can first wrap the ball with paper, securing it with laces. If this turns out to be not enough, items of clothing are used that are wound on a given base.


It is in every school, so be sure to include a competition with this name on a comic teacher's day.

Here's what you need:

  • participants of the competition;
  • 10 chairs;
  • bell (bell).

10 people are selected. They are divided into 2 teams, in one and the second - five players each. Each is given a chair. Competitors sit on them. The presenter gives a call. At this signal, the competitors quickly build a pyramid of chairs, and this is what they do:

  • join hands;
  • run around the pyramid 5 times;
  • Squat 5 times;
  • clap their hands five times.

The team that completes faster and faster is declared an excellent student and becomes the winner.

The above contests are great for a Teacher's Day concert. If the teachers are planning a corporate party, pay attention to the following entertainment. They will allow you to spend the evening in a fun and easy way.

How the celebration of teacher's day can take place
How the celebration of teacher's day can take place

Competitions for the Teacher's Day for a corporate party

First of all, you need to decide where to spend it. So that it is not everyday and uninteresting, it is better to do this not at school, but to book tables in a cafe or rent another room. If one of the teachers has a summer residence, it would be good to go there. Indeed, at the beginning of October it is still quite warm. If the weather is good, you can arrange a holiday in nature or rent a country cottage for a day.

If none of these options suit you, then the assembly hall will do.

After the venue has been chosen, you should prepare in advance everything you need for competitions and games. Here's what they can be.

Game "Question-answer"

It will require:

  • white cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • two bags or hats;
  • felt-tip pen.

Rectangles measuring 15x7 cm are cut out of cardboard. On half of these cards you need to write questions, on others - answers. Props can be folded into hats or two wide bags. First, teachers are asked to draw cards from the first hat, on which the questions are written, then from the second, where the answers are. The sequence of the announcement of the question and the answer to it is established. Questions might be:

  1. Do you drink soothing after school?
  2. Have you visited a psychologist?
  3. Do you relax in class?
  4. If a student was preparing, but could not answer the question, do you give him a three?

And here are the answers:

  1. Is it noticeable?
  2. Yes, but don't tell anyone about it.
  3. Constantly.
  4. I don’t want to talk about it.


For such a competition on Teacher's Day, you will need:

  • sheets of paper;
  • several pens.

A list of literary works is compiled in advance for each team. At the signal of the leader, the lists are issued to the teams. Each player must write a small written retelling of the work he has inherited so that a member of the other team cannot immediately guess which work it is. You can ask leading questions, the answers to which will be "Yes" and "No".

Which team can guess all the pieces won.

guess the word

This competition will show which of the teachers is the most resourceful. For the competition, prepare:

  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • marker.

Cut rectangles out of cardboard. Write on them various letters that begin with words and small sentences on school topics. For example:


- Have you done your homework? B - Borisov - two! V - What time does the lesson start? G - Where is the chalk? D - two by two is four.


- Hello, students, sit down! AND - Ivanova - five!

The most dexterous

It's time to stretch out physically. The teachers are divided into two teams. For this relay you will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • water;
  • two globes.

Each team is given 2 bottles filled to the brim with water. The first participants take such a trophy in one hand and a globe in the other. On command, they carry these items to a chair and chair set in the distance. Each participant bypasses his own and returns to his team, transfers these items to the second competitors.

The relay race will be even more fun if the teachers will not only carry a bottle of water and a globe, but also recite poetry at the same time. When choosing winners, you need to take into account whose team completed the task faster and shed less water.

Other contests and contests can be included in the script for Teacher's Day. The final task might be to develop a comic lesson schedule by two teams of educators.

So, having prepared the necessary attributes with your own hands, you can have a fun and interesting Teacher's Day. Gifts for teachers will also cheer them up, and the professional holiday will be unforgettable!

And in order to stock up on other ideas, see what other gifts for the teacher's day from the class or from the student can be presented to the teacher.

Here is a video gift made by the students for Teacher's Day.
