TRX Training Loops: Exercises

TRX Training Loops: Exercises
TRX Training Loops: Exercises

Find out what TRX loops are and what exercises can be done at home for girls and men to get an attractive appearance. Bodybuilding enthusiasts aren't the only ones who have problems with training. This could very well happen to anyone, for example, military personnel. This is exactly what happened to one of the officers in the United States Army. During the routine exercise, he found that his subordinates were not using the basic exercises enough.

However, it is not very easy to carry out training in the field. It was at this moment that he had the idea to use loops for training, in this situation they were rubber. As a result, the soldiers had the opportunity to carry out salt training even during exercises, using their body weight for this. This idea seemed attractive to many, and quite quickly the TRX trainer or simply loops was born. Today you have the opportunity to learn about the most effective TRX loop exercises.

The design of this sports equipment turned out to be extremely simple - two loops made of soft material and fixed on elastic cables. To conduct a lesson, you just need to attach the cables with carabiners to a horizontal bar, ladder, etc. In addition, the cables are equipped with a length adjustment mechanism, and why this is necessary, you will find out during the study of exercises with TRX loops.

Advantages and Disadvantages of TRX Loop Training

Loop exercise
Loop exercise

One of the main advantages of this simulator is definitely its versatility. The hinges can be easily attached to a beam, tree or ceiling hinge. Thus. You will not have any problems with conducting classes. But the rather high difficulty of exercises with TRX loops is definitely the main drawback.

In addition, to work with the simulator, it is necessary to have a certain coordination of movements and a sense of balance. You will gain mass and strengthen muscles as you train, but at first you will probably think that you are failing. Although at first glance, the hinges are intended for home use, it is advisable to master them under the supervision of an experienced mentor.

Very often people, having started independent training, finish training very quickly when they understand that they cannot perform complex exercises, and simple ones do not bring the desired result. It should also be said about some of the myths that have appeared around training with loops, according to which the use of this simulator allows you to quickly get rid of fat accumulations. Let's take a closer look at them so that you are not mistaken about them:

  • Since a lot of muscles are involved during training, calories are quickly burned and a person loses fat mass. Of course, during training with loops, almost all the muscles of the body are actively working, but not a single set of exercises with TRX loops can eliminate the consequences of malnutrition. This is precisely the reason that many people quit training because they do not lose weight.
  • Novice athletes without special training have the opportunity to develop only slow muscle fibers. Undoubtedly, performing complex movements, muscle growth would be much more powerful, but, unfortunately, it is very difficult to master them on your own. Thus, you can only build big muscles by mastering complex exercises.
  • Working with loops is quite traumatic. If you compare training with loops and crossfit or weightlifting, then TRX exercises are safer, but in terms of gaining mass, they are still inferior to properly organized bodybuilding classes.
  • Great effort is required to maximize muscle loading. We have already said that in order to gain mass quickly and efficiently, you need to master complex movements. In turn, simple exercises are comparable in effectiveness to cardio loads, but not to strength training.

If you are diagnosed with scoliosis or are overweight, then working with loops can be very helpful. Simple movements can be used to keep fit by pregnant women, the elderly, or people with reduced mobility. If we talk about contraindications to training with TRX loops, then, first of all, this applies to all types of injuries of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. It should be said right away that without basic physical fitness, you should not start mastering this simulator. Here are the minimum fitness requirements for an athlete to start mastering the loops:

  • Be able to correctly perform 40 to 50 bodyweight squats from a technical point of view.
  • Perform a technically competent minimum of 20 lunges on each leg.
  • Do push-ups from the floor at least 10 or 15 times.
  • Stay in the plank position for at least 60 seconds.

A set of exercises with TRX loops for beginners

Group lesson with loops
Group lesson with loops
  1. Push-ups, legs are in the loops. The triceps, deltas, pectoralis major muscles, as well as the lats, are involved in the work. The exercise simulates push-ups with your feet on a bench. To perform the movement, you need to put on loops on your legs and do push-ups. In this case, it is very important to ensure that the body does not bend in the lumbar region. Also try to touch the ground with your chest.
  2. Push-ups, one leg in the loop. The triceps, muscles of the buttocks, pectoralis major, lats, deltas and hamstrings are involved in the work. The starting position is almost the same as the previous movement, but there is only one leg in the loop. The second is tense and straightened. Thanks to the extended toe of the free leg, the load falls on its muscles. Thanks to the ability to adjust the height of the hinge relative to the ground, you have the opportunity to simplify or complicate the movement.
  3. Push-ups on the loops. The muscles of the cortex, pectoralis major and delta work. To perform the movement, you need to rest your hands on the hard surface of the loops, and your feet rest on the ground. When the body moves down, the arms are bent in the same way as in classic push-ups, and the hands are spread apart (similar to raising the dumbbells to the sides). Particular attention must be paid to bending the arms. All muscles must be in tension, and you are in complete control of the movement to avoid falling or stretching.
  4. Back lunges. The muscles of the buttocks, quadriceps, stabilizer muscles and the hamstring are involved. Take the taut loops in your hands, and place your feet at the level of the shoulder joints. After that, perform a squat on one leg, and the second at this moment is laid back and does not touch the ground. When the knee joint of the working leg is bent at a 90 degree angle, begin the movement to the starting position. The exercise must be performed at maximum amplitude, thereby avoiding the pumping effect.
  5. Squats on one leg. The stabilizing muscles, quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings are involved. Take the loops in your hands and straighten one leg in front of you, keeping it parallel to the ground. From this position, perform a deep squat on one leg, and when returning to the starting position, help yourself with your hands. Make sure that your straightened leg does not touch the ground.
  6. Bulgarian split squats. The hamstrings, glutes, quadriceps and stabilizer muscles are involved. Stand with your back to the TRX and place one leg in the loop. Perform squats on one leg, and the free one at this time should be laid back, almost completely straightening.
  7. Pull-ups, neutral grip. The muscles of the core, the front deltas, lats and biceps work. Place your feet in the ground slightly in front, thereby hanging from the simulator. Start doing pull-ups without spreading your elbow joints.
  8. One-arm chin-ups. The lats, traps and biceps are involved in the work. The starting position is similar to the previous movement, but the loops must be grasped with one hand. The second should be straightened and laid back. As a result, your arms should form a straight line. Keeping the body level, do pull-ups.
  9. Bipedal gluteal bridge. The muscles of the back, lower legs, buttocks and hamstrings are involved in the work. Get into a supine position. Place your legs in the loops so that the thigh and lower leg are at right angles. Hands must be spread diagonally to the sides. Resting on the hinges, begin to raise the pelvis as high as possible.
  10. King's rods. Stand with your back to the TRX and place one leg in the loop. Start doing squats on one leg. Exercise works the quadriceps, muscles of the buttocks, lower leg and back.
  11. Facial traction. Take the starting position, like doing the pull-ups on the loops. Begin to pull the torso towards the machine by spreading the elbow joints. At the end of the trajectory, the arms should be spread apart and parallel to the ground. The elbow joints are bent at right angles.
  12. Y-routing. The trapezium, the adductor muscle of the scapula, the posterior deltas and the shoulder instep support are involved. Take a starting position similar to pull-ups. The feet are together and the heels are closed. Without bending the elbow joint, begin to spread your arms to the sides and up, and you need to stretch your chest forward. In the final position, the trajectory of the arms should be straightened and located in the same plane, thereby forming the English letter "Y".
  13. Fold. The work involves the rectus abdominis muscle, quadriceps and anterior deltas. The starting position is similar to the loop dips. Hands must be resting on the ground wider than the level of the shoulder joints. Tighten your abdominal muscles and raise your pelvis as high as possible. Return to the starting position without relaxing the press.

TRX Loop Workout Program for Beginners in this video:
