Alsobia: recommendations for care and reproduction

Alsobia: recommendations for care and reproduction
Alsobia: recommendations for care and reproduction

The origin and general features of alsobia, cultivation techniques, advice on breeding, pest and disease control, interesting facts, species. Alsobia (Alsobia) is a flower that grows in the tropical territories of the planet and is part of the Gesneriaceae family. Forests of South America, namely the territories of Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica and Brazil, are considered to be native habitats.

A synonym for its name is Epistia carnation, since before 1978 these plants were bred into a separate genus under the same name Episcia, and the translation from Greek "alsobia" means "plant-grove" or "lace flower". This genus includes only four varieties, and only two of them can be cultivated indoors. These varieties are grown as ampelous plants and planted in pots or hanging baskets.

Alsobia grows in the lands of South African forests, forming real fluffy green carpets, which shimmer in shades from light green to dark emerald tones. This is provided by leaf blades, which differ in rounded or oval outlines. Most often, the plant likes to settle in the shade of the crowns of age-old giant trees at the very foot of their gigantic trunks.

A bush grown in indoor conditions has a lot of whisker-like stems, on the tops of which multiple babies originate in the form of leaf rosettes, measuring about 20 cm in length. Their arrangement is quite colorful, in several tiers. This plant is similar to strawberries. In relation to eipistia, the alsobia rosette is a more decorative form, its diameter reaches only 15 cm and it does not require additional moldings. An interesting look and foliage of alsobia. The entire surface of the leaves is covered with a velvety pile to the touch, but sometimes a pattern appears on it, formed from mottling or veins.

The alsobia flower is often tubular or somewhat bell-shaped. The color of its petals is whitish, but along the edge of each floral element there is a long and thin fringe. The flowering process occurs during several months of spring and summer (approximately in the period of April-August).

If climatic conditions permit, alsobia is used in landscape design as a ground cover plant or as one of the components of the greenery of alpine hills or rockeries.

Agrotechnics in the cultivation of alsobia, care

Alsobia in a pot
Alsobia in a pot

The plant is characterized by unpretentious care and ease of reproduction, it is ideal for growers who do not have experience in growing indoor crops.

  1. Lighting. Since alsobia in natural conditions grows in the openwork forest shade of tree crowns, at home, the pot with the plant must be placed on the windowsills of the windows of the eastern and western locations. It is recommended to avoid bright light when growing the flower. If, nevertheless, there is no choice, and the pot is on a south-facing window, then you will have to arrange shading for the "plant-grove". To do this, it is worth hanging translucent curtains, or constructing curtains from a brand, in extreme cases, sheets of paper cling to the window glass. These measures will provide protection from the midday sun. On the northern window, the "lace flower" will also grow well, but the flowering will not come. In order for the flowering process to begin and last as long as in plants growing in natural conditions, it is necessary that the length of daylight hours is at least 10 hours. This will be the key to abundant and long-lasting flowering. In any case, in the autumn-winter period, you will have to supplement the alsobia with fluorescent lamps or phytolamps.
  2. Content temperature. For a "lace flower" it will be necessary to maintain moderately warm thermometer readings throughout the year, they will be 20-25 degrees. The plant does not react well to temperature changes, it can get sick and slow down in growth, even if the heat indices have dropped to 15-17 degrees. This is only permissible when the flower is at rest, when it is resting. Also, do not install a pot of alsobia near heating appliances and central heating batteries.
  3. Air humidity when growing, the "plant-grove" should be high, for this the flower should be periodically sprayed, especially in the hot season. For this, they take soft and warm water. With the arrival of autumn, spraying is slightly reduced, but they do not stop doing it at all. If the moisture indicators are not sufficient, then the Alsobia will experience a slowdown in growth in young stems and flowering may not occur. To maintain the humidity at the proper level, it will be necessary to install air humidifiers or vessels with water next to the alsobia pot. Also, many growers use deep trays, into which expanded clay or pebbles are poured (you can cut sphagnum moss) and a little water is poured, and then a pot with a "lace flower" is placed on an inverted saucer. The main thing is that the bottom of the container does not touch the edge of the liquid.
  4. Watering alsobia. It is necessary to moisten the soil in the pot abundantly and regularly. For this, water is used only soft with heat indicators of 20-25 degrees. If the water is tap water, then it must be passed through a filter, you can boil it, but in any case, you will need to stand for at least two days. There are recommendations from experienced flower growers that it is better to use the collected rainwater for irrigation or to melt the snow in winter, and then heat the resulting liquid. And you can use river water. It is important to ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out. Waterlogging of the substrate is also not recommended. When 20-30 minutes have passed after watering, the water that has flowed into the stand under the pot is drained. It is necessary to water alsobia in small portions, and watch out for its absorption into the topsoil. Add liquid until it flows from the drainage holes of the pot into the stand. It is also worth watering carefully so that water does not fall on the leaf blades.
  5. Fertilizer. As soon as the plant comes out of the dormant period and begins to grow, it will be necessary to regularly make additional fertilizing. They are carried out every two weeks, using complex mineral preparations for flowering plants. Solutions for violets are suitable in the same proportions. With the arrival of the autumn-winter period, they stop feeding alsobia. It is necessary to fertilize the plant after the next moistening of the substrate, this will reduce the risk of burning the roots with top dressing if the earthen lump was dry. Organic matter (for example, mullein or manure solutions) should not be introduced, since they have a high nitrogen content and this will stimulate the growth of leaves, but will greatly slow down the appearance of buds and blooming of flowers.
  6. Transplant and recommended soil. It is necessary to transplant as needed, when the root system has fully mastered the soil offered to it. Basically, this is done every 2-3 years. The time is selected with the arrival of the spring months, when the activation of the growth of alsobia begins, then you can also shape the bush. When forming, it is necessary to pinch off overgrown shoots. It is best to use the transshipment method when changing the pot and soil, while the root system of the flower is least injured. A layer of drainage material (expanded clay, broken shards or small pebbles) is necessarily placed on the bottom of the container. Before planting, it is necessary to make large holes in the bottom so that excess moisture drains off and does not stagnate. The capacity, if the plant is grown stationary, you need to choose a wider than a deep one. The soil for planting a "lace flower" should be light and loose so that water and air can easily penetrate to the root system. You can use commercially available violet and Saintpaulia substrate and add chopped moss and charcoal pieces, coconut fiber, river sand, or perlite to it. These components will help ensure greater permeability of the substrate, improve its structure and disinfect. If the soil is compiled independently, then it will need to combine in equal parts peat soil, humus, coarse sand, as well as two parts of a sheet substrate. The soil should be slightly acidic.
  7. Dormant period for the “plant-grove” it occurs at the end of autumn and lasts until the beginning of spring (from November to February). Flowering at this time stops, and the growth of the plant decreases. At this time, watering is reduced and alsobia is not fed.

Tips for breeding alsobia at home

Alsobia flowers
Alsobia flowers

It is possible to get a new "lace flower" at home using cuttings - this is the most popular way. The second is the method of jigging daughter outlets, followed by dividing the bush by layering or planting seeds.

For the breeding operation of alsobia, the time is selected throughout the entire spring-summer period, when warm weather sets in.

If the bush already has ready-made leaf rosettes hanging from the whiskers, then it is necessary to use the "baby" from the main plant. You should not cut them off, but immediately start rooting. Having pinned such a mini-bush to the ground with a mustache-stolon, they fix it at the soil surface using a hairpin or wire. When the first sprouts appear on the new alsobia, it is necessary to carefully separate the plant from the mother bush and transplant it into a permanent container with suitable soil.

If the outlet is cut off, then after planting it in a separate container with soil, it will be necessary to create conditions for a mini-greenhouse, with increased heat and humidity. To do this, you can wrap the plant in a plastic bag or film, or put a young alsobia under a glass jar. Often, a cut plastic bottle is used for this - its upper part, where the cork is located. This will further help airing the alsobia. The substrate is mixed from sand and peat, or you can add chopped sphagnum moss to it. After 1–3 weeks, the daughter rosette may take root. Root formation directly depends on the rooting conditions. However, if this does not happen, then you should not worry, since sometimes root processes appear after a month. When young plants reach the size of one and a half to two centimeters, then they must be removed from the mini-greenhouse and planted in separate small pots with soil, which is suitable for further growth. 2-3 sockets are placed in one pot.

Problems in growing alsobia and ways to solve them

Alsobia leaves
Alsobia leaves

The "lace flower" is a fairly resistant plant and is rarely affected by diseases and pests. If difficulties arise, then they, as a rule, are the result of violations of the conditions for keeping the flower. She can only occasionally be affected by spider mites, scale insects or nematodes. At the same time, yellowing of the leaf plates, the formation of a translucent cobweb that begins to envelop the leaves and internodes, the appearance of dark brown-brown plaques on the back of the leaf, the coating of the leaf plate with a sugary sticky bloom, or dry necrotic spots begin to appear on it. Also, from the influence of nematodes, shoots can stop growing and swell ugly, the root system of the plant can also be affected, then it stops growing, and signs of lack of moisture or lack of nutrition appear.

With all the above signs, it will be necessary to carry out treatment with a systemic insecticide, which are used, for example, "Aklellik", "Fitoverm" or "Neoron".

If nematodes have been identified, they are used to combat "Mercaprofos" or "Phosphamine". The latter is very toxic to all warm-blooded animals, so it is important to take precautions when using it. There are also biological agents for treating plants against nematodes - "Nematofagin BT", when it was created, the predatory fungus Arthrobotris oligospora was used, which mercilessly destroys all ground cover pests. However, these methods do not give a 100% guarantee of cure, and it is often necessary to destroy the infected plant so that others do not get sick.

The following problematic causes of alsobia malaise are distinguished:

  • the appearance of spotting on the leaf plates occurs due to watering with cold water or the ingress of liquid drops on the surface of the leaf;
  • if the foliage began to fade and fall off, then this means insufficiently moistened soil;
  • when the plant is depressed, roots rot and the reason for this is the excessively waterlogged substrate.

Interesting facts about alsobia

Pot with alsobia
Pot with alsobia

If you follow the principles of Eastern philosophy, then alsobia flowers have a favorable energy for the home, which has a very positive effect on people in the rooms next to the plant. This is due to the fact that the leaves and flowers are distinguished by rounded outlines, and this, according to Feng Shui, is considered a symbol that brings wealth, will help maintain comfort and harmony in the room and the souls of the household.

Types of alsobia

Alsobia bloom
Alsobia bloom
  1. Alsobia dianthiflora often found under the synonym Amlsobia dianthisiflora. This variety is most cultivated by flower growers. On the flowers of the plant there are multiple small dots of a burgundy hue, and along the edge of the petals there is a very short, barely noticeable fringe. Leaf blades are measured in length up to 2-3 cm, they have oval outlines and pubescence over the entire surface. Rosettes up to 5–6 cm in diameter are collected from these leaves. Like many other species of alsobia, this one, like chlorophytum, produces decorative whiskers, on which daughter young rosettes of leaves are formed.
  2. Alsobia Chiapas (Alsobia Chiapas). The plant is a very rare species that is not recognized by some botanists. The buds bloom on the bush, painted in tones from snow-white to yellowish-green shades. The entire surface of the petals of the flower is covered with a velvety speck of bright red or burgundy color. The leaf plates are large in size, have an ovoid shape and a pointed tip, there is a slight pubescence. In natural conditions, this variety takes on a bushy form of growth.
  3. Alsobia Punctata. Often found under the synonym for Alsobia freckled. It is rare in nature. In flowers, the corolla is distinguished by a neck of yellow tone and petals, which are decorated with thick lilac-pink speckles. The surface of the bud is velvety. The growth rate of this species is very slow and offshoots are formed very late.
  4. Alsobia Cygnet. This variety is found under the name "Young Swan". The plant is hybrid, obtained by crossing the alsobia of dianthisiflora and punctata. 1967 is considered to be the year of its appearance. The flowers have snow-white petals with a corrugated surface, completely covered with dense friable mottling of a pink tone. The diameter of the bud at opening reaches 3–4 cm. Large leaf blades with strong pubescence.

For the care and maintenance of alsobia, see here:
