How to properly apply the cream on your face

How to properly apply the cream on your face
How to properly apply the cream on your face

Why is it important to apply caring cosmetics on the face correctly and taking into account the massage lines. How to distribute the cream in different areas. Features of applying certain types of funds. Applying a cream to the face is a responsible process, on the correctness of which the general condition of all layers of the epidermis and the effectiveness of a cosmetic product depend. Even high-quality caring cosmetics may not bring the desired result if applied incorrectly or carelessly.

The need for proper application of face cream

How to apply cream to your face
How to apply cream to your face

High-quality face cosmetics perform several functions at once. It is designed to nourish the dermis, moisturize it, supply vitamins and minerals that are needed to keep the skin elastic. Currently, there is a huge selection of different types of such products - moisturizers, nourishing, anti-aging, sunscreen, whitening and other creams. In total, over ten types for various purposes and varieties of the epidermis.

For daily care of an unproblematic dermis, one or two creams are enough - these are, as a rule, the so-called day and night formulations. But just somehow smearing the face with a cream is clearly not enough for the health of the skin. It is extremely important to use cosmetics correctly, taking into account the needs of the skin, the location of the massage lines and other nuances.

You should develop the habit of taking care of your face regularly and correctly, at the same time in the morning and evening, whenever possible.

A couple of minutes is enough to tone the epidermis. This is much more effective than taking urgent measures to get your face in shape before an important event or date.

For the highest quality facial care, it is recommended to perform basic manipulations - cleansing, toning, moisturizing (nourishing) the epidermis. This algorithm must be adhered to daily without gaps. This way you can preserve freshness and attractiveness for as long as possible.

Cosmetologists advise not to use the caring cream regularly until the age of 25. Until this age, the skin is still quite active and able to recover on its own. To care for such an epidermis, it is enough to cleanse and tone it every day. If you apply a moisturizer before this age, you can achieve premature aging of the dermis.

The correct method of applying a cosmetic cream to the skin can significantly enhance the effectiveness of the product. It is also one of the ways to influence the process of epidermal rejuvenation. Quick, careless movements when smearing the substance can stretch the skin. Subsequently, such a careless attitude can lead to flabbiness and the appearance of early wrinkles.

For "correct operation" of the cream, it must be applied along special massage lines. These are not some clear "stripes" on the face. The epidermis stretches the least along these conventional lines. If you run your fingers along these lines, you can feel their firmness and better tone compared to the rest of the skin. If you apply cosmetics on them, then you can eliminate the negative impact and stretching of the dermis, avoid the risk of wrinkles.

In addition, the massage lines coincide with the direction of the lymph flow, which means that by exercising a light tactile effect on these areas, you can perform lymphatic drainage massage.

As a result, the following effect will be achieved:

  • The muscles of the forehead are toned, the appearance of transverse wrinkles in this area is prevented;
  • The nasolabial folds become less pronounced;
  • The skin in the eye area does not sag, "crow's feet" do not appear for a long time;
  • The eyes do not look tired, the look becomes fresher;
  • Collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for the density and tone of the epidermis, are not damaged as a result of such exposure;
  • Relieves muscle tension from the neck, chest and décolleté area.

Massage lines were first discovered and studied by the German biologist Karl Langer back in the 19th century. He also proposed the first scientific textbook based on studies of skin elasticity. Therefore, professional cosmetologists call these conditional directions Langer's lines.

It is worth noting that recently, plastic surgeons have provided evidence of how important massage lines are in terms of improving the epidermis of the face. If, during plastic surgery, incisions are made with a scalpel along these lines, then in the future an inconspicuous scar will form at the site of damage, which heals very quickly and painlessly.

General rules for applying cream on the face

Applying cream to clean skin
Applying cream to clean skin

Even at home, you can achieve excellent results if you apply a quality cosmetic product using the correct technique.

Here are some general tips on how to apply cream to your face:

  1. Any cosmetic cream must be applied exclusively to clean, washed skin. If there is decorative cosmetics on the face, it should be removed with special makeup remover, washed with a high-quality cleansing agent. Also, don't forget to wipe your face with toner or micellar water after cleansing. Only after this preparatory procedure will the caring cream be able to penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin.
  2. If you plan to apply several layers of different care products, then remember that first of all you need to apply cosmetics that are liquid in texture, and then more dense ones. For example, first of all, a tonic is applied, then a serum and at the end - a cream. Before applying each new layer, leave two to three minutes to absorb the previous one, so that the effect of using different types of cosmetics is maximized.
  3. Before applying the product, it is recommended to hold the package in your hands to warm it up with body heat. This is especially true if you use eco-cosmetics that are recommended to be kept in the refrigerator. A warm product penetrates the skin much faster than a cold product.
  4. Take the required amount of cream. If you take the product from a jar, try not to use your fingers. Draw up the cream with a spatula or cotton swab. In this way, it will be possible to avoid the ingress and reproduction of microorganisms in containers with cosmetics.
  5. Do not apply in thick layers. A copious amount will clog the pores. In this case, the skin will not be able to breathe and inflammation may appear.
  6. The creams that you apply to your face should also be applied to the neck and décolleté area. And the thyroid area is best avoided.
  7. Do not apply the cream to damp skin. After you have washed, be sure to dab your face dry.
  8. It is recommended to apply the cream only along the massage lines. It should move in the direction from the bottom up from the chin to the forehead. At the end, we pay attention to the neck area. The basic cream for the care of the dermis of the face should be distributed to the border of the bones that define the hollows of the eyes.
  9. For the eye area, you should have a separate cosmetic care product. It usually has a more airy and watery texture. If you apply the classic face cream to this area, you can achieve faster aging and aging of sensitive skin.
  10. If there are areas of skin with unwanted hair on the face, then it is not recommended to apply the cream to these places. This will avoid increased hair growth. This rule is especially true in relation to nutritional formulations. But it is permissible to apply a moisturizer to such areas.
  11. If you use the cream in the morning, you should wait about twenty minutes after the procedure before applying decorative cosmetics. This time is necessary for the composition to be completely absorbed into the epidermis.
  12. Evening cream is recommended to be applied to the dermis about an hour and a half before going to bed.
  13. Don't use nourishing cream too often. It is enough to apply it once every three days. On other days, you can use a moisturizer.
  14. Change your skin care line periodically. The dermis becomes accustomed to certain cosmetics and stops responding properly. Transfer your skin from one cream to another about every six months. It is optimal if it is a winter and summer care program.

How to properly apply the cream on your face

Apply the cream on the face to different areas of the face with gentle, smooth movements. It is recommended to carry out patting manipulations, which will not contribute to the stretching of the epidermis. And, of course, you need to perform the application procedure along the massage lines - bottom-top, center-periphery.

How to apply the cream on the face in the forehead area

Applying the cream to the forehead
Applying the cream to the forehead

The forehead is an area that is not as strong as, for example, the eyes, betrays the age of a woman. Forehead wrinkles appear later than crow's feet. However, deep transverse folds on the forehead, as well as wrinkles between the eyebrows, can immediately add a decade to the passport age. To avoid their appearance, you should carefully look after this area and apply the cream on it correctly.

Apply the cosmetic to the forehead with gentle horizontal movements. You should move from the center to the periphery - the temples. Also spread the cream from the brow line to the hair. Try not to press hard on the dermis, do not rub it and do not drive in the cream too actively.

Use the fingers of both hands to apply. You can carry out a light massage of the forehead, but only as long as there is a sufficient amount of cream under the fingers, which has not been absorbed, and they glide well over the surface.

Carry out it according to the following scheme:

  • Place the fingertips on the center of the forehead.
  • We begin to smoothly smooth the face in the area above the eyebrows towards the upper area of the ears.
  • It is best to perform alternating movements with different hands.
  • Each hand needs to be carried out on average 5-7 movements.
  • We continue to massage the epidermis from the bottom up from the eyes to the hair mass.
  • With the fingers of the left hand, press on the left temple and hold the skin. With the other hand, gently stroke the epidermis from left to right. We change hands and repeat the manipulation 10 times on each side.

How to apply cream on the face - eye area scheme

Eye cream
Eye cream

The dermis around the eyes is the most sensitive on the body. Therefore, it requires special attention and care. Use only special skin cosmetics in this area.

The cream should be applied to this area in a small amount. Squeeze out literally a drop of the product, otherwise you can earn puffiness and swelling under the eyes.

Apply the cream with light touches, and then lightly tap on the skin until the product is completely absorbed. Under no circumstances do we stretch or rub the cosmetics in the area under the eyes, so as not to damage the sensitive epidermis.

Apply the cream from the outer corner of the eye inward, then to the upper eyelid zone and again to the outer corner. Such circular movements contribute to the fact that the delicate epidermis in this area relaxes and small folds of the skin are smoothed.

After evenly applying the cream, you can slightly stretch the upper part of the eyelid. To do this, press the knuckles slightly into the eye. In this case, the manipulations should have a direction - from the middle of the nose to the temples. We finish this light massage by tapping around the eyes with your fingertips. We begin these manipulations from the bridge of the nose to the temples at the top of the eye and finish in the direction from the temple to the bridge of the nose at the bottom of the eye.

If you have crow's feet, then this area should be massaged by tapping for a little longer.

How to properly smear cream on the face in the cheek area

Applying cream to cheeks
Applying cream to cheeks

The cheeks are the area of the face that, more than the rest, is responsible for the appearance of the nasolabial folds. It is the sagging of the cheeks that leads to the appearance of unaesthetic flews and folds that hang over the area of the lips under the nose. This disadvantage is very old. You can avoid its appearance at an early age by correctly applying cosmetics to the dermis.

Rub the product in this area with massage movements in the direction from the nose to the temporal zone.

You can also lightly massage your cheeks while applying the cream. Place the thumbs around the corners of the lower jaw. With the pads of three fingers, press on the center of the nose. We carry out light stroking in the direction of the ears along the arcuate trajectory of the cheekbones. This massage will improve blood circulation in the cheek area and prevent early sagging of the epidermis.

How to apply the cream on the face step by step for the mouth and chin area

Chin cream application
Chin cream application

The mouth and chin are very closely connected. And it is from the care of this area that the appearance of a double chin in the form of sagging skin depends.

It is necessary to smear the cream on the center of the lower jaw. Next, the product is rubbed towards the periphery of the head. From the corners of the mouth, massage lines extend to the base of the nostrils. Do not stretch the dermis or rub too much.

You can also massage the area lightly until the cream is completely absorbed. We do it according to the following scheme:

  1. Relax your face and open your mouth in an O-shape. You can also stretch your mouth and puff out your cheeks.
  2. We put a couple of fingers of two hands near the wings of the nose.
  3. Smooth out the epidermis with gentle circular movements towards the periphery.
  4. Then we sit down straight and slightly tilt the body forward, throw our head back.
  5. We put one lip on the other, a couple of fingers on the chin area. Place the nameless and little finger under the jaw.
  6. In turn, we carry out stroking manipulations to the earlobes with our hands.

How to properly apply the cream on the face in the nose area

Applying a cream to the face in the nose area
Applying a cream to the face in the nose area

The area of the nose also needs care, although it is believed that wrinkles are not the first to form here. However, the tightened and well-groomed skin of the nose is also responsible for the area of the nasolabial fold. In addition, transverse wrinkles can appear in the area above the bridge of the nose.

On the nose, the cream should be applied in the direction from the tip and wings to the bridge of the nose. It will not be superfluous to massage this area. Take turns with your hands to smooth the back of the nose from end to top. Use a pair of fingers for this - whichever is more convenient. Repeat the manipulation five to eight times.

Features of applying different types of creams to the face

Day cream application on the face
Day cream application on the face

All skin care creams are divided into two large groups - day and night. However, they are also capable of performing different functions, so the classification of funds is much broader. One general scheme can be used to apply different types of cosmetics. True, it is recommended to take into account some of the nuances.

Let's consider them:

  • Moisturizing cream … Many ladies mistakenly believe that this type of cream is suitable exclusively for dry dermis. This is not the case, as oily skin also suffers from drying out and needs hydration. On dry skin, apply a thicker layer of the care product, and thinner on oily skin. In addition, this cream needs to be distributed with dots and a denser layer in those areas where peeling is noted. It can also be applied instead of a mask in a thick layer for 10-15 minutes.
  • Greasy cream … It should not be used by women with oily skin. It creates a dense film that disrupts the respiration of the dermis and the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. If you are the owner of a mixed type of epidermis, then use this type of cream only for décolleté and cheek skin care.
  • Cleansing cream … This type of cosmetic product should not be used daily. It is enough to apply it twice every seven days after deep cleaning or exfoliation. If there are too many blackheads on the face, then the cream should be spread over the massage lines with a very light layer. If only the T-zone is problematic, then apply the product only in this area.
  • Whitening cream … If the use of this remedy is due to the presence of pigmentation (for example, freckles), then in places where these deficiencies are most concentrated, the product should be applied in a denser layer. However, do not forget to remove excess cream from the skin after 10-15 minutes.

We also clarify that the day cream is applied in the morning immediately after water procedures and about 30 minutes before makeup. If the product has not managed to be absorbed, then it is necessary to remove the excess with a dry napkin or cotton pad.

The night cream should only be applied after thoroughly removing makeup residues. When going to bed, make sure that the product is completely absorbed. If necessary, the remains should also be removed with a cotton pad.

How to properly apply the cream on your face - watch the video:

Knowing how to apply the cream along the massage lines of the face is essential if you want to keep your skin youthful, fresh and attractive. It is also important to take into account the individual characteristics of the epidermis and the type of product that you use for care. The beneficial effect of cosmetics directly depends on their quality and correct application.