The main distinguishing features of osmoxilon, rules for the care and maintenance of shrubs in indoor conditions, reproduction, fight against diseases and pests, species. Osmoxylon (Osmoxylon) is a rather rare plant in home floriculture, which was attributed by botanists to the Araliceae family, although an uninformed person will perceive it as a member of the Palm family - their appearance is so similar. The plant comes from territories that include Indonesia and Singapore, the Philippines and Southeast Asia. One of the species is found in China and Taiwan. The number of the genus reaches 60 units, but only Osmoxylon lineare is used in indoor floriculture.
This perennial plant is a shrub, semi-shrub, or tree that varies in height from 2 to 6 meters. But in the conditions of an apartment, the dimensions rarely exceed 150 cm. They differ in hermophrodism, that is, these plants have monoeciousness (there is the possibility of the formation of both female and male flowers). The surface of the branches may be bare or pubescent.
The foliage is characterized by finger-like outlines (reminiscent of a human palm) and is divided into 4–5 leaf lobes or can take complex outlines. If the conditions of keeping are optimal, then the width of the sheet can reach meters. The color of the foliage is a rich, dark green shade, the surface is glossy. The edge can be either simple or crenate or serrated.
When flowering, the final inflorescences of a complex umbrella shape are formed (that is, they are located at the top of the plant). Inflorescences are collected from yellowish-orange or whitish flowers. The rim length is 4–5 mm. The calyx is not very distinguishable or has small denticles.
From the very beginning, the fruits are distinguished by a white color, but over time and as they ripen, they take on an almost black hue. The shape of the drupes is spherical, inside there are triangular-shaped seeds. In indoor growing conditions, it is possible to wait for fruiting only if the plant is cultivated in a greenhouse.
The cultivation of this plant is recommended for flower growers with little experience. It is possible to wait for fruiting only if the bush is grown in greenhouse conditions, with sufficient lighting throughout the entire growth period, since there is no time for rest - osmoxilon is an evergreen representative of the flora.
Growing and caring for osmoxilon indoors

- Lighting and selection of a place for a plant. In principle, this tropical representative of the flora can adapt to different levels of sunlight, but in order for osmoxilon to feel comfortable, bright, but diffused light, devoid of direct UV rays, is recommended. Such conditions can be organized by placing a pot with a plant on the window sill of a window in a western or eastern location. But flower growers argue that on the north side, osmoxilon will be fine, as it is quite shade-tolerant. However, variegated forms require brighter lighting, otherwise their color will disappear and the leaves will take on a solid green color.
- Content temperature in the summer months it should be in the range of 20-25 degrees (that is, be at room). With the arrival of autumn, it is recommended to lower the thermometer column until it reaches 18 degrees.
- Air humidity for osmoxilon it should be normal, but if the heat indicators increase, then it is recommended to carry out regular spraying, in winter, when heating devices and central heating batteries start working, then they also irrigate the deciduous mass from a finely dispersed spray gun. The water should be soft and warm, room temperature.
- Watering. Osmoxilon requires abundant moisture of the substrate, since it is necessary that the substrate in the pot is always slightly damp. However, it is recommended that the soil in the pot is not flooded, otherwise this will lead to stagnation of the liquid and the beginning of rotting of the root system. The plant can cope with a short period of drought, but the earthen coma should not be brought to complete drying. It is still worth developing a regular watering regime. If osmoxilon is kept at low temperatures in winter, then moistening is carried out only once every seven days. Water for irrigation should be soft, free of lime impurities. It is recommended to use the collected rain or river. However, it is not always clean, so tap water can be passed through a filter, boiled and then defended for several days. Then this water is drained from the sediment and irrigated with it. If you do not want to carry out such a long cleaning process, you can use distilled liquid.
- Fertilizers for osmoxilon, it is introduced during the period of its vegetative activity, which falls in the spring-summer period. The frequency of feeding is once every 14 days. Liquid fertilizers are used in which the ratio of Nitrogen: Fosofra: Potassium (NPK or Azophoska) is 7: 5: 6.
- Transplanting and soil selection. Every 2-3 years with the arrival of spring time, it is necessary to change the pot and the soil in it. Usually, the signal for transplanting is the root processes that have appeared from the drainage holes. When the osmoxilon reaches a very large size, then it is not disturbed by a transplant, but only 3-5 cm of changing the topsoil is performed. A layer of drainage material is laid at the bottom of the new tank, about 2–3 cm. Medium-sized pebbles, expanded clay or broken clay (ceramic) shards can appear. In the bottom of the container, holes must be made to drain excess moisture. To transplant osmoxilon, a substrate is used that is friable, with an acidity level that varies within the pH range of 5, 5–7, 5. If the grower wants to make a soil mixture on his own, he will need to mix equal parts of sod soil, river sand (perlite), humus and peat as well as leafy ground. If we talk about ready-made substrates, then you can use soils intended for growing fatsia or sheffler.
- General care after osmoxilon is to carry out regular pruning of too elongated shoots. This will help form a more decorative plant crown. Basically, it is recommended to carry out such an operation with the arrival of spring, and then use pruning for cuttings. It is important not to allow the stems to reach meter sizes.
How to multiply osmoxilon without assistance?

In order to independently carry out reproduction, sowing of seed or cuttings is used.
Blanks for cuttings are cut from the tops of the shoots, so that their length is at least 15 cm. Cuttings are planted in a pot filled with moistened sand or peat-sand mixture. Before planting, you can process the sections of the blanks with a root formation stimulator, which can be a root or heteroauxin. After the cuttings are rooted, they need to be transplanted into larger pots with a more fertile substrate.
When sowing seeds, a light substrate is also poured into a bowl (sand or peat, half mixed with sand). The germination temperature should be between 19-25 degrees. The container with crops is covered with a piece of glass or wrapped in plastic wrap. But then it will be necessary to air the seedlings from condensation every day, and if the soil has dried up, then spray it from a finely dispersed spray bottle.
When the seedlings hatch, it is recommended to gradually accustom them to indoor conditions, removing the shelter for an increasing amount of time. When a pair of true leaves forms on a seedling, they can be transplanted in separate pots with a diameter of no more than 7 cm.
Difficulties in cultivating osmoxilone and ways to solve them

Among the troubles that accompany violation of the conditions for growing osmoxilon in room conditions, there are:
- low humidity, at which the tips of the leaf plates dry out;
- with excessive moisture of the substrate, rotting of the root system occurs;
- sunburn on the leaves, which appear as brown spot, if the plant is constantly in direct sunlight;
- insufficient lighting, usually negatively affects variegated forms, they lose their pattern and become monochrome (just a green tint).
Often, osmoxilon can be affected by spider mites, mealybugs and scabbards, while in the first case, a thin cobweb can be seen on the leaves and stems, microscopic punctures along the edge of the leaf plate, its deformation and yellowing. The second pest manifests itself in the form of cotton-like lumps of whitish color, which are located on the back of the foliage and in internodes. The scale is visible on the back of the leaf, in the form of brownish-brown dots. Also, a sign of pest damage is the appearance of a sticky sugary bloom - honeydew, a waste product of insects.
To combat these insects, insecticidal preparations of systemic action are used. They need to be sprayed on the leaves and stems, and then re-treated after a week.
Interesting facts about osmoxilone

It is important to take into account that osmoxilon is a plant with toxic properties, therefore it is not recommended to install a pot with it in a nursery or in direct access to pets.
Osmoxilon types

Despite the considerable number of varieties in home floriculture, it is customary to grow only linear osmloxilon, but there are several more interesting varieties. Let's dwell on their description.
- Osmoxylon linear (Osmoxylon lineare). It is a shrub or semi-shrub of a rather attractive appearance, which can reach 90 cm in height, but there are specimens approaching 180 cm. The leaf plates can be located in rosettes or whorls. They have a serrated edge and narrow, linear outlines, finger-like. Leaflets are solid, with a pronounced vein in the central part. The foliage surface is glossy, each leaf has a long petiole. During flowering, complex terminal umbellate inflorescences are formed, which crown the center of the leaf whorl. In the inflorescence, flowers of a whitish or whitish-pink color are collected. In a decorative sense, flowers have no value. The flowering process takes place only once a year and occurs in the summer. The fruits are almost black when ripe and are round in shape. It is interesting that the fruits are whitish, but then their color darkens. It is not uncommon for a plant to see both flowers and buds at the same time. This variety has become widespread when grown outdoors in Hawaii and Florida, although it comes from Southeast Asia, which includes areas of Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines.
- Osmoxylon comb (Osmoxylon pectinatum) often referred to in the literature as Boerlagiodendron pectinatum. It has a tree-like growth and can reach 5 m in height. It is a hermaphrodite with strong branches with a bare surface. The foliage is simple in shape, with petioles ranging from 15-25 cm. The general contours of the leaf plate are in the form of a wide oval; they can measure 20–25 cm in width, the surface is leathery, divided into 5–7 lobes. At the base, the leaf is broadly wedge-shaped. Along the edge there is a coarse crenate serration. The apex can be blunt, short-pointed, or with a gradual sharpening along the entire length. During flowering, the resulting buds are collected in a complex umbellate inflorescence. The calyx has 4–5 small teeth. The corolla is tubular at the base; it is all divided into 4–5 lobes in the form of petals. The flowering process occurs in April-July. The fruit is characterized by a rounded shape, its diameter can reach 0.5 cm. When dry, ribs appear on the surface. Ripening of fruits falls on the month of October. The plant is native to Taiwan and is found in the Philippines.
- Osmoxylon lanceolatum (Osmoxylon lanceolatum) it is small in size and tree-like, with a height of about 16 m, characterized by several bare branches. Multiple leaf plates are grouped at the top of the branches in whorls. At the base of the petioles, there are ridges similar to collars. During flowering, a final umbellate complex inflorescence is formed, almost sessile, saucer-shaped. Stamens 5. Fruits unknown.
- Osmoxylon articulatum (Osmoxylon articulatum). A tree with strong bare branches. Leaf plates crown the tops of the branches. Inflorescence - final, in the form of a complex umbrella, almost sessile, saucer-shaped bracts. Protruding stamens in the flower 5.
- Osmoxylon barbatum (Osmoxylon barbatum). Small bare trees with foliage clustered in whorls at the top of the branches. The inflorescence is hemispherical, umbellate, terminal, with a diameter of up to 12 cm. Fruits are unknown.
- Osmoxylon camiguinense is a shrub, reaching a height of 2 m, glabrous, with the exception of the inflorescence. The leaf plates are grouped at the ends of the branches. The inflorescence is umbellate, terminal. The fruits have spherical outlines, dry up to 6 cm in diameter, 3 seeds are placed inside.
- Osmoxylon plotter (Osmoxylon insidiator) has a height of 12 meters and is a small tree. Young parts are characterized by a uniform influx. Large leaves form whorls at the ends of the branches. The inflorescences are also terminal, hemispherical, and have the appearance of an umbrella. They measure 15 cm in length and about 30 cm in width. Petals 4–5 lobed are placed irregularly. Their length reaches 7–8 mm, in the lower part they grow together, forming a fleshy tubular corolla with pubescence on the outer surface. There are 15–26 stamens, they are filamentous fibers protruding beyond the corolla. Anthers are measured 4 mm. During fruiting, compact spherical heads are formed, tilted under the action of mutual pressure and carrying seeds. Fruit length reaches 10-14 mm. The surface of the seed is compressed and flattened.
- Osmoxylon low (Osmoxylon humile) - this variety is a small, sparsely branched shrub, which is one and a half meters in height. At the ends of the branches, leaf plates are grouped. The inflorescence is also terminal, umbellate, reaching 9 cm in diameter. It is supported by several leaf-shaped bracts. The fruits are dry, 6x4 cm in size, with four ribs.
- Osmoxylon eminens (Osmoxylon eminens). A small tree, up to 10 m high, with small thick branches. The leaves are large, forming terminal crowns, their surface is bare, when they are mature, when young, the foliage is densely fibrous. The inflorescences are umbellate, located at the top of the branches, its diameter is 40 cm. There are 4-6 stamens, their length is 7 mm, and the anthers are 1.5 mm in length. The ovary is 2–3 mm long, 5–6-celled. The fruit contains many dense ovoid seeds.