Distinctive features of a cactus, growing escobaria in indoor conditions, rules for its reproduction, diseases and pests in indoor care, facts for the curious, species. Escobaria belongs to the Cactaceae family, containing perennial representatives of the flora that are part of the Caryophyllales, the flowers of which resemble different colors and shapes of carnations. This family is almost 30-35 million years old, although until that time not a single fossil cactus was discovered. In this genus, scientists have counted about 20 varieties.
The native territories of this plant are in the United States, as well as the states of Mexico adjacent to these areas. The altitude at which Escobarians prefer to settle in nature is 1400-1600 meters above sea level. Basically, these indicators correspond to rather harsh and inaccessible areas located in the mountainous belt, where there are limestone outcrops, and occasionally you can find similar cacti on granite. Due to the fact that this genus has recently included such cacti as Cochisea and Neobesseya, the boundaries of natural growth have moved to the central and northern regions of Mexico, almost to the border with Canada.
The stems of the Escobaria have a cylindrical, spherical shape, sometimes there is a pointed tip at the top. Over time, a large number of lateral processes (children) are formed on them. The number of such stems in a bunch often reaches hundreds. The height of this cactus can vary from 2 to 20 cm, while the diameter of the stem is in the range of 2–8 cm. The color of the stem, although not visible, is rich, dark green. The root of young plants is rod-shaped, but over time it acquires a fibrous shape.
The surface of the stem is covered with densely spaced small-sized, conical or cylindrical outgrowths. And also the entire stem is completely hidden from view by straight thorns, divided into: radial and central. There is one central or maximum pair and they are more powerful than radial ones. The length of the ribs can be 5 mm, their outlines are cylindrical. The number of thorns reaches 30–90 units. Their color is white, but at the tips it changes to brown. The spines resemble a bristle, their length is almost 2.5 mm.
During flowering, buds are formed at the top of the stem. The color of the petals in them can be white, cream, greenish, greenish-white, light pink or deep pink, carmine pink. The shape of the corolla is funnel-shaped, the flower reaches 3 cm in length and in diameter. The flowering process takes place from mid-spring to the end of May.
After flowering, fruits of a wide variety of colors begin to appear: greenish, yellowish, pink and red. The shape of such a berry is ovoid or elongated, its diameter does not exceed two centimeters. Inside, numerous small seeds grow, their color varies from black to reddish brown.
The plant is quite resistant to drought and frost, but in the latter case, the soil must remain completely dry. If the rules of content are not violated, then Escobaria will be a worthy specimen in the collection of cacti.
Rules for growing escobaria indoors

- Lighting and selection of a place for a pot. A place with bright but diffused lighting is suitable for the plant, which is possible with indoor care on the windowsill of the east or west window. Despite the fact that in nature, some species grow quietly in an open area under the rays of the sun, shading from direct ultraviolet rays will be required in the southern location. In autumn-winter or on the northern windowsill, backlights are needed.
- Content temperature. The cactus must be grown at constant moderately warm temperatures, the value of which can vary within 15-20 degrees. With the arrival of autumn, the thermometer should be gradually reduced, bringing the indicators to 6-10 units. There is evidence that Escobaria can successfully withstand even frosts, but at the same time the soil in the pot must be completely dried. However, one should not be zealous with this and subject the cactus to survival experiments.
- Air humidity when caring for Escobaria, it is kept low, the maximum value of indicators should not exceed 40%. Therefore, it is not required to spray the cactus or increase the humidity.
- Watering. To this end, soil moistening plants should be carried out regularly, but in moderate doses. The signal for watering is the top-dried soil layer. If the temperature is lowered in winter, then Escobaria is not watered at all. Only soft, well-settled water with heat values in the range of 20-24 degrees is used for irrigation. Distilled water or bottled water can be used. Some growers collect rainwater or use river, but this is possible only if there is confidence in its purity. Otherwise, it is recommended to boil tap water for half an hour, and then stand for a couple of days.
- Fertilizers and feeding. Since in nature the soil on which escobaria grows is rather poor, the preparations necessary for succulents and cacti are introduced. These procedures are carried out from the beginning of spring to the end of summer, during the rest period, Escobaria is not disturbed with fertilizing. The regularity with which the drugs are introduced is once every 15–20 days. However, if the plant is kept in winter with higher heat values than they are recommended for this time, then it will also be necessary to fertilize the cactus, but once a month or one and a half. Those products are used in which there are mineral salts, but the dosage should be greatly reduced. It is better to choose fertilizers in liquid form, then it is easy to dissolve in water for irrigation.
- Transplantation and choice of substrate. Under natural conditions, this cacti grow over a rather extended area, therefore it cannot be said that when maintaining it, one should focus only on some one requirement. Some species prefer to settle on sandy and rocky ground, in open areas, while for others, thickets of bushes or tall grasses, where the soils are more fertile, are a comfortable location. Cactus lovers recommend changing the pot for Escobaria as it grows or if the plant is sick and disinfected soil should be applied and a sterile container should be taken.
If it is decided to carry out a transplant due to the growth of a cactus, then it is better to carry it out in the spring months. In a new pot, a drainage layer is laid on the bottom. The soil is suitable with low or neutral acidity and not very fertile. The substrate should be easily permeable to air and moisture. You can use ready-made commercial soil mixtures intended for succulents or cacti. If the soil is prepared on its own, then it is made up of a large amount of river sand and a little bit of clay. There is information that a small amount of slaked lime or brick chips sifted from dust is added to such a soil.
Escobaria breeding rules

To get a new exotic cactus, sowing of seeds or rooting of shoots is carried out.
Escobaria seeds are sown in a pot filled with a soil mixture of leafy soil and river sand, you can use a peat-sandy substrate. It is important to maintain 20-25 degrees Celsius and high humidity. The latter indicator can be created by covering the container with a piece of glass or wrapping the pot with a transparent plastic wrap. It will be necessary to regularly air and spray the substrate when it dries. When the seedlings are covered with thorns, they are seated one by one in separate containers, with a drainage layer at the bottom and a suitable soil.
It is possible to propagate Escobaria by shoots. They are planted in pots filled with sand, creating a support or next to the edge of the flowerpot on which they will lean. This will make it possible for the children not to move and take root faster.
There is evidence that this cactus, due to its demanding care, grows better in a grafted state.
Diseases and pests of escobaria arising from room care

When the plant has a dormant period, then there is the likelihood of drying out of the papillae on which the areoles are located. The cause of this problem has not been clarified, but it does not pose a danger, although the decorative appearance of the cactus is falling.
If the substrate in the pot is often poured, and the heat indicators are lowered, then fungal and bacterial diseases may occur. Transplantation is performed with preliminary removal of the affected parts and treatment with fungicides. Also, with increased dryness of the air, it is possible to be affected by spider mites and mealybugs. Spraying with insecticidal preparations is recommended.
Escobaria facts for the curious, photos

This genus of cacti received its scientific name in honor of the famous Mexican brothers Escobar, who collected a variety of cacti that grow in different regions of Mexico. The plant was first described in 1923 by Nathaniel Lord Britton (1859–1934) and Joseph Nelson Rose (1862–1928), American scientists who study botany and, in particular, cacti. But recently, a couple more were added to this genus, which were previously distinguished separately - Cochisea and Neobesseya.
Types of Escobaria

- Escobaria sneedii. The number of stems in a bunch of this variety can reach one hundred or more units. Each stem reaches almost 8 cm in height, with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. The ribs on the stem have a cylindrical shape and are 5 mm long. The number of spines growing from areoles on the surface of the stem can vary in the range of 30–90 units. The size of the spines is small, only 2.5 mm. The color of the thorns is whitish, but at the tops their color turns brown, they look like bristles. There are a couple or one central spines, they are also quite short. The root system is fibrous. In the process of flowering, buds with pinkish petals appear. The flower length is 1.5 cm in diameter. Flowers begin to bloom from mid-spring to May. The berry fruits have elongated outlines, the color is green, but some have a reddish tint. The seeds are dark brown inside.
- Escobaria lloydii. This variety is distinguished by elongated stems that grow into huge clumps. The number of radial spines reaches 17–25 pieces. Their color is whitish, the shape is straight and thin. The spines growing in the center are lighter, but brown at the tips. There are only 5–7 of them. The length of both spines does not exceed 2 mm. When the buds bloom, their transverse maximum can reach 2 cm. The flower petals are painted in a white shade with a pinkish stripe in the central part. After pollination, fruits ripen in the form of berries, which have a red color. Their size does not exceed 1 cm.
- Escobaria runyonii. The cactus of this species is distinguished by an elongated stem with a height of about 5 cm. It is painted in a grayish-green tone. There are a large number of radial spines, the color is whitish. Their appearance is bristle-like, with a length not exceeding 4 mm. The number of central ones varies from five to seven units, they are more powerful than the radial ones, the length is 8 mm. Coloring them in brown tones with black tops. When blooming, buds bloom with light purple petals and a darker center. Flower length and diameter reaches 1.5 cm. When fruiting, slightly elongated berries are formed, scarlet color, which do not exceed 1 cm.
- Escobaria alversonii. The plant has abundant branching at the base. The height of the cactus does not rise above 20, but the diameter is 10 cm. There are up to 50 thorns on the surface, they are thin with a white color. The plant blooms with light purple flowers, the length of which is measured by 3 cm.
- Escobaria is small (Escobaria minima). The dimensions of this cactus are miniature, and the outlines are graceful. Stems do not grow more than 4 cm in height with a diameter of about two centimeters. The surface of the stem is covered with lumpy outgrowths up to 2 mm in height. There are a lot of radial spines, their color is light and they are located very tightly to the stem. The plant lacks central spines. The flowers of this species are distinguished by light pink petals, in the central part of which there is a darker stripe. The diameter of the flower at full disclosure is about 1.5 cm.
- Escobaria orcuttii. The stem is painted in a light bronze color, its shape is ovoid. The stem height rarely exceeds 6 cm, with a diameter of about 3 cm. The number of radial spines is multiple, their outlines are thin, the color is white. The length of such spines is 8 mm. There are 10–15 spines located in the central part, they have a light shade with a darker tip. One or a couple of them are more powerful and tough. The length of the central spines reaches 1.5 cm. Buds with pink petals open during flowering. The diameter of the flower corolla is approximately 1.5 cm.
- Escobaria Missouri diff. soddy (Escobaria missouriensis var.caespitosa). The cactus has a rounded stem, colored green, characterized by abundant branching in the lower part. At the top, 14 snow-white thorns grow, there is no central one, but occasionally it appears. The arrangement of flowers is quite extensive, they can cover the entire surface of the cactus stem. The flower petals have a silvery-yellowish tint, while the anthers are distinguished by a bright yellow color.
- Escobaria cuban (Escobaria cubensis). The stem of the plant starts branching from the very base and can grow into rather extensive groups. The diameter of the stem is usually almost 3 cm. The length of the radial spines can reach about 4 mm, there are almost 10 of them, soft to the touch. Occasionally, a single central thorn appears. The color of the petals in the flowers is greenish-yellow.
- Escobaria vivipara may occur under the name Coryphantha vivipara. The stem has spherical outlines, its diameter is about 5 cm, and in height the plant can approach 7 cm. There are almost 20 thorns, their color is white. There is one central spine, the length of which reaches two centimeters. When blooming, buds bloom with petals painted in a dark pink tone, the diameter of the flower in the opening is 3.5 cm.
- Escobaria dasyacantha (Escobaria dasyacantha). A fairly rare species in nature. The stem of the plant is bushy with a light green color. The shape of the stems is elongated, the height is 20 cm with a diameter of about 7 cm. Radial spines of a whitish color, resemble bristles. Their outlines are thin, their length reaches almost 1 cm. The number of such spines is almost 20 units. Central spines can form 5-9 pieces, they are more powerful and longer, their parameters are 2 cm. Areoles on the surface are very densely located relative to each other. The petals of the flowers are pink. Fruits in the form of berries can grow up to 2 cm, scarlet color.