Kombucha in cosmetology

Kombucha in cosmetology
Kombucha in cosmetology

Did you know that kombucha tincture not only strengthens the body, but also gives beauty, strengthens nails, restores health and shine to hair? You will learn how to do this in the article. Kombucha has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibiotic effects. It can be used to treat a variety of diseases, as well as be used in home cosmetology.

In cosmetology, kombucha is used to restore and heal the skin, various fungal infections not only of the skin, but also of the nails. It can be used as an effective scalp and hair care product.

The beginning of skin care occurs precisely with its cleansing. With the help of kombucha it will be possible to perform deep cleansing of the skin, and the result obtained will be no worse than using an expensive high-quality peeling product. Also, funds based on kombucha have a regenerating and tonic effect, therefore, an accelerated process of skin renewal occurs.

Skin cleansing

Kombucha in cosmetology
Kombucha in cosmetology

To cleanse the skin and remove dead particles, you can use mushroom kvass. For this purpose, an infusion is needed, the exposure of which is at least one month.

Immediately before the start of the cleansing procedure, a familiar cleanser is applied to the face and a light massage is done. This is necessary in order to remove dust accumulated during the day, excess sebum, dirt from the skin.

Then a terry towel is taken and moistened in very hot water, and the skin is massaged for several minutes to open the pores. Subject to the presence of rosacea, this stage of cleansing will need to be skipped.

A cotton napkin is taken, moistened in the infusion of kombucha, squeezed slightly and applied to the face. The top is covered with a terry towel (warm!). You need to lie down for about 5 minutes, then remove the mask and wash your face with warm water. Any nourishing cream is applied. It is recommended to carry out this cleansing procedure once a week about 3 hours before bedtime.



Thanks to regular rubbing of the skin with the use of warm infusion of kombucha, the blood circulation process is significantly improved, elasticity and smoothness return. In addition, this product provides an excellent deodorizing effect, tones, refreshes the skin, and does not disrupt the natural balance of pH.

To obtain such results, it is enough to periodically add one glass of kombucha tincture to the bath. Soon, positive changes will become noticeable - the skin becomes softer, acquires a healthy appearance. But there is one main rule - the total duration of such a therapeutic bath should not exceed 20 minutes.

Kombucha for acne

Kombucha has excellent antiseptic properties, which makes it widely used to combat acne. Only that kombucha tincture that has been aged for at least one month should be taken. In this case, the use of lavender, which has a calming and cleansing effect, is beneficial.

Dried lavender flowers are laid out in a glass container, a tincture obtained from kombucha is poured, everything is mixed and covered with a lid. The hermetically sealed container is placed in the refrigerator and left for exactly three weeks. After the specified time, you need to filter the resulting infusion and add small amounts to the water used for washing.


Kombucha is able to help not only during the fight against acne, it helps to eliminate age spots, freckles. It will be enough to simply wipe the cleansed face several times a day with a monthly infusion of kombucha. It is useful to wipe cleansed face every day with a cube of frozen monthly infusion. After this procedure, apply any nourishing cream to the skin.

Hand care

Baths and masks with the addition of infusion of kombucha are incredibly useful for the skin of the hands, as well as nails. Thanks to long-term exposure, even very chapped and rough skin is softened and smoothed.

It is useful to do such masks before going to bed, and in order not to spoil the bedding, it is necessary to put on simple gloves made of cotton fabric on the handles. It is not recommended to use gloves made of other materials, as the skin simply cannot breathe in them.

If your hands are badly weathered, it is worth using a mixture of a monthly tincture of kombucha and olive oil (all components are taken in equal proportions). After each hand wash, the product is applied to the skin. All household work should only be done with gloves.

Kombucha in cosmetology
Kombucha in cosmetology

Kombucha is used to treat very brittle nails and to eliminate ugly white spots, the formation of which occurs as a result of a lack of valuable minerals in the body. As a rule, this is the first sign of acute deficiency of calcium, silicic acid and sodium. These substances are contained in the composition of tea kvass, so you need to drink it every day for at least 1, 5 months. The desired effect will appear soon.

Before applying varnish to the nails, they must be wiped with a cotton swab, which is moistened in a tincture obtained from kombucha. As a result, the nail surface is degreased, due to which the varnish will last much longer.

Kombucha for hair

The condition of the hair will also depend on the general state of health. If the curls are very thin and weak, no expensive shampoo will help solve this problem, since the main reason for this phenomenon is a violation of the correct metabolism.

It is kombucha that perfectly copes with such problems. It will be enough to drink a glass of tea kvass daily during each meal. Thus, not only the normalization of the metabolic process takes place, but also the replenishment of the lack of minerals and other useful substances. Such a treatment course should be applied for at least 1, 5 months. Benefits are a variety of infusions with honey, green tea, with the addition of various medicinal herbs.

There is another popular beauty recipe with kombucha, which was used by Japanese geisha centuries ago. For a whole month (at least!) Kombucha is infused, then it is used to rinse the curls, each time after washing (a small amount of the product is taken). Literally after the first rinsing, the strands acquire brightness and shine, look smoother, and much easier to comb and style.


Kombucha has a rather specific smell, but don't worry, because it will disappear on its own very soon. It is useful to regularly use herbal tinctures with nettle or chamomile on a slightly warmed tincture of monthly maturity kombucha.

To strengthen hair, the following remedy is perfect - a glass of tea kvass (only one month old) is slightly warmed up, but not boiled. Honey dissolves in it (1 tbsp. L.). The resulting solution is applied to wet and clean strands, slightly dried with a towel. Using a comb, the product is evenly distributed over the curls. To consolidate the result obtained, it is necessary to repeat this procedure several times.

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