Ammania: recommendations for reproduction and care

Ammania: recommendations for reproduction and care
Ammania: recommendations for reproduction and care

Distinctive features, tips for caring for ammonia at home and outdoors, recommendations for reproduction, possible difficulties in growing and ways to solve them, facts to note, types. Ammannia is a plant grown in aquariums and artificial reservoirs, belonging to the Lythraceae family. This herbaceous representative of the flora is widespread on all continents of the planet, mainly in areas with tropical and subtropical climates. At these latitudes are regions of Asia and the African continent, the lands of both Americas and even some European regions. This genus has up to 25 different species, but only some of them are usually grown as aquarium plants, creating quite attractive compositions. In natural conditions, they prefer to grow on the banks of not only river arteries, but also other closed bodies of water. They love wetlands and open spaces where rice is grown.

Family name Derbennikovye
Life cycle Perennial
Growth features Grassy
Reproduction Seed and vegetative
Landing period in open ground Summer
Substrate Sandy soil
Illumination Open area with bright lighting
Moisture indicators Elevated
Special Requirements Quite demanding
Plant height 0.6-0.8 m
Color of flowers Light purple
Decorative time Spring-summer
Place of application Ponds or aquariums
USDA zone 4–6

Ammanias are perennials that have a fairly powerful rhizome. The stem of the plant is straight, without branching, in height it can reach almost 60 cm, but in natural conditions its parameters vary in the range of 70–80 cm. Its surface is densely covered with leaf plates, with a cruciform arrangement. So in each of the whorls there are two pairs of leaves. The shape of the leaf is lanceolate; the relief of the central vein is clearly visible on its surface. The length of the leaf can reach 2–6 cm, with an average width of 1–2 cm. The color of the leaves is striking in its variety, so there are specimens with an olive-green or reddish-brown color scheme.

In the process of flowering, the formation of inflorescences of 6-7 pieces of buds occurs, in which the petals have a light purple color. After pollination ends, the fruits ripen, which have the appearance of hemicarps of rounded outlines. There are a couple of nests in the achene.

However, despite the fact that many Ammannia species are very different from each other, common characteristics can be distinguished. Depending on the type of leaves in the plant, they are divided into three forms:

  • sheet plates of a reddish color, wide with a wavy edge;
  • the edge is also wavy, but the leaves are narrowed, painted in a reddish-brown tint;
  • narrowed greenish leaves.

Regardless of the beauty of these representatives of the mossy, preferring moisture and light, keeping such plants in aquariums is a rather laborious process.

Ammania care, maintenance at home and outdoors

Ammania is growing
Ammania is growing
  1. Lighting. Since this perennial is a tropical plant, ponds and aquariums with a lot of sunlight are suitable for it. Such conditions can often be created in small reservoirs with sandy soil. If the level of illumination is maintained in sufficient quantity, then the growth rate of ammonia will be normal, otherwise it will gradually slow down and the number of leaf plates on the plant will begin to decrease. When grown in an aquarium, the day length should be at least 12 hours. Aquarists use low pressure fluorescent lamps (LB), where every 1 liter of aquarium volume should account for 0.4–0.5 watts.
  2. Drop off location. Since the plant needs a large amount of moisture, then when planting in the open air, they try to find a position where there will be damp and sandy soil and a lot of direct sunlight. Therefore, artificial or natural reservoirs or a swampy coastal zone are suitable. For home cultivation, capacious aquariums with bright artificial lighting are recommended.
  3. Content temperature. For this water-loving perennial, the recommended heat values should not be less than 15 degrees, and the optimal values will be a temperature of about 28 degrees.
  4. Planting recommendations. As soon as the warm season comes, and the water is warmed up by the sun to the required temperature indicators, then ammonia can be planted in reservoirs located in the backyard. If the plant has grown in a container until this time, then in order not to injure the root system, you can place it in water directly in the container, placing it on the bottom of the reservoir. It is important to remember that the water should cover Ammannia by at least 5 cm, and preferably up to half a meter. As soon as the temperature begins to drop and reaches 15 degrees, then the plant must be transferred indoors, placing it in the aquarium for a cold period. The water surface should be up to half of the stems. When planting, the following rules should be observed, plants are planted one by one in the form of a ladder, in the amount of 5-7 pieces. At the same time, try not to place them too close to each other.
  5. Fertilizers. It is recommended for the successful cultivation of Ammannia to use preparations with nutrients in its composition, and the plant necessarily needs iron. Water should not be hard, with parameters 2–12 mol per cubic meter, and preferably slightly acidic, with pH 6, 5–7, 5.
  6. Councils for the selection of soil for Ammania. River coarse-grained sand or fine gravel is used as a substrate. It is better to have clay in the sand (it will provide food) and activated carbon (for disinfection). The condition of the soil should be with average levels of siltation. This is because this heat-loving plant receives the bulk of its nutrients from the liquid that surrounds its shoots and foliage.
  7. Pruning. Since basically all types of such perennials have a very low growth rate, the haircut is practically not carried out. In the process, a cut is made in such a way that only 1/3 of the entire part of the plant remains. It is recommended to plant the cut off tip in a new place.

Ammania breeding recommendations

Ammania photos
Ammania photos

Usually, you can get such an aquarium plant by sowing seeds or by rooting cuttings.

Often, the first method is used by aquarists who have a sufficient amount of skills to grow aquatic life. But the method of grafting is less difficult. In an adult plant, the upper part of the lateral shoots (located from the main trunk) is broken off, so that the length of the workpiece is 5 cm. Then the cuttings are planted in a fertile silty substrate. Such cuttings will take root for a long time, since Ammania cannot "boast" of the growth rate either. During this period, it is better not to disturb young plants. In this case, it is taken into account that cut stems can also stop growing due to the operation performed. After adaptation, the old base of Ammannia stems will be the place where new shoots and leaf blades will begin to form. Therefore, it is recommended to cut it in the middle of the stem, when its top reaches the edge of the water surface.

Possible difficulties in growing Ammania and ways to solve them

Ammania leaves
Ammania leaves

The plant is not intended for beginners, since its cultivation will require careful adherence to all the rules. If the conditions are even slightly violated, then Ammannia will begin to react to this - to get sick, which will ultimately lead to her death. But if you manage to cope with all the problems, then this aquarium exotic will become a real decoration.

With a lack of sunlight, the foliage takes on a brown hue and begins to rot. The same goes for too much temperature drop.

Facts to note about Ammania, plant photo

Ammania stems
Ammania stems

There is an opportunity to grow Ammania not only in aquariums, and experienced designers decorate artificial reservoirs with it in their backyards. Despite its decorativeness, in some parts of the planet Ammannia is considered a malicious weed and the local population has declared a merciless war on it.

This representative of the flora was classified at the beginning of the 18th century. The name of the plant was given to the scientist, the Englishman W. Houston, who decided to immortalize the name of the doctor and botanist from Germany (Leipzig) Paul Ammann (1634-1691). But later the taxonomist, naturalist and classifier of flora and fauna Carl Linnaeus consolidated this term as the name of this plant species, and they began to bear the name: Ammannia Linnaeus, meaning Ammannia Linnaeus. It is curious that in the scientific literature on botany there are still two names containing one or two letters "n".

Ammania types

A kind of ammania
A kind of ammania
  • Ammannia gracilis also sometimes called Ammania Gracelis. In nature, the plant is found in the lands of Senegal and Gambia, where it prefers to settle in coastal flooded areas and along the banks of rivers, lakes and streams. Most of all he loves sandy soil. Under natural conditions, there are often such specimens that have adapted to grow on sandy soil, the moisture parameters of which are in the middle range, and where there is a small amount of nutrients. All this helps them to carry out rather large and powerful shoots. Grows well in a bright, sunny place and at high temperatures. Since most of the growing places are flooded with water, the top of the stem is usually located on the surface of the soil. The color of the leaf plates is very different. Since some stems and leaf plates are under water, their color takes on a brown or burgundy hue, while the part of the plant above its surface is distinguished by a greenish-olive color. The reverse side of the leaves always has a more intense dark purple hue. The stem is erect and fleshy with a bare surface, its length is 60 cm. The foliage usually has a cruciform-opposite arrangement, the leaves grow sessile, whole-extreme. Those leaves that grow above water are linear or inversely ovoid in shape. Their length is 2–6 cm and a width of about 1–1, 8 cm. The leaf plates, which are covered by the water surface, are mainly lanceolate. The parameters are 7–12 cm long and 0.7–1.8 cm wide. When flowering, inflorescences of 6–7 buds are formed, with lavender petals. After pollination, the fruit begins to ripen, in the form of a box filled with round seeds. The shape of the fruit is spherical, there are two ovaries inside. This variety is intended for growing in large aquariums, where each of the bushes, consisting of 5-7 shoots, will have up to 100 liters of water. Under such comfortable conditions, the shoots grow strongly and you need to carry out regular pruning.
  • Ammania senegalese (Ammannia senegalensis). The native area of growth falls on lands from Senegal to southern regions of Africa, and can also be found throughout from the eastern African regions to Abyssinia and Lower Egypt. The species is very moody and therefore rarely seen in aquarists. Prefers to settle in nature in wetlands. It has an erect and fleshy stem with a bare surface, which can reach 60 cm in height. The leaf plates grow sessile, they are entire, their arrangement is cruciform opposite each other. The foliage that grows above the water is linear to obovate. The length of the parameters of such leaves reaches 2–6 cm with a width of about 1–1, 8 cm. Their color is olive green. The height of the stem, which is above the water, is 40 cm. The leaves located on it under the surface of the water are lanceolate, their length does not go beyond 7–12 cm with a width of 0.7–1, 8 cm. The color of the upper side of the underwater leaves is greenish - olive, changing to brown-red, and its reverse part takes on purple hues. During flowering, a semi-umbilical inflorescence (dichasia) is formed, which has shortened pedicels. They combine 3–7 buds. Perennial is used to decorate lawns placed under water, it has a high growth rate.
  • Ammannia Bonsai (Ammannia sp. "Bonsai"). The plant was developed through breeding work and is often intended to be grown in small nano aquariums. The growth rate is small. The stem is straight, fleshy and strong. Due to the fact that the size of the species is small, such a stem looks a little awkward. A small number of leaf plates are formed on it, taking an oval or rounded shape. In length, they do not exceed 1 cm. In height, the entire bush is not more than 15 cm with an average width of approximately 1.5 cm. The color of the foliage is bright green, but if the level of illumination is low, then this color will change to reddish. The plant is recommended to be placed in aquariums in the foreground, as growing this type of ammonia will form thickets of decorative outlines that do not change their appearance for a long time due to the low growth rate.
  • Ammannia multiflora (Ammannia multiflora). This variety is distinguished by its delicate shape and capriciousness in care, it is recommended for cultivation by experienced aquarists. When grown in an aquarium, a perennial in height can reach 30 cm. It has a rather tough, erect stem. The width of the leaf blades is the largest among all types, although the general shape is oval. The foliage is painted in a bright green color, but if the level of illumination is high, then on the surface you can see the play of reddish-pink color. In the summer, the plant's shoots, which are in the upper part, are the place for the formation of small flowers, in which the petals are painted in a pinkish or purple hue. It is recommended to plant this species due to its large size in the center of the aquarium tank. Moreover, its volume should be more than 100 liters in order to provide the necessary space. It is preferable to decorate a Dutch-type aquarium with such a plant (with many groups and types of flora), where it will effectively stand out against the background of all other vegetation.
  • Ammannia sp. Sulawesi. A variety with special decorative properties. The natural habitats of the species are on the island of the same name, Sulawesi (a large Indonesian island located east of Borneo). The growth rate is rather slow, the requirements for the content are increased, but its colorful appearance is worth the effort. The foliage of the plant, if conditions are favorable, begins to take on a red-purple color scheme, and this makes it possible for the variety to stand out in contrast among the entire aquarium flora. The side parts of the sheet plates are twisted along the central axis, while the edge is turned down. The shape of the leaf is elongated with a rounded top. The shoot has a fleshy structure, its color is pale greenish. When planting, it is recommended to arrange the species in such a way that the bush is 5-7 stems.

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