Features of the use of aristolochia, plant care

Features of the use of aristolochia, plant care
Features of the use of aristolochia, plant care

The origin and description of aristolochia, types, recommendations for cultivation and care, use in medicine and in landscape design, interesting facts. Aristolochia (or as it is also called Kirkazon) is a beautiful perennial plant that is gaining more and more popularity these days, thanks to its extraordinary appearance, which can add completely new colors to the exterior of your garden plot. The specialists in the field of landscape design could not ignore the Kirkazon, they could not find a more successful exhibit for vertical gardening.

The origin of aristolochia

Aristolochia leaves
Aristolochia leaves

Aristolochia (lat. Aristolochia) is a beautiful, extraordinary representative of the large Kirkazonov family (lat. Aristolochiaceae). His homeland is considered to be the tropical territories of Africa, Asia and America, but some species grow successfully in more temperate zones. In Russia, in particular in the regions of the North Caucasus and the Far East, it seems possible to meet several representatives of this large family.

Description of the exterior of aristolochia

Aristolochia bloom
Aristolochia bloom

Kirkazon has a long life span. In its natural environment, it grows and develops in the form of herbaceous plants and woody vines. The size of this representative of the green world is highly dependent on environmental conditions. On average, the height of these garden vines ranges from 7 to 15 m.

To begin a description of the appearance of this plant, perhaps, follows from the leaves. They attract the closest attention of gardeners and landscape designers. The diameter of the leaf plates is quite large - 24-30 cm, which even the most ornamental trees and shrubs cannot boast of.

The leaves, depending on the type of aristolochia, have a heart-shaped, ovoid or oval shape, with a marginal pointedness. Some representatives have blunt edges. These large perennial elements have a delicate light green tint; younger leaves have slight pubescence. Also, the peculiarity and exclusivity of the leaves is that throughout the year their color tends to transform: closer to the end of summer, they acquire a lemon-yellow color, by mid-September nature gives them a noble brown tone. By the end of the first autumn month, the leaves begin to gradually leave the stem, but in some species of aristolochia, these green decorations flaunt until the first severe frosts.

To all of the above features should be added a very original arrangement of the deciduous mass, which is called "mosaic". The leaves grow, with their tops facing down, tightly clinging to each other, forming a solid, embossed, deciduous wall, which is particularly decorative and original.

Shoots also tend to change color with age. If young branches are cast in a light green color with an olive tint, then older ones acquire a dark gray color scheme. Young stems are rather thin and fragile. When exposed to low temperatures, they can freeze, but this is not a serious problem, since they recover very successfully by next year. Older shoots tend to gradually lignify: their surface is covered with cork-like bark, which cracks slightly along the length. The diameter of adult, already formed trunks can reach several centimeters.

They add uniqueness to this tropical perennial and its flowers, which have a very unusual structure. They are shown on a relatively long flowering stem from the leaf axils. They do not have a corolla, but at the same time there is a tubular bracts, which have a large limb, resembling a tongue, and in addition, swollen in the lower part. The flowers, which measure 3–6 cm across, have been awarded by nature with a very diverse range of colors (depending on the type of kirkazon, the buds can be colored red, brown, brownish, brown-red, gray-green and even yellow). The peculiarity of these multi-colored elements of the plant is that they emit a very unpleasant aroma, which is rarely characteristic of the owners of such a charming appearance. This trait helps the plant to attract the attention of pollinating insects. The flowering period usually falls in late spring and early summer.

The fruiting period in the life cycle of a vine is also quite unusual. It starts around the end of September and lasts until mid-October. At this time, the fruits ripen - these are cylindrical boxes that have the shape of a hexagon, with a light green or green-yellow color. According to external data, they take similarities with a cucumber or pear (depending on the type). The length of each capsule is approximately 9–12 cm. Upon completion of ripening, the fruit cells open with the help of longitudinal valves, and sometimes hold tightly until the next spring.

Aristolochia is an entomophilous plant in itself. The most frequent workers in this process are mosquitoes, beetles and flies. These large-leaved plants have a very peculiar pollination procedure. Inside the tube-shaped part of the bract, there are hairs directed inward along an oblique line. They serve as a kind of trap for insects that have penetrated into the flower, so a mosquito or a fly in search of a way out of it produces pollination. When the process is completed, the above-described hairs wither and fall off, which gives insects freedom of exit, and the anthers, in turn, open and shower with pollen from the released pollinator.

For some people from South America, the structure of the flower has interesting features, in addition to the hair trap. The reproductive organs of these species of beautiful perennials are housed in additional cells, which are a "prison cell" for insects. The walls of this chamber are painted in a lighter shade than the walls of the trap, so the pollinator, seeing the “light at the end of the tunnel,” hurries there. After pollination is complete, the walls of this cell become darker by several tones.

Variety of types of aristolochia

Aristolochia flower
Aristolochia flower

As for the varieties of the plant, then "the opinions of scientists differed." Various sources give their information about the number of species of aristolochia. Some have 120-250 different representatives of this family, and there is literature that says that there are over 350 species of these graceful lianas in nature. Due to the fact that the plant is distributed in different parts of the world, not all of these representatives can be seen in our area, because of the unsuitable climate, and also because some species of Kirkazon are protected by the Red Data Books of various countries of the world. The most common and studied descendants of this large beautiful family are presented to your attention:

  • Aristolochia felt -Aristolochia tomentosa;
  • Aristolochia large-leaved - Aristolochia macrophylla;
  • Aristolochia graceful - Aristochia elegans;
  • Aristolochia Manchurian - Aristolochia mandshuriensis;
  • Aristolochia ancient -Aristolochia arborea;
  • Californian Aristolochia - Aristolochia californica;
  • Aristolochia pumpkin-leaved - Aristolochia cucurbitifolia;
  • Aristolochia clematitis - Aristolochia clematitis;
  • Aristolochia woolly-flowered -Ariatolochia eriantha;
  • Aristolochia evergreen - Aristolochia sempervirens;
  • Aristolochia passion-flowered - Aristolochia passiflorifolia;
  • Aristolochia Watson - Aristolochia watsonii;
  • Aristolochia large-flowered - Aristolochia grandiflora;
  • Aristolochia Gibert - Aristolochia gibertii;
  • Aristolochia wide-open - Aristolochia ringens;
  • Aristolochia coastal - Aristolochia littiralis.

The first five species are most often found in home gardens in Russia, since they are most adapted to our climatic conditions and do not cause any particular difficulties in growing.

Cultivation of Kirkazon, home care

Kirkazon in a pot
Kirkazon in a pot

This delightful native of tropical lands does not differ in special requirements for his person, but in order not to turn his life on your site into survival, you need to make some efforts to provide your aristolochie with the conditions it needs.

  1. Place of cultivation. This blooming bloom has a twofold attitude to the sun's rays, it feels more comfortable in the shade, but in such conditions it will not please you with a beautiful flowering. For this reason, you should choose a location in the garden or greenhouse for the Kirkazon, which is well lit by the sun, but at the same time partially has a shady shelter.
  2. Optimal temperature conditions. Despite its tropical origin, this natural wonder does not require too high temperatures at all. In summer, it feels very good at a temperature of 19-25 degrees, during the wintering period it is recommended that the ambient temperature is not lower than 10-13 degrees. It is important to remember that the branchy vine is extremely disliked by strong winds in its direction.
  3. Air humidity. If you raise the question of the humidity of the external environment, then aristolochia has a very positive attitude towards the air of medium humidity. Therefore, the spraying procedure should be carried out depending on the ambient temperature.
  4. Ideal potting mix for decorative kirkazon. Three essential characteristics of the soil in which you are going to place the plant can be noted: looseness, moderate moisture and nutrient saturation. There is nothing super complicated in preparing the substrate with your own hands. To do this, you need the following ingredients: humus, garden soil and coarse sand or perlite, all these components should be combined in equal proportions 1: 1: 1. Before the prepared soil mixture, you can add a little clay to make it water-absorbing.
  5. Reproduction methods of aristolochia. There are several breeding methods for this fabulous plant. It seems possible to get a new vine vegetatively (with the help of lignified or green cuttings, layering, or dividing the bush with a part of the rhizome) and with the help of seeds.
  6. The process of planting seeds. For a more effective result, it is recommended to stratify the seed throughout the month. This should be done in wet sand, at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees. The right time for planting seeds is considered to be late spring or mid-autumn. Sowing should be done in ridges with a pre-prepared soil substrate. It is not necessary to place seeds deep in the ground, about 1, 5–2, 5 cm. It is desirable that the distance between future sprouts is at least 5–6 cm. According to some sources, you will get a much better result if you grow seedlings in a closed soil.
  7. Vegetative method. Propagation by cuttings should be carried out in early spring, before the buds should bloom, or in the fall. Cuttings should be planted in the prepared substrate at an angle so that there are several buds in the aerial part. After this, the plantings should be watered and sheltered with polyethylene should be made for them. It is recommended to periodically remove the film for a while, this action will ensure the delivery of oxygen for young plants, and gradually will accustom aristolochia to open air. As for the laying of layers, this is also a very simple way: an shoot of sufficient length must be laid in a wave-like manner and pinned to the soil in those places where the bud is located nearby. Then sprinkle with a small layer of earth. A year later, a root is formed in these areas. Then the shoot will need to be cut and the layers that have taken root can be transplanted so that they grow or be placed in a permanent place of residence.
  8. Watering. During the period of intensive growth, it is recommended to provide Kirkazon with a sufficient amount of moisture, but at the same time, preventing waterlogging of the soil. The signal that the plant wants to "drink" will be the drying out of the soil under it. In cool weather, watering should be moderated.
  9. Top dressing and care. Fertilizer is required at planting and regularly during the growing season. This tropical decoration is quite loyal to both mineral and organic fertilizers. A weak mullein solution is well suited for feeding. If we talk about specific care, then it is good to mulch the soil with moss and loosen its surface layer. You should also remove the weeds that are located near your foster child. Before the winter period, it is necessary to protect your green pet; for this, a shelter is built for him from dry leaves with a layer of about 5-10 cm.
  10. Diseases and pests. Subject to the basic rules for caring for your green pet, no problems should arise. The only thing is that Kirkazon often attracts the attention of a spider mite.

The use of aristolochia in traditional medicine

Stalk of kirkazon
Stalk of kirkazon

In folk medicine, this flower occupies a very honorable place, this representative of the world flora is used as a remedy for the treatment of the following pathological conditions:

  • diseases of the skin and its appendages caused by various etiological factors;
  • inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violations of the motor function of the intestine;
  • inflammation of the bladder;
  • inflammatory processes of the female genital organs;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • diseases provoked by metabolic disorders;
  • neuroses;
  • depressive conditions.

It must be remembered that aristolochia is a plant, although useful, but at the same time very dangerous, due to the presence of a strong capillary poison in it. Therefore, in no case can you be independently treated with it.

Aristolochia in landscape design and interesting facts

Aristolochia in the greenhouse
Aristolochia in the greenhouse

As for the use of Kirkazon in landscape design, this plant is in wide demand. This green creature with amazing leaves makes a great decoration for vertical landscaping. Pillars, columns, various supports decorated with it - will not leave anyone indifferent. It also gives a new look to balconies, gazebos, arches and even garden trees.

The delightful appearance of this plant has been noticed long before our days. It is known that in Russia they got acquainted with this miracle of nature at the end of the 18th century. It was used to decorate the entrances to parks and gardens. For many decades, a tent made of Kirkazon leaves has been adorned at the entrance to the Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg.

You can also add that this tropical inhabitant in ancient times was revered as a symbol of fertility. From this follows his name: "aristos" - the best and "lochein" - birth.

What aristolochia looks like, see this video:
