In this article, you will learn what a concealer is, how to choose and use it correctly. Professional advice and videos. A few girls can boast of perfect skin. Most of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have to put in a lot of effort every morning to look perfect.
A concealer is a special concealing cosmetic product that helps to reliably mask a variety of minor skin imperfections (for example, dark circles under the eyes or acne spots, shallow expression lines, age spots, etc.). There is a category of concealers that not only help to make up skin imperfections, but also have a healing effect, quickly dry out inflammation, help lighten age spots, making them practically invisible, and have a lifting effect.
Types of concealer
A fairly large number of different types of concealers are presented on store shelves today. They may differ not only in composition, but also in the form of release, as well as texture. Moreover, each type of concealer is designed to mask certain types of skin imperfections.
With a brush in a tube

The concealer has a liquid texture, can be produced in a tube and have a special retractable mechanism, with the help of which the required amount of concealer is applied to the brush.
It has a fairly light texture, so it can be used by owners of sensitive and dry skin. It is used to mask dark circles around the eyes. After the concealer has been applied, it is necessary to sponge the skin to remove excess of the product.
When using this product, remember that the brush is usually very soft, so the concealer can be applied in a thick layer and will be very noticeable. It is applied both on large areas and as a point.
Concealer Pencil

It has a fairly dense texture, so it is perfect for masking not only freckles, but inflammation and small redness that may remain after acne. Helps to remove oily skin shine.
When choosing a concealer pencil, remember that the denser its texture, the longer it can last and will not leak. As a rule, such a remedy also includes special antibacterial components (extracts of medicinal plants, salicylic acid and tea tree oil). Thanks to this, the concealer helps to quickly relieve inflammation and has a mild drying effect. It is necessary to apply this concealer pointwise.
Creamy concealer

Matting agents of this type can be produced in small jars or powder boxes. The density of a creamy concealer will fluctuate between liquid and pencil. It is this type that is considered universal, since it helps to mask small pimples, freckles, dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles.
A creamy concealer can be applied not only locally, but also on large areas. Among the advantages of this type is the fact that it can be mixed with other concealers. It should be applied with a sponge or a special brush, carefully shading.

Mineral concealers are also called. This product is based on mineral powder. They are used to mask acne and acne, redness and inflammation, remove shine, and have a healing effect on the skin.
It is not recommended to use this type of concealer to mask dark circles under the eyes, especially in the presence of fine wrinkles. The fact is that the product will clog into folds, making them more visible.
Highlighter concealer

It is a universal remedy that helps to mask almost all types of skin imperfections. With its help, you can not only eliminate minor skin imperfections, but also gently highlight the skin. However, it can only be applied if the disadvantages are not very strong. Otherwise, you will need to separately apply highlighter and concealer.
Moisturizing Concealer

Perfect for masking small wrinkles around the eyes, helps to remove bags and bruises. It has a delicate and soft texture, contains a large amount of valuable moisturizing substances. Very easy to apply, will not clog up skin folds.

There can be three types - brown masks even pronounced age spots, yellow removes bruises, and green redness, inflammation and spider veins. This type of concealer should be applied strictly under the foundation.
For lips

Has a soft and light texture, perfectly masks various types of skin imperfections. Refreshes the delicate skin of the lips and helps to mask minor imperfections in the corners of the lips.
The concealer is available in a variety of colors designed to mask certain imperfections:
- The dark shades help to cover up bulging acne inflammations.
- Lilac comes in a dry texture and removes age spots.
- Green is suitable for masking both acne and redness of the skin.
- Yellow and orange are used to mask dark circles that appear in the eye area.
How to choose a concealer
With increased attention it is necessary to approach the choice of concealer. If you are going to be using a concealer to treat small bumps, scars, and redness, you need to choose a concealer that matches your skin tone perfectly.
A concealer slightly darker than your skin tone is suitable for removing bumps and bumps. In this case, a lighter product is selected to mask bruises and dark circles that appear under the eyes.
How to use concealer

To mask all the irregularities and get just perfect skin, when applying concealer, you must adhere to a few simple rules:
- Concealer should be applied to cleansed and pre-moisturized skin.
- It is necessary to use a special brush and gently blend with your fingers.
- To mask dark circles under the eyes, apply concealer pointwise - first to the inner corner, then to the middle of the eyelid and the outer corner. Then the product is shaded with a finger or a sponge in the direction strictly from the nose to the temples.
- To mask acne, you need to apply concealer directly to the site of inflammation, then the edges of the droplet are lightly shaded, but not rubbed.
- Concealer helps to eliminate depressed irregularities. To do this, you need to take a liquid product, apply with a brush, then, without rubbing, apply a tonal base on top.
- Highlighter concealer helps to remove fine wrinkles. To do this, it is applied with a brush to problem areas and left until it dries completely.
Tips from experienced makeup artists

- When working with concealer, it is not recommended to sit as close to the mirror as possible. When applying the product, you need to take a step away from the mirror, and blend it closer.
- The product is applied and shaded only on well-hydrated skin.
- To blend the concealer better, you need to warm your hands.
- When using concealer, it is strictly forbidden to work with a magnifying mirror, as in this case it simply will not be possible to apply it evenly.
- If necessary, the matting agent can be applied in two or three layers.
- It is forbidden to use concealer to mask open wounds or fresh scratches, since as a result, the development of severe inflammation can be provoked.
- Before starting work, it is necessary not only to wash your hands well, but also to wash your brushes, due to which the concealer will be applied much easier and smoother.
How to apply concealer video: