Faucaria: rules of cultivation, reproduction and care

Faucaria: rules of cultivation, reproduction and care
Faucaria: rules of cultivation, reproduction and care

Distinctive features of the plant, the etymology of the name of the faucaria, rules for indoor cultivation, advice on reproduction, difficulties arising in the process, curious facts, types.

Self-breeding tips for faucaria

Young sprouts of faucaria
Young sprouts of faucaria

It is possible to get a new plant "cat's mouth" by sowing seeds, dividing an overgrown bush or grafting.

For planting seed, a container is prepared filled with coarse sand (or peat with sand), which is thoroughly moistened before planting the seeds. Since the seeds are very small, they are spread over the surface of the substrate and only slightly sprinkled with the same sand or soil. A piece of glass is placed on top of the container or wrapped in plastic wrap. The temperature during germination is maintained in the range of 20-25 degrees. In this case, the care of the crops consists in carrying out regular ventilation (to remove drops of collected condensate) and spray the substrate if they are dry. Here they try to maintain the soil in a moderately moist state, avoiding the flood and complete drying.

After 7-10 days, you can see the first shoots. When a pair of true leaf plates unfold on the seedlings, a pick is performed in separate containers, using a substrate for cacti.

Vegetative reproduction is easier and faster. So, for example, with the help of lateral shoots or with the use of an adult leaf plate, which are cut off from the outlet. The stalk must be cut with a sterile, sharpened knife or blade. It is recommended to powder the cut with powdered activated charcoal or charcoal. Then the workpieces are dried for 2-3 days, so that the liquid stops oozing from the slices.

The cuttings are planted in pots filled with clean, wet sand. It is necessary to slightly press the blank into the substrate and create a support for it - you can plant it next to the wall of the container or use wooden skewers, pencils and the like. Rooting should take place at a temperature of about 25-28 degrees. Root formation takes place in 14–25 days. When the seedling has taken root, then it is then very carefully transplanted into a separate container with suitable soil.

When carrying out a transplant, you can divide the overgrown maternal outlet, since there are side shoots next to it - children. It is necessary to remove the plant from the pot, carefully separate the baby with the roots and dry it a little so that the liquid from it ceases to stand out. Then, planting is carried out in moistened soil (as is the case with cuttings).

With the second and third methods of reproduction, the plants are not immediately put in place with bright lighting; it is better to hold them in partial shade until signs of activation of new growth appear.

Fighting pests and diseases while caring for faucaria at home

Faucaria bloom
Faucaria bloom

Although the "tiger's mouth" is distinguished by excellent immunity due to the rather dense skin covering its leaves, but if the above recommendations for growing this succulent are often violated, then it may weaken and as a result of the "attack" of harmful insects. Among these are: mealybug, aphids, spider mites or rootbugs. If symptoms of these pests are detected (cobwebs, green bugs, whitish cotton-like lumps on the leaves), it is recommended to treat with insecticidal and acaricidal preparations.

If the plant is kept in a damp, dark and cold room, then root or gray rot is possible, and powdery mildew appears. At the same time, fungicide treatment, transplantation into a sterile new container and disinfected soil help.

You can also list the following problems that arise with indoor faucarian care:

  • lack of lighting and high temperatures in winter will lead to blanching of the leaf plates and elongation of the stem;
  • frequent waterlogging of the substrate, especially in the winter months, will contribute to blackening of the foliage and its wrinkling;
  • with a lack of nutrition, frequent complete drying of the earth in a pot (which is permissible only during the winter period), the size of the leaves becomes small, their color turns pale, the surface wrinkles and growth stops;
  • the appearance of brown spots on the leaves of the faucaria indicates a sunburn;
  • foliage becomes soft to the touch if the succulent grows in a heavy substrate and excessive watering occurs.

Curious facts about faucaria

Faucaria in a flowerpot
Faucaria in a flowerpot

It is interesting that such an exotic plant as "cat's mouth" is suitable for people who were born under the sign of Scorpio. It is this sign that favors representatives of the flora, which have thorns and the ability to accumulate moisture in their parts. But faucaria can also be grown by people who are distinguished by their telepathic gift, the ability to see prophetic dreams and who want to achieve even greater perfection on this path. The plant will contribute to the understanding of the hidden processes taking place in space, will give the owner the strength to realize the invisible factors that affect his entire existence.

Plants neighbors of the "wolf's mouth" can be agave, aloe, various cacti, ehmeya and kalanchoe, this also includes common oleander and captive ginura.

Types and photos of faucaria

A variety of faucaria
A variety of faucaria
  1. Faucaria feline (Faucaria felina) is a succulent, the height of which can vary within 10–15 cm. In this case, the length of the leaf plate is 5 cm and a width of one and a half centimeters. The arrangement of the foliage is opposite, with each pair of leaves being cruciform in relation to the other. The leaf shape is triangular. The color of the leaf is bright green, there are whitish blurred dots on the surface. Along the edge there are 3–5 teeth bent towards the middle, which smoothly turn into soft bristles, the same bristly formations are present in the center of the leaf. With their outlines, such bristles resemble the tongue of a cat. During flowering, the formation of golden-yellow flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm takes place. The petals are distinguished by needle-like outlines.
  2. Faucaria small-toothed (Faucaria paucidens). It is a succulent perennial plant, the leaf rosette of which is composed of leaves that are distinguished by a light green color. The average length of each leaf is 5 cm with a centimeter wide. The surface of the leaf is decorated with a dark green speck. The edge is adorned with 1-3 thick, but soft to the touch teeth. In the process of summer flowering, lush flowers with yellow petals are revealed, reaching a diameter of 4 cm.
  3. Beautiful Faucaria (Faucaria spesiosa). Also presented as a perennial succulent with fleshy leaf plates that can grow up to three centimeters in length. The leaf shape is wider, with a thickening towards the top. The leaf edge is decorated with 5–6 large denticles, which gradually become bristle-like. The leaves are shaded with a rich green color scheme, but due to the whitish spraying, it fades a little. The color of the petals in the flowers is golden yellow, with some tinge of purple tint at the tops. Fully opened in diameter, the flower reaches 8 cm.
  4. Faucaria tiger (Faucaria tigrina). The height of this succulent plant does not exceed 5 cm, thanks to the thickened stem. The rosette is made up of rhombic sheet plates with a pointed tip. Leaves grow in a rosette sessile and because of them the shoot is completely hidden. The color of the leaves is grayish-green, on the surface there are a large number of white dots, which are arranged in such a way that stripes are created from them. The edge of each leaf is distinguished by 9–10 pairs of light teeth. These hair-like toothed formations are quite strong and have a backward bend. When blooming, a single flower with golden yellow petals is formed in the center of the leaf rosette; when fully expanded, its diameter is 5 cm.
  5. Faucaria tuberous (Faucaria tuberculosa). Succulent, a perennial 5–8 cm tall with a branched fleshy stem that hides foliage. The leaf rosette is made up of opposite plates. The outlines of the leaves themselves are fleshy, spliced at the base, their shape is rhombic or almost triangular in outline. Their color is saturated, dark green, on the surface there are warty outgrowths of white. The serrated edge is soft to the touch. The flowering process occurs in the summer, while yellow flowers open. Their diameter does not exceed 4 cm. Basically, the buds open at noon and if there is bright lighting. They are located in the amount of 1-3 pieces at the top of the stem.
  6. Faucaria candida (Faucaria candida). This variety resembles Faucaria tigrina with its leaf rosette outlines and flower shape, but it is distinguished by the completely white color of the petals and their large size.
  7. Faucaria wolf (Faucaria lupina). This succulent plant has lanceolate leaf plates with a triangular top. Their length does not exceed 4–5 cm, with a total width of about 2.5 cm. The foliage is distinguished by a grayish-green color, but whitish growths in the form of warts are formed over the entire surface. On both lateral surfaces of the sheet plate, there are elongated tooth-like bristles. There are 3-5 pairs of them, the teeth have a backward bend. In the process of flowering (July-August), bright yellow flowers open, the diameter of which is 3 cm.

For more on growing faucaria from seeds, see the video below:
